Surprisingly, Efron drove smoothly and was very skilled.

"Actually, I was a very honest person, until someone cut my upper lip open with a knife." The deacon said to Barry, who was in the passenger seat, "These days, if you are not strong enough, you have no personality."

"You're right, Deacon Ruf."

"Haha, just like you, sir, you have no choice but to agree with me. Because in this carriage, I am the only one who has the power to make jokes."


"The orbit of 'Comes' is getting closer and closer, and civilized order will soon cease to exist. Although the world is not fair now, it will be better then." Efron said nonchalantly, "Rating A high rating is the king, a low rating is even worse than an ant.”

Barry responded with silence.

"Join the inspection team, or your life will be spared." Efron said in his heart.

It turns out that he specifically called out Barry to win over.

Lin An, who was in the back seat, pretended to look at the scenery and observed Barry's face with the corner of his eye. His expression was still dull and calm, but the light flowing in his eyes showed that he understood the meaning of Efron's words.

Lin An couldn't hear Barry's heart and didn't know what kind of struggle he was going through at the moment.

However, Lin An didn't care and was concentrating on thinking about three images.

Lady Ava Séance.

The position of [Blind Woman].

The possible existence of a mythical "prophet".

The scene on the outskirts of Shafi City lasted for more than ten minutes, and a narrow lane came into view. Efron drove the car with unimaginable accuracy, raising a cloud of dust on the road.

Suddenly, a sixth sense told Lin An that at least one thing was happening nearby.

it's time.

"System, use [Golden Dawn]'s [Escape from Gravity]!"

As the thought flashed across his mind, strange golden light dotted into the car's shell. Efron suddenly felt powerless while turning the steering wheel. The car he was sitting on lost its weight and floated lightly.


Lin An took out his pistol, pointed it at the car window and fired a burst, causing the fragments to scatter. He grabbed the wand at his waist, and the gas flow changed, supporting him to get out of the gap.

"Hahaha, I know you are not willing to be killed by me." Efron's voice sounded simultaneously with his heart, "This is fun, Lin!"

However, just as he was about to open the car door in mid-air, irrefutable chains wrapped around every gap left. The car seemed to be welded shut, locking Efron firmly in this space.

"Oh? This is..."

The ability of [Nazhechen], the commandments of Mount Sinai.

This mysterious technique of "Presiding Judge" can formulate a commandment related to "guarding". Unable to locate Efron himself, Lin An thought in reverse and turned to the car as a carrier of the mysterious technique.

- The interior of a car is a completely safe place, so no one is allowed to leave the area.

Even Efron couldn't break the mythical commandments in a short time.


[Escape from Gravity] failed, and the car, which was floating about seven or eight meters in the air, hit the ground heavily, making a huge noise.

Hearing the sound of the car being scrapped, Lin An flew into the sky without hesitation.

However, before flying for a few seconds, Efron's whisper suddenly sounded from very close behind.

"I really don't understand why you resented me as soon as we met. Is it because our personalities are incompatible, or did you see something you shouldn't have seen?"

To be on the safe side, Lin An tentatively glanced to his side while maintaining the same speed.

A small creature with only a head and wings floated, with a metal mask on its face, revealing delicate and soft lips.

little angel?

Sensing something was wrong, Lin An turned around sharply.

I saw a dazzling light wrapping around the smoky car, penetrating through the smog of industrialization. It was a sacred and noble golden color that could not be blasphemed.

The sacred energy turned into real, winged archangels, six in total. They gracefully surrounded the car, and their postures were almost the same as those of young people. Some were sitting on the roof of the car, and some were leaning on the side of the car, raising their graceful lips. Looking at the flying Lin An from his neck.

The archangel wears flowing robes, has waist-length hair, and a neutral figure. His marble statue-like face is neither sad nor happy, and his nose and mouth are covered by a pointed beak-like mask like a bird's peck.

With the spot where the car crashed as the center of the circle, hundreds of cherubim are flying. Their innocent images and the blue sky form a perfect oil painting picture.

"The time has come for sacrifice."

All the angels opened their mouths together and spit out this hoarse, heavy metal sound. The words echoed in all directions, as if coming from the dome of the cathedral.

“My slaughter is effective day, night, or on the Sabbath.”

This is Efron's voice.

The next moment, those archangels, who were as holy as white doves, took out their energy-transformed submachine guns and pointed them at Lin An.

A pistol stretched out from the cherubim's mouth. The nearest one was less than one meter away from Lin An, and bullets with sparks were fired from the dark muzzle.


Lin An's sharply shrinking pupils reflected the horrific scene of hundreds of guns firing in unison.

"Ping ping! ping! ping ping ping! ping ping!"

The majestic energy gushes out, tsunami-like overwhelming, roaring gunfire, the hail of bullets sounds like the buzzing of bees, completely distorted.

At a critical moment of life and death, Lin An frantically manipulated the airflow to avoid the trajectory of the angel's shooting, and at the same time let the system shaping code surround himself, forming a barrier zone glowing with green light.

Every time a bullet passes through, some of its energy is weakened.

Even so, the cherubim surrounded Lin An from all sides. The muzzle of the gun in its mouth fired ping-ping, and the destructive energy shot into his flesh and blood in the form of bullets.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Lin An gritted his teeth and forced himself to stay awake. His whole body was soaked with cold sweat, and his expression was ferocious and twitching.

In just one moment, he was shot at least seven or eight times.

These bullets are "Comoth" energy. Due to the distance, Lin An has enough time to dodge the most powerful archangel bullets. There are too many cherubim, so he can only try his best to avoid key parts of their bullets.

Using all his strength to control the airflow technique, Lin An was very fast.

Before the second round of shooting started, there were almost no cherubim around.

The archangel was left far behind.

During the battle with Guy, Lin An vaguely realized that the characteristic of the "Judge" medium seemed to be to create an "independent domain."

This field is centered on the mysterious person and has special rules. Anyone who intrudes into the scope will be checked and balanced, and any violation will be punished.

Compared to Guy, Efron's field is simpler and more crude.

"Kill Lin An."

It is the only goal of all angels.

But the biggest shortcoming of "The Judge" is the distance limit. Efron's angel cannot leave his side and has to watch Lin An fly farther and farther.


Efron finally opened a crack in the window and shook the "Mishnah" in his hand. The pages of the scripture turned and turned into a sniper rifle, with a red dot aimed at Lin An's back.

The six archangels spread their wings, replaced the same weapons, and turned together.

"Ping! Ping! Ping!"

The gunshot was deafening, and Efron's bullet drew a meteor-like arc and accurately hit Lin An in the air.


The bullet penetrated the flesh and blood, and Lin An's breathing almost stopped. He squeezed the staff with both hands, and his back instinctively tightened. The energy was destroyed, and the internal organs spasmed in pain.

"Cough cough cough... vomit..."

Uncontrollable warmth flowed from the corners of his mouth and nostrils.

This was not the worst, except for the sharp pain that was like a knife-edge scraping the bones. Lin An struggled with his twitching tongue, trying to suck in more air to prevent suffocation.

Black and white spots flash abnormally, and the spots created by dizziness are like violent storms, tearing holes in the water of the color world, sometimes big, sometimes small.

Lin An focused his last consciousness on the wand and flew into the sky according to his instinctive judgment.

Next to the car, the angel's figure melted and scattered.

"You can't can't escape!"

Efron, who stayed in the car, listened intently, as if he could hear a familiar breath gradually taking shape in the young man's weak breathing, which was almost in shock.

——The sound of human beings dying.

It was difficult for him to describe in words the process of the soul leaving the body. It was a rare spectacle, so strange and awe-inspiring that some people could not endure it once, while others could not help but watch more.

Just hearing it wasn't exciting enough for Efron.

"Hehehehahaha... I'll come right away, baby." He licked the hideous scar with his tongue, "You won't be in pain for long, I swear!"


Lin An endured the severe pain of the bullet destroying his flesh and bones.

The blood drained out of his body bit by bit, spreading to the earth along the flight path like rain. He controlled the airflow technique and kept flying until his sixth sense told him to stop.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, Lin An staggered a few steps, supported his body with his wand, and gasped for air.


He even lost the energy to think, and picked up the wand with dull eyes. The green gem glowed brightly, and the healing power slowly fell on the wound, and the torn flesh squirmed and slowly healed.

After about ten seconds, Lin An regained consciousness from the physiological numbness.

I survived.

From the calm-looking madman Efron Reuben!

If Sister Shuzi's mark hadn't given him the ability to read minds, allowing Lin An to recognize Efron's true face in advance, he might have been assassinated for no reason during the few days he lived in Shafi City!

Once the Killing Angel's realm opens at close range, I probably won't even be able to escape.

Facing a terrifying mythical mystic like Efron, one can only take the initiative and strike first, otherwise it will be a dead end!

Lin An cheered up and stood up straight.

[The commandments of Mount Sinai] cannot restrain Efron forever. Sooner or later, the hyena will follow the lock of the "Judge" and completely kill him!

But a turning point has occurred.

Not far from where Lin An landed, a man wearing a mask and black gauze looked at him falling from the sky, then looked at the sky, his eyes gradually becoming unbelievable.

"W-who are you?"

"Orville Wright." Lin An wiped the blood dripping from his eyes and showed a twisted smile, "I'll lend you your clothes, Wilbur."

Thanks to Shan Zhen Lin Jing, Dajiri Monster, It’s the Magnetic Field Guy, and Nhing for their monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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