World Occult User Guide

Chapter 91 It’s hard to wake up from the illusion

The road returned to normal, and the Thunderbird had returned to the special room of the RV. Lin An only felt a trance.

Only the clay pipe held tightly between his fingers reminded him that what just happened was not a dream.

Looking at this pipe carefully, its appearance is unremarkable. If the system hadn't posted a row of data, even Lin An would have ignored this mysterious item.

[Name]: Yanqian Gift

[Evaluation]: Source C level

[Radiation value]: 0.6%

[Polluting degree]: 0%

[Media]: God of True Li

The radiation value is not high, but as a "summoning" tool, its greatest function is to communicate with the four local gods and ask them for help.

Wait, why is the system still garbled?

Opening the panel, Lin An was surprised to find that all the acquired media, radiation, and pollution were still there.

[Name]: Mysterious Encyclopedia

[Evaluation]: Source Grade B

[Radiation value]: 4.6%

[Pollution degree]: 7.5%

[Media]: Weaver

[Inventory]: Seeker x3, Visionary x6, Pre-Yan Family x4, Judge x11, Lord of Dreams x2, Natural Sacrifice x6, Mother of Desire x5, War Emperor x1.

Is there something wrong with Brother Luzi's mysterious technique?

Lin An tentatively called up the entry for [Nazheqin].

Sure enough, Guy's Mystery was placed in a row with all other included entries. As long as Lin An's thoughts flashed, the system asked him in a modified voice if he wanted to use it.

It was obviously included by me!

So what I killed in the fragments of time was not loneliness, but... real people?

Lin An repeatedly confirmed that he had returned to the real world and finally came to the conclusion.

For some reason, all the actions he performed in the illusion of the so-called "God of Truth" were preserved.

As Moose mentioned, no matter how the timeline changes, "I" is the same.

In other words, are my actions always true no matter what?

This is the only explanation.

As for the reason, Moose, who is a local god, doesn't know, let alone Lin An. Maybe the database at the foundation headquarters or the documents kept by the family have the answer he wants to know.

By the way, is Guy Agnimo dead or alive now?

If he were still alive, wouldn't there be two identical [Nazheqins] in the world?

If he died...

Lin An narrowed his eyes slightly and boldly thought about this hypothesis.

This means that I can use the ability of the "God of Truth" to go back in time and hunt down those mysterious beings who have not yet awakened or whose radiation levels are very low?

I can't beat you now, but in the previous timeline, I could kill you indiscriminately?

Unfortunately, Lin An cannot complete time travel alone. If he wants to go back to the past, he can only rely on the moose, the source-level "God of Truth." Moreover, after it knows about this, it remains to be seen whether it is willing to help Lin An.

After all, erasing others from the past violates the laws of cause and effect.

Suppressing the thought of killing everyone, Lin An glanced at the wand on his waist.

In the actual timeline, it was not until six months later, almost in April of 2037, that Little Dogtooth awakened to the mystery, so the scene he saw in the Holy Mountain Pool was another time-displaced illusion.

However, the green data did not change at all.

Mythical level, increased radiation value, and sky-clear blue gemstones that are completely different from the past.

Even in the wrong time, my actions are "irreversible"...

What is the difference between this and cheating!

Shocked one after another, even Lin An couldn't recover.

"Brother Tongzi, aren't we two a little too strong? I'm sorry. I used to dislike you because you only have the functions of analysis and collection, but you don't have any combat power. All the weapons and attack methods have to be stolen from others."

"Protecting you is my privilege."

Lin An was stunned. The system suddenly said such a strange sentence, which made him feel extremely inconsistent, because the system usually only uses the person pronoun "you", which infinitely weakens the sense of existence of "I".

"Is this narcissism?"

"You can be. After all, we are both so strong."

The sudden humor surprised Lin An: "Brother Tongzi, please be normal, I'm scared."

"Ding! My sperm is in great condition! Ding, ding, ding!"

I'll go, the system is crazy.

Increased levels of pollution will lead to physical distortion and confusion. Lin An feels that changes in the system are also a sign of losing one's mind.

Confused consciousness and talking to yourself are signs of going crazy!

The increased pollution level of others is out of control, but my personality is directly split.

"Lin, you don't seem to look well."

A low voice came from one side. Lin An turned his head, half of his face was twitching and speechless, and the other half of his face still retained a proud smile. The twisted expression startled Simon.

"God bless you... Do you want the foundation to help you make an appointment for psychological treatment in the next city?"

Lin An quickly put away his complicated emotions and shook his head.

"No, I can still hold on."

"Oh, poor child, you must be happy to hear my good news." Simon said, "Tonight, I booked a remote B\u0026B with your favorite WiFi."


While chatting with Simon, Lin An inadvertently revealed his wand. The former glanced at it subconsciously and calmly looked away.

The captain is not a "knowledge seeker" medium. When a mysterious item matches his rating, he will not be able to see through its true condition.

When the Foundation tested Lin An, the file given to him was "Legendary C level, radiation value 0.5%". Simon or other members of the Foundation never doubted this parameter afterwards, indicating that they subconsciously used known data instead of unknown s things.

In Simon's eyes, the wand is probably still a legendary mysterious item.

The last stone weighing on his heart fell to the ground, and Lin An's expression became more relaxed. After the other two companions had almost finished resting, the group got into the RV.

Simon started the engine and drove off this mediocre road with a whoosh.

The endless trees receded to both sides, and the RV circled smoothly upwards, passing through the mountains from the tunnel. Lin An lay beside the car window, watching the snow-capped peaks disappear into the sunset, the sun gradually setting, filled with The original vitality of the forest fell into silence.

At the end of the white mist, he followed the local gods and completed such a thrilling sacrifice.


The landlord is a kind middle-aged lady who cleans the room in the B\u0026B. The soft quilt exudes the smell of sunshine.

With no one around, Lin An took out his wand, injected energy into it, and the five gems hovering above appeared.

Inside the blue gem, the transparent wind element jumps with each breath; in addition to the enhanced healing ability of the emerald, it also contains a certain special atmosphere.

Feeling the tenacious fluctuations of vitality, Lin An thought of the legend of the Philosopher's Stone.

The Philosopher's Stone has many names. Through the spread and translation of documents, some alchemists in the Middle Ages also called it the "Elixir of Life". A more down-to-earth translation is called "the elixir of life."

This property is both an independent source of raw material and is recognized as one of the properties of the Philosopher's Stone.

The elixir of immortality contains the secret of transmutation and also hides the ultimate interpretation of "humanity". Through its action, the alchemist receives the grace of youth and restores health and youth.

According to Paracelsus, by bringing the human body into harmony with the five natural elements (fire, light, earth, water, and wind), aging and death would be postponed indefinitely.

After being irradiated by "Cormus", the statements recorded in these medieval manuscripts became true.

Therefore, Lin An speculated that emeralds might be able to "resurrect the dead."

Unfortunately, the collected dew energy was too little. After testing the system, Lin An guessed that it could probably withstand a fatal attack on the level of "legends to ghost stories" and resurrect people from the state of death.

After studying mysticism for so long, I finally have a second life. Lin An thought to himself.

Affected by the Xunlang tribe's schedule, before five o'clock, Lin An opened his eyes and couldn't fall asleep.

He originally wanted to play with his mobile phone, but found it uninteresting. The golden sun shone brightly outside the window. Lin An put on a coat and walked to the corridor on the first floor of the B\u0026B.

The humid early morning air blows on your face, and the hazy mist outlines the girl's back.

Lin An rubbed his eyes and recognized her as the landlord's daughter.

The young girl wore a low-cut woolen blouse, revealing her sun-tanned complexion.

"Is there anything interesting?" Lin An leaned against the fence and asked.

The young girl's big, dark eyes looked at him indifferently. She told Lin An that there was nothing worth remembering in Cannese.

"I'm going to go to college in New York." the girl said. "I want to go to the Metropolitan Museum, Bodley, Central Park, and see the Statue of Liberty... My dream is to be a star, and in the future I will make posters Playing on the screen in Time Square.”

"Oh, New York..." Lin An murmured, "The lifestyle there is frighteningly fast, with promotions flying all over the place and unscrupulous injections."

"It's always more interesting than here. Day after day, I help my mother with housework and receive guests like you. Sometimes I sit alone in the corridor and look at the cars passing by. I look forward to the boys on bicycles passing by the door, stopping and chatting with them. Let me chat for a while."

She muttered about work, movies, summer visits to her grandmother, and her wish to go to New York to pick out a fashionable dress—she was tired of the same middle-class fashion: baggy sweatshirts, dirty pants, and always stained clothes. Wearing muddy riding boots.

"They said New York was a great place and bought me a magazine, you see."

She took out a stack of "Modern Girl" from her collection. It was an issue from four years ago and was dog-eared.

While chatting, the young girl yawned and fell asleep on the rocking chair in the corridor.

She is only 18 years old, so cute, yet so confused.

After making a cup of hot coffee, Lin An watched the new sun rise. There was a rustling movement in the house. At about eight o'clock, Mi Xi, who had finished washing, called him to have breakfast.

At the dinner table, she told him that this was their last stay before entering New Mexico.

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A big chapter will be updated at the same time tomorrow, and the adventure in the west is about to begin~

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