World Occult User Guide

Chapter 75 Applause is like thunder

The lights came back on and the audience was stunned to hear Charming Cat's lines coming from the mouth of a young actor.

"W-what version update is this? Didn't you notify us?"

"Why change the classic again!"

“I hate anything that uses innovation as a gimmick!”

Although the other actors were shocked, the female lead didn't come on stage for a long time. Seeing the managers behind the scenes making gestures, they had no choice but to cooperate with Lin An and continue acting.

As the music progressed, the questioning voices in the audience subsided, replaced by rapt attention.

“When you listen to musicals, just look at the singing and acting skills!”

"His voice contained an indescribable strange charm, like a call from heaven itself..."

"Where did you recruit this actor? Why have I never heard of him? His level is not very good, but his singing voice is inexplicably infectious, ethereal, calm, gentle, strange and magical."

The young man twirled and danced to the music, his elegant figure with strange charm attracting everyone's attention. The harmonies of professional actors diluted his sense of unprofessionalism. The audience could not help but hold their breath and concentrate, for fear of missing another syllable. .

There is rarely such a sound that makes their impetuous emotions extremely calm.

As the track "Memories" ended, the Cat actors gathered in a circle, surrounding the relieved Charming Cat. The Elder Cat held his arm and slowly climbed up the final ladder amid the singing of the extras.

"Go up, go up, go up to the sky."

"Come on, come on, across the Russell Hotel."

The cat Sissy who fell to the ground barely opened one eye and stared at the stage from the shadows.

The moving voice echoed in the theater of Bodehui, and the beam of light shone on Lin An. The young man's handsome face and natural dance steps seemed like a hand from heaven reaching out from Titan, compassionately supporting the sloppy body of the charming cat. , rising to the clouds.

It turns out that all-round genius does exist.

But when will it be my turn to stand on the stage openly...

At least this drama ended perfectly, and our troupe’s reputation will not be criticized by the media...

Tears flowed down her cheeks, blurring her vision. Cat Sith had mixed emotions in her heart, and a deep sense of fatigue hit her. She voluntarily gave up her resistance and allowed herself to be taken away by the mysterious male.

"The mysterious divinity of the proud cat tribe, echoing around the church, the eternal life of the cat tribe!"

The actors on the stage spread out their flexible limbs and sang the last song of soul farewell.

Even the audience who had been dissatisfied before could not help but be immersed in the troupe's outstanding performance. The holy chorus and powerful ending brought this ups and downs of the musical to an end, making people unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

Afterwards, many people stood up and applauded like thunder.

"I understand, it turns out they want to perform a ray of hope that comes from dawn after darkness!"

"Avant-garde, so avant-garde! Not to mention the innovation in works and character creation, the singing skills alone that can support classic songs are enough for me to give him high marks in the evaluation column of the New York Times!"

"I think it's still bad! Especially the fact that a man plays the role of the charming cat! Compared to that, the immersive dark listening period is nothing!"

"Men, women - any gender and race have no boundaries in Time Square!"

"This is the spirit of New York! Celebrate tolerance and irreverence!"

A burst of warm applause erupted from the audience, and the conservatives booed without hesitation. The agent behind the scenes had his eyes shining brightly. He saw not only a group of noisy critics, but also a group of people coming towards him. Traffic, topics and discussion.

Who is this person?

When did you sneak in?

These two questions have long since ceased to matter.

The lights dimmed, then came back on, and the actors continued to return for curtain calls amid applause. Lin An also joined in for two encores, making the audience's support and abuse mix into a buzz.

Until the musical came to an end, the actors returned to the backstage one after another.

The manager pushed away the male mystery man who was hesitant to speak, grabbed Lin An's arm, and pulled him into a private changing room.

The female mystic and Mi Xi were already waiting on the chairs. The former crossed his arms and frowned; the latter made lip-syncs to Lin An when she saw him.

What a great performance!

Lin An gave a thumbs up.

The first to speak was the impatient agent.

"Young man, what's your name? Where do you come from? Don't get me wrong. I'm not criticizing you. If you hadn't come to the rescue today, our troupe would have definitely been kicked out of Bodehui!"

"Like them, I am a member of the special operations team." Lin An pointed to the male mysterious man with a bad expression, "We are deeply sorry for the accident that happened on the stage today. Fortunately, everyone responded in time and did not cause a bigger incident. trouble."

"Oh, that's it." The manager's eyes moved back and forth, his tight mouth relaxed, and he felt better about this special operations team in his heart, "Is this your first time singing a musical?"

"I learned a little bit in college before."

"It's unbelievable, especially the last few high notes. Even though I have read countless people, my heart trembles, as if I really heard the call from another space."

Lin An smiled slightly: "My treble is higher than anyone else in the world."

"Although your level has not reached the professional level, your emotional appeal and expressiveness are definitely talents. Coupled with your appearance, being a policeman is too wasteful... Have you really never studied vocal music? I always feel that you must have a place. An expert has given you guidance."

"Indeed, I once met a reclusive international vocal master." Lin An said seriously, "He is the apprentice of an apprentice of Pavarotti's senior brother."

"Really or not?" the agent asked in surprise, "Can you pass your Bluebird to me and we can continue to contact you when you have time."

"Thank you for the invitation. I have no plans to get into music for the time being."

Lin An politely waved her hand to refuse, and the agent looked regretful. Under the murderous urging gaze of the male mysterious man, he reluctantly left the room, not forgetting to add at the end.

"Consider our troupe and make sure your poster appears on the big screen of Time Square."

The moment the manager closed the door, the male mystery man said with a stinky face.

"Your teammates have just confessed to me. Lin An from the Ditry City Branch, damn, do you know how much trouble you have caused with this unauthorized action!"

Lin An thought: If you were three minutes late, the system would already be broadcasting "The entry for [Cat Sith] has been included!"

On the surface he responded calmly.

"Isn't it normal to see a free mystic wandering among ordinary people, as a member of the Foundation, carrying out control operations?"

"Your mother's size is normal! This isn't Detli City!"

"But it is written in the employee handbook that as long as a wandering mysterious person is found, especially a dangerous medium, members of the direct-facing department are obliged to control it. Unless they are judged that their strength cannot be matched, they need to apply for additional personnel or return to the facility to make plans."

Lin An spread his hands expressionlessly.

"Besides, I don't know if you have discovered that this [Cat Sith], as the 'War Emperor' medium who is good at inciting people, will become stronger if she stays in society for one more day, or even one hour. .”

The male mystic was speechless for a moment, so he could only say: "Anyway, I will report this matter in detail. Don't forget, if that pile of equipment falls, the audience and actors in the entire theater will suffer! We will have to spend money to settle it. media!"

Lin An looked at the mysterious woman with sharp eyes. She looked away without saying a word, acquiescing to this fact.

"You two..." Lin An suddenly said, "It seems that you are both alchemists, right?"

"Uh! How did you figure it out?" The male mysterious man was slightly startled, "So what? What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, just expressing friendly curiosity to my colleagues." Lin An said, "By the way, after the cat Sith was controlled by the restraint belt, the mysterious magic failed. Have those people who were 'invaded' by consciousness been rescued?"

"They were sent to the nearest hospital. They seem to be weak. They will be fine after staying in the hospital for a few days." Mi Xi interjected.

"Don't change the subject! We are still discussing your fault in this matter!"

The aggressive words of the male mysterious man were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. The first person to bear the brunt was a woman in her forties with a short hair, followed by Simon and Barry.

"I heard there was a commotion here." The woman glanced at the situation, "Want to tell me what happened?"

"Captain, this kid——"

Before the male mysterious man could finish speaking, Lin An slid behind Simon and grabbed his wings to cover his body.

"Captain, listen to me! This is what happened!"

Lin An explained the whole story to the two of them. Simon and the female captain looked at each other, and the former sighed softly.

"Lin, there is indeed something wrong with your behavior. But considering that you are a newcomer and this is your first offense, we will deal with it leniently after discussion."

Lin An stuck his head out, his tone filled with indignation.

"When I saw the puppet controlled by the Cat Sith, I was so angry that I couldn't control my rising anger! The wanton abuse of mysticism to harm ordinary people not only runs counter to the philosophy of the Foundation, but also puts human rights at risk. Ignore it!"

"I didn't expect you to have a sense of justice." The short-haired female captain raised her eyebrows, "You look very young. Are you still in school?"

"A month ago, I was just an ordinary college student."

"That's not surprising. Young people are always impulsive." The female captain stomped her high heels on the ground, causing the two team members to turn their heads. "Stop staring. You didn't notify me in advance. If I hadn't gotten the news, I wouldn't have known. You secretly returned to Bodehui."

"Because this kid——"

The male team member was interrupted again by Lin An.

"Although my actions were reckless, I thought about every step. According to the cooperation between Mi Xi and I, I am actually completely sure to control the [Cat Fairy]. After all, my teammate is the [Fairy Queen]."


"Yes, our fighting rhythm is very good." Mi Xi seized the opportunity and quickly helped.

"We will handle this matter fairly and fairly, whether it's reward or punishment." Simon pushed Lin An out with the tips of his wings, "Now you still owe Captain Selina an apology."

Lin An blinked: "I'm sorry, I know I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again next time."


Although the process was tortuous, at least it did not cause irreparable damage. The female captain had no choice but to deal with these colleagues from Ditli City. She made a "stop" gesture to the two team members and then turned to Simon.

"Have a hard journey, Captain Simon. You will drive behind us in a while and take the ferry from the port to the facility on Long Island."

Thank you to book friends 20221025200322152, Xiao Subei, Hungry Sword, TayaAndrew, and other monthly tickets whose names are not mentioned. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions ~

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