World Occult User Guide

Chapter 87 Repeater

Seeing Lin An's blood-covered face outside the window, Guy took a deep breath.

Despite the huge disparity in strength between the two sides, he did not want to sit still and wait for death. He stepped hard on the helicopter with his right foot and stretched out a finger forward.

"All the items in the space belong to the owner of the house. If anyone destroys them, the judge will decide at the same time to take the robber outside the camp and let everyone who sees him lay their hands on his head and tie him with a rope. Tighten his neck until he can't swallow air!"

The spell turned into Hebrew and was written on the outside of the helicopter. Lin An turned a blind eye. The red gem was embedded in the snake head of the wand and hit the windshield heavily.


The glass shattered into a corner, and air poured in, making the faces of the people in the cabin turn pale. Guy's body was completely exposed through the gap.

At the same time, two thick ropes were hung from the gallows and tied around Lin An's neck, tightening outwards and strangling him tightly.


Lin An squeezed the air from his lungs, and a flash of consciousness flashed through his mind.

"The system consumes the medium 'God of Truth' x1, 'Seeker' x2, 'Mother of Desire' x2, use [Blessing to Rabbana]!"

The energy turned into a sun disk inlaid with gold and flew out, shattering into Guy's head. The floating gold turned into a black-gold altar inlaid with gold and gems.

A blanket made of five colors of wool draped over the top of the altar hid Guy's face.

The blessing given to Rabana is a sacrificial ceremony performed by the Hesti people to pray for the favor of the sun goddess and to cure diseases.

They dug a pit and buried a piglet in the fertile earth as an offering to Hades.

After the ceremony, the pig is not eaten.

The Hittites believed that the spirit of the Night Star absorbed its blood and fat from the underworld.

If the blessing ceremony was held solely for one person, then he would say: "Sun God in the sky, take this substitute and let go of my soul!"

Legend has it that his wounds will be transferred, as the power of souls is exchanged from the ritual.

Guy held his head tightly with both hands, and four bronze needles shot into his head from above the blanket, and the other three pierced his heart and two knees respectively.

His mouth was filled with the taste of earth and rust, and his chest seemed to be pressed by the mountains, making a rattling sound and making him unable to breathe.

"You, your mystery...and soul-H-Hittite!"

He could no longer say the second half of the sentence, compared to the physical pain. What was even more torturous was the tearing deep in his soul. Guy completely lost his mind, screamed miserably, fell to the ground uncontrollably, and rolled around crazily.


Blood flowed from his seven orifices, and his blurry eyes widened. The extreme pain made him want to dig his fingers into his brain until the sound stopped suddenly.

Even the mercenaries were a little stunned. When Guy stopped struggling, they tried to help him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they touched his arm, the mercenaries were shocked to find that he maintained a ferocious look and was already dead.

The rope of the hanging gradually faded, and the warmth soaking into the soul restored Lin An's consciousness, which was almost suffocated.

The airflow from the wand lifted his body up again, and Lin An rushed into the helicopter cabin at one go.

He touched his throat. The scars from the rope were still there, but the regular atmosphere of "certain death" had disappeared.

It has no healing power and can only dispel the mortal state.

[Blessing to Rabana] is not very aggressive, and the process is long. When encountering a mysterious person with a higher radiation value, it is not as clean as [Expelling Soul] or [Sacrifice to Hades], but it is the only one in Magic Encyclopedia I with A ritual of "purifying" power.

"The entry "Mishnah: God's Oral Oral to Moses I" has been included. You have obtained the media 'Judge' x7, 'Mother of Desire' x2, and 'War Emperor' x1."

"Through the use of mysticism, the [Mysterious Encyclopedia] radiation value increased by 0.4%."

It turns out that Guy's mysterious prototype is actually this book of commandments from Canaan.

"Mishnah" is a collection of laws and arguments. The root of the Hebrew word (Mishnah) comes from the verb (shanah). The literal translation is to repeat, and the free translation is to gain knowledge through study and recitation; this book is the "Talmud" The basis of morality.

The Mishnah postulates that the universe went through a series of catastrophes, destroying world after world, until the Creator created what is now Titan and gave it to the Canaanites to govern.

This scripture is said to be a compilation of Hebrew oral tradition, written by a rabbi in Galilee in the late second century, and the Canaanites believed it to be God's written law given to mankind, calling its teachings very ancient.

Each chapter of scripture is brief and records the rabbis' discussion and final decision on a certain topic.

The rabbis in the Mishnah are called Tannaim, the commentators. Unlike the Amoraim, the rabbinical speakers in the Talmud from the 3rd to the 5th century, the commentators believe that dogma is absolute and does not allow any transgression in any sense.

Along with the beep, green data appeared.

[Name]: Repeater-Nazhechen, Mishnah VI

[Rating]: Mythical Class B

[Radiation value]: 0.8%

[Pollution level]: 1.5%

[Media]: Chief Judge

[Mysterious Source]: The Mishnah is divided into six chapters: Zeraim, the agricultural law; Moed, the festival law; Nashim, the marriage law; Nezikin, the property protection law; Kodashim, the sacrificial law; and Tohoyoth, the law to keep the soul clean.

In Nazhechen, and the Torah on the Protection of Property, the rabbis discussed how one should protect property, determine personal property, and punish those convicted of stealing property.

They cited a large number of arguments from the Proverbs of the Sages to support the correctness of the code.

Consume media "Judge" x3, "War Emperor" x1, "Prophet" x1, and use Nazhechin's ability [The Commandments of Mount Sinai].

[Individual introduction]: No one in this country gets rich by himself, it is as inevitable as the divine power of the king.

In fact, he knows very well that this lifestyle is no different from cancer cells, but he believes that if he is deceived for long enough, he will no longer be interested in finding out the truth. After all, it is too painful to deny the existing order.

What people think of themselves is not a question that interests him, because he will always make up some reason to justify what he does.

Consume the media "Presiding Judge" x3, "Mother of Desire" x2, and use Nazheqin's ability [You shall be punished].

There is only Chapter 4 of Nazhechin, not the complete version?

Lin An frowned slightly.

Based on experience, the family can determine the medium and mystery for ordinary people to awaken, or change the rating of those who have awakened.

Now, could they be able to 'separate' or 'fuse' a mysterious prototype through some secret method inherited from ancient times?

"You used mystical skills to harvest the lives of others three times in a row. Your ruthlessness towards hatred attracted the medium 'Presiding Judge' x1."

"Due to the radiation from the 'Judge', your contamination level has increased by 3%."

Putting aside the bad news that was coming one after another, Lin An retracted his thoughts, pushed his palm flat, and used the alchemy amulet to block the incoming bullets of the mercenaries.

"Comes" energy filled the air, [The Ballad on the Side of the Mountain] was activated, and the mercenaries fell into drowsiness and fell to the ground.

In addition to blocking bullets, the amulet also blocked Lin An's energy, preventing the captain and co-pilot behind him from losing consciousness.

Although neither of them really wanted to stay awake, when they saw Lin An approaching, the color in their faces instantly faded.

In the crisis, they did not notice Lin An's weakness.

Even if the radiation value is extremely low, Guy is still considered to be at the myth level. Lin An rarely suffered two serious injuries in the battle with the Mystic.

The dizziness caused by excessive blood loss made his steps weak, and the suffocation of the hanging rope made his eyes black. Covering his throbbing temples, Lin An picked up a gun from the ground and set it up gracefully.

"Next, follow my instructions. First, let the additional helicopters leave the Holy Mountain."

The co-pilot nodded calmly, and without Lin Anduo's words, he calmly issued the command to retreat through the intercom.

While monitoring the two of them, Lin An took a breath and picked up the communication device that Guy was wearing from the waist of the bleeding corpse.

It's a lot like the headphones St. Annelov gave out, only they look a little more advanced.

Putting it to his ear, Lin An tentatively pressed the familiar button.

Sure enough, the call buttons on the two devices were exactly the same. He even heard a synthetic sound similar to an X telling him to wait, and then a magnetic voice came from the other side.

"Is the matter done?"

"The target has been killed. Mr. Agnimo is still negotiating with the indigenous people. The helicopter applied to return to the base first."

The first officer, who was pointed at a gun, said tremblingly.

"Please give me permission to land, Mr. Wood."


On the other side, the Xunlang tribe hid in a cave under the leadership of Little Canine.

Although she had thrown away her satellite-located mobile phone early, Guy's reinforcement helicopter was firmly on the trail of the tribe.

"Crackling, crackling!"

Entering the cave, I could only hear the sound of gunfire coming from outside, crushing the trees in the bunker. Fortunately, the rugged stones that formed the cave were not broken. The smell of gunpowder filled the narrow space, and the intense light continued to shine on the brown faces of the natives. Flashing.

"The storm is coming!"

In the extremely depressing atmosphere, the priest raised his wooden staff and announced loudly to the tribe.

"Yes, the Thunder Clan is coming!" the old man continued.

Little Canine was stunned. Her mother and the elders of the tribe had clearly seen guns and bullets, but they still chose to say this.

Is it stormy...?

The younger generation listened attentively, bullets fired across the cliff like raindrops, stone dust flew, and the ancient holy mountain that had stood for thousands of years clashed with modern technology, making a hard, steel-like sound.

The sharp firelight flickers continuously, one bright and one dark, materializing the image of death into the reflection of the spectrum.

The sound exploded, and the loud noise like a volcanic eruption was heard endlessly. After about a few minutes, it suddenly calmed down, and the little canine's head was buzzing, as if the great thunder was lingering.

"It's time for us to meet the thunderbirds," said the priest.

"No, mom—"

Little Canine tried to stop her, but the priest's footsteps were determined, so she had no choice but to stop in front of her mother and the old people, and was pushed to the entrance of the cave without knowing it.


A huge shadow flashed across the majestic holy mountain. The little canine turned its head sharply and saw the helicopter crossing the sky. The black-haired young man grabbed the ladder and showed her a blood-stained smile in mid-air.

Like a soaring eagle, reflected in her pupils.

"Lin An!"

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