World Occult User Guide

Chapter 79 The Thunderbird’s Gaze

"According to the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic II: Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone - The Metal that Creates Life", a solution that meets the conditions was found - [The Art of Transcendence]."

"Do you want to consume the media 'God of Truth' x1, 'Seeker' x1, and 'Lord of Farming' x1 for use?"

The word transcendence refers to the process of extracting qualities from matter, and also has the philosophical meaning of giving ordinary objects "symbols".


The thought flashed, and the dark energy flew out from the golden plant, enveloped Lin An's body, and was attracted by his wand. The metal wand body instantly floated into a black and matte shell.

This is the blackening stage that alchemical items must go through, representing the death and destruction of the old to make way for new spiritual growth.

Immediately afterwards, the shadow of the messenger between heaven and earth rose from the top of the snake staff, and the black crow flapped its wings and flew into a gem.

The alchemical raven represents the darkening nigredo, which legend has it to mean the prophet of hidden truth or unconsciousness, the original darkening and decay that initiates the process of the Great Work.

As the crows merged, the staff returned to its golden color.

An alchemical symbol appears in the stone that the raven has sunk into. Two three-sided rectangles overlap in 3D imaging, but are not linked to each other. The front rectangle extends outward at right angles from the middle left side, while the rear rectangle extends from the left The top of the side crosses a line.

Air spirit?

One of the five elements known as the Philosopher's Stone, the spirit of the air often reconciles people with spirits, allowing them to give true answers and concoct medicines with magical effects.

Permanent colors and tones, fixed in flux.

The system announced the success of the occult technique.

"Through the use of mystery, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 0.2%."

"Through alchemy, you refine the essence of [Fragment of the Philosopher's Stone III - Plant Gold] and merge it into [Fragment of the Philosopher's Stone I - The Five Matrices of Paracelsus]. The illustration has been updated .”

[Name]: Fragments of the Philosopher's Stone

[Rating]: Legend C level

[Radiation value]: 18.4%

[Pollution level]: 0%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

Radiation values ​​increased.

Five pieces of Guitaan D-grade plant gold, converted into approximately 7% of the legendary C-grade radiation value?

Waste should also be eliminated, after all, the system broadcasts "the essence is extracted".

Lin An glanced at the wand on his waist. At first glance, there was nothing different about it, so he activated the energy, and five gems surrounded the wand.

The remaining four are still the same, but the blue gemstone has become deeper, more intense and refined, as if it transcends dimensions and is as transparent and light as air.

His sixth sense told him that as long as he activated the blue gem at this moment, the air flow would not only become more violent, but also become more controllable, as if he and Lin An were one and the same, inseparable from each other.

Maybe you can try using its airflow to fly into the sky.

Looking away with satisfaction, Lin An walked straight out of the exchange warehouse, not forgetting to give the two final orders.

——Die in a place where you won’t be easily found.

When Lin An's back disappeared, the two stood blankly for a long time, walking into the elevator with almost frozen legs. As soon as they raised their hands and pressed the button in the lobby, a strange call came, and their fingers couldn't help but choose to press the button. Direction to the fifth floor.

Following the sound, they walked into the first-level control room.


The black card swiped open the door, and the simple God of Creation stood quietly in the glass vessel. The restraints tied his body tightly, revealing only a little of the color of the painted logs.

The symptoms of hypothermia are severe and the body collapses.

Before losing consciousness, the two hugged each other. For some reason, they were vaguely aware of the gaze of the simple, primitive and noble local god.

There is no indifference of the gods of the West Continent, no compassion of the gods of the Central Continent, no viciousness of the gods of the Lower East Continent, and no cunning of the gods of the South Continent.

Thunderbird's eyes were calm and selfless.

It was as if I had watched their deaths a million times before.


When the system beeps rang in Lin An's head, he put on his newly purchased swimsuit and enjoyed an ice-cold cocktail and nacho guacamole in the hot springs at the new York facility.

Oh, those two alchemists are gone.

Lin An expressionlessly drank the tropical style Pina Colada and listened to the system's cold list of dish names.

"The entry "People who progress to become masters through learning II-Magic Expert" has been included. You have obtained the media 'Judge' x4 and 'Lord of Dreams' x2."

"The entry "People who progress to become masters through learning II-Mysterious Sisters" has been included. You have obtained the medium 'God of Farming' x3, 'Mother of Desire' x1, and 'God of Truth' x2."

What a great media harvest.

Putting it aside for the time being, Lin An picked up the corn chips, dipped in the creamy and delicious guacamole, and continued reading the research information on [Thunderbird].

Michigan codename Alpha-001, [Thunderbird], was found in Niagara Falls. The radiation value was too high to be calculated, and the pollution level was about 80%.

This individual is a "natural sacrifice" with a predicted source rating of B. The energy radiated outward is suspected to have a fatal attraction to the same medium, and has even induced the awakening of an ordinary person. Therefore, mystics from the same medium are prohibited from approaching the individual.

Below is a more detailed test numerical report.

Material testing...anti-impact ability...reaction level...

An hour after reading the report, Lin An put away his mobile phone and was about to go back to the dormitory to rest, when he bumped into a serious-looking Simon.

"I just received the news. You have to come with me to confront the department, Lin."

"What's wrong?" Lin An asked in surprise, "I thought there were no plans for today."

"Someone died in the isolation room of [Thunderbird]. You also know them, the two brothers Correia and Lesia. The cause of death is unknown. They are suspected of being attacked by mysterious magic above the myth level."

"Really?" Lin An was so frightened that he almost couldn't hold his phone steady. "Aside from [Thunderbird] and the captain, is there a third person with such a high rating here?"

"It's just a preliminary guess. Selina is a legendary 'knowledge seeker', but she can't get any clues about the murderer from the corpse, so she is suspicious." Simon reassured, "Anyway, thank you for coming."

Different from the daytime, the door they entered this time was on the first floor. The thunderbird statue that had to be looked up at came into view, and the simple and primitive tribal god stood majestically.

The short-haired female captain and several members of the direct-facing department gathered around the body and kept talking to the civilian staff through remote devices.

Lin An didn't expect Koret and Lesia to die here.

It was originally thought that the two of them would leave the foundation facility and drive to a place outside Long Island. Anyway, it was not their first time acting alone. If nothing else happened, they would lie down in the dormant warehouse. That way, when the body was found, it would be at least a day later, and Lin An would be gone. Leaving New York.

The accuracy of Druid Priest's "cloud control" is too low.

[Thunderbird]'s isolation room is under strict surveillance 24 hours a day. Where is the "undiscovered place"?

Lin An was called over to confront the corpse before he even had time to create an alibi.

A little troublesome...

Hearing the sound, the female captain raised her head.

"Lin, you're here. I have something to ask you."

It's time to put your acting skills to the test.

To all you Ann Arbor University art professors, I'm counting on you.

"You shouldn't be doubting me, right?" Lin An took a deep breath and pointed at himself in surprise.

"Not really. As the last person they saw alive, I'm curious what they said to you."

Lin An recounted the conversation in detail. The female captain confirmed with the civilian staff on the other end of the communication equipment and scratched her head in embarrassment.

"You actually vented your dissatisfaction with the foundation in this way. I will write it into the report afterwards, and the headquarters will give you some points as compensation soon."

"When did they die?" Simon asked calmly, "Lin was in the lounge on the fourth floor not long ago."

"Not sure. The residual energy that killed them hindered the autopsy. At least the surveillance video captured them entering the isolation room half an hour ago. The civilian staff thought they came to routinely check the status of [Thunderbird] until they stood against the wall for too long. That’s when I felt something was wrong.”

"Ah, we parted ways not long ago..." Lin An said proactively, "Although I curse them to die in my heart, I can't really kill people! I'm not a spirit spirit!"

"Don't be excited, Lin. We are both legendary. If you really did it, my mysterious technique would have locked you. It's just a little strange, why did they die in the isolation room?"

"The one who killed them was the mysterious person who was the medium of 'natural sacrifice'." Simon said.

"Captain Simon, what did you find?"

"These are also mysterious items of natural media." Simon gestured to her to look at the remaining plant gold residues in the box. They exuded an unbearable stench. "After extraction through alchemy, they are transformed from metal to another form."

"The corpse is holding plant gold..."

"I read in the report that [Thunderbird] seems to be particularly fond of the 'natural sacrifice' medium, whether it is a mystical person or a mysterious object." Lin An intervened.

"You mean, too much [Plant Gold] was refined at once, which caused the Thunderbird to have an inexplicable attraction to them, unconsciously walked to the isolation room, and was killed by strange means?" A New York man Talk to the members directly.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." The female captain frowned, "Except for Thunderbird, there is no third person in this organization who is rated more than a legend, and the medium is the mysterious person of 'Natural Sacrifice'."

"Whenever I think I have obtained enough information from [Thunderbird], it can always tell us with actual power - the gods are by no means an existence that can be analyzed in a few words." Another person said with lingering fear.

"Oh, the source level is really scary." Lin An rubbed his hands.

The female captain sighed: "It is indeed the highest rating currently on Titan, and the 'statue' above it... There are currently no sighting records anywhere in the world."

"By the way, do you think the Thunderbird -" a member of the direct-facing department pointed at the statue, "is a little shorter?"


After hearing this, the employees followed their fingers and found nothing strange with their naked eyes.

Only Lin Anru's pupils shrank sharply when struck by lightning.

System data shows that in just a few hours, the pollution level of Thunderbird dropped by 3%, while the radiation value increased by 0.5%.

Pollution levels – converted into radiation values?

I go……

Just now, Lin An's scalp went numb for a moment because he was madly diverting trouble to others because he was mute.

Thunderbird must be angry!

Thanks to book friends 20181014211133424, Extreme Wither, and Sing Every Night 9 for monthly passes. Thank you to all book friends for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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