World Occult User Guide

Chapter 62 Stone of Wisdom

[Name]: Basilisk

[Rating]: Legend C level

[Radiation value]: 41.2%

[Pollution level]: 79.1%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

Lin An recognized it at a glance. It was Basilisk, the mythical basilisk with the head of a bird and the body of a snake. He was also the witch's number one loyal subordinate in the foundation's archives.

Since ancient times, people have recorded many different versions of the basilisk. The basilisk in front of us belongs to the "mine monster" mentioned in alchemical magic.

It has a chicken head, chicken feet, a snake body and a pair of beautiful eyes. It is coal black in color and has a pair of shining wings.

Because basilisks are often depicted devouring humans in ancient images, the modern church depicts the basilisk as a subordinate of the devil, a monster of gluttony and greed.

This is a pure misinterpretation. For the ancients, the basilisk actually meant a symbol of wisdom.

What these portraits really want to express is that only after the body is swallowed by the basilisk, which symbolizes wisdom, can the spirit and soul be enlightened and explore the mysteries of gnosis and the universe.

Not only that, the basilisk has an "overflow" connection with the Gnostic god "Abraxas", the magical and spiritual ruler of the universe, with the head of a rooster or lion, the body of a human and the body of a dragon or scorpion leg.

The basilisk in front of him lost its shining eyes, and only a mass of bloody flesh remained in the shrunken mass of flesh.

Its wings were also broken, its whole body was covered in scars, its scales fell off in large numbers, and the smell of decay permeated the air.

The last time he peeked into the "Bliss Land", Lin An remembered that the basilisk still maintained a certain degree of sanity, and was not as huge, ferocious, and crazy as before. Apparently its pollution level had soared during the battle, and at the cost of this, it had to fight with the Foundation. Evenly matched.

By the way, only the captain is left in the courtyard battlefield. Are all members of the punishment team already...

In any case, with such serious injuries, it was almost impossible for the Basilisk to escape from Simon alive.

Crashing through the load-bearing wall was its last counterattack before death.

Lin An felt the basilisk's undisguised weakness and exhaustion. Having lost its sight, it spit out its core and collected the scent to identify the enemy's location.

Do you think I am the captain?

The basilisk opened its bloody mouth to Lin An, and the stinking cold smell hit his face.

“Hiss, go to hell—gu—vomit!”

The moment it opened its mouth, Lin An jumped up like a carp and got in at lightning speed.

"Ugh! Uh-uh!"

The foreign object invaded the mouth. The basilisk raised its huge body in discomfort and slammed its head against the ceiling. It kept twisting left and right in an attempt to spit out Lin An who was stuck in its throat.

However, this "hard object" drilled deeper and deeper, and finally stopped at its throat.

"Hiss, ugh! Hiss!"

The basilisk stuck in its throat kept destroying the surrounding buildings, and it wanted to grow two hands and dig Lin An out.

"You actually ate my team members alive..." A deep voice sounded from the ruins, "Evil, damned, bastard Free Mystic, unforgivable!"

A bit of silver light shattered, mixed with the strong wind, and the Basilisk had no time to dodge. The Moon Angel flapped its wings and approached, and the silver-white long sword and javelin penetrated its chest, breaking open the flesh and blood. It rushed out and fell back into the courtyard again. .

The basilisk flipped its tail and whipped Simon hard.


The sword was pulled out from the wound, and Simon flew to the other side nimbly, avoiding the basilisk's attack.

"Give me a few more minutes." He narrowed his silver eyes, "Lin, you won't die; not under my watch."


It's not that Lin An doesn't have the means to deal with the basilisk. He can use alchemy to summon an amulet, or he can use Hittite rituals to kill it directly.

Of course, choosing the latter would undoubtedly expose [Ghost]'s identity to the Foundation's public eye.

The moment he saw the basilisk, Lin An couldn't help but think of a medieval occult image.

A man was eaten by a basilisk, and only the man's naked body remained in the painting. His upper body was hidden at the edge of the painting, leaving only the subjectively visible lower body, as if a cloud took him away from the observer's sight. .

When the basilisk opened its mouth and roared, Lin An felt the charm of the fairy tale coming true at close range, and his heart was filled with curiosity about this strange creature.

With his thoughts racing, he touched the "Ouroboros" stored close to him.

Alchemy texts record that a special gem was conceived in the skull of the basilisk. Using it as a raw material, alchemists extracted the "spirit of enlightenment wisdom" to make the "Philosopher's Stone".

At a certain level of contamination, the mystic becomes more and more like their awakened archetype.

Maybe this basilisk has gems growing out of its head...

If I remember correctly, when the Ouroboros was included, the system prompted "The illustration of [Fragments of the Philosopher's Stone II] has been unlocked."

If the new "Tracing to Source" function can fuse two entries and collect another [Philosopher's Stone II] entry, can I be able to refine the real Philosopher's Stone?

In order to confirm whether the conjecture was correct, Lin An worked tirelessly. Taking advantage of the basilisk's roar to vent its emotions, he directly got into its mouth and personally searched for the crystallization of wisdom.

After getting into the body of the basilisk, chaotic and manic energy immediately rushed in, as if to crush Lin An's limbs and bones, turning him into food scraps.

"System, put the code!"

Glowing green data surrounded Lin An's body, and the B-level radiation from the source was like an invisible shield, blocking out any malice that would harm the owner.

Grasping the fang, Lin An bent his knees, supported his body with his feet and back, found a stable position, curled up as if absent from work, and put his hand against the upper jaw of the basilisk.

The inner wall of the mouth feels cold, trembling, and grainy.

The cold mechanical sound of the system sounded.

"Do you want to consume the medium 'Mother of Desire' x1 and 'War Emperor' x1 to use Pishtaco's ability [Fat Stealing]?"


The energy extended from Lin An's palm and turned into a fleshy, barbed tongue that swished into the basilisk's flesh.

As the sound of "嘬嘬嘬" sounded, particles of fat were sucked out from the ducts of the tongue and slid down Lin An's upper arm. The originally plump and dark inner wall of the basilisk shriveled up visibly to the naked eye.


Violent shaking echoed with the resonance of the basilisk's mouth. Lin An used his other hand to grab the basilisk's tongue sheath to keep his body balanced.

Unfortunately, until the mysterious technique was completed, Lin An failed to absorb all the flesh and blood from the upper jaw of the basilisk.


The battle outside continued. Simon waved the long sword in his hand and swooped down at the basilisk from the air countless times. Scales and feathers flew, stained with the blood of the two men.

Finally, the seriously injured basilisk could no longer withstand Simon's stormy attack, and its tail was cut off with a sword.

Simon struck while the iron was hot, and with a finger of his left hand, colorless flames ignited from the basilisk's wound and spread along the bone marrow.


The basilisk with an unstable center of gravity slapped its huge tail. Strong winds arose, flying sand and rocks spread around it. Gardening plants were uprooted by the energy and hovered in the air. Simon avoided the boulders flying in the tornado, and pointed his sword directly at the basilisk. seven inches.

The basilisk raised its proud head and hissed at the angel in the sky.

Lin An seized the momentary gap in the fierce battle, stood up from the tongue sheath, and repeated his old trick, inserting his hand deep into the position where it had just deflated, and activated the mysterious technique again.


The basilisk finally managed to catch its breath and let out a scream of agony.


The flesh and blood on the roof of the mouth was almost melted away, revealing the beating brain under the mucous membrane. Lin An's right hand inserted into the basilisk's brain while the iron was hot, and the cold and sticky oil and brain scratched the skin, making a sizzling sound.

It’s all about the occult…

With blue veins popping up on his forehead, Lin An endured the discomfort and penetrated deep into the greasy brain, exploring flexibly with his fingers until he encountered a polygonal hard object.

He grasped the object and pulled it out suddenly!


In the weak green light of the system, Lin An saw a dark gold and green gem.

Sure enough, just as recorded in the books!

"After your witness, the illustrated book of Disaster C-level [Fragments of the Philosopher's Stone II] has been unlocked."

Lin An checked the new file that popped up in front of him while catching his breath.

Even for a person like him who would risk everything for the sake of mysticism, he was really disgusted to the point of vomiting during the "exploration" just now.

[Name]: Gem of Wisdom

[Rating]: Disaster C level

[Radiation value]: 2.3%

[Pollution level]: 100%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

Captain Simon once said that when the radiation value is increased, some physical mystics can be produced.

Whether Doris's Canaanite magic tablet or the black binding belt of the president of the foundation, they are all mysteries cast by them, but the basilisk and the gem of wisdom have increased the degree of pollution, separating a separate person from a mystic. thing.

Based on tonight's observations, Lin An discovered that the radiation value and pollution level both belong to "Comes" radiation. The difference is that one is actively controlled and the other is passively given.

Both numerical increases make the Mystic stronger, but the latter can lead to madness and death.

Compared to the unrealistic and immoral method of "awakening absorption", is there a possibility...

Can radiation values ​​and pollution levels actually be converted into each other?

Before he had time to think about it, goosebumps crawled up Lin An's back.

The pale blue moonlight cut through the smelly rotten flesh, and the sharp sword tip tore through the darkness and confusion, magnifying Lin An's vision for a second.

If it weren't for his quick eyesight and quick hands, he immediately retracted into the basilisk's esophagus, and the sword almost stabbed him through.

It seems the winner has been decided.

Lin An put away the [Gem of Wisdom], relaxed his limbs, and the codes surrounding him disappeared.

First, Lin An's brain was stirred from the inside, and then Simon penetrated the skull from the outside. The destructive energy rampant in the basilisk's body gradually dissipated along with its life.

Under the influence of gravity, Lin An slowly squeezed the basilisk's esophagus until a space similar to a stomach pouch was clearly visible.

"Brush it!"

The long sword fell from the sky, and Simon's blood-stained face peered through the section of the basilisk's body that was split into two.


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