World Occult User Guide

Chapter 92 Talking Cowboy Hat

The southwesterly wind blew sideways, and the RV cut diagonally into an endless stretch of road, with the miles to San Francisco dwindling.

Stretching, Lin An leaned on the familiar back seat.

I almost forgot one thing when I went to take stock of the harvest in Illusion yesterday.

When we were on the road, the image of the Thunderbird seemed different!

Let the system call up the data, and sure enough, its panel has changed.

[Name]: Thunderbird

[Evaluation]: Source Grade B

[Radiation value]: 25.2%

[Pollution level]: 75.4%

[Medium]: Natural Sacrifice

The pollution level is reduced and the radiation value is slightly increased...

But it has clearly done nothing these days.

Can you become stronger just by being locked up in a special isolation room? So don't take any chances, just run in and lie down!

Lin An couldn't hold back his doubts. He climbed to the second floor of the RV and knocked on the double door where Thunderbird was kept. He tried to communicate in Chinese in a low voice, because he and Moose had only spoken Chinese before.

"Brother Bird, can you hear me?"


"Brother Lei Zi?"

The thunderbird showed no reaction. Through the thick wall, Lin An was surprised to find that the color of the statue became more and more vivid, and its posture was lifelike. Real eagle feathers grew out of the ends of the two long wooden sticks that ran across the body.

"Its pollution slowly declining." Simon's voice came.

"what happened?"

"If we figured it out, we wouldn't have to transport it all the way to the headquarters." Simon smiled bitterly. "The mainstream guess of the research department is that the pollution level of Thunderbird will decrease over time."

"This is too stubborn..." Lin An said in his mind, "Can you work hard and turn it into a sign-in flow system to make me happy?"

"I am not the system!" the system said.

"We don't rule out the possibility that the Thunderbird can cast invisible spells through contact with other people. We'd better not get too close to it." Simon called Lin An down. "The order from the headquarters has not changed. Let us deliver it as soon as possible, so do Be prepared, there will be no place to stay the night afterward.”

The road sign at the Kanasi border is getting closer and closer, the verdant green forest valley outside the window recedes, the RV drives through one forest after another, and finally enters the fields.

The driving route was winding, and they occasionally stopped to rest and have a quick meal at the gas station. Then they regained their strength and left the middle of the country with a rich natural atmosphere along the long road.

The vast plains and wilderness around him told Lin An that he was closer to the western coast.

The fields along the way are planted with flax, some mature and some still in their youth, with light blue flowers swaying in the wind like undulating waves.

As far as the eye can see, there is nothing but the earth and the sky. The scattered farmhouses are so small that they are almost invisible.

It’s early spring, the temperature is warming up and everything is recovering.

While admiring the wilderness scenery, Lin An secretly wondered what the grassland would be like in July.

He was just getting used to long-distance travel, and as long as he had to endure the occasional sleepless nights, breathless signals, and a diet with more chili peppers, traveling in an RV was still a lot of fun.

Until they drove into New Mexico.

The monotonous road consists of only flat fields and sky. We often drive for several hours without seeing a gas station. The unchanged scenery stretches to the sky, which makes people feel inexplicable fear and loneliness.

Just when Lin An couldn't hold on any longer, the RV drove into a plain city.

Opening the car door, thousands of flying insects buzzed towards me.

The streets were dusty and uneven. Tourists carrying large and small bags took pictures under the guidance of the tour guide. Old men with flowing beards and barefoot women looked at them from the dark windows.

Taxi drivers and stowaways are looking for good luck; policemen are shouting with red faces; waitresses are slovenly dressed and have bad attitudes.

With the help of navigation, Lin An and his party went to the square in the center of the town and found a Cactus Chinese restaurant with a good reputation.

The restaurant's specialty is its quesadillas, filled with crunchy beans and fragrant bell peppers.

Lin An ordered a chicken burrito, but he didn't expect it to have French fries, but it was surprisingly delicious.

After packing burritos and soda for Simon, the group continued their journey.

"The name of this statue is called 'Our Lady of the Trail'. Legend has it that it is a pair of sisters with magical powers who successfully summoned the souls of the dead from hell in 1875 and reunited them with their loved ones..."

Tourists shouted and blocked the way, craning their necks to listen to the tour guide's introduction. Lin An and his two companions decided to force their way through.

Unfortunately, the crowd dispersed the three of them.

When reunited, Lin An and Barry were unscathed, and Mi Xi had more than fifty hats on her head.

"What happened in just ten minutes?" Barry slapped his forehead.

"Well, it's like this. I was squeezed into the center of the square and bumped into a few girls selling tourist souvenirs. They stared at me with sharp eyes. One of them grabbed my arm quickly and kept using Spanish. What are you yelling about?"

Mi Xi wanted to scratch her head, but couldn't do it because of the piled up hats.

"I just want to support the little guys' business."

"Mixi, haven't you learned your lesson from Time Square?" Lin An shook his head, "Ignore the vendors on the roadside."

"Listen to me. I found that they sell cool hats. Each style is different, but the quality is excellent. Some are cowboy hats, and some are straw hats. I took one at random and asked how much it cost. Unexpectedly, they extended their hand. , let me watch."

"It's a hard trip to the West. What's it like without bringing some souvenirs? I tentatively gave them 5 dollars, but to my surprise they actually accepted it." Mi Xi shook her head full of hats excitedly, "You know what these hats are for? How much does it cost in a regular store?”

"At least 30 dollars will be enough to 70 dollars." Barry touched his chin.

"That's right, I bought all the hats in one go. When we arrive in Sapphire City, I will find a store to sell these hats. Look, how much difference did I make on this trip! The most important thing is, St. Annelov will reimburse the gas expenses!”

"Don't you think the styles of these hats are too shabby?" Barry said.

"Maybe they have special channels to get goods."

Mi Xi walked towards the RV with a happy face. When she saw Simon, she chirped about the matter and took off a hat and put it on Simon's head.

"Sister, I - Captain, captain, this is a gift for you."

When she was so complacent, she forgot Simon's true age and quickly changed her story. The smile did not disappear, but moved to the corner of Lin An's mouth. He added calmly while watching the excitement.

"Do you have to choose a beanie for the captain? Why, do you look down on the 1.5 meter angel?"

"Lin, shut up!"

"Haha, it's okay, as long as you're happy." Simon took off the hat on his head with both hands, but Mi Xi covered it too hard, and the thorns of the straw hat poked directly into his eyes, "There's only one problem. Melissa, you didn't notice this Is it stolen goods?"

"Booty, stolen goods!?" A bad premonition came to Mi Xi's mind.

"Those children are well-known thieves in the square. They take advantage of tourists' unpreparedness and steal wallets, jewelry, watches, and even hats, sunglasses, scarves, etc. The adults who deal with them sell the easy-to-dispose items to various channels, and the difficult-to-dispose items — sold to other tourists.”

Mishi was stunned.

"Then, then my plan..."

"You bought it with money, and it's yours." Simon put the hat back in Mixie's hand. "As for what to do with them, it's your choice."

Mi Xi was stunned for a long time, deflated like a popped balloon, and moved her hat to the back seat. Various cowboy hats and straw hats rolled around. She looked like a fairy guarding treasure.

After a while, she said to Lin An, who was also in the back seat.

"Now it's impossible to return it to its original owner. I'm going to give it to someone who likes it along the way." Mi Xi said reluctantly, "Do me a favor and let you choose first."

"Okay, I just need something to block the sun."

"Come on, let's tidy things up first."

The two of them were lying on the ground, sorting the hats into categories according to style and price. There were both famous brands and some made by little-known small factories.

Lin An touched something cold and took it out. It was a cowboy hat with a gauze ribbon around the brim and artificial crystals for decoration.

For some reason, he suddenly felt something strange.

"I'll choose it as my reward."

"Are you sure? That's a women's hat." Mi Xi's expression was somewhat intriguing. "I've wanted to ask you since we were at Bodehui. Do you have any interest in that?"

"I've always been very curious." Lin An said casually and asked the two people in the row, "What do you think of this hat?"

Simon and Barry turned their heads when they heard this, almost laughing, and quickly turned back to the windshield to look at the scenery in the distance.

"Well, yes...respect your choice."

Lin An reacted, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

What a fool!

I'm going to show you the "Comoth" energy fluctuations emitted by this hat!

I’m not asking you to play “my wife gives birth to a baby”!

After some farce, Lin An also roughly discovered that the "subtle feeling" contained in the hat is looming and can only be felt through touch.

Kind of like [Fat Steal] from [Pishtaco].

This hat probably belonged to a mysterious person who was passing by. It was stolen by a group of children after passing through the central square, and then sold to Mi Xi.

Stroking the cowboy hat up and down, Lin An found that the strange feeling was strongest when his hand touched the crystal pendant.

"I like it so much." Mi Xi's eyes became more and more profound, "Then I'll give it to you. Do you want me to comb a ponytail for you?"

Lin An touched the side of his ear. He hadn't cut his hair and beard for a long time. The long black hair hung down on his neck, and the green stubble also made people feel itchy.

"Captain, how long are we until the next parking place?"

"Tomorrow night we will stop at a small town in the wilderness and rest for about two hours."

"Can I find a local barber shop?"

"Um...cough, okay, okay."

Mi Xi couldn't hold back at all, and the whole RV was filled with a happy atmosphere. Lin An, who couldn't explain it clearly, pinched the crystal with trembling hands, gritted his teeth and pulled it off.

Damn it, as a foundation team, can we have more of an occult atmosphere and less messy traffic passwords!


Maybe it was because the west was too dry or the road was too bumpy, so Lin An stayed awake at night.

A rooster crows in the distance, the dawn sun is blocked by the wind of yellow sand, and the turbid sky hangs low above the RV.

The gas station lit up with bright lights, and Mixie parked the car inside.

Sleepy-eyed Lin An and Barry went to the store to buy breakfast. Behind the gas station was a bustling town, full of low, rickety huts. The morning drivers were rushing around, and the loud horns were heard in the distance.

In New Mexico, cars never care about mufflers.

The store smelled of camphor, and a group of teenage brown-skinned boys and girls nudged the waiter to buy a dozen beers.

Sleepy Lin An grabbed a few loaves of bread and walked to the bar.

Look at the potato chips.

Lin An couldn't help but pause and found a bag of shrimp cocktail flavored Pringles on the shelf.

Hey, why should I stop?

A barefoot driver went to the toilet, ignored the "slippery ground" sign, and walked out.

The next moment, there was a "boom" sound, and he slipped to the ground and knocked over a box of beer.


A can with foam spraying out flew past Lin An at high speed, spraying sticky "wheat juice" everywhere.

If he hadn't stopped, he would have been splashed with drink.

"What the hell are you doing to me!"

The clerk quickly left the nagging teenager behind and hurried towards the driver. The latter looked at each other, picked up a few cans of beer and ran out, making the clerk scream in anger.

Lin An frowned at the farce.

Was it just... an accident?

After paying the bill with another clerk, Lin An returned to the RV with doubts.

There were still two days before Santa Fe, and the town at night was their only resting place before then. Lin An and his companions had a sumptuous dinner at a steakhouse for 40 dollars.

This steakhouse is both a restaurant and a bar. The musician stands playing his xylophone, the guitar singer sings, and an old man of insignificant age plays the drums to the beat.

Lin An picked up the cactus juice that came as part of the package, and a premonition flashed through his heart.

I don’t want to drink anymore.

He put the cactus juice aside and listened to the noise of the band, sensing something was wrong.

Why won't you let me drink?

Lin An ignored his thoughts and took a sip of the thick orange liquid, almost losing his Tianling Gai due to the sour taste.

Well, he really shouldn't have drank.

Putting his hand into his pocket, Lin An grabbed the artificial crystal and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

He has had this feeling before. When he is close to Jin Zhien, the medium of the "prophet", he always has a mysterious and mysterious premonition. What should be done now and what should be done then.

Now that I think about it, this is not normal at all.

If the "war emperor" is the king who controls the overall situation on the surface, the "prophet" is the suggester who interferes with other people's thoughts through various psychological suggestions, thereby affecting the other person's behavior.

It usually takes some time to take effect, but no one knows it.

If you want to eliminate the influence, perhaps you can only use the mysticism of the same "prophet" medium.

Lin An walked to the toilet cubicle and ordered the system.

"Use [Auspicious Zodiac Day]."

The energy turned into five-pointed stars connected to each other and landed above the head. The five phases rotated clockwise and turned into a "lucky" character, which was engraved on Lin An's Yintang.

There was an indescribable sound coming from next door, followed by a series of curse words.

"Damn it, there's something wrong with the food in this store! If it had been a hundred years ago, I would have shot the boss right now!"

It's a cactus juice bar.

Lin An suddenly thought of the previous hint.

The two prophetic mystical arts collided, and the invisible influence disappeared. Lin An suddenly noticed something.

Why didn't he think of throwing away the hat?

Firstly, he was curious about who the mysterious person who lost his hat was; secondly, he hoped to avoid the Foundation and collect novel mystical techniques; thirdly, its reminder was very accurate and effective.

That's exactly what I would think.

But...not exactly my usual way of thinking.

"Prophet" is really a dangerous medium.

According to the information currently available, this mysterious person's rating is lower than that of the legend, but his radiation value is extremely high, and he is very good at controlling his own mysterious skills.

Foundation, it’s time to get to work!

Just as Lin An was about to report it to Simon, a strong call suddenly appeared in his heart.

Go west.

Go west.

If you have needs.

Just go west.

Thanks to Yi Ming Yi Yi Chi Sword, Lord of the Ark, Fantasy Oiran, Sour Lime, Peerless Meng Xiaoxiao, and Lao Wang next door for your monthly votes. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions~

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