World Occult User Guide

Chapter 84 Sand Painting Sacrifice

The people of the Xunlang tribe got up before dawn.

When the woman in the room left, Lin An opened his eyes. In fact, he had not slept all night.

It's not that the bed is uncomfortable, it's mainly because I'm afraid of danger.

Walking outside the wooden house and stretching, Lin An welcomed the early morning light.

The men were lighting wood for the fire, and the women were working together to prepare the tribe's breakfast.

The native tribe maintains relative equality between men and women, but the woman is the real head of the family and the children are named by her.

The tradition of hunting and resisting foreign enemies allows the Xunlang tribe to continue to practice polygamy. Men generally have two to three wives, who are usually sisters.

There is also a special taboo among natives about talking to the mother-in-law. This taboo comes from the mythical story of the first meeting between the serpent and the prospective son-in-law; men overcome this problem by marrying both mother and daughter at the same time.

Women own their own property, such as flocks and looms, while men are more or less idle and are free to participate in singing, dancing, and horse racing games, and usually help their wives and sisters with various tasks.

They have no personal resources except what their wives give them.

Lin An had no intention of criticizing the morality of the local people. The priest brought hot pancakes and stewed wild vegetables for breakfast. While eating, he listened to the various voices of the Xunlang tribe.

"This was exchanged by Vasichu and me." The old woman was weaving a blanket and chatting with her companions. "They are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy transparent stones, but they don't know how to wear turquoise correctly."


Lin An was startled when he heard a neutral female voice coming from the side.

"'Waxichu' refers to people with white skin." Little Dogtooth leaned against the wall. "This is the name of the grandmothers. My mother called them 'neighbors who watch the fire from across the bank', and we younger generations call them by their names directly."

"Oh..." Lin An responded, "Good morning, little canine tooth."

The girl was the only person with whom he could communicate normally. Whenever he met other people, Lin An's voice turned into the wind.

"What kind of high-tech means did you use yesterday to actually walk out of the fire?" Little Fang jumped towards him, "Projector? Disc? Transmitter?"

What a mess.

These words made Lin An even more concerned about Little Dog Ya's identity. Although she was a member of the Xunlang tribe, she not only spoke English, but also knew some patchwork modern words.

"Why don't you believe that I am the incarnation of Shenmi?"

"A god wearing a Maple Leaf Goose down jacket and Adidas sneakers?" Little Dogtooth curled his lips, "Others may not know the famous brand, or think that animal gods can wear anything. Anyway, I think it's quite strange."

Lin An folded his thick coat and frowned slightly.


Why did the people of the Xunlang tribe accept me as the messenger of the moose so quickly when they saw me?

It seems like a group of game NPCs that have already been set up...

The field of vision will change when the radiation value rises, and I came here because of the mysterious magic of the moose. Could it be that only the mysterious person can see my "body"?

Looking carefully at the little canine, her skin is red, her teeth are white, and her facial features are rough. The combination gives her a pure wild beauty. It is not surprising at first sight, but after a few more glances, you can't take your eyes away.

Feeling Lin An's gaze, she stood up straight and lifted her black hair decorated with feathers so that he could see more clearly.

Sure enough, Little Canine also has an aura that is incompatible with Titan, but it's not obvious.

A mysterious person about to awaken?

She may be an important part of the moose's so-called "mission."

"You didn't believe my identity, but you didn't expose me in public." Lin An said tentatively.

"At first I thought you were the person sent by that company." Little Dog Ya muttered, "Unexpectedly, their answers yesterday were ambiguous, and I'm a little... unsure again."

"Company?" Lin An felt that he had grasped the key point.

When an old man saw that Lin An had almost eaten, he approached Lin An well prepared. His sharp little canine teeth were afraid of being heard by him, so he quickly ran away.

The old man bowed deeply and took out a stick of mountain smoke.

"Master Shenmi's incarnation, take it and participate in the sand painting ceremony."

Lin An took the ceremonial pipe, which was a cone-shaped, treated clay product with the aroma of herbs emerging.

Following the old man's footsteps, Lin An came to the bonfire. The members of the Xunlang tribe were holding various musical instruments and looking at him with expectation and admiration.

Observing the priest's expression, Lin An approached the bonfire, the flames danced, and he lit the pipe.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Four strong native men stood up from the four corners, spinning a rope about 3.5 meters long in their hands, with a short piece of whittled wood tied to the end.

As they turned the rope in a circle, the wood and wind reacted wonderfully, and an indescribable primal sound filled the air.

Some women held baskets, grabbed sand of different colors, and scattered the prototypes of totems on the floor.

This is an animal similar to a beaver. Legend has it that after the land was washed away by a flood, the muskrat used clay from the back of the Earth God at the bottom of the sea to reshape the land, and then married the Sun God in the sky, giving the fire of wisdom to all people. Creatures.

When the beaver's sand painting was nearly completed, the priest sprinkled corn pollen on its face and then scattered it in four directions. The tribesmen took the powder with their hands and smeared it near the lower lip.

Lin An also dipped his fingertips into pollen, which smelled slightly sweet. Traditional Chinese medicine sometimes uses it as medicine to benefit the liver and gallbladder, or relieve fatigue.

Some tribesmen played music, others sang hymns.

They sang to thank nature for its blessings—to the mountains; to the trees, shrubs, grass, and flowers; to the sun, moonlight, and starlight; to the clouds, rain, snow, rivers, and fruits of the fields.

Perhaps, if all native religious stories were written down, it would fill a book thicker than the Almighty Book. Hymns and prayers describe the relationship between gods, nature, and humans in detail, but they can only remain in the fleeting moment. In the fleeting fire sculptures and sand paintings.

This time, however, no gods appeared.

The "god statue" of the Huangsha clan allowed the wind to scatter the gravel.

The members of the Xunlang Tribe looked at the sand painting with disappointment until it disappeared, the atmosphere became gloomy, and Little Canine's eyes became darker and darker.

Lin An pondered for a moment, stood up, and everyone's eyes focused on him.

Energy was injected into the wand and a burst of air was raised, making the bonfire beat violently and the dead leaves swirling and flying.

Following Lin An's control, the leaves formed an upward ladder.

The sleeves of his clothes were rustling as he stepped on the fluttering leaves, surrounded the crackling fire, and stepped into the air step by step.

His body relaxed and his knees were slightly bent. Every time he took a step forward, the dead leaves always stuck to his feet, looking like an illusion dancing in the clouds.

The pipe burned, and the smoke obscured Lin An's eyes until he was some distance away from the tribesmen. He waved his hand slightly, and the flames of the tobacco ashes ignited the gathered dead leaves, and the bright light was like the outline of a holly tree joining the campfire.

In an instant, fiery trees and silver flowers led to the endless sky, illuminating the shocked expressions on everyone's faces.

The lilac rising sun was eclipsed by the miracle of fire.

Finally, Lin An stopped at the top of the sky full of sparks, and everyone had to raise their necks hard to see him.

"Two-legged creatures, take courage! My strength will become your strength, and you also need this strength. A beautiful nation is about to travel across the earth!"

These are the dance steps and speech skills that Lin An learned during a day of observation.

No matter what he says, the syllables coming out of his mouth will turn into the sound of the wind that can only be understood but cannot be expressed, as if it is blowing and buzzing from all directions.

Brother Luzi, I must be strong enough.

Stop being the Riddler! Give me some tips!

The Xunlang tribe stared at the young man dumbfounded. After a while, they burst into enthusiastic cheers, revived their drums, and played their instruments harder. They gathered around a huge bonfire with Lin An as the core, and kept shouting.

"The White Mist Clan, lead my way! Master Shenmi, walk with me!"

Not far away, the little canine tooth was holding a feather stick, looking straight at the young man in the sky. His voice and dance steps echoed in her mind for a long time, and she couldn't help but murmur to herself.

"Could he really be a god?"

The sand painting sacrifice came to a perfect conclusion. The priest told Lin An that they would climb the cliff tomorrow to find the two gods who jointly created the world-Thunderbird and Coyote.

The winter night soon fell, and Lin An, who had no timekeeping tools, was walking aimlessly. Next to a stream, he saw the little canine tooth alone.

Hearing the footsteps, the young girl in the tree lowered her head, her long hair falling from her shoulders.

"Lin An, you are a very good sun dancer. Now if you tell me that you came from nature, I am willing to believe it."

"Everyone has long recognized my identity, except you." Lin An smiled slightly, "In a sense, that dance was danced just for you."

Little Canine's green face heated up, and he moved to the side, gesturing for Lin An to climb up.

The wand stirred up the airflow, and Lin An landed lightly on the treetop. Even though the little canine fang was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but widen his dark eyes.

"Your witchcraft is real! It's not an act of technology!"

"After all, I am the incarnation of Shenmi." Lin An smiled, "Little Fangya, I need your honesty."

The locals accept the mystery faster than most city people. The girl bit her lip with her pointed teeth and remained silent for a long time, her expression slightly confused.

"What do you want to know?"

"What is the company you mentioned during the day?"

Little Canine looked around and carefully took out his cell phone from his pocket.

The contrast between simplicity and modernity made Lin An surrounded by a burst of unreal absurdity.

This is a brick phone similar to Nokia, but its hardware has been specially processed so that it can receive signals in deep mountains and wild forests, and it can also be charged using solar energy.

Lin An thought that where there is a mysterious person, there is Saint Annelov. Unexpectedly, the logo on the back of the phone is not the "Tree of Life", but the outline of a familiar city.

Blurred letters read: Zion.

Little Dog Ya said: "About half a year ago, someone from the Wood Group found me and hoped that I would become a guarantor for a company to develop a tourism project in the Xunlang tribe."

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