World Occult User Guide

Chapter 81 Going deep into the central part

In fact, Lin An has always been curious about the standards for control and recruitment.

One of the conditions for recruitment must be the degree of pollution. A person who has lost his mind cannot become an employee.

In Ditry City, after observation by the research department, a few mysterious people who are willing to sign foundation contracts, mediators and relatively gentle personalities are occasionally selected from the third-level control wards to join the direct contact department, and the rest will be unified after a period of time. Transfer to headquarters.

Nominally, this is to facilitate research, treatment or persuasion. In fact, no one around Lin An could explain clearly the classification standards of the headquarters.

According to Cardenas's last words, some of these mystics became "commercial products."

But it cannot be said for sure. Simon was the third-level control mysterious person who was handed over to the headquarters. As a result, he not only returned to Ditry City safely, but also learned how to suppress the level of pollution and became one of the captains of the control team.

In any case, it was impossible for St. Anilov to send an email to everyone who controlled the ward, inviting them to join, not even excluding the cat Sith, the "War Emperor" medium.

Isn’t the foundation afraid of losing money?

Two completely different thinking logics, as if there were two people in power in the headquarters, Lin An felt the undercurrent inside the foundation.

The unexpected discovery gave him a sense of urgency, but it was not as intense as life and death.

Lin An has no affiliation with the foundation. He is just looking for a safe haven to increase the radiation value. When the system walks away like the Thunderbird in the Eagle Country, he does not need to care about Beta-004's wanted order. If he wants, he can just become Alpha- 002 is no problem.

"Well, it's a pity that you can't go back to Bodehui." Lin An said.

"Even if I go back, it's impossible for the troupe to accept me again." Cat Sis rolled his eyes, "Besides, I understand that there are always talented and qualified beasts like you in the entertainment industry."

"Are you giving up the stage?"

"How is it possible! One day, my poster will appear in Time Square as the chief director." Cat Sith raised his lips, "Now, 'Comes' looks like a bigger stage, and I He is actually gifted, so why not take advantage of the opportunity to show off his talents?"

She thought it was reasonable. Lin An glanced at the time on his phone and saw that there were only two hours left before departure.

Forget it, spare her life.

I'm not Conan. It would be too conspicuous to see one dead person.

"I wish you success in passing the newbie training."

"Hiss..." Cat Sith felt a flash of killing intent, shook his ears, and left quickly muttering, "Damn, I feel scared every time I see him."

Despite the unknown death incident, the research department worked overtime all night and detected that the pollution level of [Thunderbird] was reduced by about 1~2%. Fortunately, it was still unable to act.

The move was two hours later than scheduled, and it was finally loaded into the special isolation room of the RV.

After repeated tests through the glass, it was confirmed that the Thunderbird was tightly wrapped in restraints and motionless. The New York Foundation informed the group that they could set off.

The steel partition was raised, and the ship from Long Island to New York was opened and lowered. Lin An stayed in the dark cabin for three hours. The RV started moving again and they sailed across the East River.

The wheel was open with its back to the sun, and the setting sun shone in through the glass.

Just after leaving New York City, it was still snowing lightly in the northern part of Eagle Country. Simon held the steering wheel and drove at full speed, quickly rushing out of the city limits. The lights outside the window went from tens of thousands to single digits, and finally all disappeared.

The endless flow of cars on the road became sparse. A young man on a motorcycle sped past, his scarf flying in the evening breeze. Several farmers beside the road led their dogs and rang their bells to drive herds of cows home; they They all looked at the magnificent RV with strange eyes.

The sun finally sets and the stars are shining brightly.

"We're sleeping in the car tonight," Simon told several team members.

"Let me drive at night. I'm a night owl." Mi Xi volunteered.

Lin An was not used to the wandering life. Listening to the even breathing of his companions, he huddled in his seat and browsed the World Tree Forum and various social media, barely closing his eyes until three o'clock.


The roar of the train pierced the night sky, waking up Lin An, who was not yet asleep. He lay beside the window. In the hazy morning light, the roadside was verdant and attractive.

The fine snow stopped unconsciously, and the vast and beautiful forests replaced the busy cities. The circuitous green scenery continued to extend forward, divided into irregular areas by creeks.

"We have entered the middle of the Eagle Country," said Michie, who was driving. "A few hundred miles further, we will reach the border of Virginia."

Dark blue road signs flashed by, showing the miles out of reach of San Francisco.

It was difficult to fall asleep after waking up, especially when the car was driving bumpily. Lin An quietly played with his mobile phone, and Mi Xi was afraid of disturbing the other two people, so she drove more than ten miles in silence.

Around eight o'clock in the morning, she parked her car at a gas station.

"Where are you?" Simon took off his blindfold as if aware.

"Eat breakfast. I'm starving."

Barry stretched, woke up from the back seat energetically, and said, "I'll drive in a moment. Do you want to refuel the car?"

So he was sent to refuel. Lin An followed the familiar Yingguo people to the fast food restaurant of the gas station and unfolded the reflective menu. The changes in the food reminded him that he had left the diversified, modern and international metropolis. .

Breaded and fried pickled asparagus, fried green tomatoes, possum buns drizzled with oil sauce, and oil-soaked pheasant meat sprinkled with various spices.

In addition to hamburgers, fried chicken and cola fries, this is another type of local Eagle-style dish.

Lin An couldn't get used to greasy breakfast, so he ordered a chicken salad. The store paired it with a glass of ice juice. He swallowed the cold leaves and missed the steaming pancake and fruit shop downstairs in high school.


After finishing the salad in a few random bites, Lin An plugged in the electricity at the gas station, boiled a pot of water, and poured it into the thermos. It exchanged temperature with the winter morning, and the fleeting water vapor filled his eyes.

After about an hour's rest, the RV set off again, running along the flat road.

The sun is rising in the distant sky, the sky is glowing with purple light, and the pale golden clouds are changing, illuminating the gradually awakening distance.

The forest on the hillside is lush and green, and the ground is covered with dead leaves and strange rocks of different shapes.

The gas station was left behind until it disappeared. Mi Xi was fast asleep in the back seat. Barry's driving skills were more stable than her and Simon. Lin An yawned and fell asleep.

This continued for three days, with the miles to San Francisco becoming fewer and fewer, and the group was about to cross the state of Virginia.

The central part of Eagle Country has beautiful and pleasant scenery, with rolling granite hills, moist riversides with shadows of trees, and farmland surrounded by rough stone walls. However, it is a poor and dilapidated place.

The mobile phone signal always jumped between 5G and 4G, and the video could not be loaded. Recently, it finally changed to 3G, forcing Lin An to say goodbye to the Internet completely.

The intermittent cold food and the days and nights of insomnia gave him a splitting headache. He just wanted to lean on the back seat every day, occasionally chatting aimlessly with the system, and wasting away the rest of the time.

It seems that the farther you get from New York, the slower your thinking becomes.

The scenery of Virginia is pleasant, and the ancient woods are a green and furry color.

"Simon, you're speeding! You're driving too fast." Barry's voice came from the front seat, "The speed limit here is 75 miles, and you're almost driving 100 miles."

"Don't worry, man, I know what I'm doing." Simon said happily, "You must go to the highway in Glemagnia when you have time. At that time, I was driving at a speed of 110, and cars kept passing me. .”

He and Mi Xi, two racing monsters, almost tortured Lin An into a human shape.

With two dark circles under his eyes, Lin An slumped in the back seat. There was no signal on his mobile phone, and he didn't dare to look at the scenery passing by outside the window. He could only stare at the glass in front of him in a daze.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly jumped out from the side of the path and stood steadily in front of the RV.

Gujing Wubo's gaze ran into Lin An's cloudy eyes.


He almost jumped out of the back seat.

"Captain, stop the car!"


Although Simon was puzzled, he still stepped on the brakes, and the RV came to a screeching halt on the deserted road.

"What's wrong, Lin?" Mi Xi, who was sleeping, also looked over.

"Our car seems to have hit something just now." Lin An opened the door and said, "I'll go down and take a look."

Barry and Simon looked at each other, and the former said: "We didn't see it. Lin, wait for me."

The two checked every corner of the RV back and forth, but found nothing, not even blood or animal traces. When they returned to the car, Barry spread his hands and Simon frowned.

"Child, have you been confused recently?"

"I clearly saw..."

"Maybe it's an armadillo." Mi Xi helped him out. "When I used to travel by car with my family, I often played a game of guessing the carcasses of animals on the roadside."


Simon restarted the car, and the scenery receded again. Lin An lay on the back window and looked back reluctantly. There was nothing on the road, neither animal corpses nor that strange shadow.

What was that thing that just disappeared?

Am I really hallucinating?

"Poor kid, you are not good at road trips." Simon sighed, "The foundation has some investments in a city called 'Akon'. We will try to drive there tomorrow night and contact the Virginia branch to make a reservation. Motel.”

"Keep talking about your driving game, Mi Xi. It can also divert Lin's attention." Barry answered.


Lin An, who looked pale, returned to his seat and listened to Mi Xi chirping.

"Everyone chooses an animal and counts the number of times its killed corpses appear on the road. Different animals have different scores according to their rarity. For example, hares, pigeons, and squirrels are worth 1 point, and armadillos, opossums, and raccoons are worth 5 points. Wild deer are 10 points.”

"If it were me, it would probably be a deer," Barry said.

"When we finally arrive at the destination, the person with the lowest score has to drink a large glass of ice hockey whiskey." Mi Xi giggled, "My brothers and sisters and I have played the game no less than ten times, and we always choose possum. So far. I haven’t lost yet!”

Listening to her laughter, Lin An felt a little relieved and left the weird shadow behind.

The sun was setting in the west, flying insects were buzzing in the air, and the deep river was gurgling.

The river water dyed red by the setting sun formed a delta, like a snake and a graceful dragon flying around the deciduous forest, rushing and rushing, Simon suddenly stopped.

"Is it my turn?" Mi Xi was eating the few snacks left in the car. "Captain, you are tired very early today."

"No, it's just that the map can't be loaded." Simon pointed to the navigation, "How are you doing?"

"About half a day ago, my mobile phone lost signal." Lin An said, "The icon in the upper right corner switches back and forth between 2G and none. The network cannot be opened, and even calls and text messages cannot be received."

"The link here is indeed a bit poor." Simon pondered for a moment, repeatedly confirmed that no one was around, and suddenly opened the car door and flew into the sky. "I'll find some signal and download the map."

Several people in the carriage almost stared out of their eyes.

You can still play like this! ?

They got out of the car at the same time, and Lin An shouted at Simon, who was holding his mobile phone high in the air.

"Captain, how's the signal over there?"

"It's not bad, the download speed is about tens of MB per second."

"Okay, I'm going to heaven too!"

Simon's eyes widened and he quickly scolded: "No, just one person. A group of people would be too conspicuous. What if we are photographed as a UFO!"

"I don't care, I want to surf the Internet!" Lin An said like a ghost. "I eat one meal every day and sleep for no more than four hours. I can't stand it. Don't deprive me of the few pleasures I have!"

"It's been 24 hours. I haven't posted a bluebird for a whole day! If this keeps up, my followers will think I'm dead!" Mi Xi said in support.

"Captain, I also want to make a call with my family..." Barry said hesitantly.

Simon held his forehead helplessly, and was about to fly down and pick up the team members, when he saw Lin An waving his wand, and the increasingly fierce air flow rolled up the bodies of the three of them, and they flew upward.

Spirit of air, give me the power of Internet!

After discussing with Simon, light flight was the only wand function that Lin An revealed to his two teammates. He claimed that this was the basis of sword flying.

"The signal here is pretty good. I'm going to play a few stand-alone games to pass the time." Mi Xi watched with satisfaction as all the posts in the draft box were posted, "It's just a bit cold."

"Hey, are you okay?" Barry called and whispered with concern.

"Let's see what new job these netizens have given me..." Lin An just logged into social media and suddenly felt a sight coming from somewhere.

He saw again the animal that was supposed to be killed.

It seemed that all the clouds had turned towards Lin An. Its body was huge, its eyes were holy, and it was spitting out delicious white mist.


Lin An stretched out his hand to touch its face, and an exclamation came out. It turned out that his distraction caused energy disorder. Mi Xi and Barry suddenly lost their balance. Simon quickly flew over and held one in each hand.

"Lin, you really need to take a good rest." He said.

The sun was dim, and the clear stream flowed to the harsh, quiet and unchanging central city of Eagle Country.

The RV drove into Akan City.

Following the email prompt from the foundation branch, the group drove into a larger motel in the city. It was located near the long-distance bus station. On the other side was a withered and brown jungle covered with fallen leaves all year round.

Finally having a place to stay, Lin An carried his suitcase and pushed open the door. An unimaginably shabby room appeared, but at least it had a decent bed.

The nomadic lifestyle really doesn’t suit me…

The honking of buses, the creaking of old wooden boards, and the sound of footsteps upstairs made Lin An anxious and turned over several times, and he fell asleep from exhaustion.

Half asleep and half awake, Lin An encountered a strange animal hidden in the thick fog for the third time.

"It's time, the great Holy Spirit is calling you."

It said this to Lin An.

Thank you to Little Ice and Fire Mage for your monthly votes, and thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions~

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