World Occult User Guide

Chapter 60 Mi Xi’s experience


Tentacles crawled towards Vanessa from the ground.

When the huge body was only a few meters away from Vanessa, there was a "swipe" sound, and two restraints shot from its shadow to the ceiling, curved around the Shoggoths.

Hector grabbed them with both hands, and the curved restraints tightened immediately.


Before the Shoggoths could shrink, Captain Regan burst out of the darkness. The three restraints on his hands cooperated with Hector's, wrapping around the roots of the tentacles and forming a tight knot.


The Shoggoth screamed at extremely high decibels, and its body was strangled. I don't know if it was breathing. I could only feel the pain of being tightly entangled by the restraints from the chaotic dance of its tentacles.

The restraints became tighter and tighter, causing its flesh and skin to explode with a pale color. The dim light that seemed to be an eyeball collapsed from the twisted organ and shattered into powder invisible to the naked eye, vicious. , twisted, disordered energy scattered.

The tentacles slapped the floor and walls wildly, causing the entire space to shake like an earthquake. The light tubes on the ceiling shattered one after another, and the glass fell down.

But it had nowhere to escape. Vanessa used her floating hand to take out more restraints, stretched them into the gap where the tentacles were dancing, and wrapped the Shoggoth's body.


The sound of falling glass and gravel changed from dense to sparse, and Lin An, who was hiding behind Caroline, poked half of his face out.

The Shoggoth had been suppressed by three people. The tentacles were broken and retracted. It shrank into a flesh ball surrounded by restraints in the blood on the ground, and its body trembled slightly with each breath.

During the battle, Lin An recognized Vanessa's mystery, and a green panel appeared above her head.

【Name】: Futagua

[Rating]: Legend E level

[Radiation value]: 47.9%

[Pollution level]: 38.4%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

Fthaggua is described in mythology as an unstable blue ball of fire, with a group of servants called "fire spirits". They resemble exploding crimson lightning and absorb energy from all captured intelligent creatures. The body of the creature drained burns rapidly.

At the same time, the Fire Essence will also obtain the memory and knowledge of the deceased. These thoughts will be gathered into a brood-like group will, and each individual is an integral part of the will.

As they continue to accumulate and absorb knowledge, they become more and more clever and cunning.

Vanessa and Lin An both belong to the "knowledge seeker" medium. Under the projection of "Comes", her mystery manifests itself in the two abilities of "touch cognition" and "burning absorption".

By touching the dead or the living, Vanessa gets fragmented information about them.

Naturally, her identification ability is not as intuitive and comprehensive as the system. Because the mystery rating is too low, she cannot digest most of the knowledge absorbed by the Fire Essence.

It’s a waste of the legendary C-level mystery of [Oath Angel].

Now her pollution level is less than 40%, and the image of the Fire Essence is still a relatively concrete "hand". When the pollution level increases, they will become more abstract and difficult to describe in words.

Listening to her previous conversation with Cardenas, it seems that the mystery of the Cthulhu system is that the higher the degree of pollution, the stronger?

What a different type...

After successfully suppressing the Shoggoths, the captain whispered a few words to the two of them, then turned to Lin An's side, and orderly instructions came from the cold black mist.

"Carolyn, please put Gamma-012 into the isolation room. Newbies, please help to regain control of Gamma-012. Lin, you also need to transport an additional Delta-027. We maintain communication equipment."

"Okay, Captain," Caroline replied absently.

Reagan sighed imperceptibly, summoned the other two companions and rushed to the next battlefield.

The Shoggoth, who was tightened by the restraints, was about two meters tall and two and a half meters long. Caroline stretched out two hands with fine hairs and used force from the front. Two wings with white spots replaced the eyes. Like a guide stick touching the obstacle behind you.

Mi Xi and Lin An, who was carrying a rabbit on his head, rolled the shoggoth behind to assist in the transportation.

Except for the free mystics, other out-of-control mystics are not so scary. After all, not every mystic is conscious, aggressive and organized. During the efficient "recycling" of the defense team and the control team, the foundation's building has been No more demons dancing around.

No one spoke, and the three of them maintained a solemn atmosphere until Lin An broke the silence.

"Sir Caroline, are you okay?"

Mi Xi looked at the silent blonde with her peripheral vision, and after getting her acquiescence, she answered for her.

"She may not have recovered yet."

"What's wrong?"

"It starts before the invasion of the Free Mystics. At that time, I was in the elevator on the first floor."

If Cardenas had known something underground, he would have roared crazily: It turns out it was you who occupied the elevator!

All the bad luck tonight started because he failed to get on the evacuation elevator!

"Did you go to the basement?" Lin An asked in surprise.

"Browsing through the products in the exchange system is like sorting out the shopping cart on an e-commerce website. It is very addictive. I was afraid that you would be impatient during the day, so I couldn't enjoy it. At night, I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. I really wanted to go there again, but I didn't. Permissions of regular employees.”

Mi Xi licked her lips awkwardly.

"So I went into Caroline's bedroom and coaxed her to take me there once."

"The relationship is really good."

"I hope she didn't agree. In that case, we wouldn't-" Mi Xi paused, her tone full of annoyance, "and bump into [Bavomet's Witch]."

"Have you seen the witch?!" Lin An's eyes widened.

The witch actually participated in the melee?

Why doesn't anyone from the foundation mention her?

Mi Xi carefully considered her words and briefly talked about her experience half an hour ago.


In the corridor, Caroline teased X all the time.

Mi Xi's fingers slid rapidly on the keyboard, and the exchanged products reflected square pictures, which flashed across her eyes quickly, as colorful as the dream of the Eagle Country deep in the girl's heart.

"In the future, should I buy a villa near the sea or a mountain?"

Mi Xi's eyes stayed on several land deeds. She held her face with her left hand and clicked the mouse with her right hand to check their corresponding points. She couldn't help but take a breath.

"So much! - It's okay. According to the attendance frequency, if I work for another 83 years, I can buy a house in Beverly Hills!"

The too dazzling electronic light bounced on the four walls of the exchange warehouse, reflecting colorful neon light. The colorful refractions bumped around in the circular room, making Mi Xi's eyes hurt.

Shaking her head, she looked away from the computer screen.

A strange boy appeared in the corner of the exchange warehouse at some point, his back turned to her.

His skin was beeswax color, and his face was a little blurry. No matter how focused Mi Xi's pupils were, she couldn't see clearly what he looked like.

"Are you an employee here?" Mi Xi asked.

The boy had no reaction, and a miracle happened. He clearly stood in place, motionless, but Mi Xi could see his "front" and "reverse" at the same time.

I saw his right hand raised upward, his thumb and index finger touching, his hands level with his chest, and his arm slightly bent. He closed his eyes in order from right to left, curled his tongue, and a strange, obscure and unspeakable buzz flowed from his lips.


As soon as Mi Xi took a step towards him, the sound of a light tube bursting was heard, and the lights in the exchange warehouse suddenly dimmed.

When the lighting returned to normal, the boy was gone.

The surroundings suddenly fell into extreme silence.


Immediately afterwards, a raging whistling sound broke through the tranquility, and a strange image appeared, replacing the young man's ethereal and leisurely face. Mi Xi hurriedly rubbed her eyes.

The creature that appeared this time was no longer an unreal image, but a real creature.

The half-man, half-goat woman has three heads and four legs.

The head in the center is lively and charming. The pencil-thin eyebrows hang gently on the black beetle leg eyelashes. The Venus red nails are perfectly manicured and inserted lazily into the nougat brown hair. Scattered on her slender swan neck, elegant and smooth.

In addition to this moving head, her other two sheep heads are one made of dyed metal and one made of wood, with gilded paint simply outlining the features.

When she spoke with calamine pink lips, her charming husky voice was like a pillow whisper, kissing the shell of Mixie's ear.

"Hello dear."

"Uh, ma'am, are you also an employee of the direct-facing department?" Mi Xi came to her senses and stretched out her hand hesitantly, "I'm the new employee Melissa Slane, and I'm glad to be your colleague."

The weird mystery man chuckled hoarsely.

"Nice to meet you too, Melissa Slane." She said, "My name is Eulalie Isol, or according to your rules, you can call me [The Witch of Bavomet]. "

"W-Witch!" Mi Xi immediately shouted at the communication device as if she was struck by lightning, "Caroline! Caroline! It's terrible, the witch has invaded the foundation!"

However, there was silence on the other end of the communication device.

"I put her to 'asleep', hoping that she could find real happiness in the illusion." The witch maintained her joy.

Mi Xi glanced at the dark exit some distance away from her, then looked at the smiling witch, fell to her knees with a plop, clasped her hands and prayed loudly.

"Holy Mother, I am going to die! What an unfortunate fate I have!"

"Do you want to live?" the witch smiled gently.

Mi Xi nodded.

"Then, follow my footsteps. Be a free and unrestrained mystic." The witch's velvety black eyelashes blinked lazily, as if inviting Mi Xi to come closer.


Mi Xi took a breath, smelled the scent of cinnamon and rose petals from the witch, and crossed her fingers in confusion.

"Does the free mystic have five insurances and one housing fund?"

"We have nothing but liberty. We have nothing to give you but your own liberty. We have no laws, but the sole principle of mutual aid among individuals. We have no government, but the sole principle of free association."

"What's the salary like?"

"I am a sharer, not an owner. You must be alone, naked, like a child coming into this world, forgetting the past."

Mi Xi stared blankly at the noble and strange witch, her lips moving.

"I'm sorry, Lord Witch, then I still think the foundation's work is better..."

Thanks to book friend 20210328124839833, the monthly vote to kill yesterday’s sorrow, and thank you for your recommendation votes ~

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