World Occult User Guide

Chapter 93 Blood Church

Going west?

Lin An took out the shaking artificial crystal. Under the influence of the "prophet", he no longer knew whether the decision he was making now was his original idea.

However, since you have received the blessing of [Auspicious Zodiac Days], your luck should reach its peak step by step.

So the "thinking" in this situation may be some whims that can bring "good luck"?

Why don't you go take a look?

After so many days in the boring West, it was rare to find a mysterious person who was interesting.

Lin An turned on the communication device in his ear and contacted Simon first.

The captain asked in surprise: "What's wrong, Lin?"

"Just want to confirm, when we keep in touch, can you still get my location from the cloud? The signal is not lost because it is too remote, right?"


"The barber shop in this town is a bit far from the center, and the security is not very good." Lin An said awkwardly, "I am an ordinary college student, and I was separated from Mi Xibali and the others, and I looked more like a bully. It’s a living target.”

"What are you afraid of? You have a gun." Simon laughed dumbly.

"I have always lived in a peaceful and civilized society. Once I encountered a real villain, I would be so scared that my legs would be weak. How could I dare to shoot?"

"Okay, if anything happens, please open contact immediately."

Taking advantage of Simon's double insurance, Lin An shut down the communication.

Clenching the artificial crystal with his fingers, he walked to a specific location based on the inspiration that surged in his heart.

The town is still lively at night, with men and women wearing straw hats wandering the streets, homeless wanderers huddled in abandoned cardboard boxes, and a musician playing the piccolo in the night, his contented voice echoing melodiously.

At the corner of the street, an old woman sliced ​​cooked beef brisket, placed it under cooked corn kernels, poured it on slightly spicy sauce, wrapped it in newspapers and sold it to passers-by.

The fragrant aroma of the food stall attracted several tourists walking. They just took out their wallets and heard the sound of motorcycles coming from the roadside.


Before they could react, two big men with open chests rushed out of the alley, bumped them away with their shoulders, grabbed their wallets and got on the motorcycle. The old woman also took the opportunity to push the motorcycle away.

Only the helpless tourists were left in place.

Oh, what a mess.

Lin An took in everything, shook his head helplessly, and continued to follow the hunch in his heart.

The road became more and more deviated, until the dirt road turned into a rare alley, and then into the deserted suburbs. Lin An faced the dark night sky and the endless plains, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This is completely wilderness!

Still, the premonition pushed him deeper.

After thinking for a moment, Lin An returned to the town. The group of men who had snatched the wallet were surrounding the old woman eating corn on the cob. They were indeed in the same group.

The imposing motorcycle parked unattended on the roadside.

Lin An took out his pistol and shot the chain, turned over, stepped on it, and ran away.

The big men were frightened and chased after him.

"Damn it, you damn little thief! If I don't kill you for being such a bitch, you'll dirty my car seat!"

After that, they took out a few decent pistols and shot Lin An in the back.

"Ping! Ping! Ping!"

Lin An held the handlebar with one hand and held the gun with the other hand, shooting randomly in the back. At the same time, a strong air flow blew towards the big men. All the bullets deviated from the trajectory, and none of them hit Lin An.


On the contrary, Lin An's bullets were so accurate that one of the chasing men's thighs was bruised and one of their shoulders was punctured. The others couldn't help but shuddered and stopped one after another to watch Lin An's back disappear into the night.

"Damn it, I met a real thief today!"

Lin An shook off a few people, listening to the curses in the wind, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

[Auspicious Zodiac Day] takes effect quite quickly.

I don't know how long it lasts.

Riding a powerful motorcycle, Lin An was galloping in the wilderness. The stars and moon were dim and the sky was full of dust. There were no built roads here. He freely decided the next direction according to the inspiration that emerged one after another.

If it weren't for the vague smell of blood floating in the air, this journey would have ended in a pleasant and relaxing way.

The end point of inspiration is a sheltered place on a plain. There are still collapsed bases on the ground. The wooden sticks and rags that flash around from time to time also remind Lin An that a hundred years ago, this may have been a settlement for cowboys and bounty hunters.

Among the abandoned settlements, the only well-preserved low-rise building appears in front of you.

Lin An stopped the motorcycle and took a few steps. The clouds suddenly dispersed and the moonlight illuminated the "lively" scene.

This was once a church. A few vultures were perched on the dusty fence. The carved exterior walls were decorated with unrecognizable faces of the Savior and his apostles. Crows felt the approach of strangers and fluttered their wings.

The smell of blood became stronger.

A piece of wet cloth blew towards him. Lin An uncovered it, and it turned out to be a piece of skin connected to the roots of his hair.

I go.

I go! ! !

Seeing this disgusting and terrifying scene, even Lin An couldn't help but get alert.

"System, use [Listen to Invisible Breathing]."

"There are 0 mysterious people around you."

"By using the Mysterious Technique, the [Mysterious Encyclopedia] radiation value increased by 0.2%."

Did the murderer leave?

Lin An breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the inside of the church. The sand retained a few tracks of unknown coyotes or wild dogs, scattered in an orderly manner, leading to the bricks and stones in the front yard of the building.

Brownish-purple blood has dried, mixed with soil and pieces of meat, and has pooled on the ground, filling the gaps in the worn-out stone slabs. It has flowed all the way down the steps where believers used to come and go, and is surrounded by traces of scavengers and a rotten smell. Soaring into the sky.

Flies and maggots covered the exposed carrion of the body and crawled between the shrunken eyeballs.


There was a dead body lying at the door. Two gluttonous vultures stood on top of it. Their cold eyes stared at Lin An casually. The latter stretched out his hands to drive them away. They hissed a few times and flew to the roof, continuing to watch. His figure.

What is going on here?

After being exposed to the energy of "Comes" for so long, Lin An witnessed such a purely cruel, curious and disgusting scene for the first time.

While in Ditri City, the Foundation mentioned that the Witch's followers had held some sacrifice rituals for mutilated corpses. Although Lin An had never seen it, based on the photos and records, the horror of this church at the moment could not be overemphasized. .

Lin An picked a few dead leaves, supported a pillar in the vestibule, and used the sticky liquid to dip into the soles of his shoes.

After entering the church, purple-red blood stains covered the ground, congealed into a pudding-like state, and there was almost no clean place to stay.

The moonlight turned into beams of light, falling slanting down from the holes in the wall and several high windows without glass.

There were very few chairs and obstructive furniture in the church. It was now crumbling. The empty hall was about seventy square meters, allowing the bloody scene to be seen clearly.

There were about a dozen unrecognizable corpses piled far and near - this was Lin An's initial inference.

Because some of them were partially eaten by scavengers, and some simply turned into a puddle of turbid meat, leaving only empty skins and broken white skeletons, and the smell of blood was so strong that they almost dripped water.

Looking around, the walls were covered with holes left by bullets, as well as some vaguely identifiable bloody handprints.

There was an inexplicable atmosphere surrounding the bullet holes, which was completely different from the corpse.

One of the mysterious men seems to be using a gun?

It's a bit similar to [Magic Bullet Shooter].

And the deceased were...all ordinary people.

Walking in the corridor of the church, Lin An approached the overthrown altar. Some traces were left after the war. Some photo frames were hung crookedly on the wall, and the statues of the gods were broken.

Crows flew in through the arched window at the end, fighting over bits of torn entrails.

"Creak, creak, creak..."

After driving away the crows, Lin An picked up a piece of stiff cloth and wiped the dust from the photo frame. The blurry photo captured about seven or eight people, all of them wearing half masks, veils, and black lipstick on their mouths.

Among them, a man wearing a golden fringed veil with unknown gender appears repeatedly. Lin An speculates that this man is the "leader" of these believers.

He turned to the broken idol again, confirming his suspicion even more.

Because the statue looked very similar to the person in the photo, based on the scattered fragments, Lin An confirmed the gender of the leader - she was a woman in her fifties or sixties. If she read correctly, she was holding something like a stone slab in her hand. .

Lin An didn't find her in the pile of corpses just now. I'm afraid the leader is still alive somewhere.

The cold desert wind blew from the window, dispersing some of the breathless atmosphere. Just as Lin An was about to dial the communication device next to his ear, bursts of heat suddenly came from his chest.

It was a pipe given to him by a moose.

This can be regarded as the luck of [Auspicious Day] taking effect, right?

Exploring this bloody church... is really not the most "lucky" thing that Lin An can think of.

Lin An took out his pipe and lit the prepared licorice with a lighter. The medicinal smoke rose and blew toward the east.

The dawning star in the east, the tribe of sand and earth, the muskrat?

Lin An took a deep breath, the energy drained from his Dantian, raised his hands and shouted: "Hey - ah - hey!"

Once they leave the environment of the native tribe, whether they dance the sun dance or call the local gods, they all feel an inexplicable sense of shame.

Will the muskrat really show up?

The next moment, rustling sounds came from all directions, and a beaver-like animal phantom nimbly stepped over the sharp glass shards of blood-stained blood on the window, its shiny fur illuminated by the moonlight.

Its body was about the size of a domestic cat, and its bare and powerful tail brought a fresh sound of wind, sweeping up the blood and dust on the altar. Clean sand paintings suddenly appeared out of thin air, depicting patterns that were exactly the same as those of animals.

The two shadows came together, and the real muskrat appeared in reality, looking at Lin An with eyes the size of mung beans.

It seems that [Listening to Invisible Breathing] cannot detect the source-level mystical being.

Thoughts flashed through Lin An's mind and he said hello.

"Brother Rat, it's you."

The hair on the muskrat's body shook, and sand fell all over its body. The strange sound of "sand" sounded in Lin An's ears, like rain falling on leaves, and like the collapse of the desert, turning into a meaningful sentence.

"I am a woman."

"Sister Rat?"

"What a weird name, it's so unpleasant."

The beaver gracefully groomed its face with two paws, and unlike a normal muskrat, its nails were painted in an original color.

"My real name is 'Shou Tent', and you should be the Lin An mentioned by Shenmi. Is there anything I can help you with, kid?"

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