World Occult User Guide

Chapter 57 Cardenas’ bad luck continues (Part 2)

After clearing her throat, Lin An felt that this was a good time to take part in a bel canto course at the Art Academy.

Similar to [Ouroboros], as long as "Dreamer" is injected into Zomo, it can also take Lin An through space without triggering the prerequisite of being chased.

It's just that the place he stays is not very controllable. Zomo will appear at a random location within a ten-meter radius of Lin An's destination.

The corridor on the first floor used an architectural structure with protruding arch windows. Originally, Lin An wanted to stand outside the window, but Zomo teleported him to the window sill, only two curtains away from Cardenas and Wendigo.

One veil curtain and one satin curtain.

"Who's there?!"

The Wendigo's sparkling eyes turned around, while Cardenas hid beside the window, looking behind the curtains following the location of the sound.

He also wanted to know who was singing.

The satin curtains cut off the moonlight, and Cardenas vaguely saw a slender shadow emerging from the gap in the window sill, leaning against the window frame, with an elegant posture, completely unconcerned with what was happening around him.

Even in the melee where someone accidentally lost his life, he still maintained such a leisurely and contented attitude...

He doesn't care about anyone here!

The wind blew from the end of the corridor, and the heavy satin curtains did not move at all. The gauze curtains floated high, covering his shadow like a layer of cloud.

The cloud-like curtain separated the barrier between the two of them, and Cardenas got goosebumps for some reason.

This indifference comes from invincible self-confidence. The person behind the curtain is like a superior god, looking down at the chaos of the world from the perspective of a bystander.

What is that person singing?

The Phantom of the Opera?

A guess suddenly flashed into Cardenas's mind.

Could it be that he is - Beta-003 [Ghost] who masters the art of the soul!

"Answer me, who are you!" Wendigo roared a little irritably. The speaker was quite calm, which gave him an ominous premonition, "Otherwise I will kill you!"

Although the foundation's files record that the ghost has taken refuge with the witch, Cardenas, who provided the information, knows that neither the lady nor the witch knows anything about him.

He is a true ghost of Detli City, and no one has ever seen his true face.

There is no doubt about the power of the ghost.

Unable to get a response, the Wendigo licked its nose uneasily with its tongue, crawled on all fours on the ground, stretched out its sharp claws, and lunged towards the curtain with a roar based on instinct.

The invisible Cardenas was happy to watch.

Ghost, let me see your true strength!

Not even half a second after he raised the corners of his mouth, he heard a series of noises, and the person behind the curtain actually took out a pistol and shot off the curtain rail pulley.

The gauze curtains fell in the wind, and by chance, they fell over Cardenas' head and covered his whole body.

A humanoid outline was immediately reflected in Wendigo's pupils.

Damn it!

Before Cardenas could think about why the ghost could see the invisible man, the Wendigo let out a roar.

"So you are there!"

As the level of pollution increases, the mysterious person's thinking will become more and more straightforward. Wendigo has no intention of judging where the gunshot comes from, slightly changes its direction, and the hyena pounces on Cardenas like a predator.


Cardenas' back hit the ground hard, and his spine made a fragile snapping sound. The sharp claws penetrated his arms and knees with bone and flesh, and blood flowed out.

"Your grandma's..."

Accompanied by feeble curses, the Wendigo opened its bloody mouth and aimed at Cardenas' shoulder. He pierced the curtains and clothes and tore off a piece of bloody flesh connected to the skin. He chewed it twice and swallowed it with a "gudong" sound. Into the stomach.

He licked the dense and sharp teeth with his tongue, and bit Cardenas again.

This time there was a crisp sound of bones being split into two.

In fact, when the Wendigo pounced, Cardenas was well prepared to deal with it, but the opponent's movements were too fast. When he tremblingly activated the mysterious technique, the Wendigo's movements froze and he was already bitten. Two bloody holes appeared.

As his consciousness gradually blurred, Cardenas moved his body with difficulty, and finally broke away from the clutches of the Wendigo. However, the opponent breathed out thick air and gradually regained his ability to move, but Casnard could no longer run too far.

It will obviously take another five minutes to adjust...

Am I going to die here?


I don't want to die!

"Mr. Cardenas, do you want to make a deal?"

The sweet sound flowed like a piano into Cardenas' buzzing ears, and he immediately recognized it as belonging to the person behind the curtain.

It's a ghost!

No matter what the purpose, at least the ghost can save his life!

"Yes! Lord Ghost, I am willing to go through fire and water for you!" Cardenas shouted hurriedly.

"...come find me behind the curtain."

Cardenas, who was overjoyed, quickly used his hands and feet to get in under the satin curtain.

The next moment, the Wendigo broke free from the shackles of the white light, staring at the swinging satin curtains with bright eyes like light bulbs.

"Are you the legendary ghost?!"

Just when he was about to launch an attack as usual, a burst of cold, deep, and unstable light transformed into two gray trees. The phantoms of birch and poplar were like Solomon's pillars, separated by a distance of two meters.


The energy transformed into a huge invisible shield, and the Wendigo hit it with a bang. He was immediately dizzy and his whole head was about to split.

Of course, it wasn't the skull that cracked open, but his antlers.

The gray mist of the shield invaded the wound on the cross section, and the strong sense of weightlessness caused Wendigo to fall to the ground. His body was turbulent, and his internal organs were fighting with each other. He frantically dug his throat with his fingers and vomited.

[Hittite Guardian Ceremony].

Evil souls will be punished by the Sun Goddess.

Cardenas blinked, unable to describe the person reflected in his eyes.

His whole body was surrounded by circles of complex green figures, and his facial features or physical characteristics could not be seen clearly. It was like the "Children of Men" written by the painter Rene Magritte, full of strange unknowns and nondescript beauty.

"Master Ghost..." he said tremblingly, "You, can you really see me?"

"Unobstructed view."

Cardenas was shocked and speechless.

After performing the guardian ritual just now, Lin An's radiation value reached 3.4%. Like other mystics, he not only could see the "Comes" energy more clearly, but like Captain Simon and Angel Sword, Lin An could also use it. These energies are gone.

To explain in human terms, his system has several new features.

The "Knowledge Seeker" medium is not as aggressive as the "Dream Lord". The system told Lin An that one of its abilities is to materialize green data.

It’s hard to evaluate…

In short, under the control of Lin An's mind, other mystics can see these green data, or other information determined by him.

They can see whatever he wants them to see.

The data surrounding him is the code of the World Tree Forum to prevent Cardenas from recognizing it.

If he were an ordinary person, Lin An did not make any disguise. In the eyes of the mysterious person who could see the energy of "Comes", he would have been wrapped in layers of green data.

I feel that this function comes in handy in intelligence warfare, or when misleading the enemy.

In addition, the system can now harness the occult in different ways.

Originally there were only "analysis", "collection" and "use", but now it has a new deconstruction method - "tracing of origin".

That is, low-rated included items are combined with each other, and reverse reasoning is used to piece together the whole from the fragments, thereby recognizing knowledge closer to the source.

Putting the new functions aside for the time being and testing them one by one in the future, Lin An turned to the matter at hand.

At this moment, Cardenas has not yet released his invisibility, but a "Casbell" panel has exposed his position, and he looks quite happy.

By the way, people from the Foundation can really figure out how this guy connected me with [Ghost]...

After dispelling the chaotic thoughts, Lin An said calmly: "Joelna Cardenas, you agreed to our deal, so I saved your life. Now it's your turn to pay the price."

The ghost's cold words came from behind the green cipher text, making Cardenas tremble.


The price shouldn't be my soul, right? !

Thinking of the mysterious technique that the ghost mastered to kill people without blinking an eye, Cardenas suddenly regretted it. If the ghost took away his soul, it would be better to be eaten by the Wendigo!

However, with the ghost's eyes as deep as ink in front of him and the windy Wendigo behind him, Cardenas gritted his teeth and smiled softly.

"W-What do you want, Lord Ghost?"

"The family has a mysterious technique that reduces the level of pollution." Lin An heard the Wendigo suppressing retching and moaning hoarsely. Not wanting to waste the second [Guardian Ceremony], Lin An said straight to the point, "Take it 151 Shichi tell me.”

"You want to know how to reduce pollution levels?" Cardenas suddenly understood.

After all, the ghost is a folk "free mystic", without the aristocratic family's accumulation from the last "Comes" overlap. When exploring the energy of another world, his eyes darkened, unlike his own self who took refuge with the young lady.

In this case, the ghost will not kill him for the time being, Cardenas's eyes flashed.

"Reducing the level of pollution is something that every mystic is worried about. So how do you reduce your own pollution level? As a mystic, I am also very curious. After all, reducing the level of pollution is the number one concern of mystics. This matter is very important. ——”

Lin An's forehead veins popped out and he interrupted with a cold voice.

"Should I be honest with myself, or should I use mystical techniques to search for your soul and get information directly from your brain? The ugly words ahead will turn you into a complete lunatic."

Naturally, he doesn't have this ability. He just uses the "soul-searching technique" that is commonly talked about in online novels to scare this smooth-talking guy.

Searching for souls?

There is such a terrifying mystery in the world!

As expected of a [ghost] who wanders among the three major forces, not only does he do things ruthlessly, but he also has various methods, and his rating is probably above that of a myth...

To save his life, Cardenas took a deep breath.

"Master Ghost, it's like this. There is a theory to reduce the level of pollution called - 'awakening adsorption'."

Thanks to Medieval Fantasy Broker and Fishman Never Sleep for the 5,000-point reward~! Thanks to TayaAndrew, Disappearance of Justice, and Half-Moon Knight for your monthly votes, and to all book friends for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading.

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