World Occult User Guide

Chapter 63 Essentials of Salvation

Hearing Simon's call, Lin An quickly closed his eyes and curled up weakly into a ball.

After evacuating the codes surrounding him, the energy of the basilisk's collision before death caused some damage to Lin An. The corners of his clothes were torn and his skin was bleeding in several places. He looked quite miserable.

What we want is this kind of program effect.

As the light became brighter and brighter, strong hands dragged him out. The fishy smell of reptiles dissipated from the tip of his nose, and the fresh and slightly chilly wind from the courtyard blew on his cheeks.

It can be regarded as leaving the belly of the basilisk.

Ah, a strange experience. Lin An thought silently.

Simon laid Lin An flat on the ground and checked his breathing and injuries. For some reason, an unknown premonition passed through his heart. Lin An always felt as if he had forgotten something.

"Thank you Lord for your protection. You are still alive, Lin."

Simon breathed a long sigh of relief, held the back of Lin An's head with his hand, and raised the fingertips of his other hand. Lin An, who was pretending to be dazed, felt the clean atmosphere slowly condense, and the warm broken light scattered like stars.

Unable to open his eyes to see what was going on, he tentatively asked the system.

"System, can you clearly see the scene around me?"


"What is [Sariye] doing?"

"You have come into contact with the mysterious [Basilisk] at a negative distance. Due to its radiation, your body is covered with a layer of twisted, wrong and malicious energy. If it is not expelled as soon as possible, the pollution level of the [Mysterious Encyclopedia] will increase." .”

The system explained with a cold mechanical voice.

"[Sariye] is using his mysterious skills to purify this energy."

"Purify?" Lin An repeated doubtfully.

"If you want to know more data, you can kill the opponent and collect the detailed entries of the mysterious [Sariye]. To find out how to complete the collection, please tell me 'how to get the [Sariye] encyclopedia entry'."

"Don't search! Brother Tongzi, are you really the incarnation of my subconscious? So extreme." Lin An was helpless for a while.

Although Sariel is the archangel in charge of portals, the moon, and fighting the evil eye, some books also record his healing power.

Legend has it that Sariel can not only restore the injured to their original state in an instant, but also has a way to replenish the lost vitality of human beings, even resurrect the dead, or allow the wandering soul to enter eternal heaven.

In fact, Sariel's healing power is only lower than that of Raphael, known as the Archangel of Healing.

According to past observations, the captain has mastered at least three mysterious arts, namely the long sword that penetrates evil, the transparent flame that burns the flesh, and this healing ability.

The lukewarm touch was like a hot spring, covering Lin An's skin. Moon-white shards were scattered like fireflies, and the divine healing power kissed the wound.

Wherever this light shines, the burning pain slowly disappears.

Having almost finished pretending, Lin An Youyou opened her eyes.

The afterimage of the halo happened to disappear from the back of Simon's head, and the misty moonlight illuminated the angel's handsome face, as benevolent, holy, and inviolable as a medieval mosaic.

After moving his limbs, Lin An found that the wounds eroded by the basilisk were all healed, and the fatigue and muscle soreness had also disappeared.

Although he hadn't slept a wink all night, his energy was quite high, and his body was bursting with new vitality.

He couldn't help but think of a Latin inscription: Omnesangeli, boni et Mali, ex virtute naturei habent potestatem transmutandi corpora nostra.

All angels, good and bad, have the power to transform our bodies.

The two angels Lin An met tonight, one could restrain human beings' words and deeds with their oaths, and the other could use energy to purify human beings' injuries and fatigue.

Before he could express his thanks, Simon took hold of the sword and stabbed Lin An involuntarily.

"team leader?!"

Caught off guard, Lin An had no time to use the mysterious technique. Fortunately, Simon did not hurt him. The sharp sword light left a silver light and scratched his jacket pocket.

"Dang Cang..."

A heavy piece of metal fell to the ground, the gold surface shining brightly, it was the "Ouroboros".

Lin An's pupils narrowed.

This is where the ominous premonition comes from!

"This sword can end your life at any time, but its owner is willing to give you time to defend yourself." Simon said calmly, "Please tell me why, as a 'Seeker' mystic, you used the 'Lord of Dreams' 'Medium's [Ouroboros]?"

Killing the mysterious person to obtain the medium is the privilege of the system. Except for Lin An, others can only attract the divine medium through their behavior.

Using one's own mystical skills does not consume the medium. Without system prompts, ordinary people would not know the existence of the medium at all, and the foundation did not tell new employees this theory.

Taking advantage of the information gap, they guessed the behavior of employees based on the degree of use of mysterious items. For example, at this moment, [Ouroboros] is the best evidence that Lin An attracts the "Lord of Dreams".

According to Simon's reaction, the "Lord of Dreams" represents this person who has done something that is not allowed by the Foundation!

Test me this way?

In fact, the mysticism used by the system is invisible and cannot be detected by the Foundation. However, Lin An recently injected a "Lamp Goddess" medium, causing the Ouroboros to "pee off".

Now anyone who is not blind can tell that Lin An has used it.

After clarifying the ins and outs, an idea of ​​a life-and-death situation flashed through Lin An's mind.

"System, detect the solution to the dilemma!"

"According to the included entry "King Solomon's 72 Pillars of Demons V: Magic Bullet Shooter", a solution that meets the conditions was found - [Stars in Me]. Do you want to consume the medium 'Lord of Dreams' x1 to use it?"

Damn, I didn’t ask you to deal with me!

I don’t know if [Sariye] itself has the ability to protect souls, or the radiation value gap between Simon and Lin An is too large, but the system is helpless against him!

Apparently he was encouraging me to kill the captain before...

The most direct plan was ruthlessly rejected, and Lin An's thoughts began to change.

The "Lord of Dreams" is the most dangerous medium. Its ability is powerful and its effect is clean and neat. The two mysterious techniques of [Magic Bullet Shooter] both interpret "death" and "destruction".

However, the medium that murder attracts is the "presiding judge".

It's not just killing...

No, based on the information I have, I can’t currently analyze the true symbol of the “Lord of Dreams”.

In this case, it would be better to start with the captain himself.

Two clues came to mind, and Lin An quickly organized his words and spoke in a sincere, aggrieved and slightly provocative tone.

"I seemed to have awakened before joining the Foundation."

Simon's long sword shook imperceptibly.

"you cheated me."

"At first, I only had a vague sixth sense. I felt that I had unreasonable superpowers at certain times." Lin An continued, "For an ordinary college student, this is very scary, so I tried my best to suppress my random thoughts."

"What did you do during this time?"

"Study hard and prepare for the final exam." Lin An licked his lips, "And kill people in the street."


"That day, I changed my mood and was sitting in a coffee shop in the lower street parking lot to review. I accidentally saw a man wearing a cotton hat outside the window, handing a package of things to the buyer."

Lin An put his fingers against Simon's sword blade and pushed it away without fear.

"You understand who he is. The city of Detli is close to the Maple Leaf Country. The chaotic borders, the international bridge that comes and goes freely, and the specious laws have contributed to the evil under the bright appearance of this city. This makes me feel extremely sad. anger."

"It turns out it was you." Simon concealed his fluctuating emotions, "The police station classified the case as a gang vendetta. Except for the kind of guy who should have been jailed long ago, no one cares who the murderer is... Lin, You really did a good thing."

Mi Xi mentioned that the captain might have been a forbidden leaf policeman in the past, but this profession was a helpless tragedy in the Eagle Country.

Observing Simon's expression, Lin An knew that he was looking in the right direction and stood up quickly.

"Captain, if justice is not upheld, poverty is forced, and ignorance prevails, everyone will feel that their future life is hopeless! It's a pity that I can't accurately control mystical skills. The talisman of [Baopuzi] missed the mark and failed. Just kill him."

"Lynching is always unjust. You should be grateful that no one was killed at the time." Simon said, "I will report the matter to the president and let the top management of the foundation decide your punishment."

Hearing his criticism, Lin An, who was getting more and more into the mood, clenched his fists excitedly.

"Isn't mercy for the guilty a kind of betrayal of the innocent? Since criminals will not die at the hands of the law, why not let them die at the hands of others - like me!"

"Is this all you have to explain?"

"That's right! I was monitored by the Foundation for witnessing [Lana Rona] the next day. What I did after that, you know better than me! Even if I leave the facility, you can find my route through the location of your mobile phone , isn’t it?”

"Saint Annilov..." Simon sighed softly, "I just want to ensure your personal safety."

"Haha, go ahead and lie to ghosts!" Lin An scolded, "It has messed up my original life and caused me to wander on the edge of life and death every day! A few minutes ago, I was swallowed by a basilisk and almost died without a complete body! This Is this your protection? Is this what you call security?”

"When 'Comes' comes, no one can be alone. You just fell into the whirlpool of chaos earlier." A dark light flashed in Simon's eyes, "Lin, you haven't answered my question yet."

"When did you use [Ouroboros]? Just now!"

"Just now?" Simon was startled.

"I don't know how to use the mysterious items of the 'Lord of Dreams' medium. After all, the foundation didn't even tell us the specific use of the spiritual medium! When I was swallowed by the basilisk, I just wanted to survive. I didn't know how to activate it. .”

Lin An picked up the Ouroboros, took out the crystal clear gem of wisdom, folded them together, and handed it to Simon's hand.

The fragments of the Philosopher's Stone resonated strangely.

"Captain, do you want to explain it to me?" Lin An said confidently.

"Eastern alchemy, gems of wisdom, and the concept of 'merging'." Simon murmured to himself, "Could it be that the second ability of Ouroboros is 'merger'?"

According to research conducted by the St. Annilov Foundation, in addition to linking fate, Ouroboros also has an unknown and unclear ability.

Considering it is an image of alchemy, could this ability be similar to a magnet, attracting other pieces of the Philosopher's Stone?

No wonder the basilisk in battle seems to be suffering.

It turned out that its alchemy gem was attracted by Lin An's [Ouroboros].

Thanks to this, otherwise Lin An would inevitably be exposed to more distorted negative radiation simply by relying on his own mystery, and it would be difficult for his immature healing power to completely dispel it, which would inevitably cause his pollution level to soar.

Simon pondered.

It was himself who put Lin An into a life and death crisis.

If he hadn't missed it at that time, the basilisk wouldn't have run into the lobby on the first floor.

If Ouroboros could not be used, if there had never been madness that destroyed the existing order, if there was no medium for the "Lord of Dreams", Lin An might have...

Combining the data from the research department, Simon thought about the causes and consequences of the incident without saying a word, but Lin An struck while the iron was hot and his emotions suddenly exploded.

"Simon Lloyd, I've had enough of St. Annilov's surveillance at this point! Since you doubt me so much, just let the research department dissect me! In this way, you will make me a bunch of people with no concealment and complete transparency. data!”

The lingering sound stirred the silent night.

Simon looked at him calmly, feeling an elusive feeling in his heart.

At this moment, Lin An's eyes were widened, and his cheeks were slightly red with anger and nervousness. He was completely different from the calm, smart, and curious young man he had always been.

The zeal that belongs only to youth blooms like a flower, and endless possibilities come forward to greet his soul.

For the sake of the "rightness" he insisted on in his heart, he allowed his naive and passionate impulse to overtake his reason. Fortunately, unlike himself, he did not commit an unforgivable mistake...

The president gave me a chance to make amends, so he deserves the same chance.

After a long silence, Simon took back his weapon, returned to his usual calm composure, and returned the Ouroboros and the Wisdom Stone to Lin An.

"Won't it be confiscated?"

"[Ouroboros] is yours. As for this alchemy gem... the direct confrontation department currently lacks combat power, and I think it is more valuable in the hands of an alchemist than gathering dust in the exchange warehouse."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter. Your foundation has disappointed me so much." Lin An curled his lips.

Simon pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Lin, I only have one request - please be more honest with me. As long as you promise to do this, I will not write the above conversation into the report to the foundation, okay? ?”

Lin An was stunned. Originally, he just wanted to temporarily stabilize the captain and find an opportunity to escape. Unexpectedly, Simon was willing to conceal the truth.

Whether it was due to dissatisfaction with the foundation or some personal reasons, Simon undoubtedly did Lin An a big favor.

At present, Lin An prefers to maintain the status quo and continue to explore the mysteries of occultism, rather than becoming a wanted criminal who lives in the shadow of the pursuit and cannot help himself.

At least until he reaches the strength of [Thunderbird], staying in the Foundation is a good choice.

Pretending to think for a moment, he nodded solemnly.

"I'm willing to make a promise with you, Captain."

"Very well, kid, you will have something to take care of." Simon said tiredly, "Now let's join the others. This night is really long."

Thank you to Book Friends 20170501153916548, Yiren Ruyu Zuoshi, Fan Hao for the reward, thanks to FolStone, Yunhai Tianyuan, Book Friends 20190304182514815 for your monthly votes, thank you all for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading~

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