World Occult User Guide

Chapter 74 Chaos in Bodehui

"falbh mo rioghachd!"

The cat Sith felt that the stable and calm energy in his body went into a frenzy, and the originally sharp cat claws became smooth, and then the fur faded away and turned back into a human hand.


Lin An below narrowed his eyes. Sure enough, the Fairy Queen has the ability to banish fairies.

The fallen cat Sith quickly grabbed the locomotive set with quick eyes and hands. However, the weak wooden material could not support the weight of the human being, and it let out a fragile whine.


Gritting her teeth, she transformed into a black cat again and rushed up to the ceiling with lightning speed.

The next moment, Lin An raised her wand high, and the floating energy turned into a blue light, hitting her body directly.

Cat Sis suddenly saw stars in his eyes and missed a step.


She let out a shrill, shrill cry that no amount of orchestra pit or opera sound could hide.

The two of them were on the edge of almost no lighting. No one in the audience noticed the commotion at first. Only a few people vaguely saw an actor lying on the set, followed by a creature that looked like a black cat flashed past.

"What ran past?"

"Even if we perform a musical of "Cats", there is no need for real cats to make guest appearances. What if something goes wrong, will Bodehui and the theater be responsible?"

"The tickets and the website description don't say there are real cats here! Damn it, I want a refund!"

"Aren't cats cute? You came to see the musical "Cats" and you don't like cats? Are you here to torture them?"

"Musicals and real-life animals are two different concepts, okay! Is it because people who watch "Hannibal" have eaten human flesh in real life and are looking for a food friend to exchange recipes?"

In the whispering audience, two mysterious figures, a man and a woman, looked at each other, got up and walked towards the backstage of the theater.

The showrunners were also dumbfounded. The manager kept giving instructions behind the scenes. The leading actors sang at the top of their lungs in an effort to get the audience's attention. The rest of the extras raised wheels, train cars and other stage props to block Lin An and Cat Sis. The corner where it is located.

"Hurry up and stop that troublesome guy and his cat! I just thought that I have been receiving complaints recently. It turns out that this guy brought the cat into the Bodehui Theater!" The agent was furious and said, "Fire him! He must be fired!"

Putting a hand on the agent's shoulder, the male mystery man showed his identification.

"This is the special operations team."

"You are the group of people who came with the police yesterday..." The agent was stunned and said in a bad tone, "Didn't you say that the matter has been resolved?"

"Sorry, we were negligent. So I came here to confirm again today."

"Can't you catch even a few cats?"

"Oh, you can call the police if you're unhappy."

The agent complained a few words casually, but when he saw his bad attitude, he had to swallow his anger and instruct the backstage staff to get out of the way.

The two foundation members picked up wigs and costumes and dressed up as extras.

"You guys continue to act, don't worry about us, just try not to let the light hit us." The female mystery glanced at the manager who dared to be angry but dared not speak, "Don't put on a dead face, you will definitely get your bonus afterwards. .”

After saying these words, the two mystics flew onto the stage like petrels.

On the stage, the battle between Cat Sith and Lin An came to an end.

Whenever Sissy the Cat turned into a cat, Lin An would use her wand to roll up the flowing air, which made her feel confused and had to stabilize her body on the ground.

At this time, he picked up the wand and attacked again. The four gems were unpredictable. Sometimes they hit hard, sometimes they changed their perception, and sometimes they turned the wooden scenery into metal spikes. Distraction strikes back.

Whenever she wanted to run up to the ceiling to get a breather, the moment she was illuminated by the stage light, her gaze would always be focused on Cat Sith.

Following the strange spell, the energy in her body immediately went crazy and was difficult to control.

At this time, she was either in mid-air, or she had just climbed up the steel pipe, which was three stories above the ground. If she landed with a human body, she would suffer fractures at worst and paralysis at worst, so she had to change again.

Because Lin An and Mi Xi cooperated so well, Catsis was forced to transform three times in just two minutes.

Only the last few chances are left.

Lin An silently counted, the energy wrapped around the wand, the gem clicked into the golden snake head, and the light shined, aiming at the embarrassed cat Sith.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The bright lights of Bodehui flashed suddenly, and then suddenly fell into darkness, and the already quiet auditorium became more chaotic.

"Holy crap! I thought I heard something break!"

"Who turned off the lights! Now I can't even see the actors on the stage! Is this also a show effect? ​​Don't you think you changed it well!"

"You're going to get a bad review from me in the New York Reporter soon! What a crap show this is!"


Fortunately, the actors were of high quality and did not stop singing even under extreme circumstances. The audience gradually became convinced that turning off the lights was an effect of the show. Following the lead of several critics, they quickly got out of panic and began to boo.

Lin An and Cat Sith, who were facing each other tit for tat, were both startled.

Human eyes cannot see in dark environments, but cats are not greatly affected.

Cat Sith licked his nose and took advantage of the chaos to sneak away.

However, the green data followed her like a shadow. In the darkness, her position was exposed to Lin An's field of vision like a fluorescent light.

Before he could catch up, he heard a loud noise.


Lin An raised her head. A mysterious person was hugging the broken steel pipe of the ceiling tightly. The familiar but different light gray restraints hung down, silently proving her identity.

New York Chapter of the St. Annelov Foundation.

Looking at the posture of the mysterious female, Lin An roughly guessed the whole story.

She might not have just wanted to sneak up on the Sith cat from the ceiling, and form a double flank with her companions to control the Sith cat.

But she didn't expect that several of the steel pipes of the lighting equipment had been broken by Cat Sith. Although she didn't know what kind of ability the mysterious female used to climb up in the blink of an eye, the weight of an adult woman was undoubtedly the last thing to overwhelm the shaky steel pipes. Straw.

Alas, here comes the trouble again.

Based on various clues, Lin An knew that the Foundation had discovered the traces of Cat Sith, so he hurried over to collect this mysterious person's entry in advance.

The mysterious technique of eliminating nine states through transformation will definitely come in handy in the future.

Unfortunately, the foundation completely disrupted Lin An's plan.

As darkness fell, it was difficult for Mixie to see the cat Sith, and she could no longer "give orders" to her.

"Clang! Boom——!"

Loud noises came from the ceiling one after another, and the boos in the audience gradually subsided, replaced by another wave of panicked comments.

"Is this really the effect of the show?"

"Why is the floor shaking?!"

“Even if it’s a performance, it’s too realistic!

"Everyone, listen to me, this place is going to collapse! Let's run away quickly!"

The last sound was particularly loud, frightening the audience to the point where they could no longer sit still, and footsteps sounded from under the stage.

Several spectators who couldn't hold their breath and were sitting in the aisle couldn't hold it in any longer and ran to the exit one after another, but the door couldn't be pushed open.

"Open the door! Open the door!" They kicked the door hard. "Drama crew, are you mentally ill? Hurry and open the door!"

At the same time, Lin An found Sissy the cat hiding under a chair and staying motionless. She guessed that she had found an opportunity to control her "puppet" to run around.

Cat Sith was just about to escape, but the showrunners locked all the exits first. She had no choice but to stir up emotions, create panic, and force them to open the locks.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't move around! This is just an avant-garde synesthesia performance. Please sit back and look forward to the next classic song - Memories."

The sound of the broadcast spread throughout the dark theater. The agent and several theater managers seized the moment and activated the backup lighting equipment while shouting towards the backstage.

"Where's the star of Charming Cat?"

No one responded, and the manager was stunned. He saw the actor's head dropped to his chest and his breathing was weak.

"It's your turn to take the stage! Wait, what's wrong with you?"

The agent hurriedly walked up to her, but no matter what he did, the heroine fell into a deep coma, and his face became as pale as hers.

"This, this... what should I do?"

On the stage, the mysterious female figure had already reacted.

She used mystical skills to repair the broken steel pipe, but the speed of repair could not match the speed of the break. She saw a steel pipe break with a "squeak" and a huge light ball device was about to hit the actors who were working hard on the performance.

"Crack, click, click - bang!"

The blue gem was embedded in the end of the wand. The light air flow rolled up the last steel pipe and pushed it upward. The female mystic with quick eyes and hands hurriedly repaired it as before.

After releasing the mysterious technique, Lin An hurriedly caught up with Cat Sith.

Cat Sisbon was concentrating on controlling the puppet. By the time she realized that Lin An could actually see her in the dark, the distance between the two was already too close.


She screamed and ran in the opposite direction.

"Aha, I got you!"

Through the faint light from the crack of the door, the male mysterious man waved his hand well prepared. Cat Sith's eyes widened, and his body hit the ground uncontrollably.

Different from Lin An's airflow technique, this time her perception was completely blurred, as if the gravity around her had been artificially changed.

"Brush it!"

The restraints tied up the struggling cat Sith. The male mystic didn't even look at her, but rushed towards Lin An.

"Hmph, don't even think about running away, kid!"


At this moment, the backup light source was activated, and the light once again enveloped the theater. The male mysterious man saw Lin An roll his eyes, took out his black card, shook it, turned around and walked back to the stage.

"Black card? You are the Ditry branch of St. Annelov..."

The male mysterious man stopped chasing. He watched Lin An walk onto the stage, stood still under the bewildered eyes of a group of actors, and sang loudly facing the chaotic audience of Bodehui.

"The streets are silent. Has the moon lost its memory? She is only smiling alone..."

Thanks to Takasu_Dahe, Tushan Ziqing, and Shuyou20211116070538818 for your monthly votes~Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions

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