World Occult User Guide

Chapter 86 Holy Mountain Helicopter

After saying this, the man raised his hand again and put the high-power lens in front of his eyes.

"Hey, you're the only, two people?"

"Guy, what on earth are you going to do?" Little Dogtooth clenched his fists angrily.

"Dear partner, your work efficiency is too poor. I just want to help you become a great shaman as soon as possible." Guy picked up the loudspeaker and his voice echoed around the Holy Mountain, "Where are the others? You always hide them Now, how can I fake an 'accident'?"


"Anyway, no one knows what kind of cult is brewing in the local area. It's not surprising that there are mass suicides. We can't let the media condemn our company! The stock will fall!" Guy held his chest, "The chairman cherishes feathers very much!"

Little Canine didn't understand what he was saying at all, so Guy sighed and said to himself in a tone of "You don't understand the style."

"The bloodier, more barbaric and ethically violating, the more support there will be. This is what I think. It is too deliberate for the old man to die in the tribe for no reason, and it has no topic. If they are buried in the holy mountain - wow, it is simply sold to Hollywood. A gimmick to make a lot of money!”

It turns out that in the past timeline, Guy was cheating on Little Fang on the phone and got the information that the Xunlang Tribe was about to go to the Holy Mountain to look for gods.

While the tribesmen were climbing halfway up the mountain, Guy tracked the location of the little canine through satellite tracking, and flew a helicopter to shoot at the Xunlang tribe, killing all the natives.

Judging from his tone, I'm afraid Little Dog Ya also introduced the formation of the Xunlang Tribe's sacrifice ceremony - the priest at the front, and the two rows of elderly men and women at the back.

Guy's goals are clear.

Killing the "pedantic" old guy, in order to coerce Little Dogtooth to cooperate with the remaining young tribesmen, and launch a tourism project with the Wood Group to develop the Xunlang tribe into a tourist and vacation attraction.

Since the Holy Mountain is rarely visited and there are no witnesses, the strong public opinion campaign of the Wood Group can take advantage of people's curiosity about the native people and create the Xunlang tribe to invigorate human sacrifices in a civilized society and leave the elderly in the Holy Mountain to nurture the gods.

How ignorant and backward!

At this time, no one cares about the truth. As long as the promotional video is played to a large extent, the live broadcasters of big and small adventures will carry long guns and short guns to conduct on-the-spot inspections to catch a glimpse and attract more customer traffic.

Little Canine is too young and too simple-minded.

Witnessing the tragic death of her relatives and tribesmen, and it was caused by herself, one can imagine her collapse.

Coyote was originally one of the most "passionate and courageous" local gods. Little Canine's awakening was by no means a gentle medium. In addition, he lost his mind and soon fell into madness little by little in the energy of "Comoth".

So the cloud vision of coyote is almost gone.

The timeline of Lin An's life is probably irreversibly polluted.

Guy was not talking nonsense to Little Canine. As he spoke, he directed the co-pilot to contact more helicopters to enter the Holy Mountain to search for the whereabouts of the Xianlang tribe.

He was also a little surprised just now. Xiao Quanya, an idiot who couldn't read or write, actually discovered his plan, parted ways with the tribe in advance, and diverted the firepower.

Unexpectedly, Little Canine refused to cooperate, but Guy had many ways to make her obedient!

"Partner, let's save the surprise until the evening, and give you a meeting gift first! Is this your fiancé?" Guy shouted the first half of the sentence with a loudspeaker, and the second half of the sentence sounded as cold as ice, " Shoot him."

Four machine guns fired in rapid succession, with bullets and fire crackling like fireworks.

"Lin An, be careful——!"

Little Canine had seen the power of guns before, and quickly wanted to pull Lin An to hide behind the tree, but how could a person outrun a bullet?

Before she could grab Lin An's clothes, the first bullet was already in front of her eyes.


As she screamed, Lin An waved his wand expressionlessly, and the violent air flow lifted up the bullets, blowing them off course and hitting the cliff, leaving behind a trail of stone powder.

"The energy of 'Comes'?!" Guy saw it from a distance, and for the first time his face showed shock that didn't seem fake, "There is a mysterious person in such a remote ghost place?"

Lin An nodded to the worried little canine and turned his head. Guy picked up a sniper rifle and fixed the red dot on his forehead.

"Everything is negotiable. Nodding your head means you agree with what I say."

"Sorry, I'm a police officer."

Injecting energy into the wand, the blue gem glowed brightly, and the air current lifted Lin An's body and flew towards the helicopter. Seeing that his attitude was clear, Guy didn't say much, and fired with a ping with his sniper rifle, leaving a trail of rising stars. of smoke.

Lin An frowned slightly as he knocked the bullet to one side as usual.

Use the same method twice?

However, the moment the bullet was knocked away, intense pain penetrated Lin An's mind. His face instantly turned pale and he couldn't help but cover his abdomen.

It turns out Guy is also a Mystic!

"Cough cough cough..."

His internal organs seemed to be torn apart. Lin An coughed a few times and looked down.

The holy light turned into a thick wooden spear and disemboweled him. The top of the sharp wooden stake broke through the soft skin, and the energy that had not dissipated was stained with blood.

This ability activated according to the rules?

It has the same meaning as St. Annilov's binding belt. One prohibits the mystic from using energy, and the other seems to be linked to his "possession".

He was clearly unscathed when he smashed the mercenary's bullet, but as soon as Guy's bullet was shot away, the mysterious technique was activated immediately.

In other words, just avoid Guy's attacks?

"It's a pity that there are too many people who don't listen. There is a way out if you cooperate with me." Guy blew away the smoke from the gun, "I will check your identity later. The flying mysterious man, according to the current radiation value The upper limit is quite rare.”

He had the foresight to close the hatch and hide behind the mercenary.

Because according to family records, many mystics need to be at close range to use mystical techniques to lock targets, and even "face-to-face" conditions must be met.

Without being able to see through the other party's details, Guy, who seems to be passionate and unrestrained, is actually a cautious person who will never do anything unnecessary unless necessary.

"Have you found the whereabouts of the 'Xunlang Tribe'?" He turned to the first officer, "A simple thing has become complicated. There is a high probability that someone will interfere with it. Fight quickly to avoid long nights and dreams."

"Based on reports from the backup team, we're targeting—"

His words were interrupted tremblingly by the mercenary.

"Mr. Agnimo, that catching up again, please give me the order whether to continue shooting!"

"Grandma, don't interrupt when I'm talking!" Guy glared and scolded sternly, "Which person? After suffering a mythical 'punishment', he can still..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin An, covered in blood, appeared from behind and flew toward the helicopter as if nothing was wrong.

"Is he still alive?" Guy's eyes widened, "God of Light, something is wrong, I'll give him another shot!"

As soon as he opened the helicopter door, a creeping feeling of fear immediately crawled up his spine. Guy closed it again with a "snap" and hid in the corner, panting.

It's like the rabbit meets the eagle, the mouse meets the cat!

Guy's sixth sense told Guy that as long as Lin An came close, he would definitely die!

"This guy is actually at the same myth level as me! And the radiation value is ridiculously high! I really hit a ghost today!"

Lin An took back his hand and was only seconds away from performing the Hittite ritual and sending Guy to the west.

The only shortcoming of the Hittite ritual is that it cannot be activated from a distance or through obstructions. Otherwise, as long as it hits, basically no mystic can survive ten seconds under it.

Lin An felt a little frightened as he stroked the healed wound.

He did have a moment of impatience just now, but he didn't expect that Guy was actually a mythical mystic, and the effect of the mysterious technique was weird, and the activation conditions were weird.

But he was curious, would he really die in retrospect?

After all, the moment he was dragged into this place by the moose, he couldn't even use [Stars on Me] to commit suicide.

Even so, Lin An didn't really let himself go and had no backup plan. The moment he was pierced by the wooden stake, the system's prepared mechanical sound sounded.

"According to the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic III: Playing Pan's Flute - The Secret Art of Worship for People Familiar with Oak Trees", a plan that meets the conditions was found - [Sacrifice under the apple tree]."

"Whether to consume the medium 'Natural Sacrifice' x1, 'Seeker' x1, 'God of Farming' x3——"

"Use it quickly, I'm going to die."

In Druid belief, the apple represents regeneration, immortality and fertility, and is the source of all life.

The Celts believed that apple trees grew in the underworld and provided food for the dead during the cold winter months before being resurrected by the goddess Orwin in the spring.

In ancient Ireland, the apple tree was one of only three items that could be used as payment for money, the other two being the hazel tree and the oak tree.

The shadow of a lush apple tree appeared, and its branches surrounded his body. The natural fragrance filled the air, flowing into the wound like spring water, dispersing the tearing white light commandments and healing the ferocious scars.

Lin An obviously felt that he was very reluctant to activate the mysterious technique. He pondered for a while and came to a conclusion.

Since Encyclopedia of Magic III is a legendary D-level weapon, Guy is a mythical one. In fact, the former cannot cover the destructive power of the latter, but Lin An's radiation value is much higher than that of Guy, so the priority is increased.

It was a year ago now, and even the radiation levels of the members of the aristocratic family were very low, and they were no match for Lin An.

"Through the use of mystery, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 0.2%."

After about a minute, the wound recovered as before.

However, the blood stained his clothes, causing irreversible damage to Lin An. He felt a little dizzy, and it was easy to focus his vision, and activated his airflow technique to catch up with the helicopter again.

Because the injury was not healed, Lin An's eyes were shaking, and he was unable to lock Guy with one blow.

"Damn, where did the natives bring reinforcements? Why are they so strong! - Drive faster! Are your hands and feet just for show?"

Looking at Lin An who was chasing after him, Guy in the helicopter frantically urged the captain, while the communication equipment contacted the people on the other end.

"I have no time to worry about public opinion. I am requesting missile support! I suspect that I have met the Xizhou Family - are they on the same page with the Eagle Kingdom? - By the way, Mr. Wood, judging from his appearance, maybe he is the Wang family or Zhao from the Dragon Kingdom. - He is most likely Ji!"


The helicopter's fuselage sank and shook violently.

"You're so gay." Lin An's upside-down face appeared on the windshield, "The ghost is here to kill you, gay."

Thanks to Aoli Xiaai, Rabbit Hair Handbags, and Book Friends 20220823195549707 for their monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions ~

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