Van had never been happier for a potion’s effects to run out. Using it as an excuse to get out of the dire situation he was in, much to the pouting of everyone involved, he was able to flee the tree just in the nick of time before it was too late. Both for him, and the effects of the potion.

Even now his mind played on, repeating everything done in that bath, all the positions, the throes of passion, the teasings and seductive whisperings in his ears. And watching fearfully as Gloria taught the girls how to ‘really’ please a man… even green and blue joined in, despite green’s shyness and blue’s aloofness, they did some foreplay, and while they didn’t feel comfortable yet with insertion, they were able to rub one out using his body.

And just as he was being passed from one girl to another, so often and so much everything started to look like a blur. He could tell something was off when he felt some of the effects of the potion running its course and his body started to feel unstable.

Which was a bit of a shame though, he was hoping to see more of the tree, or at least what parts were still available for him to see before he left, but he was promised that there were some pictures around back before the red knives were unleashed. Which to him wasn’t really the same thing, but he supposed it would have to do.

But before he could enjoy said pictures, he and the girls had a lot of work to do in helping out Gloria move her people. Already there were piles of boxes outside the great tree, and more and more seemed to be piled on top, creating a very precarious-looking tower. He tried helping, but the fairies were adamant that he didn’t, saying that they had a specific system they followed and didn’t want anything or anyone to mess it up.

He then decided to go over and check up on Sephira, who probably had no idea what had happened to them while they were gone and was probably worried about both them and the diminishing power of the bubble she was trapped in. Once there, he came to a very excited wyvern who nuzzled him immediately, happy to see him okay.

“Nice to see you too girl, sorry it took us a while,” he said as he returned her nuzzles with pets and fixed up the mana barrier. He then worked on attending to her and making sure she was plenty fed and happy, preparing for the trip back as he did so. After a while, he was notified by one of Gloria’s attendants to come back to the tree since Gloria was going to make an announcement soon.

Van’s eyes narrowed as the fairy looked familiar. “Wait a minute… weren’t you at the bath?” he asked, looking at her suspiciously.

The fairy nervously played with her glasses. “I… have no idea what you're talking about…” excused herself, and zipped off as fast as her wings could carry.

Going back, he saw a spectacular sight of thousands of fairies in all their different rainbow colors floating around. He was pretty sure there weren’t that many in the throne room, but perhaps there were more in adjoining rooms that he wasn’t aware of. Either way, it was a sight to see, and he even saw the rare male fairies in a small group off to the side, guided by their own honor guard of soldiers that seemed hell-bent to protect their coveted lovers and spouses. Probably not from other fairies at the moment, but the dangers they now faced.

Looking around, he saw Gloria and Amie in formal and regal clothing, floating in front of the entire group, waiting for some semblance of order before beginning. After the crowd died down a bit, Gloria began in a loud and clear voice that could be heard by all.

“People of house Viridia, and all allies that have come here today during these tough times… I Gloria Viridia, with my Daughter, Evergreen Viridia, have an important announcement to make.” she then waited a moment while all eyes converged on her.

“It is with a heavy heart that I tell you… that general Saline, hero of fire ford and the shroom field, was the one that betrayed us… and unleashed the red knives…” she paused for a moment to let the information sink in as the crowd gasped in shock and murmured to each other. After a moment she continued.

“It seems this war with the wasp horde has greatly affected Saline mentally. And in her passion to stop the great wasp menace, she did the unthinkable… unfortunately… this has not only stopped the war but ended it, on both sides… I repeat… the war is over… and we must flee the forest… maybe forever…” ending on a solemn note.

Even more gasps could be heard and shocked outcries and even demands for an explanation came from a few who just couldn’t comprehend what was going on right now. Gloria lifted her hands and did a calming gesture until the crowd went silent once more, waiting with worried looks at what she may say next.

After everyone went quiet once more and all eyes were on her, Gloria began again. “I am not without fault in this… I should have seen the signs… but I was blinded by the threat that the wasp horde presented, and my own feelings on Saline, who was a trusted ally and confidant of mine… I fear… I’m no longer in any position to lead my people unilaterally. Therefore… I will now abdicate in favor of my daughter, who will now lead house Viridia as I take on a more advisory role.” She then moved aside and let Evergreen take center stage. “All hail the new high queen of house Viridia!”

The crowd looked perplexed by the sudden change of leadership right before their eyes. None made a motion or word as Evergreen now took her mother's spot, floating before them with the house's insignia on her clothes and carrying the staff scepter that designated complete authority of the house.

But… a few of the fairy friends that Lyn and Amie were able to make, slowly began clapping and then cheering for her. This had a ripple effect on the rest of the crowd, as more and more people began to clap. Not so much cheer, more… confused still, but clapping along because they felt like they had to. Other than that, the crowd was deathly quiet, and the clapping ended almost as soon as it began. Everyone watched Evergreen with an intense gaze, wondering what she was going to say next and what it might mean for them.

Evergreen took a small breath and steeled her nerves, she then did her best to appear regal and addressed the crowd before her with as much confidence as possible.

“Allies and citizens of house Viridia! We are going through tough times… but… when the fire locusts came down from the north, we survived! When the fungal clan of mold and rot, tried to make this forest theirs… we not only survived! But pushed them back! Cleansing this forest of their ilk… when those otherworldly invaders came, consuming everything in their path… we survived and recovered! The forest might be gone… but WE are a ALIVE! And as long as we are alive, we will survive! And make a new home, for all of us!”

Evergreen took another deep breath and continued. “I know many of you are confused, scared, worried about your family and loved ones… but I tell you now… we will get through this… I swear… on my name… that it is true…” she took another deep breath. “MY NAME IS-” the crowd waited on bated breath, eyes wide as a new high queen will now speak her new name.

“AMELIA EVERGREEN VIRIDIA! THE HIGH QUEEN OF HOUSE VIRIDIA! And I swear to all of you, I will lead all of you to safety!” The crowd paused and soon, a more genuine cheer rang out as hope began to show in the eyes of the many onlookers. Thinking, that just maybe, they will get out of this alive.

After the crowd died down a bit, Amelia continued. “Many of you are now probably wondering how I will save you all.” her eyes giving Van a quick sideways glance. “Do not worry, I have a place in mind that will be your new home, though it might be a bit difficult the first few months as we will have much to rebuild. I promise you it’s a safe haven for all…”

Now came the hard part. “People of house Viridia… the war is over… there is no more fighting between the wasp horde and the alliance… we…” using the royal we. “have decided that all denizens of the forest, still alive, will be allowed into this new home and safe haven… and yes… this does include the horde…” earning many gasps from the crowd once more.

“I know that is a hard pill to swallow… that many have lost friends and loved ones to the wasp horde and their mindless army of insects. But… I do not wish to repeat the same mistakes of the past by creating the same situation that led us into this war in the first place. And everyone who called this forest their home, or who was a child of this forest, is worthy of saving… no longer should we discriminate against those we consider lesser, otherwise all we will breed is hate. For in our ignorance, we did in fact… play a part in escalating the hatred on both sides. To the point that the red knives, something we swore to never unleash again, was spread…”

“That… is our fault… the red knives eating away our forest… was our doing… not the hordes… what would happen to us… if we did not choose now… the present… to build a better future… by not doing the same things that lead us to this tragedy in the first place. I ask you all to please understand and know…” her eyes went hard. “I will not change my mind on this matter…” her eyes went soft again and looked at the crowd with some measure of hope that some understood.

“I know many of you have questions, and probably want to know what our plans for the future might be. So… I will accept any queries you might have right now.” Amie then waited as the crowd looked nervously between each other, angry and confused, but also hesitant… since it was rare for anyone to be allowed to question the high queen's authority.

After a while, a few brave fairies did ask questions, and for the next half hour, Amie did her best to answer them respectively and concisely with clear answers. Van watched, impressed, but worried about the new influx of refugees that he was soon going to be taking in. And those in front of him were just the start, he was probably going to have to save the whole damn forest at his rate, and even he wasn’t sure if he had room for all of them inside.

“Nervous?” Lyn asked from the side.

Van glanced over to her and nodded. “She didn’t even bother to ask if I would be okay with it.” he replied a little gruffly.

“Are you against it?” Lyn queried.

“…” Van said with a sigh. “Though I am worried about how we are going to fit all these fairies… and that doesn’t even include the wasp horde and the rest of the forest… speaking of which…” he turned to look at her from the side. “How do you feel about letting the horde in?”

“It was actually my idea,” Lyn admitted. “Though, I have to admit… I am a little worried about it...” showing a concerned look on her face.

“Don’t be. You have me on your side,” he said, pointing a thumb at himself with a smile. “I don’t know how much overt control I can put within my own soul realm, but I promise to do my best in making sure things don’t get out of hand.”

Lyn returned the smile, “thanks Van…” looking like a small load was lifted from her shoulders. “I really appreciate it.”

The two then shared a moment until an unhappy and rude cough interrupted them. “AHEM!” the red imp said, pushing herself into the conversation and still wearing her tight spy gear. “You promised us a name?” tapping a foot in mid-air expectantly, as her sisters watched from the side.

Van shared an amused look with Lyn and addressed the imp. “Indeed I did… would you like it now? I have a few suggestions if you would like to hear,” he asked.

The three imps nodded their heads vigorously, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

“Okay… for red I have… Arpina, Nina, Salana, Tana, Ruby and Scarlet.” Van said, looking at red then turning to Blue. “for you I have… Sini, Lapis, Afina, Saphhira, and Azuria.” then ending on with green. “And last but not least. For you I have… Sylvia, Zelena, Emerald, Jade, and Leaf.” he finished.

“When you girls are done choosing your names, come back to me and I’ll officially name you and blood bind you. Choose wisely!” Van smiled as already in their excitement they started to talk to each other about the potential names given to them, debating each other on which was better and which was not.

Van and Lyn turned back to watch Amie, who finally seemed to be wrapping everything up. Once it sounded like Amie would soon finish, Van had a troubling thought and turned to Lyn. “hey… how… exactly are we going to transfer all these fairies to my soul realm? At the moment I can only open up one gateway at a time, and it’s a loooong way back to the fort. Are we… going to go through the forest?” looking at Lyn concernedly.

Lyn frowned like it was only now that she realized the situation they were in. “huh… I suppose so…” she said, unsure. “...shit! I have to go now! Have to talk with a few friends of mine to get to work. We are going to have to prepare a few things if we want to make it through the forest all in one piece.” and then zipped away.

Van Looked worriedly on but decided to stay put and watch, lest he accidentally gets in the way. Amie was giving a final speech, then started giving orders and designating groups to work on said orders. After that she started talking to her mother, chatting a bit before abruptly hugging each other. Lyn flew over to them and waited for them to finish, once they parted, she told them of the situation, Amie and Gloria nodding as if expecting what she was saying. Then the three of them started a conversation and broke apart a few minutes later to do their own thing. Each helping out in their own way.

Van was still waiting on the sidelines, wandering if just waiting at all was the best thing he could do. But the fairies around him made it clear his help wasn’t wanted, or perhaps they were so biased in protecting males that they didn’t even consider him as a form of potential help? Either way, it took a few hours of sitting around doing nothing and largely growing very bored before some semblance of order was formed and it looked like the entire group was ready to go.

Even Luna and Anna helped, but no, not him, he was a male, he should just wait with the other males… What was really annoying though, about it all, was that if he did try to help, he really would have gotten in the way. So he was forced to wait while everyone else was productive…

Either way. Everything was set and ready to go, except it was getting late and they had to stay the night. Van, Luna, and Anna camping out with sephira and even being given their own fairy honor guard to protect them as they slept.

The next morning, the long trek towards home began. Which was a bit funny to Van, to think he would consider the fort as a form of home at this point. He and the others then formed up and started setting the path ahead. The fairy guards then formed up on the sides and back of a large column with the civilians in the middle.

The group was then forced to bulldoze or navigate a path forward, which was a lot harder to do when you are feeling the pressure and weight of all the expectations of all those behind you. Luna would from time to time, fly up on Sephira to help get a larger birds-eye view of the terrain and warn of potential dangers and point out paths they could take.

Surprising everyone, the long journey to the fort was largely uneventful. Other than forcing them to cut or burn a path forward or help the teamsters with their load or a few civi’s that got separated from the group or needed medical aid. The day went by without any major enemies attacking them or large obstructions of red knives to block their way. It was actually kinda suspicious…

The only real issue was how long it was taking them to get to the fort. But by the end of the day… the walls of home were in sight, off in the distance. Less than an hour later, Van walked forward and asked them to open the doors.

The soldiers on the battlements were confused, to say the least, but they did as bid, and the great fairy exodus, it will one day be called, though it will also be known by other names, came to pass.

Now the only worry left for Van was how he was going to explain this all to Kella…


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