World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 154 Negotiations and Marriage

Everyone nervously sat down at the table. Xenith on one side and Amie on the other.

A day has passed since they visited the wasp capital, and Xenith was sent back with a list of demands as well as conditions for a peace treaty, or at the very least, a truce between the horde and the alliance. Xenith will be acting as a representative of the horde and Amie the alliance.

Gloria was also in the room, ready to give advice to her daughter if she needed it. As well as a trusted aid for Xenith sent by Zartashia for her daughter.

They were back within Van’s soul realm, with the intention that after they have talked things out, they will do the final signing back in the wasp capital of Xeilia. Where the empress will see to the final signing.

There were, of course, some complaints about doing this now, when people should be evacuating. But it was largely understood that unless some sort of agreement was put into place, the animosity between the two groups could erupt and cause unnecessary friction and bloodshed. Therefore, before any people were sent off to the soul realm, some sort of understanding or rule had to be put into place to keep hotheaded people from doing things they shouldn’t.

It was Amie who spoke first, standing in front of her seat, opposite of Xenith. With nervous but practiced ease, they both sat down at the same time once under a silent signal and the talks began.

“Thank you for coming. I understand that during these trying times one can find themselves busy and find it hard to find room in their busy schedule with everything that’s going on.” Amie began, doing her best to be polite. Though she couldn’t help but feel inwardly awkward, considering that she actually knew Xenith pretty well with the amount of time they sometimes spent with each other through Lyn.

“Not at all,” Xenith said, already getting into the right state of mind. “If anything, this meeting holds more importance than anything I could do back home because the times are so trying. I hope that we are able to make the time spent here together worth whatever we could if we were doing something else.”

Amie nodded. “I agree with you… we should make sure we get through this as quickly and concisely as possible… for both our people's sake.” She then turned her gaze to a few papers laid out before her and picked up one taking a closer look.

“I see here you want your own land and full separation from any laws or rules agreed upon by the high fairy court. As well as full autonomy and rights to resources of the land you settle and the right to follow your own laws and customs. Plus-” Amie continued for another twenty minutes, making sure she got everything written down.

After she had finished she gave a somewhat apologetic look towards Xenith. “I’m afraid that while I agree we can give you your own land and laws. The resources and some of the rules of this soul realm are beyond our means to agree to. Due to the fact even we must abide by them and that ownership of the land and the resources produced are… not always tangible…” referring to how one couldn’t always bring what was made in the soul realm out of it.

Xenith nodded. “I am aware…”

“Not only that.” Amie continued. “But the owner of the soul realm also has a few demands that he sent for the both of us.” now placing a single piece of paper to which one of the aids took and walked over to the in-between part of the table. The paper was then handed off to another aid from the wasp side and then given to Xenith who took the paper and read it.

Xenith’s eyes went wide as she read it. Not only did it make clear the claim that Van had over the rights and resources of his own soul realm, but also stated the need for a soul-bonding. Effectively demanding whoever or whichever ruler that decided to call the soul realm home to become a direct vassal slash wife of Van. The reasons of course were stated, explaining that the soul realm simply couldn’t handle the amount it has as is. But it was still a hard pill to swallow, especially the part of the time limit and a few other demands.

Xenith looked up at Amie, a questioning look on her face. “Is this all true?”

Amie nodded. “Technically speaking we are making use of another person's soul realm to save our own skins. It makes sense that he would demand something in return, though I think he fails to see how much he is asking of us…”

“Would you agree?” Xenith asked, breaking decorum and letting her curiosity accidentally show through. Then realizing the mistake she said.

But Amie gave a small smile in understanding and let it pass, and instead, answered the question. “Yes… I think I will. What choice do I have after all? The good news though, is if we both agree to it, then we can largely do away with the negotiations…”

Xenith leaned back in thought. Surprised by Amie’s admittance and wondering what this could mean for negotiations. “I’ll… have to talk to the empress about this,” she said, indicating the paper in hand. “For now… let us continue as if this paper didn’t exist…”

Amie agreed. “Perfectly understandable. Let’s continue.”

And the talks resumed. Well into the night in fact, as both sides tried to hammer out a satisfactory deal. Then took a break, and resumed again, this time with some consideration for the list of demands by Van and how that would affect negotiations and more.

“I have it on good authority that we can meet those demands,” Lyn said, who had joined in a little later and began speaking on behalf of Van to an exhausted Xenith and Amie.

“After all, Van has allowed us to produce some of our own resources. I think we can agree that instead of complete ownership, he instead taxes a small percentage of whatever you make. I also wish to add that this doesn’t have to be a permanent solution, and he is willing to simply carry those inside of him for a short while before dumping you all off somewhere else.”

“While that sounds nice on the surface,” Xenith said, with small bags under her eyes. “The truth of the matter is, even if we take Van as some sort of short wagon ride to somewhere else, where would we go? It could take weeks, months, maybe even years before we find a suitable place to call our home. Not to mention whatever new place we do find would probably be already taken by someone else. No matter how you look at it, we either have to start another war for a new home, or make due with what is offered here.”

Amie nodded. “I also wish to add that most of the fairies that have come to seek refuge here have already made homes for themselves. Thanks in no small part to the fact that this place has for some time now been nurtured to support a large fairy and insect-kin population.” referring to Lyn’s own forest and the work they both did to grow a home for fairies and insect-kin everywhere. “No matter how you cut it, this will most likely be a home for thousands if not millions of families who would rather stay than upend their life a second time.

Then the talks started getting into the nitty-gritty stuff of how to feed such a population for long periods of time if everyone decided to stay in the soul realm. With questions asked by both sides of how to make room for everyone and who gets what on each side. It was a few hours later, after exhausting every question and tightening up every word of a new agreement that was now being written on paper that they finally finished.

“So… is this it?” Lyn asked as she looked tiredly at the stacks of paper in front of her. She then read the first few lines of the agreement.

“The alliance and horde shall keep to their own laws and customs, separate from each other, with an impartial high council made up by both sides plus a third party to deal with and apprehend criminals that break the peace treaty agreed upon. Both sides have rights to whatever they are able to produce, with an exception of a small tax to be collected by the owner of the soul realm. Both sides will hold their autonomy, with the understanding that they are both equal to, and under, Van, the owner of the soul realm as seen in sections B-12 and C-2.”

“Those who wish to work for the owner of the soul realm, can and will become a separate third party with no ties to either the former horde or alliance. Lyn’s, that is to say, mine domain will also be considered a separate and third party that takes no sides. And will be in between both sides so as to not allow friction, as seen in section B-10.” referring to the placement of the horde and alliance to prevent them from sharing a border if possible.

Lyn continued for some time, making sure she got all the important parts down in a monotone kind of voice. Clearly tired and wishing to go to bed. After she reached the last page and finished, she asked if there were any questions. “Are there any questions?”

“No, I think this is more than enough for now,” Xenith said, trying to stifle a yawn. “Now I just have to take this to the empress and see what she says about it. I’ll be back tomorrow, or as soon as I can.”

Lyn nodded. “Then without further ado, I claim that this session of peace talks is now over. You may all leave until the next session tomorrow at noon.” She then got up alongside everyone else from their seats and walked to the exit.

Everyone felt the loss of time, and everyone was worried about what that could mean for the millions of people that still needed to be evacuated. They could only hope now that the empress would be okay with what was written on the paper and agree to the terms.


“Wait… you agree!?” Lyn asked, not the only one taken by surprise by the empress of the horde.

The next day, they were all called by the empress to come visit to continue peace talks and to hear an announcement. Thinking this might be some sort of theater, Lyn and Amie went, expecting the worst. But instead, when they arrived, they found that the empress had agreed to all their terms without question and was ready to sign.

“Yes, I do agree…” the empress said, looking somewhat amused by Lyn’s reaction. “I have thoroughly read the treaty you all have written, and while I do have some… reservations… It is largely a well-done piece of work. I am also aware of the time constraints and the need to evacuate as many of my people as possible. Their lives hold far more value to me than whatever little concession I can wrangle out of a few pieces of paper. Though I hope you will agree to add a clause that if all sides agree, we can make small changes or amendments to the treaty…”

“Umm…” Lyn looked over to Amie, who hesitantly gave a small nod, then turned back. “Sure… we can agree to that.

“Wonderful!” Zartashia said, clapping her hands once, bringing forth several servants carrying paper, ink, a table, and a few chairs. “Let us get to the signing as quickly as possible, I have already set the word ahead for the full evacuation of the city.”

Everyone was somewhat taken by surprise by how quickly everything was progressing. Though a little suspicious, they really didn’t think they were being cheated, and though it took some extra time, they made sure to read the treaty one more time to make sure nothing was slipped into it except the new clause.

“Alright, everything looks like it’s in order,” Lyn said, taking one last look at the treaty. “I'll be presiding as a third party, representing both myself and Van, the owner of the soul realm. If anyone has any questions, please ask me now.” She then looked toward both sides, but they remained silent.

After that, was a small ceremony where the many nobles of the wasp horde came to watch the signing, such as the representative of the hornets and the termite king and queen, plus many more. The call was then sent and a few rushed nobles from the fairy alliance were brought to join in, including Gloria.

An hour later, both sides were ready to sign the papers that will see to the end of the war and an agreement to share the soul realm that they will be living in from now on. But before the ink could be put to paper, Zartashia made an announcement.

“I thank you all today for coming. A day where we can bury the hatchet as it were, with our enemies and maybe one day make friends with them. To put the past behind us and maybe together make a better future. With that in mind, I have decided to step down, and let my daughter do the signing as the new empress of the horde.” This earned many gasps from the audience, who couldn’t believe what they were hearing or why.

The empress raised her hands to silence them and continued to speak. “I know that many of you are wondering why I’m doing this. And in all honesty, I probably couldn’t give you all a good or satisfactory answer. But I do believe that such a monumental change deserves someone of the younger generation that holds none of the prejudices of the older one. My daughter, I believe, has shown a great inner strength, and despite being in enemy hands, made friends and helped pave the way towards peace. Because of that, I believe now it is time for those younger than us to pave the way for a new future.”

She then motioned for her daughter to come closer. “Xenith, do you swear to serve the horde, to rule with a fair and just hand, to lead our people into prosperity and beyond?”

Xenith looked like a deer in the headlights. This was far too fast for her, but she nodded lamely anyway, before blinking and realizing where she was. “Yes! I do!” then taking a deep breath and looking more serious. “I swear on my name and power that I will do my utmost to serve the horde and its people!”

Zartashia nodded. “Then you are the new empress of the horde.” then closed her eyes, allowing the power of her office to flow into her daughter.

Xenith’s eyes widened as power entered her and her body began to change. It was then that realization dawned on her, that this meant that it was her that was now going to be married and vassalized to Van.

Unfortunately, before she could silently voice her suspicions, a cheer rose up for their new empress and she was forced to play along, giving a slight glare to her mother promising words later.

With that done, a small celebration was held, which was mostly Xenith accepting the congratulations of others while they arranged for Van to come for the signing.

Once Van arrived, everyone settled around the table with a pen in hand. Xenith will sign for the wasp horde, Amie for the alliance, Lyn as the third party, and Van as the person with who they will be making use of the soul realm. When all four signed the paper, a strange wave of relief took all the guests and nobles here to see this momentous occasion.

It was the empress who first began to clap, soon followed by everyone else and then cheering. The war was finally over. But unfortunately for Van, Xenith, and Amie, the next part has just begun…

“As you all know…” the former empress began. “That signing also comes with a soul-bonding… which means not only is this a joyous occasion for both the horde and the alliance putting aside our differences… but also the day of Xenith’s marriage!” with a clap, wedding banners, and flower petals began to fall from the ceiling. Servants rushed and started to dress Xenith in a wedding dress right in front of everyone, ripping clothes if she tried to resist.

“Wha-!? Hey!!” Xenith complained.

Soon a red carpet was rolled, and the surprised voices of the onlookers soon turned to excitement at what was going to happen next.

“Wait… what!” Van said, now looking worried as he watched Xenith be literally stripped and forced new clothes on.

Surprisingly, Amie just sighed and took off her clothes and a servant handed over a new set. It wasn’t that she was in on it, but she had a suspicion that this would happen, giving a slight glare to her mother who was there with them.

Lyn though was just as flabbergasted as Van. Wondering what the hell was going on.

Soon, Van was pushed towards the carpet, and with all the cheering and encouragement he was receiving, somewhat awkwardly began to walk down the aisle alongside Amie and Xenith. Zartashia was there, and she smiled benevolently down on the group, ignoring her daughter's glare who had realized she was thrown under the bus. And began the ritual, doing all that sickness and in health stuff and continuing on for half an hour before asking the important question.

“Do you, Xenith Zindira and Amelia Viridia, take Vanris Vransolis as your soul-bonded husband?”

Van was surprised that the empress knew his full name.

““I do”” both Xenith and Amie said.

“And do you, Vanris Vransolis, take Xenith and Amelia as your wives?”

“I… I do…” Van said somewhat awkwardly, now fully aware that this was technically his fault for asking for a soul-bonding. But still wondering how they planned all this so quickly.

“Then say the vows!”

Both Xenith and Amie turned to Van and Began to speak. ““I, Xenith/Amelia, do swear to love and protect my master and husband Van. To have no other than him, to give mind, body, and soul, to his needs. To offer my life in exchange for his own. My heart in exchange for his happiness. So do I swear on my blood, so do I swear on my soul. Now and forever, and in every life.””

“And with that, you are now husband and wives!” and the cheering was thunderous…


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