World Occult User Guide

Chapter 85 Misplaced Time

"'Wood Group'?"

Lin An was stunned when he suddenly heard familiar words.

At Ann Arbor University, this name is like a star. However, since knowing that Doris belongs to an aristocratic family, Lin An feels that the Wood Group behind her should also be one of the aristocratic forces rooted in the Eagle Country.

Since the family is involved, this may not be a simple "tourism cooperation" project.

"How did you meet them?"

"I don't live in the tribe every day." Little Dog Ya said, "Although our place is designated as a protected area, we are not truly isolated from the world. We know which way to the nearest town, and we go shopping every now and then. Some food.”

"That's it."

"I really like those candies, chocolates, and marshmallows. We even tried to connect water and electricity to the house, or build a convenient road to facilitate the passage of cars, but everything failed because of financial problems."

The little canine tooth smiled helplessly.

"People over there believe that we should be 'isolated' from the world. Not only do they not support our move towards modernization, they also cleverly designate a 'protected area'. The elders of the Xunlang tribe also feel that we should not integrate with technology, otherwise the local traditions will no longer exist. Save."

"what are you thinking?"

"Over-protection has turned local people and culture into an interesting subject. People study our lives like the Mayans and talk about it with relish." Little Dogtooth patted his chest, "Look at me, Lin An, I am a living person, we are all human beings! No different from you!"

"Once upon a time, maybe we really lived on the same land." Lin An said.

"Our culture is full of vitality, so I want to find a way to preserve tradition while integrating into modernity." Little Dogtooth sighed, "So when the man who called himself Guy Agnimo told me that he would give me enough When you have more money for reforms..."

"You agreed?"

"Well, but the method he proposed was hard for me to accept. A spiritual journey? That's not help at all. It just wants to market us as special commodities. Because spirituality is not something that needs to be 'owned' like a car or a house. It has to be done since birth. Belongs equally to all mankind.”

Little Canine pressed a few buttons and handed the phone to Lin An.

"He took a fancy to my identity as the daughter of a priest, and kept urging me to replace my mother and take control of the tribe... But I haven't confessed to my mother and other tribesmen yet, and I didn't think about how to balance the two sides. Recently, he has been urging me more and more. It’s getting urgent.”

She did not understand English spelling, and her communication with Guy was limited to the telephone.

Scrolling through the communication records, Lin An found that most of the addresses were from "San Francisco".

Before he had time to think about it, his pupils narrowed and he stared at the time at the top of the screen.

November 29, 2036.

"Little Dogtooth, has the time on your mobile phone... been adjusted for a long time?"

"I have never adjusted it. Firstly, I don't understand how to set it up, and secondly, the way we calculate months is different from the public method." Little Dogtooth tilted his head slightly, "Guy Agnimo told me that this display is The satellite calculates it automatically.”

"But it's not right at all!" Lin An shouted.

"Lin An, you think that we are too backward." Little Dogtooth flattened his mouth unhappily, "At least I know that public education lasts for 12 months."

"The question is, isn't it 2038 now?!"

"2038?" Little Dog Ya was stunned, "It's obviously 2036! You must want to tease me again? Huh, if you do this again, I will ignore you."

Seeing her unpretentious anger, Lin An's heart was shocked.

It turns out that what the moose took him through was not space, but real time!

Time went back!

The power of the God of Truth is not something created out of nothing, but the eternal passage of time!

The moment the RV disappeared, Lin An had already traveled through time and space and returned to November 2036!

For the White Mist clan, the wind of purification cleanses the soul, regains the past, and looks forward to new life.

The mythical prototype of the divine moose is actually related to time travel!

How does this ability to time travel work?

Will there be a paradox?

The specific functions and conditions of the mysterious technique were not yet clear, so Lin An guessed the general context based on what he had seen over the past few days.

Perhaps the moose had already traveled back in time and acted as the true incarnation of the divine moose. Therefore, as soon as the people of the Xunlang tribe saw Lin An, they easily accepted the fact that he was a god.

Since Lin An took over the role of the moose during the time travel, it was unable to show up to explain and guide.

Unfortunately, despite having the ability to travel through time and space, based on Lin An's past experience, the God of Truth will be attracted to "neutral" decisions.

Does this mean the moose can't do anything that affects the timeline?

It can only watch the past and the future repeat themselves over and over again...

Maybe the moose tried to change it, but not only did it not work, but it also led to an increase in pollution levels, and finally gave up.

In this way, the purpose of the moose also came to light. Traveling back in time to the time when the Xunlang tribe held its first sacrificial ceremony, it should be to change what happened next.

What’s special about this tribe…

The real purpose of "Wood Group"...

What exactly is the "mission" that the moose entrusted to me...

Lin An thought of the cloud illusion displayed by the moose, glanced at the confused little canine, and suddenly had an idea, and he suddenly understood.

Only the source level can stay awake under the moose's mysticism. Except for Lin An, Little Dog Ya's reaction proves that she is another source level mystic.

The Xunlang Tribe, the next priest, and the two creator gods known as Thunderbird - Coyote.

At the end of 2036, the star orbit of "Comes" has just approached the range of Titan, and the probability of the mysterious person awakening is almost one in a billion.

At that time, the St. Aniloff Foundation had not yet been recruited by the government. It was still a non-profit organization that used research on superpowers as a gimmick to collect donations from everywhere.

Except for the noble family, no one believes that the power of the myth is about to come true.

The family used the information left behind four thousand years ago to master the absolute information gap.

If the guess is correct, the family was aware of the existence of the "coyote" and had already prepared to appear at a certain sacrificial ceremony. He attacked the little canine first, causing her to almost die. Shrouded, as if dissipating at any time.

Moose hopes Lin An will stop this.

After trying to figure out the whole story, Lin An only had one question left at this moment - why did the moose choose him?

Although he is a source-level mystic who can maintain his sanity in the mysterious magic of moose, he has nothing to do with the native tribe. If Lin An is unwilling to help the little dog tooth, he secretly joins forces with the aristocratic family and directly kills Jiao Jiao. What to do with the wolf?

Although if he really wants to do this, Brother Luzi will definitely show up and teach him a lesson.

It cannot affect events in the past timeline. In reality, it can still destroy Lin An's team in a rage.

Due to the pressure of survival, he had to obey it for the time being.

But what if the family and I are in the same group?

Did the moose investigate me?

Lin An always felt that it had better candidates, such as the thunderbird before it was controlled by the foundation, or the muskrat - the illusion of the clouds proved that it had awakened and recognized the moose.

According to logical inference, the moose should have chosen the local gods who stand on the same front as it, rather than the stranger Lin An.

At least Thunderbird is not the medium of the "God of Truth". If it becomes a phantom that goes back in time, it can move freely without being restricted by "Comoth".

why me?

Is there any reason why I have to do it?

"Are you okay, Lin An?"

Seeing Lin An's head lowered and silent, Little Canine couldn't help but put a hand on his trembling shoulder. Seeing that he didn't resist, he stroked his black hair again.

Lin An grabbed her hand.

"Haha, I understand, I understand everything! To be honest, I'm so good!" He looked into Little Canine's surprised eyes and leaned close to her ear, "Satellite navigation, right? Little Canine, I have an idea …”

The blue sky was dotted with a few clouds. It was early winter, the forest was filled with mist, the temperature was cold, and the dry and yellow leaves were surprisingly thick and crunched when stepped on.

After breakfast, the Xunlang tribe members crossed the path and set foot on a majestic holy mountain.

The leader is Lin An, followed by the priest, followed by a row of old women holding pipes, then children who form a team, and in the third sequence are young men and women from the tribe, followed by Middle-aged men and women, and finally the old man with a cane in the clan.

Their discipline is not strict, and their steps are not even neat, but everyone has a look of perseverance on their faces, which is the light of faith that blows through their eyes.

The air was fresh and clean, and the hillsides were covered with pines, tall and dense, their knotted rhizomes cutting the ground here and there, forming natural trails that made walking over the terrain more difficult.

After climbing for about 30 minutes, the group heard the tinkling sound of the stream.

The tribesmen leaned down and drank from the spring water. It smelled like moss and earth, slightly sweet, cold and clear.

When they set foot on the road again, the mountain roads criss-crossed, and Lin An and Little Dog Ya disappeared.

It was replaced by thicker and thicker fog, and the sun was obscured by dark clouds.


The members of the Xunlang tribe raised their heads. In the thunder and lightning of the dark clouds, they seemed to see the natural operation of the elements. It seemed that there was a black spot like the shadow of a giant bird floating across the holy mountain.

"Thunderbirds show up?"

"Oh, Thunder Clan, we finally found you!"

"May the rain fall on the earth!"

The tribesmen stood on tiptoes and tried to look into the distance, but the black dot did not respond to their calls and flew straight to the other side of the ridge.

"Da da da da——"

The flying black spots gradually became clear in the eyes of Lin An and Little Dogtooth. It was a gorgeous helicopter, and the propellers made a harsh spinning sound.

The hatch opened with a bang, revealing a smiling face with a beard and full of energy.

"I found it! Hi, welcome to Wood Group! Our motto is 'I come, I see, I develop'!"

The man carrying a parachute removed the high-power scope, shouted hello, and raised his right hand high.

The mercenaries in the cabin set up their machine guns and pointed their guns at the two people halfway up the mountain.

The little canine saw the man's face clearly and screamed angrily.

"Guy Agnimo!"

The man made an exaggerated gesture of listening and laughed.

"That's right, partner! Are you ready? Uncle Sam wants you to be enthusiastic every day and stuff your pockets with eagle coins!"

Thank you to the bitter fat sea, the monthly tickets for queuing up for reincarnation, and thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions~

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