World Occult User Guide

Chapter 95 Seance

Ranger_12: What happened was that the poster suddenly saw a person like this on the street corner and disappeared. I drew a picture based on my memory, and everyone guessed without prizes whether this was a real occultist or not. [picture]

[Picture] shows a PS doodle of a scrawled bread man wearing half a Phantom of the Opera-like mask, a black veil, and black lipstick like a Barbie doll.

WaterparkS! : Why do you describe occultists as a race? Does that mean dogs can be considered as such?

DaoFaZiRan: It must be the local folk dress, the poster doesn’t need to care.

Ghavarus-Ray: Doesn’t anyone think the clothes the poster painted are astringent? I’m fine. If it weren't for the fact that there are more and more blocked words on the World Tree Forum, Gao Luo would give the brothers some color.

Joervann_233: I reported it upstairs, brothers, did I do the right thing.

Mercury_178: I also reported the person upstairs. Brothers, did I do the right thing?

MaskedIGJM: Well done, well done!

Heviaaaa: Huh, it seems to be a substitute with the same attributes as me.

: Let me answer the question seriously. Masks and veils are usually used to hide one’s true identity and appearance. As for black lipstick, it may be to make it easier for others to recognize oneself. It can be seen that the poster may have entered a secret organization by mistake.

: Although the painting is abstract, it can be seen that this is the traditional costume of the Corn Country. The popular-style metal mask proves that this secret organization may be located on the border of the Eagle Country. You should ask someone from New Mexico or Texas to help you answer this question.

: Oh, I’ve already turned up the heat and changed the settings, so it’ll be fine.

Camelia0: It’s best to delete the post.

nazranx2: Teacher Ka, something happened to your kidney.

Camelia0: You guys check out the Fox Sisters...this is probably their New Mexico twin organization called the 'Lady Ava Séances'.

Toobie4564: More occultism coming soon/can’t wait.

RaijinLupis: I checked and found nothing. Is it the search engine I'm using that's wrong?

Nickelflowers: I seem to have heard... That's what my grandmother told me. Around 1875, a pair of sisters successfully demonstrated a séance at the local mayor's house, allowing the mayor to witness the spirit of his dead wife.

Nickelflowers: In this way, the sisters gradually established a religious organization. About six years later, they met a wealthy Lord of Dove Country and performed a seance. Jazz claims to have seen shadows of deceased relatives and friends while the sisters were veiled.

Nickelflowers: With investment from Jazz, they spread the influence of the séance to surrounding towns and named the organization after their surname - 'Lady Ava's Séance'. Around 1920, they often appeared in the most prosperous city of Sophie in New Mexico.

Alligator: Why can’t I find such an important thing? Don't you think it's strange?

Nickelflowers: It is said that after the sisters died, their great-granddaughter with the most spiritual power became a medium. Unfortunately, she turned to demonology, which led to the decline of the séance. Anyway, we just listen to it as a bedtime story now.

Toobie4564: Hardcore bedtime stories.

Low_Artist_766: Are you sure it disappeared? I feel more like going underground.

Low_Artist_766: From 1875 to now, it has been half the history of the Eagle Nation. How far should this organization develop? It’s a bit scary.

Brilliant458: Local snake level.

Displacedindavis: Has anyone posted an introduction to the séance, so I don’t want to leave the World Tree Forum.

E_Hobo: A seance is an attempt to communicate with the dead. It is usually hosted by a medium. At the beginning of the ceremony, she is in a trance, and the dead can communicate with the living through her. This is a well-known way of channeling, channeling.

E_Hobo: Another famous prop is the Ouija board, which is very similar to the Ouija board. There is even a legend that the demon Solomon was summoned from it. Spiritualists believe that 'materialization' gives a person the ability to communicate with the underworld.

Displacedindavis: I fainted. What is materialization.

E_Hobo: A term referring to the temporary physical tissue in which the soul is stored, visible and touchable.

JascnBriel: Worship the boss.

Displacedindavis: Thank you.

CreazionediAdamo: Séance does not belong to the occult. It's just that creating history is inseparable from mysticism. To be precise, it is a kind of hypnosis that relies on skills to achieve its goals and perform magic performances.

CreazionediAdamo: I almost forgot, there is a [Golden Dawn] in the Eagle Kingdom, and magicians are included in the ancient profession of alchemists... What a shame! This is blasphemy to Xizhou!

Lin An turned off the phone and put it in his pocket.

Sasaki sent a message not long ago. It seemed that the foundation had lifted the monitoring of him in early February. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Lin An logged into the Two Crows terminal, used administrator rights to block a group of people, and stayed up all night writing code, which was overcrowded. The World Tree Forum has some rules.

At the same time, he also activated his original username, although it was a blank new account.

Lin An is very satisfied with regaining control of his own hard work.

Lady Ava's séance...probably where the artificial crystal came from.

This was supposed to be a group of scammers, but due to the radiation from "Comuth", some of them awakened real "superpowers", and it is known that there is a "prophet" medium.

In the email, people from the foundation called her Gamma-002 [Blind Woman].

Lin An found her record on the wanted list, and she was a free mystic similar to [The Witch of Bavomet].

There were no dead mystics in the Scarlet Church, and [Blind Woman] was not present. He guessed that it was just a "branch" of the séance.

Here comes the problem.

Why did Crystal urge Lin An to go west?

In the video shown on the sand statue, when those people took out the artificial crystal and talked to each other, were they discussing the urging and summons from this crystal?

It seems that this [blind woman]’s purpose is not simple.

Could it be that she was an acquaintance with the murderer?

Sometimes I was thinking, sometimes I was dozing. Before I knew it, the RV drove all the way into the city of Shafi.

As soon as they entered the road, an ambulance came oncoming with its siren honking at a speed of 80 miles. Mishi swerved and passed it.

On the streets of the city, speeding has become the norm. Drivers will not slow down for anyone or anything. The bright traffic is dazzling. Pedestrians on the road, even old ladies, are in a hurry all the time. walking.

Fortunately, the foundation facility was located on the edge of Shafi City. Mishi was infected by the drag racing crowd and didn't step on the accelerator a few times before the fluttering flag appeared in the distant sky.

"Here we are!"

She turned around to inform her three companions. As the RV drove closer and closer, a mediocre office building rose from the ground. Its outer shell was slightly dilapidated and blended perfectly with the surrounding buildings that were emitting black smoke.

"Uh, are"

"Captain, is the foundation bankrupt?" Lin An asked.

"The New Mexico branch was established urgently a year ago. Before that, San Aniloff's scale and manpower had always been hit by obstacles in the west and had no foundation." Simon introduced, "No matter how it looks on the outside, there are still things that should be there. of."

In fact, as he said, when Lin An and his party entered the facility, their treatment was almost the same as in New York. X was still the familiar X, welcoming him with an indistinguishable androgynous voice.

The only thing that has changed is probably the structure of the rooms and restaurants. This facility has 16 floors above ground and 11 floors below ground, but each floor is extremely narrow, and the overall area is even less than that of Detli City.

Watching the research department transport the Thunderbird statue away, Lin An looked at its panel again.

Fortunately, nothing has changed.

Otherwise, Lin An would really suspect that Brother Lei Zi was cheating on him secretly when he wasn't paying attention.

Both are at the source level, why are you so excellent.

On the way into the dormitory with the civilian staff, Lin An received a notice from the branch president, asking them to go to the highest 16th floor at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning to meet with the deacon of the inspection team, Efron Reuben.

7 o'clock……

Lin An raised his eyebrows after taking a bite of the hot dog stuck on a bamboo stick.

He is really a diligent Eagle Countryman. Generally speaking, everyone would not get up so early.

Unfortunately, facing the inspection team, Simon was helpless, Mi Xi sighed, and even Barry was depressed. Only Lin An recalled the "good" time of early reading in high school and skillfully turned on the five-thirty alarm clock at the bottom of the phone.


Awakened by the soul-stirring alarm, Lin An relied on muscle memory to wash up in a daze, put on his coat, and entered the conference room half an hour early.

Unexpectedly, a young man was already sitting here.

The conference room was not big. He raised his head and looked at Lin An. His sharp gaze was like a blade thrust into his throat.



"This is to say hello to you." The young man turned a language book "Spanish - From Beginner to Master" upside down on the table, "Do it again, Hola."


The young man had an unruly face and short yellow hair. He was generally decent. However, the scar at the corner of his mouth cut open the flesh, revealing blood-red gums and triangular teeth, which ruined his overall temperament and made him look indescribably ferocious.

"Sit down." The young man raised his hand and said, "Efron Ruben. You are Lin An, right? Nice to meet you."

His voice sounded like heavy metal music, which was quite uncomfortable. Lin An got goosebumps for no reason.

Despite his reluctance, Lin An had no choice but to slowly walk to the position arranged by Efron under his sharp gaze.

However, as soon as he got close to the young man, a hoarse voice sounded.

"How many seconds will it take to break his neck here? How many seconds will it take to crush his head like a watermelon?"

Lin An's pupils narrowed suddenly, his expression quickly stopped, and he sat down pretending that nothing happened.

In the past few days, he and the system studied the white traces left by the beavers, and finally concluded that Sister Shuzi was a worse Riddler than Brother Luzi.

After many tests, Lin An discovered that this mark could only be seen by source-level mystics. Out of caution, he covered it with long bangs.

At this moment, the mark is slightly heated, showing its true function.

It turns out that Efron Reuben is the culprit who created the Scarlet Church!

Beaver hopes that Lin An will stay away from this guy!

So once he gets close to this specific person, Lin An can hear the other person's heart.

Before he had time to digest more information, Efron Reuben smiled playfully and rested his chin on his hands.

"You look nervous. Would you like a cup of coffee? The coffee machine is over there. I tried it. The coffee beans here taste good."

"Taking out his esophagus like noodles must feel as good as a water balloon."

Lin An's mouth twitched.

Who the hell dares to drink this coffee!

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