World Occult User Guide

Chapter 77 Plastic Shaman

The female captain sent the PDF information of [Thunderbird] and the New York Foundation map to the mailbox of Lin An and his party, telling them that they could move freely.

Mi Xi touched Lin An's arm.

"Wow, the facilities in New York have a hot spring swimming pool."

"You go first, I want to see the Thunderbird a few more times." Lin An lay on the escalator on the second floor, "Don't you think this is a work of art that resonates with the soul?"

Mi Xi's persuasion was fruitless and she left with the others.

The black restraint belt can only be regarded as an atmosphere group for the Thunderbird. Lin An contacted the research department responsible for surveillance. After some negotiations, they agreed to remove the restraint belt for three minutes to allow him to observe the entire Thunderbird.


Mechanically stretched, the restraints were slowly withdrawn, revealing the entire Thunderbird.

At first glance, it made Lin An feel disappointed.

There is no majestic posture, no uncanny carvings, or even decorations that match "native elements". The thunderbird is just a cylinder of wood with two rough square wings, and the three primary colors depict the general characteristics of the bird.

It is like a temporary tent that hastily stored the sacred soul.

After thinking about it, Lin An felt that only this image of the Thunderbird was the true god of the local people.

Rather than the self-righteous propaganda of Eagle Country.

Because the sculptures of the native people never pay attention to the "external form", but the process of forging them. In other words, they value the worship ceremony itself more than the gods.

In a Navajo ritual, a priest uses a wedge-shaped tool to carve a piece of wood or coal into a symbolic shape, such as a half-moon or morning star, and then lights a fire.

Believers gather around the sacred fire, use rainbow-decorated fans, rattles and cane beads, and create unique "fire sculptures" by waving the instruments rhythmically to create wind-blown flames.

The flame shapes the god, fleetingly.

The unfixable material allows the local people to see their gods through the refraction of nature.

In addition, Navajo have two other forms of worship, one is "dry painting" drawn with mud and sand, and the other is "Haida Totem" carved out of wood.

The three examples represent three degrees of change and dissipation: fire sculptures are the least durable, lasting less than an hour; dry paintings last about a few days; and Haida totem poles may last several generations.

They will eventually decay and their physical entities will return to their original state.

But the natives do not care about the decay of the incarnation of the gods, because they have already gained spirituality in the process of personally pursuing the rituals.

However, the people of Xizhou cannot accept the "transient nature" of gods.

They are accustomed to viewing indigenous culture as static, rigid, and unchanging worship, as if they were their own gods, who they regard as eternal and flawless beings.

It was this gap that limited their understanding of the indigenous peoples. The conquerors tried to interpret another civilization from the perspective of the dominant culture, but ignored the fundamental concepts of the indigenous worldview.

Gorgeous bird feathers, colorful graffiti, a dazzling array of jewelry...

The Thunderbirds actually wearing them is a most false image of a native deity.

Three minutes were up, and Lin An left the room without finishing.


On the other side of the corridor, two figures who had left and returned appeared. They were Coret and Lesia. The former had his hands in his pockets and spoke in a bad tone.

"You'd better be prepared to be interrogated by headquarters."

"What?" Lin An raised his eyebrows.

"Although Selina has protected you, I decided to send an email to the headquarters of the inspection team. No matter what you do, you will be strictly controlled. I can find out the problem for you no matter what the problem is." The corner of Koret's mouth raised a nasty smile. radian.

Lehija helped: "We checked your deeds in Ditli City, and it was really exciting. Fortunately, no one in that branch reported it, otherwise I believe that the inspection team would be happy to dig up your details."

Lin An rolled his eyes, thought for a moment, and then suddenly said.

"My points have exceeded 100. I can help you exchange them for items in the store as an apology to express my sincerity."


The two of them didn't expect Lin An to be willing to back down to this point.

They have really been short of points recently, so they took a desperate risk yesterday and abandoned their teammates to go to Bodehui to look for Cat Sith.

There is something in the exchange system that Koret urgently needs. If he gets it, his radiation value will increase a bit, and he may be directly recognized by the headquarters and replace the current president who is forced to suspend his duties.

The three of them did not have an irreconcilable blood feud. After discussing it in a low voice, Koret's smile became friendly, and Laishia agreed reservedly.

"Since you know your mistakes and can correct them, we won't pursue you for the trouble you caused at the Bodehui Theatre."

"Without further ado, follow me." Koret waved.

On the way, Lin An put on a sincere attitude and inquired about their "black cards".

"Black authority allows you to accomplish a lot of things." Koret said, "We have the contact information of the headquarters, and can view the information of the research department there, and..."

The words stopped abruptly, and he unconsciously glanced at the surveillance camera in the corner.

"You can also participate in or interfere with the work of other departments." Lesia flicked the keychain of her handbag, "This is a charity product I designed for the logistics department."

Lin An took a closer look and saw a familiar chief pendant hanging on the handbag.

It turns out that Time Square cheated on Mixi’s 80-dollar doll, and it was really produced by the foundation!

"With all due respect, it looks a bit cheap."

"This effect was deliberately created." Lehia grinned. "This is a stepping stone for me to join the inspection team. It has been deployed on a large scale in the eastern part of the Eagle Country centered on New York."


Lin An vaguely guessed the answer, but he still wanted to hear her say it himself.

"You don't want more mystical beings like the Thunderbirds to appear in the Eagle Kingdom. They are a group of undisciplined primitive people. Once they gain power in the civilized era, they will definitely cause a lot of damage."

Leshia pulled out a stack of posters from her handbag and displayed them as if to show off.

"Then, just 'plasticize, romanticize, and naive' them. As long as there are enough commercial activities, even if the locals attract the medium of 'Comes', they will not be able to awaken the archetypes with too high ratings - because of their beliefs It has long been tainted by ambiguity.”

The flashy posters are lined up in a row, and the bright large fonts are enough to attract anyone to stop and take a look.

“With sun dances at Astroturf, sweat transports on cruise ships, and workshops in core shamanism, we promise to enter your life in a natural way to solve problems, achieve happiness, and heal.”

“A weekend vision exploration workshop costs between $350 and $750, excluding accommodation and meals, and a two-week pilgrimage costs $3,450.”

“Don’t have time for a spiritual journey? That’s okay, log on to the website and order the kit below for a more comprehensive experience of Aboriginal spirituality. We’ll be offering sage and cedar smudge sticks paired with soothing herbal tea.”

"Purchasing the set also comes with the book "The Aboriginal Spirit of Upper East Asia" and the CD tape "Desert", as well as a beautiful gift box made of recycled materials. The environmental awareness aims to pay tribute to Mother Titan."

Leshia fanned herself with the poster, looking proud.

“We’ve found ways to integrate local labels with merchandise, such as the upcoming new product - Aboriginal tarot cards. Isn’t it interesting? Navajo sculptures can be made into earrings, Kokopelli totems Acting as a wall clock, ‘Fourth World Spirit’ is always happy to add flair to your office!”

"Aren't you afraid that the locals will unite and send you a lawyer's letter?" Lin An asked.

The two looked at each other, and Lesia smiled.

"Don't worry, we have long been legally incorporated into the tribe by the local chief through stock issuance. I have even been certified as a 'shaman' by a professional organization."

The group of people walked into the elevator and pressed down the floor. Seeing that Lin An didn't say a word, Koret said.

"Are you not from the Eagle Country? Then you won't understand. The 'noble savage' has always been the core of the identity of the Eagle Country people in the 21st century."

"Strange theme."

"In modern life, people are always struggling between the emptiness of daily life and the contradiction between the desire for a meaningful life and the pursuit of faith. The essence of 'buy this product and change your life' conveyed by advertising is the same. Something happened."

Corrett spoke plausibly. At this time, he no longer looked like a sloppy New Yorker, but had a familiar temperament. Lin An thought about it for a moment and realized that this was clearly the usual posture of Wall Street elites.

"People don't care if what they buy is a book, a tape, or a magic crystal. How is it any different from a new car, a dress, or a pet collar? It's just an immediate, comprehensive, and extremely simple solution to spiritual satisfaction. .”

"This is similar to the worship of Druid." Lin An nodded, "The revival of Druid was in the era of the Industrial Revolution. The Lion Kingdom was the first industrialized country, and its people were also Druid. Teach the first confused believers.”

"Oh? Isn't the Druid what the Lion Kingdom advertises?" Koret said with interest.

"People only have positive imaginations about their ancestors - they think Druids are wise, insightful and friendly. In fact, according to Roman records, Druids put animals or people into cages made of branches, and then shot arrows randomly. Death—that’s the sacrifice that happens everywhere.”

"Ding dong."

The elevator door opened, and the group arrived at the fourth underground floor where the exchange warehouse was located.

The facility in New York covers an area far larger than that of Dietrich City. It has ten floors above ground and five underground floors, and controls hundreds of mystics.

The organization has opened up an entire floor dedicated to storing items in the exchange warehouse.

The avatar of X appeared and saluted the group, and the lights that turned on automatically illuminated the empty corridor.

"Other methods of the Druids were even more cruel." Lin An continued, "For example, they soaked the sacrifice in a pool of verbena, exposed the head to breathe, and danced around him until he completely lost body temperature."

"The older an era is, the easier it is to be missed..."

Before Koret finished speaking, a strong energy surged out, and they turned around suddenly. Lin An smiled and stretched out two fingers, pointing at their foreheads respectively.

The sacred herb turned into a crown of verbena and was placed on his head. A tall and beautiful oak tree swayed in shadow, and its branches full of vitality cast leaf-like mottled leaves.

Their pupils narrowed.

Just listen to an ancient Celtic language spit out from Lin An's mouth.

“Misli gami gra dhi-il (You will be cursed by me).”

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