World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 119 A New Couple (nsfw)

Van woke up with a start. He blinked, surprised to find himself back in his tent. But more surprised to find that practically half the camp was in it as well and completely naked. Amie, Kella, Isa, Gwen, Sela, and so many more. All of them flung all over the place, as if a tornado had somehow spontaneously formed, drew them in, spat them out, and left, leaving the destruction it had wrought without a care, like the natural disaster it was.

“Wha-what happened…?” he asked of no one, in particular, his head feeling foggy and not really expecting an answer.

“You did you big buffoon!” a small voice nearby said.

“Hey! Don’t be so mean! It’s because of him we were even born.” another small voice seemed to whisper.

“That may be the case. But right after we were born he used us like a cock sleeve. A third voice interjected. “Though I suppose that wasn’t entirely a bad thing… we did need his sperm for nutrition after all…” it conceded.

“W-who?” Van asked, brow furrowing in confusion as he had no idea as to who the voices belonged to.

“Us!” The first one spoke in a loud voice, then revealed herself in front of him, followed by the others.

Van blinked as three diminutive women, about eight inches, flew and landed on his chest, folding their leathery wings behind their backs. They each had small black prehensile tails that ended in a heart shape point, and small cute horns on their heads. They all gazed at him with golden eyes somewhat expectantly.

The first one had red skin and golden hair, with large breasts and thighs and a build that looked like she was a born fighter. The second one had green skin with dark green hair, she had more moderate-sized breasts and was more petite compared to the others, looking like she was more into hiding than fighting. The third had blue skin with whitish hair, with the largest breasts and narrowest waist, with a build like an ice queen, she looked intelligent with piercing eyes.

“H-hi daddy…” the green one waved, nervously hunched over a little and looking like she wished she could be hiding right now.

“Don’t go just say ‘hi’ to him!” the red one growled at the green one. “This motherfucker used us as a cock sleeve when we were just born!”

“Not that it seemed like you complained when he did.” the blue one teased, earning a glare from the red one. “Besides…” the blue one continued, turning to face Van once more. “We should be thanking him for it. Both for using us, and making it so we were born in the first place. All that wonderful lust and mana being expelled helped give us the push to be born early. Surely you can’t complain about that.” She said, turning to the red one again. Who mumbled and growled something in return.

Slowly, it finally clicked in Van’s brain and he blinked wide-eyed. “Y-you're the imps from Luna’s eggs!” he said in realization.

“Ding ding ding, give the motherfucker his prize.” the red one said in a sarcastic tone, rolling her eyes.

The green one actually seemed happy for Van for some reason and genuinely clapped until she was told to knock it off by her sister.

The blue one nodded sagely. “Indeed we are.” She then bowed gracefully. “It is a pleasure to meet you. Our father, master, and mate…” in a cool and gentle voice. She then glanced up at him. “We live to serve…”

The red one snorted and crossed her arms, but didn't say anything to contradict her sister. The green one saw what her blue sister was doing and tried to bow as well, then mumbled something, looked up, blushed, and looked away again.

Van stared in disbelief, unable to fully comprehend what was going on. Until it dawned on him what truly happened. “That bitch drugged me,” he mumbled to himself wide-eyed. He then looked around at the damage he wrought. Unable to truly move because of the sheer amount of bodies pressing down on his limbs. The only thing exposed was his torso and head.

“Did I really do this?” he asked in awe, amazed that it could even be possible that just one person could do all this.

The red one snorted. “Of course you did! Do you see anyone else around here with a dick? Who else but you, huh! motherfucker!?”

“C-can you please stop calling him that. It’s very rude.” the green one asked nervously of her sister.

The red one turned and gave a vicious smile as if hoping for someone to ask that of her. “Why? That’s what he is right? He fucks our mother, therefore, he is a mother fucker!” she said, grinning evilly, genuinely happy for some reason.

The blue one stood straight once more and put her hand to her head. “Ugh, must you ruin the moment? We were just born, and this was our only chance to present a good first impression, and you make a travesty of it...” sounding exasperated by red’s antics.

The two then began to bicker, with the green one trying to nervously mediate between them with no effect.

Van just lay his head back down, feeling something soft cushion it, wondering if it was a pillow… or something else…

Whatever it was, it didn’t really matter… he was feeling… strangely relaxed… the novelty of everything around him already running thin, the memories, what few he remembered, came at him hazily, like through a bad film. But what it showed was him going on a bloody rampage, killing many bears and drinking their blood, trying to chop down a tree for some reason, staring wide-eyed at the sky for a few hours thinking it was night, and finishing it off with a massive orgy when he came back home.

And yet despite all that. He felt relieved, like all the strange, weird, and crazy impulses a person could have were wrung out of him. Leaving him refreshed and purified. Not even this strange situation or the bickering imps were enough to ruin his new sense of mental clarity.

(“well… look who’s finally awake.”) Ren spoke in Van’s mind. (“I was beginning to fear that I would never be able to contact you again… whatever that witch did, really did a number on your brain. Though… oddly enough… it was actually just what I needed… with some of the pressure off me, I could use the spiritual energy provided to help fill up a few holes and make a few temporary fixes.”) sounding upbeat by the whole prospect.

(“but please don’t do that again…”) his tone taking on a complete one-eighty. (“ some of the crazy things you did…”) Ren shivered. (“I don’t think my heart could take it if you went on another crazy rampage…”)

Van didn’t really acknowledge what Ren said. Still in a state of his strange tranquil clarity. He just kept silent as he enjoyed this feeling.

Ren was a little put off by Van’s silence, then a little annoyed and worried. So he decided to say something that should definitely gain a reaction. (“you know… while I was fixing things up inside you. I was also able to repair some of the damages to Luna. she’s not one hundred percent fixed… but she’s closer… why don’t you check up on her?”)

That did actually gain Van’s attention for a bit. He moved his eyes left and right a little, trying to look for her. But couldn’t find her in all these piles of bodies. So he gave up.

(“OH COME ON!”) Ren yelled in Van’s head, or more like, yelled through Van’s head for what little effect that did. (“at least try to get up and look for her!”)

Van didn’t actually want to, he was actually very comfy where he was. But in the end, something inside of him, a part of him, was really worried about this situation and Luna. So on a whim, he decided to act on it, first by turning his gaze back to the imps on his chest and addressing them.

“Sorry for interrupting, but do either of you know where Luna is?” he asked, his voice still sounding a little confused. The imps paused their bickering to look at him weirdly, almost as if he was crazy. Which in a way, he might be a little at this moment.

“What!? Are you blind!?” the red one exclaimed. “She’s right behind you!” pointing right over Van’s head. “You're literally using her as a pillow!”

Confused, Van looked up, and what he saw almost took his breath away.

Right above him, gently looking down was the most beautiful being he had ever seen… she had silver pink and blue starry eyes and long white silver hair that rained down her flawless skin, wrapping her voluptuous body like a silken dress.

The back of his head was directly on her crotch, right between her smooth thighs that were softer than any pillow he had ever felt. His angle gave him a view of two massive mountains with two small pink peaks. Her lower legs wrapped around his arms and torso, snuggling him in, the coolness of her body feeling nice on his skin and seeping into his body. Her hands were gentle and were placed on either side of his head, as if caressing him, even in his sleep.

He looked up at her in wonder, and with only one thought as the half-lidded goddess lovely, if not vacantly stared down at him. “I… will do anything... to make this goddess my wife…” amazed by his own reverence and awe.

It was like he fell in love at first sight.

Soon, some more prominent memories bubbled it’s way to the forefront of his mind. Reminding him of a few more things about the woman that was beauty incarnate. That he was already married to her, how much she loved her and her him, how much they both changed yet still remained mostly the same.

Van stared at the gorgeous creature before him in a daze. More than content to watch her forever, as he passionately gazed back into her vacant meditative eyes. As if she was in a deep trance, gazing at wonders and secrets very far off, too far for him to see…

“Hey! Watch it asshole!” the red imp yelled as something stirred and rose and made its way to full size. Making the implings move up a bit from where they were to the top of his chest.

---sex scene---

Van’s member continued to grow, slowly dwarfing the size of the imps. He slowly tried to wiggle his way out. But his arms and legs were pinned down by a large number of bodies on top of him.

But that didn’t stop him. He wanted to make love to his wife, wake her up and become one with her. Stare into those dazzling eyes forever…

With some effort, he was able to free an arm from a few goblins that seemed to have been grinding themselves on him as they slept. But it still wasn’t enough, he needed to get out, his desire was slowly growing out of control. Trying to buy some time, he made a grab for something, anything, that could be used to tie him over till he broke free, using his now free hand.

“Oh fuck! Not again!” the red imp exclaimed, taken by surprise, as her body was grabbed by Van. Her sisters had seen the signs and had already made their escape, taking to the air to avoid the swipe.

“Hey! Let me go! I’m not ready for this shit again!” she yelled as she tried to struggle, her arms unable to move or break free from Van’s grip, as he placed her over a cock that seemed twice her size. “Ooh fuck it… I was hungry anyway…” giving up as she realized there was no escape.

Van lined her up, then smashed her down onto his head. The imp gasped and moaned as she was parted, her eyes slowly rolling to the top of her head as the tip of Van’s cock made its home in her womb, making it look like she was overly pregnant.

He pumped her up and down hard as he stared into his wife's mesmerizing eyes. Ignoring the pants, the moans, and the gibbering of the imp.

“Oh fuck yes!” the imp wailed. “AH! AH! AH! Mmmm! YES! Fuck me! Use me! Aaaaahhh! Gods!” she screamed incoherently, letting her body go slack as to allow as much of the cock inside her.

Van wasn’t really paying attention, he was only using the imp for his own satisfaction as he stared lovingly up at his wife. Just looking at her was enough to make him bigger and harder…

“AH! Fuck! You're going to break me! You’re going to break me!” The imp yelled with joyful excitement, as her belly swelled some more and more of her body was used. Strangely happy about her predicament, screaming for him to do her harder. “Break me motherfucker! Break me! Leaving me a fucking mess! A dumb slut! That only knows the joy of your cock!”

Van continued to ignore her, eyes only looking upward, getting lost in the starry eyes of his goddess. He gave a soft gasp as those eyes slowly seemed to wake and look back at him.

Slowly, Luna stirred, and upon seeing her beloved, smiled with pure love down at him. She then noticed what Van was doing, and gently took Van’s hand away from the imp. Only for her to take up the task of pumping the imp up and down his shaft. Turning back to give a lovesick smile Van’s way.

Van gasped again as Luna took over the task of making him feel good. She watched with an expectant gaze. As if waiting for him to cum…

For all her screaming, the red imp might as well not exist as she was used as nothing but a tool for the both of them to show their love and affection to each other.

Gently Luna bent down, her soft lips touching his own and giving him a wonderful kiss.

Van couldn’t stop himself, he came hard. The imps body swelling like a balloon, and her mind going with it. Sperm overflowed and covered Luna’s hand.

She stopped her kissing to look at Van’s mess, proud of her accomplishment. She brought her sperm-soaked hand to her lips and began to lick it and clean. Slowly, letting Van watch, and when that was done. She brought the passed-out imp, brought its crotch to her mouth, and began to suck out the sperm from its womb-like it was a delicious sugary treat.

After that was done the two lost each in each other's eyes once more, done… for now.

---end of sex scene---

“How are you feeling?” Van managed to get out as Luna gently caressed his scalp with her fingertips.

Luna just stared back at him lovingly, but slowly, she did respond. “Good… I'm feeling… good…”

“In fact… I’m feeling better than good. Though I admit my head still feels a bit… foggy… it's manageable.” she said gently, her expression not changing an ounce.

“That’s wonderful…” Van said in reply, genuinely happy that Luna seemed to be feeling better and talking more normally.

After that, the two stayed like that for the next hour or so. Van slowly closed his eyes as he enjoyed Luna’s gentle caressing. The sun inching its way up, brightening the tent, and slowly waking up the girls from their sex-induced comas. Waking up bleary-eyed, a few even confused as to what they are doing here, some remembering what happened with a blush or flushed face.

Van slowly reopened his eyes, the light making it difficult for him to relax any longer. “So… what do you want to do now?” he asked of his beloved.

Luna’s smile outdid the light of the very sun. “I think you know what I want to do next…”

The two then shared a look. The girls waking up may have thought that their jobs were done… but they couldn’t be more wrong…

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