World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 155 Wedding Party(nsfw)

“I can’t believe what happened…” Van said, mumbling to himself while looking at an assortment of foods laid out on the tables for the celebration. At the least, they took into consideration that not everyone could shrink down to their size, and so the people and wedding guests, alongside the food were of the appropriate size for someone like him.

“Aww… why are you looking so down? You had a wonderful wedding!” Luna all of a sudden said next to him, making him whirl around.

“Luna!? What are you doing here?” he asked, completely taken by surprise.

“I was invited silly. Received the wedding invitation and everything!” Luna said happily. “Anyway, congratulations!” acting like this didn’t concern her one bit.

Which Van supposed in a way it didn’t. “Umm thanks… I’m…” he then noticed the former empress talking to a few people and then leaving towards a private balcony. “I’m going to look for the bathroom… be right back.” and left towards where he saw the former empress leave to ask her a few questions.

“Huh… he must really have to go…” was all Luna said as she watched Van quickly rush away. “Oh well…” she shrugged, then started pigging out on the buffet.

Van ignored some of the people calling out to him and pushed aside the curtains that lead out onto the private balcony where Zartashia was leaning over the railing, looking over her city. Practically naked except for her blue see-through gown she always wore.

“So you’ve come…” she said without bothering to look back. “I bet you are wondering why I did what I did, or for that matter who I am… right?” now looking over her shoulder at him.

“You… Why did you do it? And what do you mean who you are?” Van asked, now wondering what was going on, feeling a little lost now.

“I did it because I was tired of being the empress… all I wanted was to continue being a scientist and mother… there was nothing more than that that I wanted,” she said.

“A mother? How many children do you have?” Van asked, wondering about the mother bit and what that had to do with anything.

“I think fifteen now?” Zartashia answered. Making Van’s eyes go wide. “But I could go for a sixteenth…” now sticking her ass out. “If you want…”

“And why would I want that?” Van asked though he had to admit she was a very beautiful woman, but there was no reason why he should do something like that as far as he could tell. “Besides, I think you have enough kids as it is… you also might be a little drunk…” he surmised by her strange attitude.

“Because of your curiosity of course.” She said with some confidence. “And because you too have been changed by this world, just as I have been… and yes… I might have drunk a bit too much…” She admitted. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m asking for…”

“Maybe…” Van said reservedly. “What do you mean, changed by this world?”

“I, like you, am not originally from this world… I have memories of a past life. I will tell you all about it… if you…” She waved her ass enticingly. “Do me a favor… Come on now… it’s not every day you get the virginity of a former empress…”

“I thought you had fifteen kids?”

“There are other ways to produce children…” Zartashia said. “Suffice to say… I’ve never been touched by a man… and now with everything that has happened… I want to finally know what that feels like…”

“But that still doesn’t follow as to why I should have sex with you…” Van said.

“Please… do it for me. I have a lot of knowledge I can share with you. And after everything, I've been through… I just want this one thing… to finally know what it feels like to be with a man. A man who is like me…” she said.

Van thought about it. He supposed he could somewhat understand where she was coming from, and that ass did look inviting. And technically this made as much sense as anything else in this world, fucking for information? Sure why not… Slowly, he walked up to her and she responded, leaning forward on the balcony while sticking her ass out a bit more.

---sex scene---

Van lifted her flimsy gown out of the way, revealing her lower pink lips. He then whipped out his cock which quickly became erect. The idea of doing it over a balcony with a former empress got it excited, even if he wasn’t that into it himself. He pushed in and gasped in surprise as Zartashia did the same.

Zartashia wasn’t joking about being a virgin. That he could figure out by how her pussy reacted. But what was unfathomable was how perfect it was… he literally slid right into the deepest part of her depths, all the way to the end. Not only that, her body was literally taking the shape of his cock at breakneck speed.

“So this is what it feels like…” Zartashia moaned. “I’m so glad I finally did it.” she gasped. “But my body… at this rate… I won’t be able to accept any cock other than yours!” completely aware that her pussy was becoming a mold for Van’s dick.

Van swallowed, the texture and warmth of her pussy was perfect, was this the taste of all women who are of high rank? Slowly, he began to pump back and forth, enjoying the feeling of sliding between her inner folds as Zartashia’s pussy seemed to do everything in its power to make a welcoming home for Van’s cock on an instinctive level.

Zartashia moaned again as she began to feel her body become hot and her lower half become numb with pleasure. The feeling of such a large insertion pushing her insides out of the way and claiming it as its new home got her worked up like she never thought something could before. “I’m so glad I finally decided to do it, and with a man like this, hopefully, my daughter wouldn’t mind sharing… but considering this world's culture… she might actually be all for it… but in all honesty… I can’t believe what I’m doing… but it feels so good… no wonder the women of this world are so sex-crazed…”

Van grabbed her by the waist and picked up the speed a little, while doing larger arcs to get in deeper, making Zartashia moan even louder under him. He closed his eyes a little and began to enjoy the feeling of this nice piece of heaven he found for his dick and continued doing this for a while, enjoying every second of it.

“Ah, mom! There you are! And-oh… Van… oh…” Xenith suddenly said, barging into the private balcony.

Van froze in place, wondering what he should do.

Xenith just walked over to the side next to her mother. “You know I’m not happy with what you did right? Why did you do it? You are the empress, and you have way more experience than me!” she complained to her mother. “Oh and umm… congratulations… make sure you leave some for me…” was the only mention she had about what Zartashia and Van were doing.

“Thank you, sweety, don’t worry, I’ll make sure to leave some of him for you later,” Zartashia said, also a little weirded out, but quickly rolling with it, moving her hips back and forth while she talked to her daughter.

“The reason why I-ah! Abdicated to you-mmm, was because-oooh… because I never wanted to be empress in the first place!-ah fuck yes!” gasping a little as she continued to pound herself on Van’s cock. “All I ever wanted to be was a scientist and a mother-ooh… so when I saw the opportunity, I took it-AH! But that doesn’t mean you are not ready, I groomed you for this your entire life!-AH! And I trust you…” sharing a moment with her daughter. “I know you can be an even better empress than I can…” looking into her daughter's eyes with trust and pride. Still humping herself on Van’s dick.

“You know what… fuck it…” Van thought and started really reaming her for real. Fucking Xenith’s mother into a puddle of pleasure before her daughter's eyes and making her moan like an animal.

“Thanks mom… if you think I can… then I’ll try my best.” ignoring what was happening and then turning her attention to Van. “Hey, Van?” Xenith began talking to him, not caring at all about what was happening to her mother. “Is it okay if some of my sisters join us for tonight? They are very interested in meeting you.”

“Oh uh… sure…” Van said awkwardly as Zartashia was moaning that she was going to cum.

“Thanks…” Xenith said with a small smile. “Oh and…” she leaned in closer to him. “I don’t want you to think I’m against the marriage or anything. I’m actually very happy about it for many different reasons. I just thought let you know in case you thought I hated you or something. It was just really out of the blue and I wasn’t ready. But since we're married now, I’ll do my best to be a good wife to you.”

“Oh uh… thank you… I’m actually pretty happy I got to marry you too.” Van said in return.

Xenith smiled and leaned in to give Van a kiss as her mother did indeed cummed under Van’s cock as their lips locked. “See you tonight…” she said with a sultry voice, then walked away.

“See you…” Van said to her retreating back, touched by how gentle her kiss was as he cummed gallons into Zartashia’s womb, pumping it full of his seed and making her stomach swell.

“I… could… get used to this…” Zartashia moaned.

--- continue sex scene---

“Okay, speak,” Van said, demanding answers.

“Just a sec, let me take care of this, I want to make sure it’s nice and clean for tonight,” Zartashia said on her knees making sure to lick clean Van’s cock.

“For someone with memories of another world. You do seem to roll with the peculiarities of this one quite easily.” Van grunted as she began to take him in her mouth.

“What can I say? It is my survival instinct, and I can’t deny I enjoy it either…” giving Van’s cock a nice lick. “As for your answers…” nibbling on his tip. “I was a former scientist from a world far more advanced than this one…” using her tongue to play with his head. “I had multiple bachelors and doctorates. Ranging from everything from physics to genetics and even engineering. I was the forefront scientist of my time, leading the way to many new breakthroughs and discoveries.” now using her breasts alongside her tongue.

“Until one day there was an accident… sabotage… it was something that would have made me famous the world over, a way to make colonization of our solar system tenable…” she gave a little sigh and began sucking on the head, moving her body up and down with her breasts, somewhat forgetting what she was meant to be doing.

“When I woke up…” making a few slurping sounds. “I was here, and the last heir of a very small and desperate tribe of wasp-kin. And the rest is history…” now really putting her mouth to it, working his shaft with everything she got.”

Van sighed. Aware he wouldn’t get much more than this at the moment. “Thank you… I think… I'd like to listen to the rest of it later… for now…” he then gently patted Zartashia's head and helped her take him in deeper.

After a while of her working his shaft. He took both hands and placed them on her head and started throat fucking her a little violently. Van felt his cock pushing its way down her throat as her eyes widened and began to roll to the back of her head. He then slammed himself over and over again into her, enjoying the feeling of her throat pussy trying its best to take as much of him as possible.

A few moments later, he was pumping another few gallons of seed down her throat as she desperately tried to swallow everything. He then pulled out a little, allowing for some of his sperm to cover Zartashia’s panting face and body.

“Thanks for that. I’ll see you later.” Van said feeling somewhat annoyed about the little amount of info he got in return but figuring it wasn’t all bad either, he then turned to leave. Leaving a satisfied former empress in his wake.

--- end of sex scene ---

Van sighed as he rejoined the party, more to look out for any food that the buffets might have to offer. Absent-mindedly, he wondered about what would happen tonight, when he and Xenith consummate their marriage plus whatever sisters she will drag in with her.

Xenith was a beautiful woman, so he wasn’t against what was happening per say. He just wished people would stop using him as some sort of bargaining chip. A part of him wanted to do away with this marriage fiasco, but another part wanted to continue it for what was going to happen tonight. It seemed since he awakened his incubi bloodline, his lower head has been doing as much thinking as his upper one. And it knew what it wanted…

“One step forward… two steps back…” Van sighed again as he heaped plenty of food on his plate to get as much energy as possible for tonight. He was already beginning to worry that his harem was growing beyond his control, but after this, he might as well completely have lost it, if he even had it in the first place.

“What's wrong Van? For someone who just got married to two queens, you're not looking too happy.” Luna asked, from behind him. Her face filled with concern for him, alongside Agnès following close behind.

“Hmm?” Van turned to look at Luna. “oh… it’s nothing… just… I feel like things are getting out of my control… and I don’t even know how to feel about it. Are you even okay with this?” now asking Luna. “I mean, I just married two different women and you had no say in the matter. I mean… neither did I if I think about it… even though it’s technically my fault…” he sighed again. “I just don’t know anymore… What the hells is my purpose? To be a breeding stud?”

“Of course not…” Luna said, drawing near and giving him a side hug. “Van, I really don’t mind who you marry. After all, we are soul bonded, which means no matter what, I will always love you and will always be with you. I just worry that you might not have enough time for me. That’s my only one real concern.” she admitted.

“And sure… it might seem like your doing more fucking around than actually training or anything else. But think about it in another way… because of what you did, in marrying Xenith and Amie, you have literally helped stop a war and brought two completely different cultures together! You are the glue that binds people together! It’s because of you all this happened! That fairies and wasps can finally put their differences together!” She said somewhat excitedly, trying to press upon him the great amount of change he did in the hopes it would make him feel better.

“Now… am I pissed that they married you off over my head…” She pretended to think about it before giving a firm nod. “YES. YES, I AM!” Then turned to look at him. “But I'm mad at them. Not you! I could never be mad at you…” now giving him a huge hug that forced Van to stretch out his plate.

“Van, you awakened to a bloodline that… well… makes it obvious that stuff like this is going to happen…” referring to his incubi blood and its tendency to attract women. “And we are dhampirs… we will live for centuries if not thousands of years… don’t worry about who you do or do not do. Even if you make a harem of hundreds, you have all the time in the world to properly love them and them you.”

She then looked up into his eyes and leaned in for a kiss. Giving him a nice deep passionate one. After a moment, Van couldn’t help but return it, feeling the love that Luna held for him in that kiss. Using his free hand to grab her waist and pull their bodies closer together. After a while, they parted and Luna started to speak again.

“Van… it might feel weird… that you have grown so strong, yet feel like you lost control… but don’t discount the efforts or the progress you’ve made. You have come a long way since we first left home.” she then leaned close to his ear. “And if you are worried about tonight… don’t worry I’ll join you to help you out… okay?” giving him a wink.

Van snorted, knowing full well Luna was only half-serious and probably just wanted to join in herself, but oddly a little amused by that. In fact, he was feeling a bit better and more relieved now and made sure to tell her.

“Thanks, Luna… you’ll always be-...” he was about to say number one girl but realized that would be the wrong thing to say when managing a harem. “You will always be mine… no matter what…” he amended.

Luna smiled, having an idea of what he was about to say. “You will always be mine too, Van… Now come on! Today’s an auspicious lucky day! Or at least that’s what they say!”

“Who says?” Van asked, looking confused. “And why is today a lucky day?”

Luna began to chuckle. “It’s a lucky day because word around the buffet tables says that the former empress has done it with the groom! Meaning there is a chance for many heirs to come in the future! And that it shows that you are compatible with Xenith! Doesn’t hurt either that you took the former empress’s virginity! Meaning you have her approval!”

Van blinked. “I literally just came out of that balcony ten minutes ago! How are there already rumors about it!?” he asked in disbelief.

Luna chuckled again. “Don’t underestimate a noble woman's propensity to gossip… also all that moaning could be heard by anyone who was near the balcony…”

“Great… just great… I guess that would explain the sideways glances I have been receiving…” Originally chalking it up to him just being the groom. He sighed again. “Well… can’t get any worse… right?”

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