World Occult User Guide

Chapter 94 Huangsha Clan

It's not that Lin An doesn't respect the local culture, but Sister Shuzi is obviously much smoother than "Keeping the Tent".

Especially when he communicates with the other party, he uses Chinese.

"The air here smells really bad." Beaver shook his thick, smooth tail, "I'll wait for you outside."

Its figure turned into a pile of loose sand and fell between the gaps in the altar.

Lin An left the Scarlet Church. The ruins outside became increasingly bleak in the light of the waning moon. Beaver stood on top of a lonely wooden stick stuck in the ground.

"Hello, Huangsha clan." Lin An greeted.

"Hello to you." Beaver combed his fur with his paws, "Answer your question. I'm on my way. I'll come over when I hear the call, and I'll see you in person."


Lin An was stunned. What he was thinking just now was "I didn't expect you happened to pass by here."

"You want to ask me 'What happened in that church? Do you know who the murderous mystery man is?' Considering the other three tend to have a good rapport with you, I can answer. First let me listen to the earth The record left behind.”

Without waiting for Lin An to ask questions, Beaver spoke out his thoughts in a flurry of words, and at the same time slid down the wooden stick, melting into the ground like loose sand.


About five seconds later, an earthquake suddenly struck, and the ground beneath Lin An's feet trembled.

He subconsciously took a few steps back in the direction of the motorcycle. The sand and soil behind him suddenly drained away quickly, giving him the illusion of weightlessness. He turned around suddenly and saw the beaver holding its hands in the sky, shaking off its fur.

The gravel fell on the ruins, and a strange vision appeared. Just hearing the roar of "plop and rustle", a group of sand statues about half a person's height stood up from the ground.

The vibration suddenly disappeared, and Lin An didn't even have time to carefully read the system's data. The beaver rushed towards him quickly, leaving a series of afterimages that were difficult to catch with the naked eye.


A tall pillar of sand rose from the ground, catching Beaver's small body, and it stood behind Lin An.

"Rat - guard the tent, that was just now..."

Lin An raised his head and asked doubtfully while checking Beaver's panel.

[Name]: Muskrat

[Evaluation]: Source C level

[Radiation value]: 18.5%

[Pollution level]: 46%

[Media]: God of Nong Geng

He is the god of farming...

In the past, Lin An thought that the medium of the God of Farming was related to "help", but after thinking about Beaver's performance, he gave the "God of Farming" a second label.

Mind reading.

Both Mixie, who is the Fairy Queen, and the local god Muskrat, have an ability similar to "telepathy" and can hear the psychological activities of others.

As for how many layers of thoughts the muskrat could read, and whether it could still detect the subconscious system, Lin An didn't know, and he didn't want to try it rashly.

"I asked the creatures around me and listened to them tell all about the church's past. But they don't understand human language, so we have to watch a silent mime." Beaver spoke very fast, "The only thing that is certain is that this It happened a few hours ago.”

"A few hours ago?" Lin An repeated.

Those corpses seemed to have been dead for at least three or four days. Even in the hotter west, it would be difficult to reach this level of decay.

There are more and more sand statues in front of them, moving in a clockwise circle. They are a group of various animals wearing half masks and veils, some are monkeys, some are brown bears, and some are lizards.

They all stand on two feet, and their posture reveals their human identity.

Some kind of sacrificial activity...

It can be seen from the decorations left in the church that it once belonged to a secret organization and was their meeting place. When the murder occurred, the believers happened to be holding a party.

I saw these people gathering together, taking out a necklace-like jewelry and dangling it in the air.

Its outline is somewhat like that of a man-made crystal.

The believers opened their mouths, said a few silent words, shook their heads, and ended the conversation.

A woman stood up and left. As soon as she opened the door, sand and soil rose high, creating a huge and terrifying statue that was taller than Lin An.

It has the face of a monster, ferocious and ferocious.


The monster slapped the helpless woman to pieces, then spat out a large amount of sand from its mouth, drowning the others.

Then, the monster took a breath and swallowed all the piled sand, and its body became taller and more majestic.

The illusion of sand and soil ended here, and Lin An was thoughtful.

The method of killing was too abstract. Only based on the energy traces of the bullet hole that had not disappeared, he was able to determine that this "monster" was a mysterious person.

He is alone, and his techniques are clean and neat. Even after exaggeration, the limbs and head are still the same as those of humans.

At least this person is not someone who has recently awakened to mystery, and the level of contamination is very low.

Finally, it sucks away the gravel that represents the corpse, and the image becomes more terrifying. Is it an animal narrative technique, or...

"The demonstration of the sand painting is not comprehensive. As far as I know, the person's aura has changed before and after. It is suspected that a spell was used to increase radiation through killing." The rustling sound of beavers rang in my ears.

This is another guess of Lin An.

It’s broken and I encountered a demonic cultivator.

Lin An quickly stopped his random thoughts and thought of a suitable medium.

"presiding judge?"

"That's right, Lin An." Beaver sighed, "What a terrible guy. The call of the Holy Spirit must be far away from him."

Rolling his eyes, Lin An asked: "Shou Tent, are you sure you can defeat him?"

"I am not a mysterious person who is good at fighting."

Beaver said ambiguously, suddenly stopped talking, and looked at Lin An from top to bottom.

Is the meaning of temptation too obvious?

Lin An swallowed, eager to read Beaver's thoughts from the pair of mung bean-sized eyes. Unfortunately, its eyes were too small.

The two fell into an uncomfortable silence.

"Currently, you will face a dead end against him." Beaver's eyes fell on the pipe held by Lin An for a long time, then looked into the distance, "This is a blessing to prevent you from dying in the hands of this person. Leave New Mexico as soon as possible, it It can only last three days.”

The slender fingers wiped the ground and applied warmth to Lin An's forehead, leaving a touch of white as elegant as ashes.

Lin An felt the faint energy of the mark on his forehead. He was at the same source level as him. He did not study the function of this object with the system for the time being, for fear that Beaver would hear his inner thoughts.

"I'm leaving, kid. Because I'm on my way."

After doing all this, the beaver used his tail to sweep away the scattered sand and soil, returning them to their original state.

"Thank you for your help, guard the tent."

"Goodbye, Lin An."

The sound of crushing sand became quiet, and the smell of beaver completely disappeared, blending into the natural hills and wilderness.

After waiting for five minutes to confirm that it had left, Lin An took a deep breath and opened up his innermost thoughts.

Goodbye, Eagle Country’s version of Tudigong.

When he was next to Beaver just now, let alone thinking, Lin An restrained any thoughts for fear of being accidentally read by it.

As he got on his motorcycle, he glanced back at the low buildings in the night. There were more vultures and crows perched on the roofs, and the sound of scrambling could be heard.

A faint green light lit up in the distance, and another group of Steppenwolves had followed the smell of blood.

Starting the engine, Lin An drove quickly toward the town.


His sixth sense told him that he must not turn on the communication device to call Simon at this time.

Since the [Auspicious Zodiac Day] was still in effect, Lin An was willing to believe in his hunch.

However, with such a big death happening, he believed that it was necessary for the Foundation to step in and solve the problem.

Abandoning the motorcycle on the edge of the town, Lin An returned to the RV. Simon lay in the driver's seat and looked at the stars, wondering what he was thinking.

He came out of his meditation when he noticed the sound of footsteps.

"Didn't you go to the barber shop?"

"I ran into a robbery on the street, which really scared me, so I just came back. Let's wait until Shafei City." Lin An took out the artificial crystal in his pocket and handed it to him, "Compared to that, Captain, I feel This thing is a little weird.”

"Huh? This is..."

As soon as Simon's hands touched the crystal, he couldn't help being surprised. He closed his eyes and felt it quietly for a moment. He said to Lin An: "Say hello to Mi Xibali. I'll go somewhere first."


After discovering the location of the Scarlet Church and arriving at the foundation, it took 11 hours. Lin An took the opportunity to find a hotel and sleep.

After the local branch took over, the group embarked on the journey again. When it was Simon's turn to drive, Barry who was driving saw him frowning and looking at the screen of his mobile phone intently.

"Simon, are you okay?"

"Sorry, I got distracted." Simon calmed down as if he had just woken up from a dream, "How long is it until Safe City?"

"A day and a half."

"I received an email that temporarily changed my plans." Simon covered the email address and showed it to Barry, "We are going to stay in Shafi City for a few days."

"Captain, what happened?"

Lin An, who was eavesdropping in the back seat, couldn't help but make a sound. He moved closer to the front row and took a look. What caught his eye was an electronic signature with white characters on a black background. It was more gorgeous than President Dietrich's. The pattern of the tree of life was perfectly combined with the text. Together.

Captain Simon Lloyd,

Hello, I am one of the six deacons on the inspection team.

The headquarters has received a report about [Thunderbird]. Professional researchers are waiting for your arrival at the New Mexico branch facility and will carry out corresponding investigation and processing to prevent MI-Alpha-001 from getting out of control and causing everyone misfortune on the way. .

In addition, I also had another task when I went to New Mexico, which was to control the free mystics operating in New Mexico, the current president of the seance, code-named NM-Gamma-002, [Blind Woman] 】.

The information you submitted not long ago is very useful for my investigation. I hope we can chat in person at the Shafi City Foundation and review the findings face to face.

Bring your squad members.


Efron Reuben.

Sure enough, that church was the property of the [Séance].

Lin An sat back in his seat and refreshed the latest comments on the World Tree Forum.

Ranger_12: What new fashion is this? Let me give you a brief doodle of a super-occult outfit I accidentally discovered on the streets of New Mexico. [picture]

Thank you to book friend 20221219213003270 and Little Ice and Fire Mage for your monthly pass, thank you to Star Marrow Foundation for your reward, and thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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