World Occult User Guide

Chapter 80 Golden Dawn

Everyone in the Foundation couldn't see the panel of the Thunderbird, and they vaguely felt that its appearance had changed.

"If my feeling is correct, the [Thunderbird] wood carving has more rounded edges and corners..." Simon said hesitantly, "This is probably why you think it is 'short'."

Looking directly at the department members, it is indeed true. Compared with the previous photos, the Thunderbird's head, wings and body have been carved several times more, and the green knife skills make it more lifelike.

Although there is no actual measured data, the mysterious person feels that this may be a sign of declining pollution levels.

In the oppressive silence, the female captain made the final decision.

"We must send it to the headquarters as soon as possible and then put it in New York City. I'm afraid it will cause a catastrophe one day."

After leaving the first-level control room, Lin An followed Simon back to the rest area.

The facility has prepared special dormitories for several guests who have come from afar, and there are usually almost no employees to disturb them.

There was no one around, so Simon turned to Lin An, who was in a daze.

"Lin, are you honest this time?"


Lin An was still immersed in the shock of Thunderbird converting pollution levels into radiation values, and was having a heated discussion with the system on what method it used, when he suddenly heard Simon's question and couldn't help but be startled.

Quickly changing his mood, he said eagerly: "To tell you the truth, Captain, not really."

"I guessed it. If it is not necessary, you will never say anything completely sincere. Tell me, what did you hide from Captain Selina?"

Lin An pretended to be embarrassed and coughed a few times, then took out the wand from his waist. This mysterious item was rated as legendary. As long as it was used in battle, Simon would always notice that something was wrong. It was better to take the initiative to explain it earlier.

"Its energy... is more intense." Simon discovered it as expected.

"I was really angry. While the two guys were sighing around the plant gold, I approached the black box with my wand without leaving any trace, and used alchemy to absorb part of the energy stored in the plant gold."

Lin An waved his wand, and just as he was about to activate his energy display, Simon repeatedly stopped him.

“Don’t vandalize other people’s office buildings.”

"I know." Lin An put back the wand, "Anyway, I didn't know that they would die within an hour of being separated from me. I'm afraid that Captain Selina will think that I indirectly killed them."

"The following is my guess." Simon pondered for a moment, "Korete and Lesia studied the incomplete plant gold. The pollution level increased and they were in a trance. Because the exchange warehouse and the Thunderbird's first-level control room were too far apart, Recently, two people died after being bewitched by thunderbirds."

"Captain, you understand me." Lin An nodded vigorously,

"It's not your fault," Simon said. "I'm glad you told me what happened. But next time, I hope you'll contact me before taking action. There are always gentler ways to resolve conflicts, Lin, although these methods Mostly exhausting.”

Lin An made an "OK" gesture, bid farewell to Simon and returned to the room.

The shock of the Thunderbird's numerical changes was still lingering in his heart, so Lin An forced himself to put it aside.

After all, if you ask the thunderbird now, it is neither possible nor possible for it to tell Lin An the truth personally.

Opening the panels of Koret and Lesia, Lin An carefully read the green data.

Two E-level mystics with strange stories.

Speaking of which, the mystery ratings of the members of the Inspectorate are generally low. For example, Reagan, the captain of the four-member team, and his "Dark Watcher" are also E-class mysterious monsters.

People with too high ratings, such as Lin An, have almost never heard of the name of the inspection team since joining.

However, the president of the Ditri City Foundation who made the black bondage belt is not a low-level person. According to Lin An's guess, he is somewhere between myth and legend.

Is there a way for the headquarters to change the existing ratings?

This reminded Lin An of Cardenas, who once said that Doris could determine the spiritual medium through which ordinary people would awaken.

Turning back to the panel, Adept is the title of an alchemist in the modern Eagle Kingdom. It refers to a person who possesses secret knowledge and is enlightened by the guidance of the gods.

They are proficient in at least one form of magic, refining, divination, psychic powers, communication with spirits, etc.

Compared to the ancient Western alchemy, Adept is more like a modern pursuit of mysticism, similar to the relationship between the Savior and Mormonism.

Due to technological developments, modern alchemy focuses on changing the laws of matter rather than literal transmutation.

The transformation of metals is a secondary pursuit, or even a by-product of spiritual pursuits. Adepts long to become Hermetic ideals, so the knowledge they value is about self-perfection, which is a necessary part of communication with God. .

The male is called Artifex and the female is Soror Mystica.

The effective priority of the D-level mysterious spell in Guaitan is too low, and it has little effect on Lin An now. The only good thing is that the two mysterious items have the same meaning and can be "traced to the source."

After thinking for a moment, Lin An ordered the system.

"Trace the two entries of "The Man Who Progressed to Become a Master through Learning II" to their origins."

"Through tracing the origin, you got the entry "Those who progress to become masters through learning I-Golden Dawn", and the new illustrated book has been unlocked."

The Golden Dawn is the next title for adepts and the most advanced initiates of modern alchemy. Their goal is "the regeneration of Titan and its race". Based on this, they know a spell that changes the laws of physics.

The mysterious arts that the two brothers are good at are all related to [gravity]. After tracing their origins, their abilities become more intuitive.

[Name]: Golden Dawn

[Rating]: Disaster Level E

[Radiation value]: 0%

[Pollution level]: 0%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

Entry has generated a brand new entry...

The original four abilities of the two people were merged into two, and their ratings were improved.

Koret's mysterious technique is called [Extra Weight], which consumes the medium 'Judge' x2 and puts an additional 3 times the gravity that an individual bears on others.

And Lesia's is called [Escape from Gravity], which consumes the medium 'Lord of Farmers' x1 and 'Dreamer' x1, and removes the gravity of itself or any target, allowing them to float in the air briefly, ignoring gravity, as if entering. Outer space.

"Can this entry be incorporated into "Encyclopedia of Magic II"?" Lin An asked.

"Unfortunately, modern alchemy and ancient alchemy have different emphases and cannot be merged."

The system's answer shattered Lin An's beautiful imagination, and he missed the cat Sith singing and dancing on the stage.

If only she had been the original entry.

The thoughts in his mind turned into reality. Early the next morning, Lin An unexpectedly bumped into the yawning cat Sith in the corridor.

The makeup on her face was completely washed away, revealing an ordinary and fair face. Only the two soft cat ears danced, proving the identity of the mysterious person.

"Oh my god, why are the mysterious people in New York losing control every day?"

Lin An slid to the side of the corridor and entered a series of passwords for the emergency button. He was about to sound the alarm when he heard the cat Sith impatiently "tsk".

"See clearly, I have been recruited." She took out her black card, "I received an email yesterday, saying that if you are willing, you can join the foundation's face-to-face department after passing the newcomer training. A bunch of people are rushing to sign up, and I Just one of those things."

Lin An was slightly startled.

This is not like the foundation style he is familiar with!


In the reception room at night, several captains from the direct-facing departments gathered together.

"This big trouble has finally left New York." A captain said, "Since taking control of the Thunderbirds, our facility has lost all members of the inspection team."

"Although they are powerful and can still communicate with the headquarters, I always feel..." Another captain touched his chin, "It's very uncomfortable to act under their noses."

"Hush, be careful what you say and do."

"It's still a little strange." The first captain changed the topic, "Ever since the mysterious person who banned the natural sacrifice medium approached the Thunderbird, people who faced the same medium in the department claimed more than once that they heard strange calls in their sleep, but they never controlled it. Rush into the isolation room."

"I remember it happened once before." The female captain suddenly said.

"Do you mean……"

"The mysterious man from the 'Natural Sacrifice' who was seriously injured during the mission and died in vain after resuscitation." The female captain said, "He was clearly on the verge of death that day, but he dragged his body and tried to stand up. Several nurses worked together to stop him. Now think about it, could he have received a summons from the Thunderbird?"

"Do you suspect that the two of them were fatally injured long before they were attracted by the Thunderbird?"

"I'm not sure." The female captain said, "The most unimaginable thing is that they hurriedly refined the [Plant Gold] as soon as they got it. Although Koret has always been eager for quick success, this is too impetuous."

"Speaking of which, the man from the Dragon Country from Ditli City... is also an alchemist."

"There should be no direct connection between Lin and the two deaths." The female captain shook her head, "He is a 'knowledge seeker' medium, and he is legendary. He cannot hide it from me."

"I guess he either unconsciously or consciously played a role in fueling the situation. After all, he was the last person to see Koret and Lesia, and he does not belong to the New York branch."

"Should this be reported to the inspectorate?"

Just when several people were looking at each other, the phone in the living room rang. When the female captain answered it, the civilian minister asked them to go to the president's office immediately.

The president was not in the facility, so this request sounded a bit ridiculous, but because the civilian minister repeatedly emphasized the urgency, the captains had no choice but to go to the top floor.

What awaited them was a remotely connected projection video.

"Stop investigating the cause of death of Coret Fello and Lysia Fello, just blame [Thunderbird] for everything."

"Ah, you are..." The captains looked at each other, "Isn't it convenient at the headquarters?"

"Ask less questions and listen to me carefully. We don't have much time." The person on the other end of the video said, "While all the members of the inspection team are wiped out, I have a task for New York..."

The captains' faces became more and more shocked as they listened to the familiar yet unfamiliar buzzing sound.

Thanks to WhereOceanGo for your monthly tickets, and all the book friends for your recommendation tickets and subscriptions ~

I have been a little busy at work recently and have exhausted my manuscripts. I will update a 4000 chapter tomorrow at 18:09 pm, which is the end of the city of New York and the beginning of the Virginia wilderness~

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