The breeze blew through Lin An's limbs and bones, shining brightly. Every pore opened in comfort, and the correct timeline was projected like a movie reel.

It turned out that Little Dogya witnessed Guy slaughtering his mother and tribesmen with his own eyes. Not only did he lose confidence in the local civilization, he also developed a deep fear of machine guns, helicopters and other technologies.

Six months later, the tourism project was in full swing, Little Dog Ya became the new priest, and the Xunlang tribe became the staff of the scenic spot, performing the "local culture" loved by the public day after day.

When the orbit of "Comuth" came close enough, she awakened to the mystery.

The Wood Group, which had been observing for a long time, took action immediately, but the medium of the "War Emperor" required the mysterious person to be full of confidence and leadership. The wavering mentality of the little canine caused the pollution level to soar, and the source-level twisted power exploded, catching the Wood Group off guard.

Before they could call for more reinforcements, the shadow of thunder flashed across the clouds.

The muskrat's mysterious technique obtained the coyote's location, and the thunderbird broke through the layers of guards and rescued the coyote back into the wilderness.

However, her pollution has already reached an irreversible level. She not only loses her mind, but also attacks all creatures that come close to her indiscriminately.

The muskrats had to stay and seal, while the moose scurried around looking for ways to reduce the contamination levels.

The ins and outs here were blurred by the moose, and Lin An only knew that in the end, the Thunderbird used some method to transfer the coyote's pollution level to it.

Afterwards, Thunderbird became a motionless wooden sculpture and was controlled by the Foundation.

In addition to pollution levels, what's holding coyotes back is heart disease.

If this problem cannot be solved, once the muskrat breaks the seal, the pollution level will skyrocket again, making the sacrifice of the Thunderbird useless.

"So, you go back to the time when the tragedy has not yet begun..." Lin An looked at the holy white deer in front of him, "Why did you choose me?"

"Because only you can do it."

"Please, tell me the reason quickly."

Riddler, get out of the occult world!

The moose pondered for a moment, and the sound of wind blew from all directions, affecting Lin An's thoughts.

"Imagine the concept of time as a towering tree. The mystic of the 'God of Truth' medium can choose any node, pull out the fragments of time like peeling bark from the trunk, and create an avatar to sneak into it."

"My incarnation traveled through this period of time, witnessing, experiencing, and changing the progress of history over and over again, until I reached an ending that satisfied me."

"When I allow other source-level mystics to enter this period of time, they will also be able to move freely. When the mystery is over, they will get relevant memories; those who are not allowed by me and non-source-level mystics will be completely immersed in it. , ignorant and unaware.”

Similar to Lin An's guess, Moose was originally a person who came out of Baiwu, and it was his role to lead the Xunlang tribe to hold four sacrifices.

However, he didn't expect that moose could move freely, so it made even less sense to choose Lin An.

"As long as the sacrifice is held?"

"Except for November of 2036, Coyote and I went back in time tens of thousands of times, peeling off her past bit by bit... But I was never able to get her to complete the original sacrifice, so that all healing could not begin."

"My abilities have many limitations. First of all, in addition to going back in time, the individual's state is also backtracked. No matter which incarnation, I will become the 'me' of that timeline and cannot act in the current state."

"At the end of 2036, I had just awakened. Not to mention defeating Guy Agnimo, I couldn't even lead Coyote and her tribe to avoid helicopter shooting. In the end, my repeated failures almost made Coyote deeper and deeper. "

Lin An roughly understood it, which meant that when the moose returned to the past, its body also experienced retrospection, and it had to act according to its state at that point in time.

Wait, something's wrong.

"Where are your companions?" Lin An continued to ask.

"It was November 2036, and the Thunderbirds and Muskrats had not yet been exposed to the radiation from 'Comuth'. Therefore, when they returned to the past, they directly lost their radiation value, and were more...powerless than me."

"According to what you said -" Lin An's mouth twitched, "At that time, I was just an ordinary sophomore!"

The moose took a gentle breath and uttered a sentence that shocked Lin An's mind.

"Somehow, you are completely unaffected by time. No matter how far back in time you are, 'you' remains the same."

"Am I...constant?"

Lin An frowned.

The mysterious magic of the moose allows people to travel through time, but the individual's state will remain the same as the "self" in the same timeline in the past.

But he can obviously use the system?

Glancing at the moose with sincere eyes that didn't seem to be fake, Lin An let out a breath. It looked like it really knew nothing.

"In Virginia, I tested you with the mentality of giving it a try. The moment you saw the car hit me, you actually went back in time. It was a month at first, and I asked you to go back half a year in the evening. Before, the last time was one year..."

The moose's dark eyes could not hide his doubts.

"No matter what time you are in, 'you' has not changed at all. You will always be you, Lin An, and will not change with the energy of the 'God of Truth'."

Lin An said nothing, not knowing whether to be happy or worried. The moose pressed its huge head against his chest, bit his hand with its soft lips, and pulled him back.

"It can only be you. If anyone can lead the coyote to complete that sacrifice, it can only be you..."

After thinking for a moment, Lin An turned over and sat on the moose. Its spiky body radiated huge heat.

"How are you sure that I will help you? Maybe I am in the same group as the noble family."

"Thunderbird has seen you before."


The moose did not explain, but neighed loudly, the fog changed, the pure white sky boiled, and clouds like snow-capped mountains gathered together to form a fox-like wolf head that covered the sky.

It stared at Lin An with tenderness and longing.

"Little canine tooth!"

Hearing Lin An's call, the wolf head spit out a natural sound like a tsunami or a rainstorm. Raindrops full of earthy smell fell on the back of Lin An's hand, and he heard the girl's voice.

"I am with my companion Muskrat, Lin An, thank you for accompanying me to complete the four sacrifices."

"Can we see you again in the future?"

"Of course..." The wolf head stared at Lin An's face, as if he saw him walking out of the fog for the first time, saw him doing the sun dance by the campfire, and saw him holding onto the helicopter's ladder and smiling at her, "Next time we meet , I have something to say to you..."

"Tell me now!" Lin An shouted, "Little Fangya, I want to see you as a newborn soon!"

Brush it!

The wolf head's expression trembled violently, and the illusion dissipated among the clouds in the sky. Lin An felt the strange energy flashing on the other side, which was probably the fourth local god, Muskrat.

"What, you don't want us to reminisce about old times?" He sneered.

"That's our creator god."

"so what?"

The clouds rolled into the blue sky, sighing like mist, and the moose's message was self-evident.

"Throwing me into a strange timeline, forcing me to work hard to decipher it, and not giving me any instructions. This is the price of being the Riddler, Brother Luzi."

Lin An hugged its neck and whispered in its ear.

"Are the people of the Xunlang tribe okay?"

The whine echoed in the wind.

"The 'bark' I peeled off is a period of time without roots, and will eventually return to the embrace of the tree of time. This is the neutrality of the 'God of Truth'. I can control time, but apart from taking away memories, I cannot replace the future. development of."

"What did you say?"

"What is gone will be gone forever. I can only influence the spirit, but cannot change the reality."

Lin An couldn't help being stunned, and then a burst of anger arose spontaneously.

Are you feeling lonely these days due to busy work? !

Obviously the entries have been included, the medium has been obtained, the degree of contamination has increased, and the wand's rating has improved...

When we return to reality, will all this never happen?

are you kidding me!

Damn, the most annoying ending of a dream!

Seeing that Lin An's face was gloomy and he was suppressing the overwhelming anger. If he couldn't beat himself, he would have exploded. The moose shook the bells of his antlers.

"Lin An, I didn't deliberately hide it from you. Due to the mysterious prototype, I couldn't explain everything in the form of words. But I hope you can know that I am very grateful for your help. Please tell me what I can give. one's gift?"


St. Annelov Foundation headquarters, "Chariot" floor.

Guy Agnimo held a stack of reports and hummed a pleasant tune.

"As long as Uncle Sam is employed, your face will always be filled with happiness and your pocket will be full of eagle coins..."

The corner of his eye fell on the man by the floor-to-ceiling window, and he greeted him with a smile.

"President Jericho, what a chance encounter."

The man watched the sun set over the San Francisco skyline, wearing a fine jacket with gold embroidery and polished black high boots.

Hearing Guy's call, the man turned his head. He had a casual bard temperament, but during working hours, he tied his hair back and looked like an aristocrat.

"Good afternoon, Deacon Agnimo."

"I just happened to meet you here, so I don't have to wait for the meeting." Guy smiled and flicked the report with his fingertips, "Two consecutive accidents related to Thunderbirds happened in New York. Don't the Foundation think it's too coincidental? "

“There is very little research on native gods and omissions are inevitable.”

"Oh, oh, of course I know your job is not easy, but I still maintain my original opinion." Guy put his finger on his throat and wiped it gently, "Kill the Thunderbird directly to avoid having more nightmares at night."

"It depends on the voting tonight."

"Haha, if there is a meeting——"

Before he finished speaking, Guy suddenly widened his eyes so much that two of them almost burst out. He made a sound of vomiting in his throat and pinched his temples tightly with both hands.

"Cough, is it possible...Hittite..."

The spinning dizziness instantly enveloped Guy, and his soul was torn open from the center of his eyebrows. His heart-wrenching screams echoed in the corridors of the foundation headquarters, as if someone was inserting a sharp and slender needle into his head. The pain came like a wave.

Files were flying, and Guy fell to the ground, struggling and twisting like a giant earthworm, biting his lips with his teeth until the skin broke and blood dripped.

"Uh uh... no... ahhhh!"

The dead body raised a stiff hand and reached out to the president by the window, who also looked at this scene in disbelief.

Dead, dead? !

The President looked around and found no suspicious figure.

In less than ten seconds, someone killed a heavily armed mythical mystic and the deacon of the inspection team in the tightly guarded foundation headquarters, and then escaped unscathed!

The marble shrine above the corpse disappeared in a flash, the palace of daffodils was silent, an ethereal song sounded beside the dark reeds, and the light of candlelight illuminated the past, present and future time.

Thank you for the monthly tickets for Langlilangah, Let’s Debate, The Puppet of Antigonus, The Fishman Never Sleeps, Bei Minyu, Hunting and Two Nights of Coronation, and thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions ~

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