World Occult User Guide

Chapter 59 The bad luck is over

Cardenas' aura changed, and Lin An immediately used Zomo's ability to move his position.

When he came to his senses again, it was a ward with level three control. Lin An pushed the door open and walked towards the hustle and bustle. A familiar figure came into view, with a waterfall of orange curly hair looming in the shadows.


The orange-haired woman turned her head when she heard this, her green eyes widening.


Her cry attracted the attention of several people around her, and they all looked at Lin An, who was running towards her.

"Stand there!" Captain Reagan of the foursome shouted sharply, and Vanessa blocked Lin An's face with a floating hand. "How can you prove your identity?"

Lin An raised the Zomo rabbit in his arms above his head: "20 points, remember to put them on my black card afterwards."

"Uh..." The captain was ashamed. Vanessa picked up the black card handed over by Lin An, checked it, and nodded to the captain, "It is indeed Lin from Mr. Lloyd's team."

The crimson hand returned the black card to Lin An, patted the dust on his shoulder, and let him approach.

"Where have you been? Why is no one answering the communication equipment?" the captain asked slightly questioningly, "The defense team said they saw you from a distance, but quickly lost track of you."

"Captain Reagan, please take this rabbit away quickly." Lin An sighed, "As we all know, as long as Delta-027 is out of control, it will be inseparable from me. Because it feels the threat from the outside world, it takes me from one place to another. Escape in every space.”

"It's been twenty minutes, why has no one seen you in the melee?"

"Because I would randomly appear in various narrow spaces such as sewers, tea rooms, wards, etc. Every time I wanted to join others, Zomo felt threatened and teleported me away together." Lin An blinked, " If you had just tried to kill me, I would have performed 'disappear' again."

Mi Xi sang and said, "Lin, it's not easy for you either."

"I see." Reagan motioned to Hector next to him to grab the struggling Zomo. "I misunderstood you, Lin. Please understand that this is a necessary step to prevent mysterious people with the ability to shape-shift from infiltrating the Foundation."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Lin An turned to Mi Xi, "Where is our captain?"

"I only know that Barry is with the defense team, helping the research department evacuate." Mixie replied.

"Mr. Lloyd is working with the punishment team to deal with the [Sea Serpent] and [Basilisk] outside." Vanessa said, "This is too dangerous for you. Please act with us to control the out-of-control mysterious things throughout the building. By."

It seems that the senior sister was not involved in this attack.

Lin An secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


He noticed that Caroline, who had always been the talkative one, lowered her head glumly and her eyes were distracted. Vanessa stretched out a hand and patted her back constantly, as if to comfort her. Lin An couldn't help but wonder.

What's up with her?

At the same time, Lin An also discovered that Mi Xi was surrounded by energy and had actually awakened.

I wonder what her mystery is.

In the face of a powerful enemy, there was no time to slowly reminisce about the past. Only the loud noise of broken glass was heard from the corridor in front, and the smoke from Reagan's body filled the air and enveloped the group of people.

"With all due respect, newcomers, follow us."

The black mist had a cold and smooth touch like satin, like jumping into a mountain spring in winter, which made Lin An feel indescribably sober.

Unlike Zomo's teleportation, there was no space to retreat quickly and the world was turned upside down. Lin An's eyes went dark and he quickly reached his destination.

What you see is a nightmarish scene.

Something was hovering maliciously at the end of the corridor, accompanied by an abominable knocking sound. It moved its clumsy body with its tentacles. A huge black bubbling "spot" approached the group of people. Its tentacles danced wildly, constantly changing the shape of the creature and forming New limbs.

Unnamed organs were beating and making sounds of unknown meaning.

"Teklili! Teklili!"

[Name]: Shoggoth

[Rating]: Disaster Level E

[Radiation value]: 25.2%

[Pollution level]: 69.4%

[Media]: Lord of Dreams

The monster's head appeared on the panel, and Lin An saw the mysterious person related to Cthulhu for the first time. Normal people cannot control these indescribable prototypes, and they will immediately lose their minds if they are not careful.

But its strength is unquestionable.

Even the legendary C-level Cardenas was beaten by the tentacles and had little power left to fight back. He relied on the paralysis of white light, the healing of robes and the cutting of branches to escape.

The shoggoth did not understand any known human language, and Cardenas was unable to bind it to Hebrew.

This is equivalent to abolishing half of the ability of the Oath Angel.

"Tekeli! Tekeli——"

The strange sound stopped when it saw the Foundation and the group. Shoggoth and the Foundation came one behind the other, surrounding Cardenas in the center.

Blind light lit up from within the organ entangled with tentacles.

"Ghost...?" Reagan looked at Cardenas in surprise, who was wearing a white robe and couldn't see his facial features and body shape. "Didn't the ghost cooperate with the witch? Why would the Shoggoths attack him?"

"The traitor is in the Logistics Department, which means that the information we received before was full of errors." Vanessa said lightly, "It seems that the ghost and the witch are not the same group."

"What are you talking about? Isn't that person the Minister of Logistics, Joelna Cardenas!" Michie, whose radiation level was low, shouted.

She couldn't sense the energy of "Comos", and could only see a man covered in blood and in a state of embarrassment.

The foursome were stunned and suddenly realized.

"It turns out that the ghost has been lurking in the foundation! No wonder we haven't been able to track his whereabouts!"

"What the fuck! I'm not a ghost!!!"

The series of bad luck drove Cardenas into a semi-mad state. Even if he was cured by the power of an angel, he could no longer endure the dual torture of both mental and physical bodies, and roared at the top of his lungs.

"Free Mystics, a bunch of worms that don't distinguish between black and white! Foundation, you are also a bunch of ants with low intelligence! Waste! It's all waste!"

"Whether it's the ghost himself or not, he betrayed the Foundation." Vanessa lifted up her thick robe, and Hector blew out a breath of hot breath, his throat roaring, "Captain, please give the order."

"Control team goes out and kills Jonah Cardenas."


At this moment, Shoggoth seemed to have reached some kind of consensus with the control team.

Kill Cardenas first!

The Shoggoths stretched out an endless stream of tentacles and swished at the fleeing Cardenas.

White light flashed, and witchcraft paralyzed the Shoggoth's movements. However, as soon as Cardenas turned his head, Hector clung to the wall with his hands and feet, climbing to the ceiling at an incredible angle.

The muscles of the mysterious man's body bulged, and Cardenas thought Hector had a melee-type ability. He squeezed the branch with his right hand and made an oath gesture with his left hand, preparing to kill him in the same way as he killed the Wendigo.

Unexpectedly, Hector stabilized his lower body, and the energy turned into a blow dart, aimed at Cardenas' head, and dozens of tiny poisonous needles shot out in a "whoosh".

Even if Cardenas changed his gesture and tightened his white robe to protect his body, a needle still penetrated the skin along the gap.

A double image appeared in front of my eyes.

During the attack of dizziness, he was greeted by floating hands flying all over the sky. The dark blue color contained burning heat, grabbing them from all directions.

Cardenas quickly rolled on the spot, barely avoiding the attacks of several floating hands. His calf suddenly felt severe pain, and it turned out that a hand sliding from the ground touched his calf.

The wound ignited with flames, like a black hole that couldn't help but collapse, absorbing his reason and memory.

"Damn it, haven't you ever thought about what St. Anilov—the foundation you belong to is doing?"

Cardenas couldn't help but curse, waving his branches desperately, and stretched out an arc-shaped protective shield around him.

After all, he was a legendary C-level mystic. Vanessa still wanted to pursue the victory, but her hand in the air was scratched by a branch, as if it had touched a blade that was sharpened like clay, and one of her fingers fell to the ground.


Vanessa groaned, stomped her high heels on the ground, and changed her attack plan with her floating hand.

“For an institution of the size of St. Annelov, do you really think it is a ‘foundation’ with charitable and non-profit purposes?!”

Hector above his head took a deep breath.

"Vanessa, I'll cover you!"

Dozens of poisonous needles shot at Cardenas again, and he was knocked backwards by the fruits of the branches. The energy overflowed, ripples spread, and his defense immediately had a flaw.

Vanessa seized the opportunity, stretched out her floating hand, and another flame bloomed on Cardenas' shoulder.

The white robe was already riddled with holes, and black scorch marks filled the air. His skin was burned completely, revealing bright red flesh.


The Shoggoth's organs squirmed and broke free from the shackles of the white light, accompanied by the smelly wind.

Cardenas completely lost his mind. His vision was filled with double images. The weightlessness caused everything to spin. He was so nauseous that he just wanted to vomit. He simply poked his eyes with his fingers and dug out the eyeballs, which were connected to the nerves and blood vessels.

"You can make a lot of money by researching superpowers and maintaining peace?"

The tentacles wrapped around his legs, Cardenas fell to his knees with a plop, leaving two lines of bloody tears from his eyes, screaming into the sky, and squeezed out a line of sharp syllables from his teeth.

"Hahahaha, you are just a drop of water in St. Annilov's vast business ocean!"


Vanessa's angular hand penetrated his chest, Cardenas glared angrily, the black hole without eyes stared at her, and the crazy laughter echoed, and finally gradually dissipated.

Everything fell silent.

She raised her high heels and kicked the man to the ground.


The Shoggoth made a sticky sound, and the two Cthulhu-based mystics looked at each other across Cardenas' body.

"No matter what, I will carry out my mission."

She seemed to be mumbling to herself, as if she were speaking to the dead Cardenas, and as if speaking to everyone present.

"The foundation's approach protects civilians, which is more important than punishing criminals. Sins are so frequent in this world that it is impossible for all of them to be punished. However, if the personal safety of innocent people cannot be guaranteed, it will be a failure of modern social order. The end.”

Thanks to Killing Yesterday’s Sorrow, People with Names, Book Friends 140808105358235, and Tian Tiancheng for their monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading~

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