After the second orgy. Van and Luna walked out of the tent feeling refreshed. It was mid-afternoon now and the day was looking bright. The two of them went to look for food, leaving another pile of bodies in their wake. Holding their hands as they walked around, searching for a meal. Though if Luna had to be honest with herself, she really didn’t need to eat anymore and this was more for Van than herself.

The camp was mostly empty, due to the fact that most of his girls were passed out once more inside his tent, and probably won’t be able to move for the next few hours. So when they went to the cafeteria tent they found it empty.

Taking the initiative, the two worked together to cook up some stew with a side of bread. They wanted to make pancakes but didn’t want to use the last of their flour since they wouldn’t be able to replenish it inside the forest.

He almost forgot about the tea, and with some rummaging through the tent, was able to find it. Taking the appropriate amount, he had it with his meal, explaining where he got it and what it was supposed to do.

They talked for a few hours, almost as if getting to know each other again. There were still some idiosyncrasies missing from her behavior, a mix of the old Luna with this new one before him. But for the most part, it seemed she was the same Luna as before, though a bit more mellowed out and more sexually active.

Of course, Van knew that Luna wasn’t completely fixed. That there was still a lot more healing before Luna becomes anywhere close to how she was before. But he also knew that some of the new behaviors she was exhibiting now, and some she would probably gain later, were going to stick, and accumulate into a… slightly newer Luna…

One who was still the Luna of before, but one that was a little different as well… almost like he has become a little different… after all… wasn’t he sitting down having a meal butt naked with his wife? Talking about inane things but mostly thinking inwardly about what they were going to fuck next? Even now he had to resist the urge to push Luna down on the table and take her from behind… and he just had an orgy with about fifty of his girls… twice…

In the end, they decided to go back to the tent and change, not wanting to let their day off go to waste. Van doing his best to bring Luna up to date about what had happened while she wasn’t all there in the head. By the time they had put their clothes back on and walked out of the tent, Luna had been mostly informed by the abridged version of everything that had transpired. Leading to the complicated expression now on her face.

“I’m… sorry… I should have been there for you… if only I was stronger.” her expression darkened and her hands turned into fists as she flashback to that day and of her lack of strength. “If I was… I wouldn’t have needed to do that ritual, and then you wouldn’t have to pick up my mess, and I-”

“Enough!” Van said in a stern tone. Slashing his hand through the air and giving a sharp look towards Luna. “what happened has happened. Not even Kella could have done anything. And if anyone would be at fault or be blamed for their faults it would be me. What you did, while risky, saved our lives and even made us stronger! And I refuse to let you beat yourself up about it!” He then stared hard at her. “You will not talk about this matter like that again... Do you hear me?” His voice a little harsh and authoritative, not allowing an inch or wiggle room to debate the matter.

Luna was taken aback by this exertion of control by Van. the imposing figure and the dominating presence he was showing, completely contrasting the kind and shy Van she used to know. It kinda turned her on a little...

Even Van was surprised by his sudden attitude. For some reason the little amount of anger he felt from Luna trying to deride herself. Exploded, and where he would normally keep such feelings locked deep inside a cage. He now found that cage to be slightly bent, with the door ajar. He shivered a little at the sense of power that coursed through his body.

Luna swallowed, her eyes turning upward, and her body becoming fidgety, making her sway her ass back and forth, she then spoke in a breathy voice. “Yes, master… I'm very sorry…”

Now it was Van’s turn to swallow. He was reminded once more of the changes that befell his beloved. Her black and white silk armor dress could barely contain her more… fuller… form. As it was too tight in some places and too loose in others, her nipples right now were so hard they were poking through the silk. He had to resist the urge to have her on her knees. That upturned look reminded him that she was still shorter than him, and still as cute if not cuter than he remembered her.

“Yes, well… so long you understand.” He said as he turned his eyes away for a moment and gave a small fake cough. “Now that that's taken care of, perhaps we should do something about your… attire…”

Luna looked down at herself. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” she asked, genuinely confused as to why Van may want to fix a perfectly good set of clothes. Unaware of how they now hugged her new figure perhaps a ‘bit’ too sexually. “It was a gift from my mom, and it still fits.” tilting her head and cupping her breasts with her hands, shaking them up and down, then turned around and shook her ass.

“See! Everythings fine!” she then turned to give him a huge smile and a thumbs up.

Van gave another polite cough, “I… guess you're right…” he then decided to change the subject, lest his last reserves of restraint were used up. “So…Now that we have some free time… what do you want to do first?” expectantly waiting for whatever Luna would say. As he really wanted to give this free day to her and do whatever she wanted since she wasn’t able to when she was bimbo Luna.

“Hmm…” Luna thought about it. “I want to…” she then smiled. “I want to explore! I want to fight things! I want to beat things up! And then I want to watch you fuck the things I beat up!” she said with a giggle, a shadow of bimbo Luna showing through. “But most importantly… I just want to spend time with you…” she said, giving a dazzlingly sweet smile.

That smile melted Van’s heart. “I want those things too,” he said smiling lovingly back. More fixated on what on that last part and ignoring that one other part.

Luna giggled and she rushed up to take his arm. “Then what are we waiting for? Daylight is burning! We have to hurry! Come on, let's go!” pulling him outside the camp with good cheer.

Absently, Van worried about leaving his girls in such a state on their own with no one to protect them. He had some plans to stick around at least until they woke up. But Luna’s excitement was infectious and he didn’t want to ruin the moment. So with a will, he made the few butterflies that were still kicking around move about and patrol the area while he was away.

With that done, he left with Luna into the woods.


Van and Luna took to the treetops, jumping through the sky and making a great time going nowhere fast. As they moved, he filled Luna in on a few more things and answered some of her questions, such as the tea he drank for lunch. Telling her about the witches that lived in the woods. Which seemed to scare her, and fill her with excitement.

Luna asked if they could visit them, and all the animals that Van met along the way. He agreed, seeing no reason why they shouldn’t if that's what she wanted.

He first took her to the fox bats, where they could watch the cute creatures play and frolic from a distance.

“Awww. they're so cute!” Luna exclaimed when she laid eyes on them. “Did you fuck any of them?” she asked, turning to Van in excitement and curiosity.

“What? No! I don’t want to ruin their innocence! They are the best the way they are.” Van said assertively as if it was the most logical thing in the world.

“Innocent?” Luna chuckled. “Don’t want to ruin your views on them, but there are quite a lot of them. I don’t think they reached those numbers by being innocent.” she teased.

“I don’t know what you're talking about.” his tone playfully affronted. “They are the perfect innocent little things. And nothing you can say or do can change that!”

Luna’s gaze slowly fell on a pair of two female fox bats slightly to the side of the main group in a sixty-nine position licking each other out. “Then what do you call that?”

Van followed her gaze. “Oh… those two? They are just playing around. You know, like fox bats do. Nothing wrong with that.” pretending to not see what she was pointing out.

Luna snorted. “Ya, they're ‘playing’ alright.” then chuckled in good humor.

The two then quibbled good-naturedly about the lives of the fox bats and the goings-on in the Foxbat group. Making up names and voices and narrating silly scenes that the fox bats were going through. Giving them silly titles and tasks and so much more.

After about half an hour of that, the two decided to leave to see the next group of animals. Using the blood tracker, they made good time eating up the distance to their next target. The forest wolf.

Landing in the clearing about an hour from the fox bats, he introduced Luna to the forest wolf he mated with.

“Oh, who’s a good girl! Who’s a good girl!” Luna said excitedly, not being able to help herself in petting the forest wolf. To which it responded by wagging its tail.

The forest wolf seemed a little surprised by the sudden visit, but at the same time, seemed very happy by it. And accepted Luna's affection happily, enjoying being rubbed down and petted.

“So what did you name her?” Luna asked, looking up from the wolf to him.

“Hmm? Oh, I didn’t name her anything,” he responded.

“What!? You mated and bonded with her but didn’t name her!?” Luna exclaimed.

Van was taken by surprise. “Well, It wasn’t like I was planning to keep the wolf. She’s not my pet, or familiar, she’s a wolf of the forest, I can’t just take her.” Van tried to explain. Wondering about what she meant by bonded.

Luna didn’t buy it. She turned to look the wolf in the eyes and started rubbing its face. “Who wants to be a pet? You do! Yes, you do! Who wants to be Van’s mate? That's right! It’s you!” she said in a cutesy voice and in an excited manner, making the wolf wag its tail faster and start to bark in reply.

Luna then gave a smile to Van. “see? She wants you to keep her!”

Van rolled his eyes. “Very funny Luna. you can’t just interp whatever you want. Just because she’s wagging her tail, doesn’t mean she’s agreeing with what you're saying. She could just be responding to your excitement.”

“Besides… I promised someone that I wouldn’t just willy nilly add to the harem.” placing a hand on the back of his neck and thinking back to the promise he made with Amie.

Luna pouted. “awww… come on, please? Can you at least give her a chance?” she whined. “Look at these eyes! Are these the eyes you can say no to?” squishing the wolf's face and pointing it towards Van.

Van looked into the glowing blue eyes of the wolf. While a bit hard to see the pupil through the glow, the wolf was looking at him expectantly with upturned eyes. But whether that was because it understood what was going on, he couldn’t be sure. Luna also added her own eyes to the mix, so that he was bombarded with two upturned puppy eyes at once.

He sighed in defeat. “Alright. I’ll ask if she wants to be my mate. But if she doesn’t respond that's that. Understand?”

Luna agreed happily, nodding her head.

Van then took a few steps towards the wolf. A small seed of worry sprouting in its heart. He knew when last he asked the wolf to mate it agreed, but he couldn’t be sure if that was because of its empathic nature or if it actually understood him. Which is why he made the condition that the wolf had to respond to him. If the wolf agreed, but couldn’t reply, then he won, and he wouldn’t have to worry about starting to add animals to his harem.

After walking a few more steps and took a knee to the wolf's eye level and addressed her. “Umm… hi… umm… would you like to be my mate?” he asked awkwardly, feeling a little silly and not really expecting an answer. While Luna did her best not to laugh.

(“oh yes, please! Thank you very much! I would very much love to be your mate!”) a young, strangely accented voice suddenly rang in both Luna’s and Van’s mind, making them both blink in surprise. As the wolf wagged its tail.

Van stared at the wolf in disbelief. “You… can... talk?”

(“Well of course I can! I’m a forest wolf! We forest wolves are a lot smarter than people give us credit for. Which is just fine with us. Because we care more about taking care of the forest than what a bunch of outsiders think.”) the wolf said, looking at the two of them happily.

(“oh! That was probably rude. You two aren't outsiders anymore. We're going to be mates after all!”) she continued, first tilting her head in thought, then jumping up and letting her tail wagging like crazy.

“Can you… not talk into our heads?” Van asked, “is there a way where we can talk more normally?” not wanting to hear strange voices in his head, but also wanting to make sure the voice was actually from the wolf.

“Oh! Of course! Excuse me…” the wolf suddenly said, giving Van and Luna a small heart attack. “Actually... It's hard talking out loud with this throat. Please give me a moment.”

The wolf then transformed right before their eyes into a pale blue young woman with wolf ears and tail and leafy blue hair. Her eyes lost some of their glow, revealing the crystal blue color underneath.

“Nice to meet you I’m…” she paused. “How do I say it?” her brows furrowing in thought. “Chiming wind? Tinkling wind? Bell-like wind? Umm… the sound that those bell flowers make when the wind blows through them but also the wind itself carrying the sound. Does that make sense to you?” she asked, worried that it wouldn’t.

“You know what… just call me Bellwin, or Bell for short.” coming up with a name, then extending a hand out to the both of them. “Nice to meet you!” her tail wagging like crazy.

Van and Luna stared at her for a long moment. But it was Luna who reacted first.

“She… is… so… cute!” she squealed, rushing up to Bellwin and giving her a big hug. “Who’s a good girl! Who’s a good girl!” She then started to pet the forest wolf roughly, repeating her words over and over again.

Bellwin blushed and stammered shyly. “M-me… it’s me… I-I’m the good girl… I’m the good girl!” getting strangely excited and flustered, her face going flush.

Luna turned towards Van with a huge grin on her face and moved towards Bellwins ear and gently spoke into it, whispering lewd things that good girls deserve and so much more. Making the young forest wolf go redder in the face and start to pant like a dog.

Luna then looked at Van expectantly.

He sighed in defeat, knowing full well what she wanted him to do. She had won, so he supposed he had no choice. Taking off his clothes, doing a small striptease for the girl’s viewing. He made ready to make love to Bellwin.

Bellwin's tail shook so fast that it looked like it was going to fall off.

The two kissed, and from there Van mated with the forest wolf for the second time. Right in front of Luna who watched and cheered the both of them. Even going so far as to ask Bellwin to change back into her other form halfway through so that she could watch Van mate with a wolf.

About forty minutes later, Bellwin was done. After taking on many positions and receiving much encouragement and pettings from Luna, even as she was being done in by Van. she had enough and tapped out, exhausted.

“Wow! That was fun! Who are we going to have you fuck next!” Luna asked excitedly.

Van thought about it. “Well… there was this rabbit kobold I fucked as well…”

“Then it’s decided!” Luna exclaimed, she then pointed towards the distance. “To the rabbit kobold!”

Van rolled his eyes but shrugged. After waiting a few moments for Bellwin to recover, they asked her if she wanted to come with them. To which she happily agreed, saying that she was going to stick by her mate.

Another hour later they found the rabbit kobold in question. Luna squealed upon seeing her, taking the kobold by surprise and hugging the poor thing to her chest. After that, they introduced themselves to the kobold, using Bell to interp for them. When they explained why they were there, the kobold agreed and accepted the wonderful honor of being Van’s mate.

After that Luna insisted that she hug the kobold while Van fucked it. To which he complied since he wanted to make her happy. The kobold was hugged tightly against Luna’s soft breasts as she was reamed by Van. awakening the rabbit to a new kink as Luna whispered sweet nothings and encouragement into her ears.

When that was done with, the group left, now with the rabbit in tow, to the witch's hut. Luna wanted to see this milf witch for herself, as well as the person Van said, was like him.

Luna smiled as she skipped through the forest. Today so far has been a great day for her. And she can’t wait for it to get better!


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