World Occult User Guide

Chapter 58 Cardenas’ bad luck continues (Part 2)

"Awakening absorption?"

Seeing that he had aroused the ghost's interest, Cardenas released his invisibility and slowly spread his hands.

"I made a vow to God and swore to restrain my soul. In the next 24 hours, as long as I speak words to you, I will not lie. Likewise, Lord Ghost, please swear not to kill me within 24 hours."

Casbell is the angel in charge of oaths, and Cardenas wants to use the occult oath to restrain Lin An's behavior.

After thinking for a moment, Lin An smiled.

"Okay, I swear that any attack on you during this period will never be fatal."

Cardenas always felt that Lin An's oath was strange, but he had no time to worry about the trap. When the ghost let go, his index finger bent, and the holy light fell from Lin An's head like a transparent curtain.

“You shall keep all your promises.”

The curtain had no substance, penetrating Lin An's body lightly and disappearing under his feet.

Some kind of wonderful change happened quietly.

Lin An tried to use [Hittite Ritual] to target Cardenas, and the system reminded him that killing the opponent now would attract a certain medium and increase the level of pollution.

"Explain 'awakening adsorption'." He said.

"As far as I know, 'awakening adsorption' is one of the theories for reducing pollution levels."

Forced by the oath, Cardenas had to tell the truth.

"Master Ghost, you know that after the mystic awakens, a 'spiritual medium' will be produced. It is the 'point' connecting the Titans and 'Comes', that is, the source of radiation. As long as the star orbits have not separated, the medium is attracted like a magnet. The energy of another world, good or bad."

"When the 'medium' awakens, 'Kemos' generates a matching concrete mystery based on the individual's past personality, behavior and cognition. The two steps are separated by about 1 second; at this moment, the individual and 'Kemos' Meditation's most connected moments."

"Through the rules of energy overflow, individuals use the medium as a support point and receive a certain amount of initial radiation from 'Comes' that supports the generation of 'mystery', similar to the penetration of water molecules."

But when I woke up, the radiation value was 0%.

Is it because my upper limit is too high and the decimal point returns to zero?

Lin An said: "In other words, the medium built a channel from 'Comes', and the energy was tilted from that dense world to the barren Titan?"

"Yes, 'Awakening Adsorption' is based on this theory of attraction. The family uses secret techniques to push high-pollution energy to the newly born low-pollution mystics." Cardenas said, "This method is only suitable for Two mystics of the same medium.”

"Same medium..."

Lin An frowned slightly and gave an example.

"If my medium is the 'Lord of Dreams', and I want to reduce the level of pollution, I must stay with an ordinary person who is about to awaken the 'Lord of Dreams', and stay with him until he wakes up and absorbs some of me through waves. What is the level of pollution?”


"What are the restrictions and conditions? Tell me what you know."

Forced by his oath, Cardenas answered truthfully.

"There is an upper limit to the degree of pollution that is transferred. The higher the time rating of the awakened mystic, the stronger the attraction; conversely, the lower the level of the mystic, the less pollution it can withstand."

Maybe no more than 40% of freshman mystics?

Lin An thought for a while and then asked: "Theory is still a theory after all. How is the transfer of pollution level specifically operated?"

"Um, I don't understand either... I'm not a member of a noble family after all."

"Regardless of the fact that this is simply a waste of money. Its efficiency is too low. How do I know who has awakened recently and what kind of medium has been attracted? There should be a way for the family to force others to awaken the designated medium, right?"

"Yes. It's not my responsibility. I'm sorry, Lord Ghost."

Listening to Cardenas' hesitant information, Lin An suddenly remembered Amber who had awakened [Lana Rona] at the pool party.

The person who pushed her to the edge of awakening step by step was Jin Zhien, but that guy was a mysterious person with the medium of "prophet". What did he want the "Mother of Desire" to do to awaken?

Is it a forecast error?

No, the pollution level soared as soon as April woke up, indicating that in addition to Kim Ji-eun, there was also a mysterious person who was the medium of the "Mother of Desire" at that party.

It was this person who, through some means, transferred the level of pollution to April.

The medium of family members is the "Mother of Desire"?

No wonder there are so many mystics of the "Mother of Desire" medium in Dietrich City recently...

Glancing at Cardenas, who was doing something secretly, Lin An calmly pinched Zomo's ears.

When he was the Logistics Minister, everyone in the Foundation always regarded Cardenas as an ordinary person. Even Lin An did not recognize that he had awakened.

His subordinates all knew how to hide themselves, let alone his family who was behind the scenes.

Lin An recalled all the doubts about the pool party, and a name came to the tip of his tongue.

"Is the member of the family you work for Doris Wood?"


Cardenas blurted out the truth and quickly covered his mouth with both hands. Even so, Lin An still heard a few vague syllables from his fingers.

The family... left... for...

Lin An's mind was greatly shaken.

That member of the aristocratic family in Dietrich was none other than Doris Wood!

No wonder she smells sweet like fennel seeds!

Lin An had some doubts about her identity before, but Doris was completely an ordinary person without any energy, so he didn't continue to think about that.

The truth came to light, and a thought flashed through Lin An's mind.

The system’s new “traceability” function…

Can we combine Canaanite magic and Hittite rituals to piece together the supreme god who was divided between the two races?

But at the moment I am no match for her. Lin An thought.

Even though both of their mysteries belong to the B-level source, Doris can make physical stone slabs. According to the captain, this is an ability after the radiation reaches a certain threshold.

The only advantage is that he knows Doris's identity, but she knows nothing about Lin An.

And according to Cardenas, what Doris did in Detli City seemed to have nothing to do with the family of mystics into which she was born.

Did she have a conflict with her family?

Realizing that he had spilled the beans, a trace of regret and murderous intent flashed in Cardenas's eyes.

The ghost actually called the lady's name in one sentence!

Who is he?

If Ghost was just a free mystic, his intelligence collection and analysis abilities would be too terrifying. Not to mention the Foundation, Cardenas could not wait to report to Doris immediately and list Ghost as his number one enemy.

As long as this person lives freely for one day, he is a silent threat to the three major factions in Detli City!

With his strength restored, Cardenas was full of confidence. Seeing that the ghost was deep in thought and unaware of his changes, Cardenas put the three fingers of his right hand together, spread his left hand flat, and the holy white light spread in a spiral.

"Brush it!"

The cipher text was like two wings that exhaled and inhaled, gathering on Cardenas' back, and a pure white robe covered his whole body.

Flesh heals, white bones grow flesh.

Cardenas pulled the collar of his white robe, his entire face hidden in shadow.

He stood up suddenly, but unfortunately he punched the cotton.

The moonlight fell softly on the window sill, and there was no one in front of Cardenas. The [Ghost] was like a gust of cold evening wind, melting into the cold winter night in Detli City.

The next moment, a hoarse roar sounded from behind, the satin curtain was torn in half by a pair of giant claws, and the Wendigo's ferocious face reappeared, biting Cardenas with its bloody mouth.

"Go to hell, Ghost!"

The curtain fell to the floor, and Wendigo heard a disdainful snort.

Cardenas looked gloomy, holding a branch with fruit in his right hand, making an oath gesture with his left hand, and slowly pushed it out.


The speed that he was proud of suddenly lost its effect, and bright white light flooded every corner, leaving the Wendigo with nowhere to escape.

The holy light passed through the body, and it was clear that nothing happened. The Wendigo screamed miserably, and its fast movements suddenly stiffened, as if it was paralyzed and unable to move.

Cardenas took a step forward and met the Wendigo's eyes.

He raised the branch with his right hand, aiming at the Wendigo's fragile neck and swiping across it quickly.


The branch that didn't seem to be sharp chopped off the Wendigo's head, and it rolled to the ground. At the same time, Hebrew cipher text blew by like a blizzard.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Like countless sharp knives, they pierced into the Wendigo's limbs and bones. He stared with glowing eyes, and before he knew it, he was cut into pieces. The only intact part was his head, which was decapitated by a knife.

The headless corpse paused for a few seconds, and blood spurted out, dyeing the place pure red.

"Gaga, gamma..."

The Wendigo's exposed throat trembled, making a strange leaking sound, and then collapsed to the ground, leaving only a ball of meat paste.

"Phew, I feel much better. One bad thing happened one after another tonight."

Cardenas wiped the blood from his hands with the curtains, picked up the Wendigo's antlers, and prepared to smash the window and leave.


The sound of breaking glass was heard, and the escape exit was close at hand, but before Cardenas could enjoy the natural wind blowing from the courtyard for a second, the entire window suddenly shattered, and four thick tentacles attacked him.


Cardenas's pupils shrank sharply, and white light spread out, causing the tentacles to stop in mid-air and retreat to the corridor behind.

The free mystic who witnessed the murder of his companions was blinded by anger. Due to the distance, it was unable to stop it, so it had to avenge the dead Wendigo.

Two more tentacles stretched out and wrapped around the partition under the window sill.


The moonlight cast behind the approaching creature, and a disgusting, strange, and disgusting shadow enveloped Cardenas.

Not only that, when he was close to the wall, he heard the sound of slight footsteps getting closer. He turned his head suddenly and saw a group of menacing mysterious men rushing towards him from the other side of the corridor.

They are the control team called by Vanessa!

Wait, more than four people? !

Cardenas's pupils were trembling, and he saw several figures following the foursome from a distance.

They are new recruits to the department...

"You are... [Ghost]..." Shoggoth whispered in a buzzing voice that echoed throughout the corridor.

"Am I a ghost?" Cardenas was stunned.

"He is the ghost!" Lin An, who was mixed in, shouted, "Hurry and catch this vicious guy!"

Thanks to 1 Pigeon Gao Feifei for the 3000-point reward, and thanks to book friend 20210309183501747 for the 2500-point reward~o(〃'▽'〃)o

Thanks to Tian Tiancheng, Braised Pork with Salted Fish and Potatoes, The Silent Brewing of Everything, Book Friends 20191214192233556, Natsume Ze for your monthly votes, and thanks to all readers for their great recommendation votes and follow-up reading.

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