The theater at Bode Hui is spacious and clean, and the lights are turned on, illuminating the scenery.

The orchestra was tuning in the orchestra pit, violins, clarinets, trumpets and other instruments played different scales, the anxious audience murmured, and the air was filled with the strong aroma of cologne.

Lin An and Mi Xi were sitting relatively far back, and could only see the cool-toned lights of the theater covering the area above the stage through the gaps between several heads in the front row, highlighting the theme of "Cats".

"Wait, does this label look familiar?"

Mi Xi turned the chief doll over and over, and suddenly found something, and showed its base to Lin An.

Although the pattern on it was scratched with a sharp object, it could still be seen that it did look a bit like the logo of the foundation.

"Isn't this the Foundation's 'Tree of Life'?"

"Yes, it looks very much like our company's products." Mi Xi frowned, "It must be a pirated version. With the level of formality of St. Annilov, it is impossible to produce such shoddy things."

"Haha..." Lin An smiled meaningfully.

With St. Annelov's character, he strongly believed that they were most likely the designers!

The mysterious archetypes of the natives are ancient, powerful, pure, and highly rated. Once united, it is enough to make the foundation scramble. More importantly, the real natives are never willing to obey the organization's arrangements.

In this way, it is not very reasonable for St. Annilov to incorporate the spirit of the indigenous people into the trademark of the assembly line, destroy the existing indigenous people's cognition in advance, and prevent them from resisting the existing order with the blessing of "Comes" Guess?

After all, the Foundation labels itself the "old order defenders."

"Mich, in fact, St. Annilov is not that 'holy'." Lin An said lightly, "At least the New York branch has done a lot of work for us."

"for example?"

"The president's report stated that due to their eagerness for quick success, the helicopter transporting the [Thunderbird] crashed, causing double-digit civilian casualties."


As he spoke, the lights suddenly dimmed, signaling to the buzzing audience.

The moment they had been waiting for had arrived.

There was a pause of silence for a few seconds, and then the overture began.

The music sounded slowly, and with the dancing lights, a group of musical actors with heavy makeup jumped onto the stage briskly. Their black, green, yellow and gray striped costumes intertwined with each other, and the cheerful singing kicked off.

"What is Jericho Cat?"

I don't know if the blue lights were swaying, deliberately creating a gorgeous scene that belonged to the night. Lin An always felt that there was an atmosphere that did not belong to Titan, and his mind moved.

"System, use [Listen to Invisible Breathing]."

"There are four mystics beside you."

"Through the use of mystery, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 0.2%."

Lin An couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the system's mechanical sound announcement.

This means that in addition to Mishi, there are three other mysterious beings hiding in the theater building.

New York is actually so lively.

Could it be that as the orbit of "Comes" gets closer and closer, the mysterious person begins to mess up the streets?

Unfortunately, the rating of [Hand of Glory] is too low, and neither the location of the mysterious persons nor the specific names of these people can be obtained.

Next to her, Mi Xi suddenly covered her head and turned to another audience member in a daze.

"Well, I think the acting was pretty good."

The man was confused for a while: "What?"

"Although I can't tell the level yet, if I can be on Bodehui's program, it shouldn't be much different, right?"


The audience member she accosted gestured impatiently.

"Isn't it you who asked me?...Eh, that's strange." Mi Xi looked at Lin An hesitantly, "Isn't it you who asked me?"

"I didn't say anything." Lin An came back from his thoughts.

"Impossible, someone is clearly asking in my ear - 'Is she good at acting?'" Mi Xi tapped her temples, "She is even asking now!"


Lin An looked at the stage. The prologue was over. The first person to sing on stage was an actor. He spread out his soft arms and danced while singing, perfectly interpreting the quirkiness of the feline.

Even so, he was undoubtedly a man, so where did "she" come from?

According to the information found on the Internet, this troupe that performs "Cats" is actually a relatively new one. When Bodehui revealed the list, there were a lot of objections, doubts and criticisms in the "New York Times", feeling that they could not perform such a good performance. Classic musical.

However, as time passed, people witnessed the troupe's strength with their own eyes and gradually recognized their performances.

Especially recently, there has been widespread praise in the mainstream media, saying that the actress who plays the charming cat seems to be getting better and better, and is getting more and more into the role.

"Whether she acted well..." I asked, "Whether she acted well..."

While Mishimo was muttering to herself in confusion, the music turned from joyful to low, the lights dimmed, the moonlight became richer, Charming Cat appeared, and the other cats looked at her tentatively, not daring to get close.

Does "she" mean the glamor cat?

Mi Xi is still talking to herself.

"'If the full score is 10 points, how many points would you give her?' Sorry, I don't understand musicals. I think these people sing quite happily, just... 10 points? Who is you? And she is referring to Which cat? I can’t recognize it clearly.”

"Be quiet!"

The audience next to him couldn't bear it anymore and scolded him dissatisfiedly. Mixi apologized repeatedly and lowered his voice.

"Can't you hear it? Who is talking..."

"Tsk, this place is too far from the stage." Lin An rolled his eyes and held the wand at his waist, "Mixi, ignore that guy and concentrate on watching the musical."

The appearance of the charming cat ends, the elder cat in white socks appears, and the musical returns to joy.

This troupe gave full play to its innovative spirit. In addition to singing and dancing on the stage, several actors jumped out from the corridor of the auditorium and randomly selected a lucky audience member to interact.

The music was brisk, the lights were rotating, and the audience was so surprised that they looked at the stage for a while, and for a moment they looked at the actors at close range. For a while, they didn't know where to turn their bodies.

It was Lin An's turn, and a musical actor extended his paws to them, making everyone laugh.

He winked at Lin An, who pressed the wand with his fingers and energy shot out.

Cognitive change, a violent attack of defecation, the actor immediately clamped his legs, and the interaction with the audience suddenly became perfunctory.

Fortunately, the stage was darkened and the scene was about to come to an end.

"where you go?"

Mi Xi asked suspiciously when she found Lin An getting up and leaving.

"Go to the bathroom." Lin An followed the actor and escaped into the darkness. "By the way, I will pass on your answer to the guy who keeps asking questions."

The actor impatiently turned into the bathroom at the backstage of the theater, took off his one-piece costume, hung it on the coat hook in the stall, and when he turned around and opened the toilet seat, the costume fell out from the crack of the door like a slippery fish.

Blue gemstones, floating lightly.

"Who stole my clothes?!"

The actor quickly opened the door and saw a young man with black hair wearing fluffy cat ears and winking at him.


Before the actor could say another word, a weird long stick hit his head hard. The actor fell backwards onto the toilet, and the toilet door slowly closed.

After putting on the costume and wig, Lin An entered the backstage smoothly. Other actors in the audience also hurried back. The makeup artist took advantage of the time to touch up their makeup before the next play started.

Lifting the cat's tail, Lin An blended in with the group performances, observed the movements of others, and walked onto the stage with her legs raised high.

This is Charming Cat's warm-up dance before her next appearance.

In the sight of the dancing dancer, Lin An suddenly intersected with the eyes of two people in the audience below. Both sides were stunned when they noticed it. Lin An turned around again and hid behind the other cat actors.

These men and women should be the two mysterious persons detected by [Hand of Glory].

Their radiation level was not low, but the pollution level was very healthy. They were originally quite calm, but the moment they felt Lin An, they suddenly became a little nervous and excited.

Judging from this reaction, is it the control team of the New York Foundation?

The two of them were probably just like Lin An, guarding Bo Dehui, the mysterious man hiding in the troupe.

The beat slowed down step by step, and following the large group, the actors retreated to the side of the stage, and the spotlight "popped" on a woman wearing a taupe coat.

She walked to the center of the stage elegantly and with noble steps.

The much-anticipated charming cat appears.

Lin An looked at the female lead from the other side. As expected, she exuded an aura that was obviously incompatible with Titan.

He is indeed a mysterious person.

As she danced with spirituality, Charming Cat's slender fingers attracted the audience's attention, but her eyes showed no sadness or melancholy, and her expression was dull, like a puppet that had long since lost its life.

The singing flows softly and is so beautiful.

"Memory, turn your face to the moonlight and let memory lead you there."

As if he was in a trance beside a dark stream, with the moonlight scattered, Lin An was close to the hills of dreams, listening to the gray cat singing.

"Memory, alone under the moonlight, I can smile at the past. I was beautiful then."

Although Lin An was a little unsure, based on the discussion on the World Tree Forum and the status of Charming Cat, an answer was ready to come out.

"After your testimony, the illustrated book of [Cat Fairy] has been unlocked."

Lin An silently read out the name, and the system's prompt tone came simultaneously.

However, the familiar panel was not attached to Charming Cat's face. She sang loudly, and the music flowed gracefully, touching the heartstrings of the audience.

Wait, isn't this the guy?

Realizing that something was wrong, Lin An suddenly looked up. An inconspicuous female extra was standing in the opposite corner. She was wearing pale makeup, wearing a cat-print tights, and her lips were moving slightly.

Judging from the mouth shape, she was actually singing Charming Cat's lines.

Lin An remembered this person. In the chorus just now, the female group members were just like him, working conscientiously in front of the background. Although they sang hard, their voices were like salt blocks melting into the sea, blending into the chorus without any memory points.

But at this moment, right above her head, the green data revealed her identity like the most conspicuous label.

A brand new medium came into Lin An's eyes.

"War Emperor..."

Thanks to Eastern Dragon, Blessed World, Oxygen Ball, Abyss Xianyouyu, Sword Swinging Rain, Charlin, Zimujiao, Level A User, Book Friends 20180411105753682, Book Friends 160718091253290, Mottled Bloodstains, Book Friends 20221225180253865 for their monthly votes, thank you Recommendations and subscriptions from all book friends~

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