World Occult User Guide

Chapter 56 Cardenas’ bad luck continues (Part 1)

It was not Cardenas who shot, but Lin An who was in the ventilation duct.

"The entry "The Animal Theology of the Natives of Upper East Asia IV: Hodag" has been included, and you have obtained the medium 'Natural Sacrifice' x4."

"Natural Sacrifice" is very useful in "Magic Encyclopedia III", and Lin An decided to collect more now.

According to past experience, killing another mysterious person will attract the "Judge" medium, causing the pollution level of the mysterious encyclopedia to increase. However, Lin An scanned the panel of this group of free mystics and found it difficult to resist killing - cough, Contains the mysterious thirst for knowledge.

The free mystics are all under the control of the foundation. Lin An knows the name of each individual. The system pastes the glowing green data on their heads, like products on sale in a supermarket, for you to choose from.

Lin An's eyes lit up as his eyes swept over the furious Free Mystics one by one.

"The God of Truth"!

Unable to control the radiation from the "Presiding Judge", Lin An aimed [with perfect accuracy] at the mysterious person who was the medium of the "God of Truth", aimed at the center of his eyebrows, and shot his head off.


At this moment, the atmosphere outside was tense. The Free Mystics attacked Cardenas, and the overwhelming fierce energy enveloped him.

White light spread out from Cardenas's fingertips, like a paralyzing needle, blocking the steps of the free mystics. He quickly activated the mysterious technique to escape invisibly.

Even so, there were too many free mystics, and several cuts were made on Cardenas' body in the blink of an eye.

Covering his injured abdomen with his bleeding arm, Cardenas hid behind a storage bin when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a person walking from the distance.

"Vanessa, I'm surrounded by out-of-control mysterious beings! Help!"

Cardenas shouted with all his strength, and when Vanessa's eyes swept over him, he hid his right hand behind his back and put his two index fingers together.

The invisibility state was lifted and the aura of the mystic disappeared. Vanessa only saw a logistics minister who was besieged by the free mystics.

She had not contacted the research department yet, so she came in a hurry without knowing about Cardenas' betrayal.

"Cardenas, hold on!"

A dozen floating dark blue claws stretched out from under the robes, scratching at the group of free mystics who had attracted their attention.

As long as the place touched by the floating hand, a raging fire ignited like spontaneous combustion, and the muscles quickly withered and burned black. The free mystics standing in the front row were unable to parry and had no time to deal with Cardenas.

Another hand took Cardenas' arm and led him toward Vanessa.

"Minister, you're bleeding... I'll call for treatment for you right away." She blocked the logistics director behind her and just turned on the communication device, only to hear the latter speak quietly.

"Can you handle those guys?"

Vanessa was stunned and shook her head hesitantly.

"No...that Shoggoth belongs to the Cthulhu mythology system like me, but the degree of contamination is too high, which makes it troublesome. Please leave as soon as possible, and I will try my best to stop it."

"Hey, this time is just a test for you."

Cardenas' gesture changed again, and divine light spread from his fingertips, hitting Vanessa from behind.

The coroner was unable to move for a moment. She looked at Cardenas in shock as his figure gradually became transparent. Just as her floating hand paused for a few seconds, she was beaten to pieces by a pair of ferocious tentacles.

"Gu——!" A hoarse roar came from the depths of the darkness.

Fortunately, the Free Mystics didn't have time to attack Vanessa. Gunshots rang out throughout the storage room. Lin An used [100% Hit] to hit one of them, attracting everyone's attention.

"Damn it, Cardenas is still firing a black gun behind his back!"

"What is his mystery? Why can the mysterious man be killed with a gun?"

"You're dead, Cardenas!"

Vanessa took the opportunity to get out of her frozen state, retracted her remaining floating hand, turned around and ran away in embarrassment.

"The entry "Gods of the Cold North V: The Deep Freeze Old Man" has been included. You have obtained the media 'God of Truth' x3 and 'Lord of the Earth' x1."

Listening to the sound in his mind, Lin An waited for the next sentence to decisively attract the "presiding judge". The pollution level increased. Unexpectedly, after about thirty seconds, the system remained silent.

Killed three mysterious people in total and nothing happened?

Lin An pondered for a moment. Could it be that the time between killing Jin Zhien and the two just now was too far apart, or other media were attracted in the middle, causing the judgment of the behavior that attracted the "presiding judge" to be reset?

There is another possibility...

Lin An glanced at the data above the heads of the free mystics, and aimed at the last one with perfect accuracy.


Sorry, I need a little more "seeker" medium.

"The entry "Witches and the Concept of Evil III: Hands of Glory" has been included. You have obtained the medium 'Seeker' x5 and 'Mother of Desire' x1."

Another thirty seconds passed...

Guessed it.

Only when I kill someone using the "Encyclopedia of Magic" will it be counted among the kills of the three mystics. The use of other included mystical spells does not count.

This is quite useful information.

Looking outside again, Free Mystic and Vanessa ran away from the storage room. Cardenas was hiding in the corner, not daring to move.

Lin An had recognized Cardenas' mystery before.

When he broke out of his invisibility and asked Vanessa for help, he made a gesture of "swear to God", and a string of pure white Hebrew words surrounded him. The secret words gathered the radiating energy and transformed him back into Ordinary people.

The secret word is called Biqa, which means "good person."

Then, when Cardenas used the occult, the same cumbersome blood-red Hebrew liberated his energy as the gesture was completed.

That secret word is "Akae," which means "Hidden Name."

These two secret words are related to Kazbiel, an oath angel in the Book of Enoch.

[Name]: Casbell, Kazbell

[Rating]: Legend C level

[Radiation value]: 16.2%

[Pollution level]: 11.5%

[Medium]: Mother of Desire

Kasbel is the fallen angel in charge of hidden witchcraft and oaths in the Book of Enoch. He is an apocryphal angel. He once gave two secret words to Seraph Michael, namely "Becca" and "Becca". "Hidden name".

The first secret word represents Casbell's promise to God that he would keep the secrets of heaven and make mankind tremble before the name of God.

Later, he gave Michael the second secret word, which was also the source of the angel's fall. "Hidden Name" revealed the secret of the Titan cycle, but in the era when the "Book of Enoch" was written, this secret was only Capable of being grasped and retained by God.

Casbell felt that he had understood the mystery of God, so he asked Michael for the hidden name of God. After being rejected, he left heaven with the other fallen angels, and was called "Katzbel", which literally means " He who lies to God”.

Whether or not the ideas conveyed in the Book of Enoch are outdated, Casbell is undoubtedly a canonical angel with two faces.

When "Comoth" overlaps, the mystical magic generated based on him can be switched between the two forms by changing the secret word.

However, Cardenas's radiation value was actually 16.2%, which was far higher than Lin An's guess.

In the battle just now, he didn't behave like a legendary person. The radiation level had reached nearly one-fifth. He was extremely cowardly.

Hidden witchcraft, switching oaths, secret words…

Could it be that Cardenas's "Becca" oath was stronger than the "Hidden Name" oath, just to lurk in the foundation, and he covered his original state with the state of an ordinary person?

After all, it is impossible for the Book of Enoch to allow fallen angels to have more power than angels.

It seems that Cardenas needs some time to adjust to the mysticism and regain his true power.

A closer look shows that his energy at the moment is unstable, fluctuating, and seems to be brewing something.

Lin An pondered for a moment, and now there are two ways to deal with Cardenas. One is to attack directly while he is still in a weak state, and kill him while he is sick.

Second, force him to ask the family how to reduce the pollution level.

At present, the radiation values ​​of the mysterious members of the Aristocratic Family that Lin An has come into contact with are higher than the pollution level, which shows that the Aristocratic Family knows how to reduce the pollution level. As long as he gets it, he will not have to be too constrained in the future.

Although there must be a certain price to pay for reducing the pollution level, at least the "fault tolerance rate" is improved.

Lin An turned his attention to Cardenas. Although he hid his figure with mystery, the moment he was recognized by the system, the green panel data moved with his actions, and was clearly exposed in Lin An's field of vision. .

Just like a blood bar...

It turns out that the system also has this hidden function.

Lin An had a plan and reached out to pinch Zuo Mo's ears.

The rabbit remained motionless without struggling. Lin An simulated using [Ouroboros] and injected a "Dreamer" medium into the rabbit's body in the same manner.


Losing another companion, the Free Mystic roared.

"We will never let you go! Absolutely!"

"Oh shit……"

Cardenas couldn't help but curse inwardly.

It wasn't him!

He was clearly standing on the side of the container from beginning to end. He was as quiet as a chicken and didn't make a move at all, okay?

Who the hell is shooting cold arrows in the dark?

Cardenas was too lazy to defend himself. This group of mystics were too polluted and had low intelligence. They basically couldn't tell right from wrong. It was useless to talk logic to them.

Fortunately, the Free Mystics did not notice Cardenas who took the opportunity to become invisible, so they had to chase Vanessa while rejoining their companions outside.

When the sound faded away, Cardenas breathed a sigh of relief.

Since both the Foundation and the Free Mystics regard him as a traitor, there is no need to stay here anymore.

Just leave now.

As soon as he walked into the corridor of the hall, Cardenas bumped head-on into a follower of the witch. It had a pair of antlers, a tall and thin body, its hands were stained with blood, and it sprayed cold gas from its nostrils.


Regardless of whether he exchanged information with his companions or not, Cardenas hid to one side against the wall. The Wendigo passed by him, and its cold breath was like a sharp dagger, numbing the scalp.

Suddenly, a beautiful voice sounded muffled from behind the curtains.

"Sing once again with me, our strange duet."

Thanks to Ye Ye Bin, Cheng Bei, Mayfly Wuji, and Meng Xiaoxiao for your monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading ~

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