World Occult User Guide

Chapter 70 All the way to New York

Stars shine in the night sky and planes fly across the sky.

Barry pushed a luggage cart through the sliding glass doors of Detli Municipal International Airport, and a gentle and peaceful female voice on the radio continued to announce the situation at the airport.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boarding for the... flight to Toronto has now begun. Please prepare your belongings and boarding pass and board the plane from gate number.... I wish you a pleasant journey."

"We regret to inform you that due to traffic will be delayed..."

"Please note that a... flight from Bucharest is arriving at Ditri Municipal International Airport."

Barry looked away from the phone screen and joined the bustling crowd in holding up a "Welcome" sign, with Adelia Hughes' name written on it in bold marker.

About ten minutes later, a gust of cool wind blew in my face.

The arriving passengers passed through the security check and walked out from the other side of the gate. People kept recognizing each other and their families. Trivial conversations continued to reach Barry's ears. The sounds of excitement, anxiety, joy and upset were all mixed together, chirping. .

What kind of person would Lin's mother be?

Barry repeatedly compared the women he interacted with with the photos Lin An sent him, shaking his head.

Until he heard a gasp from the crowd.

I saw a tall and slender woman walking out of the arrivals hall. She was wearing a long black windbreaker with only one button, revealing the men's shirt and tie underneath. A velvet hemispheric beret was elegantly worn on the side. Black hair curls.

Although she was not specially dressed, her spontaneous nobility was incompatible with the slovenly Eagle Country people around her, and she looked like a duchess patrolling the farmers.

This is probably why the people around him were surprised.

Although she looked so delicate and charming, the woman was carrying a heavy satchel in one hand and dragging a giant box half a person's height with the other hand. Her boots that covered her knees made the floor creaking.

Unconsciously, Barry found the woman walking in front of him.

"Hello, sir." She looked at him with interest with her deep blue eyes, "I am Adelia Hughes."

The strong sense of oppression made Barry embarrassed under the woman's sight.

"My name is Barry Fenton. Lin asked me to pick you up... Madam, I'll help you with your luggage." He said quietly, taking the initiative to put the box and handbag on the cart.

"Yes, thank you very much. I'm very pleased to meet you, Mr. Fenton." The woman stared at his actions, "Come here and let me shake your hand."

Barry didn't even dare to look at her as a leather-gloved hand grabbed his, squeezed it, and shook it off easily.

Realizing that he had to answer something, he stammered: "Nice to meet you too, ma'am."

"Call me Professor Hughes." Adelia held on to her loose beret and suddenly smiled in a measured manner, "I have never seen this face before. Are you also a student at Ann Arbor University?"

"No, I'm Lin's colleague."

"How is my child doing recently? I heard that he works part-time in a hotel chain?"

"He's fine, but he's busy with work." Barry couldn't calm down for a moment, and he was afraid of being cold and said, "Professor, what are your plans next?"

"Traveling, giving lectures, academic exchanges, collecting paper materials..." Adelia's voice was like a breath of fresh air. "Ah, I also have to attend the reunion of old classmates. I stayed in this city for three full years."

"Are you a student at Ann Arbor University?" Barry asked in surprise.

"I obtained my bachelor's degree at this university and met my husband. In fact, this time I have a gift to give back to my alma mater." Adelia's eyes fell on her suitcase, "My Archeology teachers will definitely like it.”


At nine o'clock in the morning on January 31, 2038, Lin An picked up a baguette freshly baked in the kitchen, turned around and bumped into the hurried civil minister.

"Hey, minister, good morning!" Lin An stopped him.

"Haha, Mr. Lin is really energetic." The minister said with a smile on his face, "Good morning, I wish you a safe journey this time on your mission. Please take your time."

"Are you in such a hurry to send me away?" Lin An made a heartbroken expression, "After all, we have been colleagues for a month. Don't you have any true feelings for me?"

"First of all, thank you for your outstanding contributions to the St. Annilov Foundation; secondly, I am really busy. There have been meetings every morning recently, and the new logistics minister and employees are still waiting for me on the third floor."

"Alas, the new generation is better than the old..."

"Have you seen the new disciplinary team?" The minister simply ignored his words.

"The composition of our team is similar to that of our team, with the captain sent by the headquarters and three newcomers selected from Michigan." Lin An paused and couldn't help but ask, "Minister, have you been to the foundation's headquarters?"

"Of course, because I... was sent by the headquarters." The civilian minister hesitated, "All department heads and team leaders of the foundation have been trained by the headquarters."

"What kind of place is the headquarters? Is it similar to this branch?"

"Just go and have a look. I have to go to work. Goodbye." The minister waved his hand, walked past Lin An, and said to himself in a low voice, "Maybe you will also become a team leader in the future. .”

Watching his figure disappear around the corner of the corridor, Lin An took a bite of bread expressionlessly and turned to leave.

The sun rose like a golden canopy, and the early morning light fell on a rectangular black RV. Lin An finished off the last section of the baguette and walked towards his companions gathered next to the car.

"You came just in time, Lin." Mi Xi greeted him first, "Come and move this thing into the carriage with me! It's too heavy!"

Barry on the side held on to the coffee machine speechlessly: "I didn't say I won't help you carry this thing. But are you going too far? Hot water kettle, instant noodles, instant drinks, puffed food, you might as well put on a stereo and make this place a place. Forget it, let’s just turn it into a karaoke room.”

"Oh, you reminded me." Mi Xi slapped her forehead, "We don't have the equipment to play music!"

Lin An put the suitcase into the trunk, next to the other three boxes. The interior of the RV was very large. In addition to the cab, the body had a double-layer design. There were four spacious seats below and one above. A rectangular isolation room.

This is obviously a special area prepared to imprison [Thunderbird].

It was the first time for them to ride in an RV. After putting their luggage, they couldn't wait to get into the car. Before the captain arrived, Mi Xi was as excited as a primary school student on a spring outing. She reached out and knocked on the special glass on the second floor.

"Dong dong."

The dull voice made Barry poke his head around frequently. Before he could say something disappointing, Mi Xi sighed.

"If there weren't so many restrictions on transporting [Thunderbirds]... we would definitely be able to get on that helicopter. Although the RV is nice, it's not cool enough."

Her words reminded Lin An of what the president mentioned in the attachment.

As the only Alpha-level mystic in Michigan, [Thunderbird] is far more powerful than imagined, and the Foundation does not really control [Thunderbird].

However, New York's control team discovered it near Niagara Falls as the pollution level worsened and turned into a wooden totem. They approached it cautiously, and after confirming that there was no danger, they "picked" it back up to the facility.

After preliminary testing by the New York City Research Department, [Thunderbird] has exceeded 80% of the pollution level. It has basically no human consciousness. It is almost motionless at ordinary times and has lost its former threatening nature.

At that time, the New York branch did not contact the Michigan branch, but directly loaded it into a helicopter and transported it back to the headquarters as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, the moment the plane passed through the clouds, [Thunderbird] suddenly opened its eyes, and thunder fell from the sky.

The helicopter crashed on the spot, killing all 4 control teams and 2 pilots. The crash location happened to be in the city center, causing a lot of panic among citizens. The Foundation spent a lot of manpower and material resources to finally resolve it.

In order to avoid a similar situation from happening, the headquarters sent several mystics to New York to conduct more in-depth research on the [Thunderbird].

Through several tests, they found that as long as the [Thunderbird] was kept below an altitude of 1,500 meters, it could not regain its mobility.

That is, transportation is best done by car or underground transportation.

After some discussions, the senior management assigned Lin An's team the job of "delivery boy".


The driver's door was opened, and Mi Xi quickly climbed down the stairs to the second floor, fastened her seat belt in the back seat, and pretended that she had done nothing just now.

I saw Simon getting into the car, and the smell of junk food came with the wind, and Mi Xi couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Team, Captain, I didn't expect you to be the last one to arrive today."

"I'm tired of eating the food provided by the foundation. I was just waiting for Burger King's takeout." Simon handed over several plastic bags with cartons. "No, it's your share. All three of us can drive."

Mi Xi and Barry nodded, but only Lin An said: "Report to the captain, I don't have a driver's license. But I can be your car stereo."

"Really? Come on, sing some songs for your sister." Mi Xi rubbed her hands.

"I'm heading north, leaving the season with you..."

"Well, it's not to my taste." Mi Xi curled her lips and said, "Change it!"

"Running with the wind, freedom is the direction, chasing the power of thunder and lightning..."

"I always feel like something is missing. Is there anything that makes me feel excited?"

Lin An cleared his throat and sang loudly:

Wumeng Mountain is connected to the mountains outside the mountain.

The moonlight shines on Xiangshui Beach.

Can anyone tell me,

But heaven is calling to you.

A mountain crosses a river,

Traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers, you will never feel lonely.

It is said that you came to celebrate the New Year,

A hundred miles of cuckoo never withers.


Simon started the engine, and the car drove away from the biting east wind in Michigan, leaving the noisy city of Detli behind, and drove onto the wide highway, with the mountains roaring past the car window.

The group of people drove in the direction of New York.

So far, the chapter "First Encounter with Comers" in the first volume has come to an end for the time being. Thank you to the readers who are willing to read this far.

Next, the protagonist will embark on a road trip to experience the colorful Times Square, the glamorous Las Vegas, and the dream-chasing San Francisco. He will also listen to the Indian whispers and gradually face his own heart...

The humanities and scenery of the Eagle Country will be the theme of the second chapter of the first volume [Thunderbird].

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