World Occult User Guide

Chapter 76 “Black Card Permissions”

"Remember a strange experience in Bodehui - who is this actor?"

Lin An was scrolling through his cell phone chatting in various ways, and unexpectedly saw a report about himself. A critic wrote a review of the just-concluded "Cats" and focused on describing Lin An's singing.

“Only by closing my eyes can I fully listen to this special sound. It makes me imagine something light, uncertain, and perfunctory, which creates a lingering commotion in my heart, and a matching sound appears in the nothingness. Glamor cat visual image.”

Below are the various comments.

"Bodehui finally has this kind of innovation! I am determined to persuade people to believe that birth sex should not interfere with a person's gender identity. Long live the non-binary world!"

"So proud of this boy!"

"Wait a minute, the face in this photo... Doris' secret boyfriend? The Wood family's fiancé is playing a leading lady at the Broadview Theatre. This time it has to be @D_Easter."

Lin An's blood pressure rose.

Isn't this discussing musicals? What does it have to do with gender?

New York netizens are outrageous.

Turning off the screen of her phone, Lin An propped up her chin as the night view of New York passed through the car window.

The dazzling lights, towering buildings, eccentric performers, the hustle and bustle of antisocial residents, and the smell of hot dogs and smoke create this chaotic place of dream pursuit.

People were running like ants through the maze-like streets, some immersed in their mobile phones with coffee in their hands, while others were standing outside hotels, pushing brochures into the hands of tourists.

Homeless man holds sign that says "Need money to buy leaves".

Until the shadow of the ferry carriage enveloped Lin An, he felt sleepy and couldn't help but fall asleep.

When he woke up in the back seat, the neon lights faded, the sky turned white, and the car had arrived at the St. Annilov Foundation on Long Island.

The facilities in New York are different from those in Detli City. They do not have the shell of ancient buildings and are made entirely of diamond cement. Towering concrete buildings rise from the ground, and high-tech automatic doors open wide, swallowing up the RV Lin An was riding in.

The highly modern road winds up and Simon parks his car in the spacious internal parking lot.

Civilian staff who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward and took Lin An and his party to the temporary dormitory. The itinerary was quickly sent to their mailboxes.

First rest in the dormitory, and at 2 p.m., enter the Thunderbird's first-level controlled isolation room.


Use the black card to open the department elevator directly facing the New York facility. Unfamiliar corridors, unfamiliar corners, and the holographic projection of X come into view.

"Scanning completed, identification in progress... matching completed. Welcome, Mr. Lin An."

The AI ​​that didn't change much spoke repetitive words, which made Lin An feel a sense of intimacy.

Suddenly there was a "ding dong" sound from the phone. Lin An opened it and saw that it was a "punishment" email sent by the female captain.

Lin of the Michigan branch,

Although you did not notify the New York City branch before taking action, and the process lacked organization and detailed planning, considering that you joined the foundation not long ago, the foundation decided to give 伱, Melissa, Koret and Leshia 5 points each. rewards.

Please remember that if the same situation occurs in the future, the foundation will deduct 50 points and impose corresponding penalties.

The points have been credited to your black card, please check carefully.

Face the department directly,

Selena Gretchen.

It turns out that the two mysterious people are called Koret and Lysia.

Exiting the email, Lin An swiped his finger across the black card, and his fingerprint unlocked his permissions in the foundation.

Name: Lin An

Level: Official member

Permissions: red

Department: Face to face

Points: 115

I already have 115 points, and I wonder what interesting things I can get from the exchange warehouse in New York.

Lin An was thinking as he followed X's guidance and walked towards the meeting point. Before he could see anyone, the sound of quarreling came first.

"Selena, what you do is not fair at all."

This was the voice of a male mysterious person. Lin An raised his head and saw the figures in front of him divided into two teams.

New York's control team was quarreling fiercely. Mixie and Barry stood behind Simon, their expressions a little subtle, looking like they were embarrassed and eager to take advantage of each other.

While Lin An was greeting his companions, he listened to the quarrel between them.

It turned out that the male and female mystics were dissatisfied with the captain's decision to share the points equally, and were even more angry that Lin An was not punished. They insisted that the female captain was shielding outsiders and deliberately targeted them both.

"Why should I embarrass you?" The female captain was dumbfounded. "First of all, this is a decision unanimously agreed upon by the department; secondly, you were trained by me, and I will never suppress you no matter what."

"Although we are in the same department and have the same black card." Koret said coldly, "but you know in your heart that we are no longer on the same track."

"That's right... no matter what, I am still your captain."

"I'm just temporarily gaining experience under your hands. Selina, I advise you not to turn your elbows outward, otherwise you will be careful of the investigation of the 'Inspection Team'."

The female captain frowned, but did not dare to refute and let them vent their emotions.

The way they get along is not like the captain and the team members. When facing these two people, the female captain is cautious in everything she says and does, which surprises Lin An.

Until he heard this, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Captain, what is the 'Inspection Team'?"

Simon pondered for a moment and took out his black card. The permission level displayed on the LCD screen was 'red', which was exactly the same as Lin An as a formal member.

But if I remember correctly, the foundation's highest authority level is 'black'.

"Black cards are called 'black cards' because they were originally created and issued by a special office. This office is located at the headquarters, code-named 'Inspection Group'. Generally, the president of each branch has a real black card , to unlock full permissions."

"The inspection team is not an independent department. Employees certified by the office have one more authority to control other employees. It took less than a year for the foundation to transform from a charity to a special execution team, and most of the employees were involved after only a short training. Already working."

"The employees who joined during this period included many people who fished in troubled waters. There were even mysterious persons on the wanted list who joined the foundation to avoid investigation."

Lin An felt an inexplicable pain in his knees as he listened.

Before joining the Foundation, I didn’t know you listed me as the [Ghost] of Beta-004!

"Then why are Koret and Lesia also members of the 'Inspection Team'? They are not the presidents of the New York branch." He raised a new question.

"In addition to the president, some employees in the direct contact and research departments can also obtain black permissions through office review. These reviews include joining time, media name, mysterious rating, loyalty level, concept test, etc."

"After passing the exam, can I be the branch president?"

"Branch presidents are usually too busy to stay in the organization. So they initially assist the president in investigating. Once the radiation level increases, there is no doubt that he will be the next candidate." Simon said, "Regan Modiric is Members of the Inspection Team.”

"The captain of the quartet..." Lin An pondered.

"These two departments are often in contact with mysterious persons. If employees behave suspiciously, they will immediately report it to the office. As for Cardenas, who rebelled before... probably because he is in the logistics department and is not supposed to be a mysterious person, so he was inspected The group ignored it.”

"At first, I also..." Simon's tone was slightly complicated. "When I first left the headquarters, as a dangerous 'Lord of Dreams' medium, the president often called me to the office to check my status. This is the inspector. part of the team’s work.”

"Captain, no matter what, we believe in you!" Mi Xi felt uncomfortable and said quickly.

"Thank you, Melissa."

Even though the four of them kept their voices low, due to the close distance, the female captain could still hear them clearly. She leaned over inadvertently and apologized in a sigh-like tone.

"I'm sorry for causing you unpleasant experience." She said, "In the [Thunderbird] incident not long ago, the president was suspended. The inspection team is paying more and more attention to the two of them. As long as the radiation value exceeds the threshold, it may even cause Corrett immediately became the new York president.”

The four of them didn't know how to continue the conversation, and looked at each other in silence.

Fortunately, Corette was only a team member for the time being. He was incompetent and furious for a while, and finally left in anger. After all, the female captain's decision-making did not have any loopholes in the rules.

Even so, they glared at Lin An fiercely, as if to say, "This matter is not over yet."

After dismissing Coret and Lesia, the female captain cleared her throat and pretended to be fine.

"Let me show you the [Thunderbird] first."

Following her steps, they passed through several layers of locked heavy metal doors and arrived at an empty oval room.

Entering the door is the second floor. Looking down, in addition to wires, metal walls and overly bright incandescent lamps in the sunken space, there is a wooden sculpture about three meters high with black restraints wrapped around its body in the center.


Lin An's eyes trembled.

Although the true face cannot be seen clearly, just the breath of the thunderbird has an inexplicable sense of sacredness. However, this is not a Platonic fixation, or a perfection dominated by the Western world view, but an indescribable, temporary and eternal one. Sublime spirituality.

Legend has it that this mysterious giant bird lives on the top of the mountains and creates roaring thunder and lightning when it flaps its wings. Some native tribes believe that the thunderbird created the world.

A creator-level god...

Although it is only the belief of some northern tribes, it is enough to illustrate the power of the Thunderbird as an archetype.

[Name]: Thunderbird

[Rating]: Source Class B

[Radiation value]: 24.4%

[Pollution level]: 87.5%

[Medium]: Natural Sacrifice

The system attached the green panel to the Thunderbird. It was the highest-rated mysterious being that Lin An had ever seen, and it was also the mysterious being with the highest radiation value.

Source Class B, like his [Mysterious Encyclopedia], has a radiation value as high as 24.4%.

Once out of control... what terrifying power will the Thunderbird unleash?

"This is Alpha-001." The female captain turned around and said as calmly as possible, "The research department is still doing the final binding work, and the transportation can start early tomorrow morning."

Thanks to Yin Yin Sheng Ge, Kizurin, Lightwave, Saanyi, Yuxiang Mao Weigui, zcywindy, and Tianlu Yuyu for your monthly tickets. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions~

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