World Occult User Guide

Chapter 78 Plant Gold

"According to the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic III: Playing Pan's Flute - The Secret Art of Worship for People Familiar with Oak Trees", a plan that meets the conditions was found - [Verbena Sacrifice]."

“Do you want to consume the media ‘Natural Sacrifice’ x2, ‘Knowledge Seeker’ x1, and ‘War Emperor’ x1 for use?”

Listening to the system's voice in his mind, Lin An nodded slightly.


The shadow of the oak tree appeared, and the purple verbena not only formed Lin An's crown, but its fragrance blended into the cold water, soaking into the bodies of Koret and Lesia.

"Through the use of mystery, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 0.2%."

The two members of the inspection team only felt the aroma of herbs surrounding their bodies, followed by intense coldness, as if they had been kicked into a zero-degree mountain spring in the middle of winter, and they couldn't help but tremble.


Before they could speak, Lin An made a "shh" gesture.

"This is the Druid's 'soaking sacrifice' I talked about. I heard that they would soak the sacrifice in a cold herbal pool for one night and lose consciousness for 2 hours. Generally, the sacrifice will die after 4 to 5 hours."

Their lips trembled uncontrollably, and they stared at Lin An in disbelief, with a thousand words flashing through their eyes.

Aren't you an alchemist from the Dragon Kingdom like us?

Why can you use Druid Sacrifice!

Moreover, when Lin An used the mysterious technique, they had no time and no way to resist, which meant that Lin An's mysterious rating was not the legendary C level at all, and probably even higher!

This guy deceived the St. Annelov Foundation!

They haven't realized that at this moment, they have lost the initiative to speak, and their responsiveness has dropped rapidly.

However, the question that was finally suppressed was stuck in Lin An's throat.

"But there are exceptions. When the Druids find that there is a problem with the prophecy, or that the moon phase and animal migration trajectories that night are not as expected, they will judge that the sacrifice is unnecessary, and the believers will pick up the sacrifices in the water and let them Live until the next sacrifice.”

Does this mean there is still room for redemption?

For Koret, a bright future is in front of him, how can he die in a place like this? Compared with the entangled Lecia, he eagerly fell into Lin An's dialogue trap.

"Prepare...let...what do you do?"

As soon as the words came out, he was shocked to find that in the short ten seconds from the beginning to the present, his throat was slightly numb, and his tongue seemed to be stiff, making it impossible to finish a complete sentence.

"Aren't we going to the exchange warehouse? Let's go quickly, X is waiting."

"Go to the exchange warehouse?" Koret said with difficulty, the coldness in his body getting worse. He could hardly maintain rational logic, his brain turned into a quagmire, and his thinking was difficult to move forward.

Lin An nodded and followed X who was leading the way.


This was Koret's last independent speech.

It turns out that just like the [Hittite Ritual], the Druid sacrifice that uses energy does not need to wait for several hours. As long as it is hit by the mysterious spell, the "sacrifice object" this time has already been decided.

Based on the records in "The Encyclopedia of Magic" and some insinuations about the system, Lin An guessed that the minute or so before the mysterious spell took effect was when the "sacrifice" was most likely to resist and break free, so he spoke ambiguous words to divert the attention of the two. force.

As expected, Koret and Leshia failed to react and lost the best time to fight.

As time progresses, the mystery will 100% control the two people, and the Druid sacrifice officially begins.

Remove the mystery?

Sorry, I really can't do it.

After spending the first minute, only death awaits the two of them. In the process from life to death, they will also be controlled by Lin An, a druid priest.

Because the "sacrifice" has no power to resist the sacrifice.

As if their limbs were tangled in vines and turned into puppets on strings, Koret and Laishia were pulled behind Lin An. Their tongues and throats were numb and stiff, and only their eyes could barely move.

The back of X's head was facing them, and the code gave it the ability to recognize human eyes asking for help.

About ten seconds later, the eyeballs became stiff. Without Lin An's consent, they could not even blink. The extremely dry pain gradually took away their vision.

Everything on the surveillance screen was as usual, hiding the undercurrent of mysticism. The Titan equipment could not capture the trajectory of the energy of "Comes", and could only capture a group of people walking from the elevator door to the exchange warehouse.


Koret couldn't help but raised his arm and swiped the black card to open the door of the exchange warehouse.

X confirmed their permission, the holographic projector streaked across the track, and the AI ​​disappeared into the corridor.

Unlike Dietry, the exchange warehouse in New York is a spacious flat floor. The entire space is T-shaped. There are about ten rows of lockers on the floor. Optical fiber circuits are connected below and are integrated under the computer desk in the center. .

The exchange items here are much richer than those in Ditry City.

Typing with ten fingers, Lin An quickly found the mysterious item he wanted to exchange.

[Plant Gold (Large)]: The philosopher's peat, a natural product waiting to be refined. 525 points.

There is also [Plant Gold (Small)] below, which requires 110 points. It is estimated that this is the mysterious item that Koret wants Lin An to exchange for.

Unfortunately, the position changed too quickly and he was forced to contribute points to Lin An.

Under Lin An's control, Koret and Lehija each used their fingerprints to unlock the black card interface. The fluorescent numbers showed that one of them had 310 points and the other had 235 points.

Not enough to exchange for [Plant Gold (Large)].

After thinking about it, Lin An clicked on the detailed interface of the two exchange items respectively, and found that one of them had a stock of 1, and the other had a stock of 5. This may mean that there is no such thing as [Plant Gold (Large)], and it was broken into five pieces. , redeem together to enjoy discounts.

A bit of hallucination to spell Xixi...

Putting aside the messy thoughts, Koret and Laishia's points could only be exchanged for four pieces of plant gold in total. Lin An simply used up his points and exchanged all the plant gold in one go.


The green light burst out, the signal was transmitted to the locker breath by breath, and a grid protruded outward.

Laixia slowly opened the cupboard door with lead-filled steps, and took out the black box containing plant gold. As Lin An expected, she opened the lid and found five similar-sized, dark blue, slightly moist hard pieces inside. things.

Lin An thought, and the system displayed its panel.

[Name]: Plant Gold, Philosopher’s Peat, Golden Wine

[Rating]: Ghost story D grade

[Radiation value]: 9.5%

[Pollution level]: 100%

[Medium]: Natural Sacrifice

Plant Gold is a natural product made from a blend of gold sand, manure and peat.

Legend has it that alchemists need to choose the most auspicious astrological time of the year to collect this powerful living earth in a special location.

Next, it is repeated seven times by roasting, sifting, boiling, cooling, and drying. The mixture turns into ashes, and the impurities of the plant gold are filtered out. When the "golden wine" inside reaches a perfect state, a blue star floats. on its surface.

In alchemy, plant gold represents the Great Work, the initial decay stage of the Philosopher's Stone, symbolizing the darkness of the unconscious from which enlightenment arises, and refining them also has the symbolic meaning of "getting enlightenment."

This is the power of the foundation of humanity, the essence of one's existence, it is associated with gold and wealth and is the fertilizer for new growth and beginnings.

No matter how well the mystical theory sounds, plant gold is eventually mixed with excrement.

Lin An didn't want to do it himself and asked Koret to take them out.

Koret raised his heavy arm and found that his fingers were turning purple. The hot and cold feeling disappeared, leaving only numbness.

The symptoms of hypothermia are getting worse.

It turns out that Druid sacrifice is such a terrifying and dangerous mysterious technique!

While he felt fear, he couldn't help but feel itchy with hatred.

The Golden Book of Plants is a mysterious item that Corrett applied to the New York Branch from the headquarters!

In the process of using alchemy to refine plant gold, his radiation value is increased, and the effect of mysticism can be further enhanced. He may become the president of the New York branch in one fell swoop.

Who expected that Lin An would take advantage of him!

Seeing the young man's complacent look, Koret barely maintained his consciousness and cursed crazily in his heart.

Even so, you can't take away all the plant gold! Because as an inspector, I have no reason to let you exchange my black card for items!

If you take away something that should belong to me, your identity will be exposed and you will be hunted by the Foundation endlessly!

Prepare to spend this life on the run!

As if he heard what Koret was thinking, a faint smile appeared on Lin An's lips, and he actually stepped away and handed all five plant golds to Koret and Lesia.

The 12-hour druid ritual has been simplified. Do you still think that I need to spend a lot of time performing alchemical rituals to extract the essence of plant gold?

It seems that the source B-level is too weak.

"I'll give you 110 points. Please forgive me for my reckless behavior in Bodehui." Lin An said in a sad and reluctant tone, "Don't embarrass me or your captain anymore, okay?"

"Okay..." The arranged words came out of Koret's mouth, "In this way, we will be clear on both sides."

"You can go." Lesia followed.

While talking about Lin An's lines, the two of them held the black box of plant gold in surprise. They really didn't understand Lin An's reason.

Not for plant gold?

Could it be that he just wants to... kill us?

What good does this do him? Although we had some unpleasantness, we are "colleagues" who belong to the same foundation! It is a direct department that jointly fights against those who refuse to obey the mysteries!

What they didn't know was that Lin An's idea was very simple.

You’ve come here, but you can’t leave New York empty-handed.

Since [Cat Sith] can't be included, I'll include you.

They happen to be two alchemists, and maybe they can be "traced back" to a more advanced entry in my "Encyclopedia of Magic II".

Obtaining the secrets of the two people is certainly one of the goals, but Lin An does not want to give up the plant gold he obtained.

After all, he contributed 110 points.

"See you."

The moment Lin An turned around, an idea flashed through his mind.

"System, search for methods of 'extracting plant gold'."

Thanks to Rong Xiaoshu, Ronin on the Wandering, Book Friends 20210502094609619, Book Friends 150731153227266, Sitting in the Flower Pavilion, Book Friends 20211115145552200, Xiaogushan Orangutan King, Float_tea, Fu Yun, TayaAndrew for your monthly votes. Thank you to all book friends for their recommendations. Tickets and Subscriptions

After dinner, I realized that the scheduled delivery was not clicked... I regret it.

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