World Occult User Guide

Chapter 71 Time Square

New York City at night.

Thousands of high-rise buildings stand side by side, competing for the blue sky. The city is always so bustling and crowded, and the neon lights produced by the buildings create a dazzling environment.

The sidewalks are filled with discarded garbage, homeless people are curled up in a ball and sleeping, and the smell of urine comes from the graffiti-covered walls from time to time.

The streets and subways were crowded with busy people, and the horns of vehicles were honking.

Life here is optimistic and fast-paced, everything is changing all the time, pedestrians wear loose clothes, walk very fast, speak vulgar language, and chat almost like shouting.

At six o'clock in the evening, Lin An's team arrived in the city.

Simon parked his car near Chinatown. The foundation branch in New York is on Long Island and requires a ferry ride back and forth.

Due to the smooth driving along the way, several people arrived a day earlier than the agreed time.

The branch president asked them to wait for about 2 hours and someone would come to pick them up.

Lin An, Mi Xi and Barry found a restaurant in Chinatown and had enough food and drinks. Mi Xi couldn't help but talk to Simon through the communication device.

"Captain, how long will you stay in New York this time?"

"About three days." Simon replied in a low voice, "After confirming that [Thunderbird] can be transported smoothly, we will set off."

"Do you have time to go to Time Square? When you come to New York without going to Time Square, it's like being an immortal and not touching the light. The gaming experience is incomplete!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about. It's a pity that we've been staying on Long Island all this time."

"Captain, since our staff hasn't come yet, it should be time to get off work now." Mi Xi said eagerly, "It only takes 5 minutes to take a taxi from here to Time Square. I have decided that I want to go there. You two Come with me?"

Lin An, who was scrolling through his cell phone, raised his head and opened the fortune cookie.

"The master said, 'An exciting opportunity is right in front of you.' Now you have to go."


"I'll give it to you, captain." Barry poured the fried rice into a plastic lunch box, "Remember to return to the parking spot after two hours and pay attention to personal safety."


Time Square is decorated with huge posters everywhere. The labels "20% off" and "50% off" attract attention like peacock feathers. Groups of people gather together to read the New York Times on the 32nd floor. Taking photos in front of the building.

Street performers sang hip-hop music and people around put money into their hats.

Lin An had just finished reading the posts on the World Tree Forum, but he couldn't stop after looking at them.

Switching the location to New York, he was bombarded with all kinds of urban legends and conspiracy theories, almost dazzling him.

New York is indeed a place of outstanding people, with a total of three times more posts than the city of Detrey.

Lin An looked at each post along the latest reply time. About ten minutes later, he entered a keyword in the search bar.


More than a dozen posts popped up, and Lin An clicked on the one with the most replies.

DifferentStory: The recent "Cats" on Bodehui actually has a real cat?

DifferentStory: I don’t know if anyone watched Bodehui’s opera “Cats” with me last night. To be honest, the troupe’s singing skills, lighting and stage effects were all online, but showing a bunch of real cats would be too outrageous. [Picture][Picture][Picture]

[Picture] showed an extremely blurry photo near the dim stage. Lin An adjusted the brightness to the highest level and saw clearly that there seemed to be a pair of sparkling eyes in the darkness.

Zestyclow_112: Poster, remember to put the door lock back after taking the picture.

masakosukii: Cats are cute.

SshisuEM: I was there too. I'm speechless. What about anyone who thinks about cat hair allergies?

SshisuEM: If it had been clearly stated in the introduction that real cats would be used to enhance the theatrical effect, I would not have gone. Fortunately, I didn't have an asthma attack, otherwise I don't see how Bodehui would have ended.

CEO-Thompson: Does your cat wear boots?

SshisuEM: By coincidence, I think it might actually be worn.

Mind-Charge: What does this have to do with the occult? Go out and turn left. Thank you.

DifferentStory: Because the poster is a patient with severe cat hair allergy, he will go to the emergency room if he is in the same room with a cat. However, the cat rubbed past my feet yesterday, but I didn't react at all. So I suspect it's no ordinary cat.

Quel'on: So did the poster communicate with the theater, and how did they respond?

DifferentStory: The email has not been responded to yet.

MoranWuyu: Don’t you think there are more and more mysterious incidents related to cats recently? ...Look at the picture, the poster’s cat is also black, right? Is there still a bunch of white hair on your chest?

Slammer: Black cat, white chest hair, ghostly speed... I thought of a legend.

NotAzakan*5: Hiss, an ominous premonition. Black cats are the messengers of hell.

Creazionedi Adamo: Another child abused by pop culture. Cats are just mysterious, not always evil.

Divine_comedy: Yes, cats have always been revered by many civilizations. As early as ancient Egypt, the goddesses Mafdet and Best were cat images, both of which may have originated from the legend of a jungle cat named Mau who protected a sacred tree from the poisonous snake Apophis.

Divine_comedy: The Celts also believed that cats had magical powers. Cats always appear in the literature of the Lion Kingdom, such as Shakespeare's "Macbeth".

Divine_comedy: The real recognition of cats as "misfortunes" started with the Messianic sects, who believed that if a cat sat on a grave, it meant that the devil had taken possession of that person's soul. They also accused the single woman who kept the cat of being a witch and that the black cat was her "familiar."

DifferentStory: Thank you for the popular science, I am comforted. I will update when the theater responds. I always feel that this period in New York is very uneventful.

Fogлес: I think the world is no longer peaceful.

Lin An read a few more posts. In the past month, at least dozens of people had witnessed the weird cat.

According to their description, the cats are of varying colors, extremely fast, travel in groups, and often appear in unexpected places.

Lin An noticed that two posters saw exactly the same cat as DifferentStory.

A black cat wearing boots and a tuft of white fur on its chest.

Lin An raised his lips with interest.

Along the way, people dressed as Spider-Man, Ice Queen, and Avatar kept passing by the two of them. Mixie picked up her phone excitedly, and the camera happened to catch a well-built Thor with his hands on his hips.

Noticing Mi Xi's appreciative and admiring gaze, the Thor actor turned his head and showed a sunny smile.

"Girl, are you a tourist? Welcome to New York! Do you want to take a photo with me?"

Although Mi Xi was a little uncomfortable with the vulgar words, the other party's enthusiasm infected her.


Just when she was about to ask Lin An to help take pictures, the Thor actor put his arm around her shoulders without any explanation, and a captain of the Eagle Kingdom emerged from nowhere and took random photos of the two of them.

"It's done, take a look."

Taking the camera from the Captain of Eagle Nation, Mi Xi excitedly flipped through the photos. Although most of them were a bit blurry, she selected a few and asked the other party to send them to her. The God of Thunder made a faint sound.

"A photo costs 5 dollars, so you should give me 50 dollars."


"The photo is not free." The Thor actor said, "What, you want to refuse the payment?"

The two burly men clenched their fists, their bones crackling, showing a dangerous expression. Mi Xi was stunned. Seeing that Lin An was addicted to the World Tree Forum and couldn't extricate himself, he took a deep breath.

"Lin! Come and help!"

"Oh, you still have a boyfriend?" The two of them shifted their gaze and looked at Lin An's young figure. They couldn't help but sneered and raised their middle fingers at him, "I advise you to get the hell away, you idiot. Small--"

Without raising his head, Lin An switched the phone to his left hand and pulled out the gun from his waist.

The two slowly retracted their middle fingers.

"——Little brother, hahaha... the coat is really nice, we won't bother you anymore..."

As soon as they turned around, Mi Xi, who suddenly realized, also took out a pistol and blocked their way.

"Send me the photo."

Damn, I met the real Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

The actor reluctantly complied, and after getting permission, they left dejectedly. Mi Xi trotted back to Lin An and couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder.

"Can you stop looking at your phone? Time Square is so beautiful, why don't you take some photos to show off the bluebird?"

"I'm afraid I'll be charged $5 for each card."

"...How disappointing! Lin, this is one of the most prosperous neighborhoods in New York!"

In order to prove this sentence, Mi Xi opened her arms and breathed in the rich and drunken air of Time Square intoxicatedly.

The next moment, a figure walked towards her and deliberately bumped into her arms. Before Mi Xi could react, a small resin figure was suddenly stuffed into her hand.

The person who bumped into her was smiling and holding out his hands.

"Thank you for purchasing, the total is 200 dollars, cash or credit card?"


Mi Xi's eyes widened. The hard object in her hand was a crudely made chief doll. It was estimated to be worth about 2 dollars at a time.

"Sorry, I don't want to buy it... give it back to you."

The vendor who was buying and selling by force was obviously wearing a sweatshirt, but there were a few nondescript feathers stuck on the top of his head, and his face was painted with mysterious paint. When he found that Mi Xi didn't buy it, and she didn't take his goods, she burst into tears. come out.

"Oh my god, you discriminate against me! You are a descendant of outsiders, a red-haired witch, and you actually look down on me, an original resident of Upper East Continent!"

"But you are not at all..."

Before he finished speaking, Mi Xi realized something and took out his pistol as usual.

"Take your rags back! I told you I won't buy them!"

Unexpectedly, this female liar was bolder than the two actors. No wonder she dared to offer a higher amount.


Facing the gun, she not only did not dodge, she quickly knocked the chief doll off Mi Xi's hand. It was instantly stained with mud and was kicked around by passers-by.

"Even if you don't buy it, don't throw it on the ground! I didn't expect that you are so young and like to bully others! Oh, my life is miserable!" She said plausibly, "How can I sell it now? You have to compensate! "

Mi Xi was completely dumbfounded and had to reluctantly pay the female liar 80 dollars and send her away.

"I take it back, I hate New York." She said to Lin An, "My deposit for selling the house has been reduced by 80. Lin, what game are you playing? Can you go online?"

"Time Square is still worth seeing." Lin An comforted, "I'm booking tickets."

"Where's the ticket?"

"The transaction was just successful, scalper tickets from Bodehui." Lin An entered the address in the map navigation, "Let's go, please listen to the musical."

Thank you to book friends 20190304182514815, Chengbei w, Qing Xiao, thank you to Lin Abyss Xianyouyu, Swinging Swords Like Bone Rain, Charlin, Naganohara Sage, Icefield Traveler, Si Jins, Kuiqiu Brigade, Yeye Bin, book friends 20211020225146303, SERO157 Monthly ticket, thank you all book friends for your recommendation and subscription ~

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