World Occult User Guide

Chapter 96 Deacon Efron Reuben

Chapter 96 Deacon Efron Reuben

Efron Reuben is a sociopathic murderer!

Lin An smiled calmly and chatted with him for a while, using the mark given by the beaver to listen to Efron's heart in an attempt to find more clues.

Ten minutes later, the branch president of Shafei City pushed in the door.

Efron turned to him, murderous at his meaningless words.

Lin An lay down on the chair with relief. Talking to Efron was too physically and mentally tortured.

Anyway, he didn't have much interaction with Lady Ava's séances.

When Lin An mentioned the séance, Efron just thought about how to track down the base camp of [Blind Eyed Woman], acting like a real Foundation member.

His guess was that [Blind Woman] was aware of Efron's investigation and deceived believers to gather in that church to confuse the public and allow the golden cicada to escape.

As for why Efron didn't take the initiative to call the foundation to deal with the aftermath...killing a bunch of ordinary people was a serious violation of the prohibitions in the "Employee Handbook."

But in the record of the sand painting statue, Efron clearly saw that the woman who opened the door was an ordinary person, but still killed her, and then killed everyone without hesitation.

Most of the time, the Foundation focuses on controlling and incarcerating people. Efron not only went on a killing spree, but also blasted the corpses into rubbish, absorbing some kind of power to increase the radiation level, as if he had a plan in advance.

As long as Efron reveals in his heart that he and Lady Ava have a séance partnership, it all makes sense.

However, every time Lin An talked about "Blind Woman" with him, Efron's unfailing words proved that the two did not know each other. He was extremely excited and hostile towards her, hoping to kill this free and mysterious woman as soon as possible. By.

This also shows that the two people should not be cooperating, and Efron's behavior is just an accident under the misguidance of [Blind Woman].

Lin An glanced at Deacon Ruben who was chatting and laughing.

This person brought him a strong sense of oppression, even surpassing Simon. Lin An had already asked the system to search for the mysterious techniques that affected Efron.

The "God of Truth" is exhausted, and there is no need for Hittite rituals. Druid sacrifices are completely ineffective. However, the newly included [Repeat Reader] is the only effective ability. However, due to the difference in radiation value, the system determines that Lin An may use it. There is a risk to life.

"Presiding Judge" is a "close range" mysterious technique. Lin An and Efron cannot be too far away when it is used. During this period, it is unknown what kind of resistance the other party will make.

The current situation is calm and there is no need to risk your life to fight to the death.

In this case, the [Blind Woman] who has the ability to arrange this deacon... is also a mythical level with high radiation value?

Lin An always felt that something was wrong. The aura he felt from the artificial crystal was rated very low. Could it be that [Blind Woman] was not the maker of the artificial crystal? Mrs. Ava had other tricks in seance, which had not been witnessed and recorded by the Foundation team. case?

No wonder Beaver told him to leave New Mexico State immediately, this place was too scary.


At 7 o'clock, the conference room was full of people, and Lin An collected his thoughts.

"Captain Simon, after receiving your report, the Foundation immediately dispatched a face-to-face team to handle and investigate, and determined that the murderer was a mysterious person."

"It's obvious," Simon said.

Lin An couldn't listen to a word. On the one hand, the branch president's speech was boring, and on the other hand, Efron's negative emotions annoyed him.

It wasn't until Efron stood up to speak and his voice weakened that Lin An got rid of his irritability and uneasiness.

"That was a branch of Mrs. Ava's séance. This cruel method was most likely a sacrifice carried out by the séance." The deacon said, "According to the investigation, Gamma-002's family has studied 'demonology.' and the history of ‘summoning rituals’.”

"Unfortunately, the energy remaining at the scene is too weak to deduce the clues of the murderer." The branch director said, "We only know that it was a mysterious person who did it."

The reason for not notifying the foundation in time was found. Efron wanted to wait for the energy of those bullet holes to dissipate.

He was not going to disclose what he had done, and was planning to blame the séance. Lin An thought that the Foundation was more inclined to suspect the free mystics than to suspect the deacons of the inspection team.

"Alas, it's too late..." Simon looked regretful.

"You are really conscientious of your duties, Simon Lloyd." Efron said in his heart, "If it were not you who wrote the report, you would be lying in the morgue at this moment. But even you can't escape punishment, just wait and see."

Lin An made a sound.

Fortunately, I didn't contact the captain at that time, otherwise I would have been included in the list threatened by Efron.

On the surface, Efron said this:

"It is my mission to track down the [Blind Woman], Captain Simon. I hope you will describe the situation at the scene in detail and tell me all the suspicious clues."

Simon told him everything, and Efron repeatedly confirmed that he did not think of him, and thought to himself with satisfaction.

"Be glad that you are stupid and slow, otherwise you would have died in this Sapphire City."

Are you really part of the inspection team known as the "Backbone of St. Annilov"? Why do you feel that you are more dangerous than all the free mystics you have encountered before put together? Lin An thought.

But considering Efron's previous "kill kill kill", it might just be a random thought.

"Lin, you don't look good again." Barry's voice came from beside him, "Don't you really need to see a psychiatrist?"

After thinking for a moment, Lin An decided not to tell others the truth Efron had hidden.

It's not to cover up, but because... all the people present combined are no match for this guy.

Just let him get away with it, I really don't want to get involved.

"You remained neutral in the dilemma, and your standing aside attracted the medium 'God of Truth' x1."

"Due to the radiation from the 'God of Truth', your pollution level has increased by 1.5%."

Damn it, forget about this.

The system has started to go crazy, and Lin An can't imagine how garbled it will be if the level of pollution is higher.

The only good news is probably that with the "God of Truth", you can try the Hittite ritual on Efron, Lin An ordered the system.

"Retrieve ways to 'Kill Efron Roof'."

"According to the collected entry "Encyclopedia of Magic I: Spirituality, Fertility and the Dark Earth - Hittite Worship Ritual", item ① was found——"

Before the mechanical voice finished speaking, Efron, who was holding his arms, suddenly turned his head and his eyes were fixed on Lin An.

"This person just had murderous intent on me?! And why is my soul..."

Was he discovered?

This has never happened before!

Lin An clenched his fists suddenly, nails digging into his flesh. He managed to restrain his mood swings for a moment, trying his best to maintain a calm expression, pretending to continue listening to the branch president's chatter, thoughts flashing through his mind.

"System, what's wrong with you? Why don't you continue?"

"Error... × error... is affected by the mysterious influence of the 'Judgement', and you are currently not targeting this individual."

"Can't attack?" Lin An was breathless, "Search for a way to 'get out of the predicament'!"

"According to the collected entry "King Solomon's 72 Pillars of Demons V: Bullet Archer", I found a plan that meets the conditions - [Stars in Me]."

"Do you want to consume the orange 'Lord of Dreams' x1 to support?"

Brother Tongzi has messed up again...

No, wait!

Lin An suddenly remembered the green gem of the wand. The power of life contained in it could reverse the mysterious and mysterious state of death!

Although I don’t know why, it seems that only death can offset the abnormality caused by Efron!

But now is not the time. Efron's radiation level is too high. Even the success rate of the Hittite ritual is not optimistic. A foolproof way to deal with it must be found.

Only one chance!

"President Adenauer, let me interrupt." Evron's hoarse, metallic voice sounded, and his blade-like gaze swept across Lin An from time to time, like a sword of Damocles, "Captain Simon, I have a question."

"Please tell me."

"Did you discover the secret of the 'artificial crystal'?" Efron licked the scar at the corner of his mouth, "It is very important to me to catch [Blind Woman]. I think your contribution is worth 50 points."

"Thank you, Mr. Deacon." Simon said honestly, "I can't take all the credit. In fact, it was my team member who first noticed something was wrong with the crystal, Lin. I hope you can let us share the points equally."


Efron looked at Lin An, who was smiling but not smiling.

"What a young and promising new member. Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me later?"

"No..." Lin An's voice trembled slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm treating you." Efron propped his chin on his wrist, "But it's almost noon after the meeting. How about we go drink tequila, I know a good place."

"Thanks for the kindness, I..."

"Oh, so shy? The guy next to you is Mr. Barry Fenton, right? During my free time, I just want to chat with the new members."

"I'll send you to hell in a flash." He laughed in his heart.

Cold sweat broke out on Lin An's forehead. Seeing Efron looking at Mi Xi with cold and cruel eyes, he could only say: "It's better for the two of us to go together, Deacon Efron."

There is still a chance of winning when fighting alone. The more people there are, the more variables there are!

"Am I considered an outsider?" Barry suddenly said, "It's good to chat with the inspection team."

Hearing this, Simon's eyes flashed with a vague brightness.

"Bueno! We'll leave in a moment, I'll drive."

"Deacon Efron, my team members are all tired from the long journey. It's better to rest in the foundation's facilities. There is also a bar here." Simon wanted to dissuade them.

"Simon Lloyd, what qualifications do you have to question the inspection team?" Efron glanced at him sideways, "Don't forget, if Avia Emmanuel hadn't interceded for you, let alone join the foundation, the headquarters would have You will be executed.”

Simon's face turned pale instantly, and the branch president continued his useless nonsense without leaving any trace, as if the conflict just now didn't happen.

In the buzzing conference room, Lin An's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and the tension on his back made his scalp numb.

Why didn't he listen to Sister Shuzi!

You should never have come into contact with this extremely dangerous guy in the first place!

However, can I really avoid conflict if I don’t take the initiative to provoke it?

Perhaps from the moment I got the artificial crystal, I had already received Efron’s challenge.

An extremely strong curiosity surged into his heart, and Lin An suddenly relaxed. For the first time, he took the initiative to face Efron's cheetah-like fierce light, and his bold and crazy plan gradually took shape.

It's better to think of him as a stage test given to me by the world of "Comes".

"System, besides attacking, can other mysterious techniques be used?"


"Use [Auspicious Day] on me!"

Thank you to the president of the Broken Chapter Protection Association and book friend 20200823065651411 for your monthly votes. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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