World Occult User Guide

Chapter 83 Xunlang Tribe

Little Dog Tooth's mother is called White Wolf Woman, her mother's mother is called Refuse to Leave, and the ancestor above her is called Hong Yun. I heard that she once fought alongside Crazy Horse.

Little Dog Ya just turned 18 this year, but she has participated in the same sacrificial ceremony thirty or forty times.

The Xunlang tribe was where she lived since she was a child. People used felled cedar and pine cone trees to form a huge circular fence. The bonfire was burning brightly, and the smell of mutton roasting on the fire hit her face.

The sacrifice began.

At the entrance, a dozen almost naked men wearing traditional sashes rushed in. Their bodies were rubbed with white clay and their faces were painted. They threw the sawdust in their hands into the fire. The flames jumped and swelled. A full dozen meters in height.

The tribesmen sitting around the fire also roared low and beat ancient animal skin drums.

"Dong dong dong..."

The older ones among them stood up, holding a hollow wooden stick about one meter long, with an eagle feather hanging on the end, and danced, roared, and sang around the bonfire, gradually approaching the center.

When they were close enough, the old man stuck the end of the stick into the flames and burned the eagle's feathers, and the stick became a torch, leaving a bright trail in the night.

The next group came in, women dressed in ribbons and silver, carrying a basket containing a bundle of animal skins, placed in the center of a stretched saddle rug.

Sitting on the saddle blanket is Little Dog Tooth's mother, who is the current priest of the Xunlang tribe.

At her mother's signal, Little Dogtooth walked up to her. As the band sang, she waved the feather stick and placed the animal skin on a wooden sculpture with her other hand.

The statue was quite crude, just a straight wooden sculpture with eagle tail feathers on both sides to represent the arms, but Little Dogtooth knew that it was a portrait of the Thunderbird, the God of Creation.

She kept dancing in front of the fire, facing north, praying for plenty of rain and sunny weather in the new year.

The tribesmen sang sacrificial hymns:

The sacred sky spoke to me four times,

The messenger of the sun walks with me,

But I can't see it.

The bearer of the moon rises with me,

travel with me

It's with me, but I can't see it.

"Dong dong dong!"

The priest slammed a wooden staff inlaid with turquoise on the carpet, and the singing came to an end, and she could only be heard speaking in a low voice.

"The gods have opened their eyes! All we have to do now is look for them."

The high priest has been saying recently that God is about to return to people.

In fact, according to legend, since the creation of the world, gods have been living with humans in the form of animals. Legless, bipedal, and four-legged animals all have the shadow of gods.

Therefore, after the baby of the Xunlang tribe is born, he will choose an animal to become the patron saint. The patron saint of Little Canine is a coyote like his mother, and she is also elected by the tribe to become the next priest.

However, Little Canine does not believe in myths like her maternal ancestors. Of course, she still deeply loves the miracles of nature, but it is difficult for her to worship as blindly as others.

If gods really exist, why were the conquerors firing guns hundreds of years ago, and why are the natives no longer the masters of this land today?

Combining the history of blood and tears, Little Dog Ya feels that the traditions of the Xunlang tribe need to be changed.

"We were in the flames, looking for the White Mist Clan; we were in the mud, looking for the Yellow Sand Clan; we climbed up the snowy mountains, looking for the Thunder Clan; and finally we sneaked into the Holy Pond, looking for the Mountains, Lakes and Seas Clan that had protected the tribe for generations. "

The priest waved his turquoise staff and shouted in a hoarse voice.

"The gods are about to appear. Look!"

All men, women and children, old and young, took up cedar bark torches and struck their shoulders and backs with the ends of the blazing torches, striking each other with sparks flying.

They believed that the ritual had divine healing powers and that by striking it with a torch, every organ of the body was reborn.

The fire symbolizing the sun ceremony jumped, and then something incredible happened to the little canine tooth.

The ashes dispersed, the smoke filled the air, and a man walked out.

Not only her, but all the members of the Xunlang tribe were stunned. Even when the flames burned their clothes and hair, they didn't want to look away.

They looked at the young man with bated breath. His appearance was different from any other face in the past. He had a perfect balance of danger and charm. He was both charming and inaccessible. He could not be blasphemed because of the mystery, inducing fanaticism in a forbidden way. desire for adoration.

What made Little Canine even more shocked was that the mother did not hesitate at all and bowed deeply to the young man.

"Great Divine Moose, you have returned here!"

Under the leadership of the priest, other tribesmen bent down to salute the young man. Although Little Dog Tooth couldn't believe it, he had no choice but to join in at this moment.

Not only her, but Lin An, who was being worshiped, was also confused.

Brother Luzi, what do you want from me?

Who are these people? where am I? What am I going to do?

A woman with a wrinkled face stepped forward and spoke in a language Lin An had never heard before.

But without understanding, he could read her directly.

"Please live with us, the incarnation of Lord Shenmi. We need your wisdom and guidance to overcome the next three sacrifices."

Lin An opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak either Chinese or English. His voice turned into a sound of wind.

"So that's it."

At present, the moose could not come in person for some reason, so he kidnapped Lin An from the road and asked him to help these natives complete the remaining rituals on his behalf.

If you had already told me no, we would end it...

By the way, why do you have to choose me?

Moose can be regarded as the most powerful mysterious person Lin An has encountered so far, and he is also the one who puzzles him the most.

The priest leaned next to Lin An, and other tribesmen followed behind, leaving some people to extinguish the flames. The entire Xunlang tribe surrounded Lin An and walked to their residence in the forest.

The houses of the Xunlang tribe are entirely made of cottonwood and juniper wood. Stone surrounds the four walls on the outside. The logs form a dome-shaped roof and are laid on top of this wall.

An open-air hole in the roof allows smoke from the fire at the center of the house to escape, while also allowing light and air to enter.

In winter or rainy days, the natives use a special cover to cover this thing to keep it warm and dry.

People slept on the earth floor, using sheepskin mats, robes or blankets as quilts, with no internal partitions.

The priest led Lin An into the largest house, and three old people followed. Lin An noticed that besides these old faces, an absent-minded young girl walked at the end with her head lowered, peeking at him from time to time.

Once her eyes met, she turned her head pretending not to care, shaking the feather decorations on her head.

The priest's house is furnished with simple wooden furniture and has an open fire pit in the center where heating and cooking are done.

There was also a woman in her twenties in the room, with two children lying beside her. She was Little Dog Tooth's sister-in-law.

After listening to the priest's explanation, the woman asked her younger daughter to give Lin An the wool blanket that was covering her body. She then put her daughter into her arms and covered her and the child with her own blanket.

"Before resting, incarnation of Lord Moose, would you like to eat something?" the priest asked Lin An.

Lin An was quite surprised by their attitude. According to the traditions he was familiar with, believers would never treat "gods" so freely and freely, let alone eating and living with gods. In some areas, even looking at the statues of gods was Not allowed.


Lin An was inexplicably captured by a moose and used as a strong labor force. Lin An hadn't even had dinner yet.

The priest knelt before the bonfire, her pots and pans within easy reach.

The old people who came with a few people also helped. They picked up the dough, patted it with their hands, flattened it, slapped it back and forth, and handed the finished product to the priest, who dipped the stone pot into a pile of fine ash and placed the dough inside.

After a few flips, it took on a toasted color.

The priest handed the baked bread to Lin An.

After taking a bite, the taste of plant ash was not unpleasant, which reminded Lin An of some folk remedies from the Dragon Kingdom to treat diseases.

The priest took down the blackened container hanging on the wall, filled it with water, and began to make the stew.

Taking this opportunity, the young girl moved to Lin An's side and spoke in a lowered voice.

"Who are you?"

Although her pronunciation was very non-standard, Lin An recognized that she spoke broken English.

At the same time, he also regained the ability to speak, so he answered in English.

"I also want to know what kind of creature I am to you. At least for now, my mission is to witness you complete the remaining three rituals."

"Tell me your name." She stared at Lin An with her big calf-like eyes, "My name is Little Dog Tooth."

"Lin An."

"That name won't work, sir," said Little Dogtooth, "but luckily they call you 'Shenmi', so so be it."

An old man handed Lin An wine. The girl stopped whispering, said a few words to everyone, opened the door and left.

The wine glass is flowing with a kind of corn wine called gray water tóibá, which is made by fermenting a large amount of fresh corn kernels in water, and the aroma of grain comes to your face.

The priest also prepared the stew. She scooped the mutton mixed with vegetables into a bowl and handed it to Lin An along with the metal spoon.

"you eat,"

Lin An scooped up a spoonful. The stewed lamb contained potato, wild onion and herb leaf powder, which was uniquely delicious.

It's not much better than a green salad.

The old people had their own dinner. About an hour later, they said goodbye to each other, leaving Lin An, the priest and her female family members behind.

The priest asked Lin to lie down on a wool blanket and sleep next to the bonfire.

The starlight and the bonfire were leaning in this simple house. Lin An watched the woman pick up the child and breastfeed her.

She uttered strange words: "My little one."

Lin An heard that this word literally means "part of me" in Navajo. When talking about it, the woman's face showed indescribable sadness and tenderness.

After leaving the house, Little Dogtooth walked straight into the forest, looking at the stars in the sky, she took a deep breath.

He took out a mobile phone from his pocket and clumsily operated the unfamiliar buttons. There was a beep beep sound, and the little canine hesitantly put the talking metal device to his ear.


"Long time no see, dear partner." An enthusiastic voice came from the other end, "How are you? Have you become a shaman? When can we start the tourism cooperation project?"

Thank you charlin for your monthly pass, and thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions ~

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