World Occult User Guide

Chapter 90 Ring of Nations

St. Annelov Foundation headquarters, "Queen" floor.

This is the highest-level conference room in the headquarters. The room is spacious, tidy, and shockingly clean. More than fifty chairs are filled with people, and there is silence.


A waiter with two goat's horns pressed the switch, and the lights dimmed until they fell into darkness. With the sound of the cable machine turning on, the entire touch screen tabletop was activated, and a holographic X and several distorted photos of corpses appeared.

The people present had no reaction to this. They were already accustomed to bloody violence.

"The ins and outs of this emergency are as follows: On February 4, 2038, Guy Agnimo, one of the senior deacons of the Foundation's inspection team, died in the 'Chariot' corridor. The cause of death was soul tearing, and the time of death was 20: 17 minutes and 08 seconds."

X's indistinguishable electronic synthesized sound sounded in everyone's ears, like a soothing and smooth piano.

"According to President Firdaus Jericho's account, there were no suspicious persons near the corridor at that time. Not only that, the entire foundation's security system, defense department, surveillance probes, and AI monitoring programs did not detect any intrusion into the entrance or exit. Mark of."

3D dynamic and static materials appear on both sides of the artificial intelligence, with 360° projection without blind spots.

"Due to lack of intelligence, it is impossible to determine the identity of the murderer. This is all the surveillance video on the 'Chariot' floor at that time, recording the death process of Deacon Guy Agnimo, as well as his autopsy report and the 'Seeker' autopsy report, Please take a look at them one by one.”

There was a hint of commotion in the quiet conference room.

"President Jericho, why is this autopsy report so short?" asked a man with half of his face covered in worm-like words. "Is it because there is no time, or is it that the murderer's rating has exceeded that of a myth?"

"What is certain at the moment is that this person's rating 1 is above the source, and rating 2 is still unclear." President Firdaus Jericho answered solemnly while sitting in the chairman's seat.

"Deacon Agnimo was unable to fight back and was killed in less than ten seconds..."

"And there wasn't even a single trace to reveal his identity..."

"The research department has initially concluded that he is the first "statue" class sighted in the world..."

The murderer came and went freely in the strong and orderly foundation headquarters. He killed a super powerful deacon of the inspection team with the force of thunder. President Jericho, who was face to face with him, was powerless and could not even track the murderer. traces!

Some people shudder at the mere thought of such an eerie and mysterious person roaming San Francisco.

How scary is this guy?

Since he can kill Guy Agnimo effortlessly, who else at the Foundation headquarters can stop his assassination?

"Please control your imagination."

The speaker was a woman who was nearly forty years old. She was lazily leaning on a dark blue chair, which was different from the other people's light green chairs. Her movements exuded indescribable sexy charm.

"This guy is really as powerful as you imagine. Not to mention Deacon Guy Agnimo, all of us are going to see the God of Light."

"Perhaps he only had a grudge with Deacon Agnimo." Someone interrupted abruptly, "Kill the enemy and then escape unscathed, so there is no need to tangle with us anymore."

The woman glanced at him coquettishly, and the latter shivered.

"Many powerful occult spells come with restrictions and conditions. A more reasonable inference is that this murder was obviously carefully planned and prepared for several months."

"What you mean is that this person's attack was just the result of surprise, and not the 'statue' level as predicted by the research department." President Jericho continued appropriately.

"That's right, although his strength is undoubted, it is not so powerful that it exceeds our imagination. It may be as good as you and me, but it is certainly not as strong as the entire St. Annilov Foundation." The woman asked Jericho winked.

"Judging from the known information, the murderer is a strange and powerful man that we have never heard of. He does not belong to an ancient family in mainstream society. However, the possibility of coming from other continents cannot be ruled out."

An arrogant man next to the woman continued.

"We have contacted the family in Xizhou, and they assured that they have not sent core members into Upper East Continent or Lower East Continent recently. Although there are several subordinates working on the matter, they are not powerful mystics, and they have no intention of murdering our senior officials. "

His fingers brushed against the cold slab.

"The inspection team looked through the wanted list and locked several names."

On the same blue seat, a short old man smiled and touched his beard.

"I have accumulated so many dangerous people unknowingly. To be honest, the branch's work efficiency is too slow, President Jericho. After all, mystical arts related to 'soul' are taboo."

"Please understand that many branches have just started and are really overwhelmed."

Although the president apologized humbly, many foundation members had looks of displeasure on their faces.

"The Foundation must find out the identity of this person as soon as possible," the man ordered condescendingly. "I suggest you start with Guy Agnimo's interpersonal relationship. Such a targeted murderer did not do it by accident. He must have some motives. Some purpose."

"Deacon Agnimo made many enemies during his lifetime." A discordant voice sounded.

"Then, we will need your full efforts." The woman held her chin and said, "Everything the inspection team does is for the prosperity of Eagle Country and world peace. I hope you will cooperate with me."

In the darkness, several foreign employees rolled their eyes.

"I understand. Based on the recommendations of the inspection team, the foundation will send personnel to assist each branch to carry out key control of these wanted lists." Jericho said.

"Your efforts are not worth mentioning." A yellow-haired young man said in a sinister tone, "Let me help solve a closer goal. This will save you the trouble of sending emails back and forth, leaving us with only failure reports again and again."

"Oh, thank you in advance, Deacon Efron Reuben." Jericho's tone was neither humble nor arrogant.

Under the organization of the inspection team and Jericho, the headquarters re-allocated resources and manpower, and investigating and solving the death of Guy Agnimo became the current top priority.

On the contrary, the original purpose of convening this meeting, which was to vote for the second time to decide whether the Thunderbirds should stay or not, was intentionally or unintentionally shelved and ended hastily.


At the same time, Lin An, the instigator, knew nothing about it.

Even Moose himself swears that the "god of truth" cannot preserve timeline-altering actions.

The two did not expect that the death they inadvertently caused in San Francisco, thousands of miles away, would further create the seeds of division and unrest in the foundation headquarters.

Lin An fell silent after hearing Moose's words.

There are so many things he wants from this Source C-level mysterious person.

For example, those beautiful antlers are a good alchemy material.

Without voicing his thoughts of seeking death, Lin An thought for a moment, held the moose's furry chin in his hands, and brought it close to its ear.

"I don't want to ask for anything from you, because in the process of helping Little Dogtooth, I have found the spirit of the Holy Spirit."

Because Lin An suddenly thought that the local culture and logic did not have the concept of "equivalent exchange". When they gave a gift to a person, it was usually free and there was no need to pay a corresponding price.

Perhaps the moose was testing his mind.

Besides, Lin An didn't know what the local gods could give him at the best price. The moose was not the foundation's exchange warehouse, and the names and introductions of each item were clearly listed.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the moose's pure pupils flashed with a moving luster.

"Ah, you are such a noble person, Lin An. Even among native tribes, such a heart that does not ask for anything in return is very rare."

The sound of wind blew and I was relieved.

"Of course I want to give you a gift! I, the god Mi in the west, the god in charge of the purifying mist, want to give you illusions and blessings, and you will use them in future adventures!"


Lin An was overjoyed.

The illusion of the moose is not the first cloud PPT it has shown. Legend has it that the local gods will bestow power on individuals in the illusion. Every time they use it, they can use the power of the gods to cast some spells.


I saw the energy of the moose spreading outward, the clouds rolling, and being pinched into a pipe.

It handed the pipe to Lin An. The moment the latter held the pipe with his fingers, the misty clouds took shape and turned into patterned clay.

"We don't have a permanent home. Every time I feel the slightest heat from this pipe, it means that I, the ptarmigan, the muskrat, or the coyote have passed by you, as long as you say hey-ah-hey, We will help you.”

Lin An played with a rough pipe made of clay. Due to the presence of the moose, it conveyed a warm feeling to Lin An's fingertips.

But here comes the problem.

Lin An's mission is to transport the Thunderbird, which means that he is always with the Thunderbird.

Even if other gods passed by, it would be difficult for him to detect them.

The moose seemed to have thought of this. The breeze blew a small piece of licorice and lit it suddenly. The smoke turned into a butterfly and flew towards the rainbow door.

“You light the licorice in your pipe and from where the smoke drifts you can tell who we are.”

The clouds were blown away by the wind, revealing the road that Lin An was very familiar with.

The moose raised its head and sang a powerful song.

The smoke blows southward, giving you the life of a flowering tree;

The smoke blows to the north, granting you the creation of divine thunder;

The smoke blows to the east, giving you the wisdom of the dawn star;

The smoke blows to the west, granting you the purification of floating mist.

At the end of the hymn, the moose put Lin An back on the gray road, and the hard asphalt made him feel an indescribable trance.

"As long as nature is there, you can always find us."

Looking up, Lin An saw the lonely Thunderbird statue.

The wooden products stood quietly, and he couldn't help but think of the local people's "Ring of Nations" theory - during the process of growth, human beings will be separated from their own whole by external forces. Only by constantly searching can the soul return to the body again.

"Brother Luzi, aren't you going to rescue Thunderbird?"

"Its approach has its own philosophy." The huge figure of the moose slowly disappeared into the white mist, and the sound of wind came for the last time, echoing on the empty road, "My real name is 'Gao Ma'."


The fog completely dissipated, Lin An heard the laughter of children by the river, Barry pressed the camera, and Mi Xi made exaggerated gestures.

"The scenery here is so beautiful, come and take another picture!"

Thank you Jian Yunxue and Xue Wuchen 123 for your monthly votes, and thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions ~

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