Lyn woke up two hours later in a nice soft bed. Amie was there waiting for her to open her eyes.

“Lyn!” Amie exclaimed with joy, when Lyn woke up, hugging her lover with all her might. Lyn groaned a little under the pressure but dealt with it since she didn’t want to turn Amie away. After some time, Amie let go and began fussing over Lyn to check if there were any other problems.

“Jeez… so frisky when I just woke up.” Lyn joked. “I’m fine, really, just very… tired.” she then sniffed something… “And stinky… can I use a shower?”

Van who had been waiting as well chuckled. “Tell me about it, you're not the only one that wants to use a shower.” Lyn blinked and smiled when she saw Van in the room waiting for her.

Van returned the smile, “glad to see you're doing okay.” he said, just happy that Lyn was up again.

“Define, okay…” Lyn joked as she tried to get out of bed with some help from Amie. Once she was righted and sitting on the edge of the bed she looked back and noticed to her surprise Gloria was also there.

With a small nod, Gloria acknowledged Lyn.

Lyn blinked since this was so out of character that she thought something was wrong. “Umm… am I in trouble or something?” staring at Gloria worriedly.

Amie snorted, and surprisingly, Gloria gave a small smile.

“No Lyn, you're not in trouble. I just wanted to be the first to thank you for risking your life and stopping Saline and her plans.” Gloria smiled gently, then bowed. Which was something normal queens did not do to… well… anyone…

Lyn to say the least, was surprised by the humility that Gloria was showing, and a little weirded out by it too, so changed the subject quickly. “Umm… it’s no problem…” unable to hide some redness showing up on her cheeks. “Er… so… what happened while I was asleep? And how did Elena rally all those people to fight? And how did those imps do that! And-”

“One question at a time!” Amie laughed, hugging her lover to herself. “Let me explain…”

“The red and blue imps were lost until Elena noticed them wandering around during the time she and the other refugees were forced out of the throne room. Thankfully the guards didn’t notice them, and Elena, a little while after, was able to get in touch with them again.” Amie began to explain.

“The green imp then soon met up with them later, supposedly the three have a connection, so they were able to find each other again. They then formed a plan to put a stop to Saline’s plan. Using green’s power, they snuck back into the vents and prepared to stop Saline when the time was right, while Elena convinced some of the people who Van helped upgrade their ranks to fight against Saline and her lies.”

“After you beat Saline, the traitors surrendered and we were able to round them all up. Sadly, we are in the process of moving everything out of the tree.” Amie added sadly. “It seems that the war room wasn’t the only place that Saline vented red knives into, and many more rooms were infected as she tried to smoke us out. The tree is… unsalvageable, especially now because the central control system is destroyed…” referring to the throne.

“I see…” Lyn said, letting it all sink it. “Amie… I’m sorry…” feeling somewhat responsible for all this, if not causing it then not being good enough to stop Saline from destroying the throne and preventing any chance of saving Amie’s home.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about…” Amie said, hugging Lyn closer to her. “You did your best… and what’s most important is that you came back to me…” closing her eyes and just enjoyed the hug and Lyn’s warmth, Lyn also relaxed and fell into the hug, though more for Amie’s sake than her own. Her own feelings of guilt at not being good enough, still floating inside her.

After a while, Amie gave a small sniff and pulled away from the hug. “Ugh… you do smell…”

Lyn looked offended. “You bitch!” and gave a playful slap on her lover’s shoulder, the two chuckling together.

Van also chuckled along, as he watched the two. But couldn’t help but agree, even he smelled a bit, probably from crawling around those vents. He turned to Gloria and asked. “Do you have a shower we could use? I think we all deserve a nice break and some nice hot water.”

Gloria nodded, “you can use the royal bath, it’s normally reserved for me and on rare occasions my daughter. But considering this might be the last time we use it, I don’t see why you and Lyn, or any of your friends couldn’t use it after all they've done for us.”

“Oh, thanks mom!” Amie exclaimed happily, then turned back to Lyn helping her up. “Come on, you’ll love the bath, it’s ridiculously huge!”

The group then followed Gloria towards the throne room, then passed that to the royal chambers until they went a little further and hit the baths. When they entered, Van and Lyn looked on wide-eyed at the huge bathroom in front of them with marble flooring and a huge bath big enough to hold forty people with flower petals floating on the water. Steam floated off the pool of water, and statues spilled in new hot water every second, with a large window-looking screen that displayed beautiful scenes from all over the forest.

“Wow… now this… I don’t know what this is…” Lyn said, at a loss for words. Van nodded in agreement.

Not soon after, Amie helped Lyn out of her clothes and into the bathtub, or perhaps, bath pool being a more accurate description. Van also joined in, he felt a little self-conscious, but felt that would be silly considering how much he has seen of them before. The group then got into the nice hot waters and sighed in relief and enjoyment.

“Gods… this is amazing…” Van said, spreading out his arms to either side of him on the ledge. Lyn couldn’t help but agree and nodded along, Amie giving her a nice back massage as she lazed into the waters.

“I’m glad you like it,” Gloria said, joining in, much to Van’s surprise. “I made sure to tell one of my attendants to notify your friends of where we are so they could join in too.”

Now Van definitely felt a little self-conscious as Gloria, in all her naked glory, sat right next to him and tried to start up a conversation.

“So… Van… how is my daughter? When can I expect grandkids? Are you from some noble background?” Gloria began to ask with a gentle yet professional smile.

“Mom!” Amie complained, turning to her in annoyance. “Don’t ask such things! It’s rude!” feeling oddly defensive, probably because she knew it was mostly about her.

“Come now, can a mother not worry about her daughter's future? I’ve already accepted your relationship with Lyn, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want grandkids.” Gloria said.

Van did his best to pretend like he didn’t exist as the two started to talk and argue over him. He did his best to ignore some of the clearly personal attacks they were throwing at each other. After a while, it came back to Gloria wanting grandkids and Amie trying to explain she just wasn’t ready for it yet.

“Come on Evergreen, you have to do more than that. You also have a duty to at least give one heir…, especially during these trying times, what would you do if something happened to me?” Gloria continued from their argument. “Van seems like enough of a nice young man, even when we were fleeing the spores of the red knives he was checking me out. Such men are hard to come by, and if you can’t take advantage of that you will never be pregnant.”

Van wanted to drown… right now would be preferable…

“Jeez mom, if you want to secure another heir so bad, why not just make another? If ‘Van’” glaring at Van from the side a bit. “Is so interested in you, maybe you should do it with him! Besides… we both know you just want sex by proxy, well… you have my permission! Go fuck each other's brains out!” Amie said somewhat tersely.

Van’s eyes widened, and he looked towards Lyn with a pleading look in his eyes. Lyn noticed that look and gave him a thumbs-up, making him relax as she looked like she was going to talk some sense into the two.

“Okay Gloria, you have my permission to have sex with Van, just make sure you save some for me later, I want a ride before we leave,” Lyn said.

Van never before felt so betrayed.

Amie continued lathering Lyn up with soap for a while until she sighed. “Ya… just make sure you don’t break him…” she then looked towards her mother. “Look… I'm sorry, I'm just not ready for kids yet, I hope you understand...”

Gloria looked at her daughter and also sighed. “I’m also sorry, you're right, we shouldn’t fight over such things. I’m just so worried about our future, I… I plan for you to take over from me one day, maybe even… today… and I just… want to make sure everything's perfect…”

Amie seemed very surprised by that, stopping her work on Lyn completely. “You… want to abdicate?” looking at her mother in complete surprise.

“If that is fine with you of course…” Gloria said.

Amie thought about it for a long time. The bathroom completely going silent. After a while, she nodded and look her mother in the eye. “Alright… I accept.” she then looked downwards towards Lyn. “Lyn… do you mind if…” trying to put what she was going to say into words.

“Of course, I don’t mind!” Lyn said happily. “I know you don’t need to, but if you want, you can marry him. That way we can be married together in a triangle of love and marriage!” she said with a smile.

“Not sure that’s how it works, but okay,” Amie said with an amused smile. “But…” looking again towards Gloria, I still don’t want kids just yet… so if you are able to get one from him, well… I always wanted a little sister…” she admitted.

“Gloria smiled, “don’t worry sweety, I'll give you as many little sisters as you could want. And maybe even teach you a few things about pleasing a man…” she finished with a wink.

Amie chuckled, “sure, let’s see what you’ve got.” in a tone of challenge.

“Umm… don’t I get a say in any of this?” Van asked.

““NO!”” everyone said in unison.

“Don’t worry…” Gloria said, drawing nearer. “I know what I’m doing…”

---sex scene---

Gloria slowly moved and got out of the bath, much to Van’s surprise, and then stood behind him. She then sat down, her legs on his shoulders and his head between her thighs. “I know you were looking at my legs.” she gently whispered, gently rubbing her long soft legs and thighs up and down on each side of his head.

She then gently began massaging his scalp with her long fingers, working out the knots and the tension that was built up through all the work they did. “Relax… just relax… you're in luck… I’ve been told my massages are amazing plenty of times by my daughter, she used to love them as a kid, even went so far to try to learn some from me.” then slowly began rubbing her crotch on the back of Van’s head.

“Mmm… you feel so good… I haven’t even put you in just yet…” she cooed, continuing to overly stimulate Van. “Let's go a little… further… trust me… you’ll love this…” extending her legs down until her feet came into contact with something nice and long…

“Oh my… a big boy aren't you…” she said with heated breath, rubbing her delicate feet up and down Van’s shaft with expert skill, making it slowly grow under her.

She continued her assault on Van’s senses until he was rock harder under her. “Mmm… yes! Oh fuck! Just imagining such a thing inside is going to make me-!?” Gloria came, spilling her fluids on the back of Van’s head where she had been rubbing herself on.

Van swallowed, he was not used to all this teasing, and he had to admit… he was turned on and ready for more.

Gloria sighed and moved away, switching positions until she was now standing in front of him, her crotch now in his face. “Not yet lover boy… it’s been a long time since I’ve had any, so show me how much you want it…”

Van looked towards her pink lips, he at least knew how to do this.

“Ah!” Gloria looked ecstatic as Van began to work her lower mouth. She placed a foot up on the edge and brought her hands down on his head, really making sure he worked her hard. “That’s it,” she moaned, grinding her hips into his face and making sure to keep him there with her hands. “Just like that…” she then gasped and released even more fluids. With a sigh of contentment, she sat down and straddled Van.

“So… how are you two enjoying the show?” Gloria asked, turning her head to Lyn and Amie.

“Ten out of ten stars!” Lyn said, sitting on the ledge as Amie ate her out.

Gloria frowned, “I was hoping the positions would be reversed… but I suppose I'm fine with it…” she then turned her attention back to Van with a wicked smile. “Now for the fun part.”

Gloria then took Van’s now very girthy and hard member and gently guided it inside her. “Mmm…. yes…” she moaned as she was spread open. “Oh fuck! Yes! Ahhh…” as she managed to insert the whole thing, making Van gasp by how hot and welcoming her insides were.

Which actually made him ask a question. “Does… this even do anything for you? Don’t fairies prefer larger insertions?” He managed to get out.

Gloria chuckled. “You can say… we switch between two settings… one for those closer to our size… and the other for… well you know…”

She then began to rid him up and down. “Trust me!” she gasped. “This is plenty big for me right now!” then went in for a deep kiss, practically attacking Van’s mouth.

Van moaned, eyes wide then shut. Gloria was moving her insides like no one’s business. He fucked Luna, who was technically a succubus, but it was hard to tell which one was better in this case. Gloria was just so much more… skillful…

Gloria broke off the kiss and lifted a foot upon the ledge as she leaned back a little, then the other. Van had to grab her by the waist as a part of her upper torso was now submerged, one of her feet on Van’s face and partly in his mouth. Her hands grabbed hold of him with all her might as she used her feet to push off and rammed herself back onto him, using the buoyancy of the water to help keep her balanced. She did this over and over again, her insides coiling around Van’s dick and sucking him in, his shaft going deep and hard, which could be clearly seen from the outside.

“Oh fuck!” Van muttered as he never felt like this before. She was taking his entire length with such vigor and carnal lust that it was hard not to give it to her. Soon she brought her legs back down and began to ride him properly, smashing her breasts into his face.

“I’m going to cum! I’m going to cum! You better fucking tear at my breasts! Rip at them! Fucking destroy me with your cock! For fucks sake, just ream me already!” Gloria demanded.

Van obliged. Gloria was just so goddam tight, working his shaft just too well, even in the throes of passion she moved her muscles just right with expertise and skill. In the end, he bit down on her hard, just like she asked, and slammed so hard into her he could swear he bruised a few organs. Then unleashed a torrent of seed so hard that she swelled like a balloon within a few seconds as she screamed out his name.

After a few seconds, they were panting and she slowly worked herself off of him. She then bent down and held her breath diving under, sucking him off gently under the waters and cleaning him up ‘proper’ as he leaned back and enjoyed the attention.

When she got back up, swallowing another load, she looked up at him with a smile. “Well… I'm impressed… most men would be done by now… but you're still hard…”

Van blushed. “Well… I'm not like other men…”

Gloria's smile widened and she leaned in with a leer. “Well… if that’s the case… that’s one round down with… now let's get to two through three…”

Making Van pale…

Then he felt two hands on each side of his shoulder and looked up and found Lyn and Amie on each side with Luna, Anna, Elena, and the imps as well as a few more waiting behind them.

“Don’t forget us…” Lyn said with a smirk and adding her own leer alongside everyone else.

“...Am I going to die today?” Van thought with dread before he was swarmed.


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