World Occult User Guide

Chapter 82 The other side shrouded in white mist

Lin An woke up from his dream.

Unlike before, this time he had a profound memory of the animal hidden in the fog. Even after brushing his teeth and washing his face, he could still clearly recall the animal and its words.

“The great Holy Spirit is calling you.”

Lin An told Simon everything about it, and the latter pondered for a moment, guessing that it might be a mysterious person, and asked the foundation branch for the local wanted list.

The files did not record any suspected sightings. Lin An lacked intelligence and information, so he had to stay put for the time being.

Fortunately, he never saw the foggy animal again until he left Virginia.

It was more like a hallucination caused by Lin An's sleepiness.

Near midnight, Lin An was lying in the back seat, and the car made a rumble as it shook.

Closing his eyes, the endless road rushed towards him; opening his eyes, the shadow of the rapidly retreating trees fell on the car.

Simon was still driving and did not change to Mi Xi, because he was approaching Nashville, the capital of Cannese, and he said that Lin An would definitely have a good sleep in the hotel there.

The hazy fog rolled in, and the street sign of Nashville came into view.

The natural scenery was replaced by chimneys, railways, and high-rise buildings. The industrial lights were always bright and clean, unlike the stars that were always bright and dark, which made Lin An feel at ease.

He caught up on his sleep at a chain hotel, connected to the long-lost WiFi, and went to Chinatown to buy a few packages of barreled instant noodles in case he got hungry during the trip.

With no time to explore the beauty of this music city, the group embarked on a journey again.

Cannasee is one of the poorest and dullest areas in Eagle Country, and it also preserves the traces of many native people's actions.

A day and a half after driving out of Nashville, a group of people appeared on the dusty road. They were walking on the roadside, holding hands, and their unusual skin and hair colors proved their identities.

A true native.

Lin An looked through the window behind the car, and happened to meet the gloomy eyes of a group of people.

The figure disappeared in an instant, and Barry's voice came from the driver's seat: "We'd better not stay in these places longer."

"Don't you think they can still eat people?"

"That's not true. I'm just afraid of disturbing their lives."

Lin An curled his lips and just when he turned his head forward, the animal appeared again.


"Barry, stop the car!"

This time, Barry didn't listen to Lin An's words and advised in a gentle tone: "It seems that you are too tired, Lin, please sleep a little longer. If you really can't hold on anymore, we can find a B\u0026B to rest at night."

Lin An reluctantly accepted the suggestion, and it was dusk when he woke up again.

Simon parked the car next to a beautiful canyon. Under the blue sky, the vast forest stretched as far as the eye could see, and ancient rocks were scattered on both sides of the river.

It was at sunset, and the river reflected golden light. Boys in shorts were playing by the river, and young girls were chatting on the wet sand with their bare legs.

The water mist filled the air, and they wiped their half-soaked charming breasts with handkerchiefs, and their tanned skin was looming.

"Here, take a picture of me!"

Michelle made a "yeah" gesture and Barry took her picture, while Simon looked into the distance and stretched out in the fresh air.

While his companions were resting, Lin An put his head on the ground and carefully inspected the chassis of the car.

Sure enough, as Barry said, there was nothing.

After dusting off his clothes, Lin An stood up and said to Simon who was looking at the scenery.

"Captain, I think we should get in touch-"

Before he finished speaking, he froze on the spot.

The companions, the RV, the playing children and girls...all disappeared.

All that remains is the road that stretches to the end of the skyline.

Lin An turned his head. No matter where he was coming or going, the uneven road was filled with mist. There was no car, only forests, wilderness and thunderbirds.


It didn't disappear with the others!

In a strange world, this is the only thing Lin An is familiar with.

The statue of the god stood in the place where it should have been restrained. Unlike the shape of the isolation room, it no longer had any restraints on it, and its rough carvings and plain colors were clearly revealed.

His eyes were fixed on Lin An from nowhere, and he frowned.

Was it the Thunderbirds who did all this?

He said he "can't move".

Foundation, your research department is as unreliable as ever.

"Brother Tongzi?"

"I'm here." The system's cold mechanical voice sounded.

"Can you analyze the current situation and search for a way to 'get out of the predicament'!"

"Unfortunately, no corresponding entry was found." The system said, "You seem to have been hit by a mysterious person using the medium of the 'God of Truth'."

"The God of Truth? Not the Thunderbird?"

Lin An was stunned. Although he often dealt with the God of Truth when using the "Encyclopedia of Magic", he didn't know much about this spiritual medium that was attracted by a neutral mentality.

In addition to behavior, each medium has locked abilities. For example, Lin An's "Knowledge Seeker" is related to information and learning, "Dreamer" can always travel through space, "War Emperor" is linked to inciting emotions, and "Prophet" is full of psychology. hint.

The only mystery of the "God of Truth" included by Lin An is the E-level deep-frozen old man in Guaitan. Because the rating is too low, its mysterious technique has no effect at all.

Blizzards and cold weather.

It's a bit like "making something out of nothing".

Just as Lin An was hesitating, a "dah-dah" sound came from the other side of the highway.

The clear wind blew up Lin An's sleeves, making a hunting sound.

It was an animal that looked like a moose. Its body was huge, each mane was pure white, its two half-meter-long horns were hung with colorful feathers, and its eyes the size of a baby's fist were like gems without impurities. , dark and clear.

It turns out that it is the phantom that Lin An has seen these days.

"Look at me." It opened its mouth, and the sound was only the whining south wind. When it swept past Lin An, the words took on meaning, "Follow me, bipedal creature."

"Do we know each other?" Lin An took a step back, put his finger on the wand on his waist, hesitated for a moment, and finally put it down.

The difference in strength is too big.

The feathers of the moose's antlers fluttered and swayed, and it approached Lin An without any explanation.

No matter how much he urged, the system only had one apology back and forth, and it didn't even mention the [Stars in Me] that made Lin An commit suicide.

I can't even die...

How terrifying is this mysterious person...

Due to its conspicuous appearance, Lin An effortlessly guessed its prototype, and the system affixed the panel to the moose's holy head.

[Name]: White Deer

[Rating]: Source C grade

[Radiation value]: 21.4%

[Pollution level]: 53.4%

[Media]: God of Truth

A native deity on the same level as the Thunderbird?

If it had malicious intentions, not to mention Lin An alone, the moose could not only easily kill his entire team, but it would also not be a problem to destroy the Cannese Foundation.

However, according to the Foundation's information, this mysterious figure has not yet been sighted by any branch of St. Annilov.

He is the first person to come into contact with it.

Even if you can hit a source-level god while driving on the Eagle Country Highway, what else can Lin An say?

What a bloody misfortune!

Damn it, didn’t you mention that the source level is very rare!

Ridiculous and funny feelings flooded into his heart, and Lin An seemed to have returned to the day when he unexpectedly met the [Dwarf Demon].

Could it be that the energy of "Comes" is really like JOJO, where stand-ins attract each other?

"Brother Luzi, at least tell me what happened..."

These were Lin An's last words before he was taken away. Surprisingly, the moose nodded.

It picked up Lin An, who felt light and airy all over. The fatigue and fatigue were swept away. The moose spread out its four strong hooves and dived into the clouds.

Lin An lowered his head. The lonely thunderbird that was left in place became smaller and smaller until only white was left in his field of vision.

Traveling through unknown lands, surrounded by air and drifting clouds, the silence engulfed every sense, but the wind in Lin An's ears turned into a whisper.

"Come and see! See your mission!"

Suddenly, the whole sky gathered around to watch Lin An dance.

"This is the land of the white giant!" The wind blew by his ears.

In the distance to the north, several colorful eagles appeared, flying past like a howling wind, roaring from their noses, leaving only a dark cloud.

"This is the land where the sun always shines!"

Lin An followed the direction of the wind, and a group of small, beaver-like animals came out of the east. Their eyes were like stars at night, shining slightly, tenacious yet weak.

"This is the place to meet!"

This time it was in the south. A group of burly and majestic wild wolves stood in the distance. Within a second of Lin An just seeing them, bad weather struck and destroyed the vibrant scene.

What does it mean?

Lin An was already unsure, but after watching a round of the Riddler's performance, he became even more confused.

Suddenly, he thought of the local legend.

In mythology, the thunderbird in the north did not complete the feat of creation alone. It also had a companion who worked together to create mountains and rivers-the coyote.

It is a representative of the South and a symbol of the power of growth for all things.

In addition, the muskrat in the east brings the flame of wisdom, and the divine elk in the west brings the purifying breeze.

Could it be that the images transformed by the clouds are the three gods who protect nature and life in mythology?

The thunderbird was shrouded in dark clouds, its pollution level intensified, and it was controlled by the foundation; the muskrat's light was dim, but it seemed to shine tenaciously.

Only when it turns south, the wind howls and lightning roars.

If Lin An's guess is correct, the coyote's situation is even more dire than the other two.

What does this have to do with me?

Lin An held his breath and continued to watch the strange phenomenon in the clouds. However, all kinds of birds and animals turned back into clouds, pure white surged, and turned into a tent. The door was a seven-color rainbow.

The moose crashed into the Rainbow Gate, and the fog dissipated, leaving Lin An alone, stunned.

Hundreds of locals sat together in front of them, beating dull animal skin drums, dancing the vigorous sun dance, and singing ancient songs.

"They are about to appear, look!"

"The White Mist Clan is about to appear, look quickly!"

"The animal spirits that protect our ancestors are about to appear. Look!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin An's figure appeared from virtual to real, and the men, women, old and young at the sacrificial ceremony all widened their eyes in unison.

"This is...! The great Holy Spirit...! Really appeared!"

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Different Indian tribes have different versions of myths and creation gods, one of which is used in this book.

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