World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 156 Wedding Night(nsfw)

“Well… it’s not technically worse…” Van thought as he saw not only Amie and Xenith, but most of Xenith’s sisters plus Luna and essentially everyone else he had sexual relations with except for Kella and those who had to stay behind at the fort.

After spending a few hours meeting and greeting a few people and mostly pigging out on the buffet, he was later guided to a large room where he was supposed to consummate his marriage with Amie and Xenith, where he was met with this sight before him.

All and all, he had well over a dozen women in the room… and he probably was expected to do them all…

“Oh! Van, please come meet my sisters!” Xenith said, calling him over to introduce him to about six wasp-kin in a variety of different dresses and attire.

Van sighed inwardly and introduced himself to the girls, learning their names and making some quick small talk. After that, he was surprised instead of going straight to the sex, they decided to instead bring out the drinks and some food and enjoy talking to each other more.

It seemed Xenith’s sisters were more than just interested in his body, they didn’t get out much and were interested in whatever adventures that they might have experienced. Luna more than happily accommodated that desire by telling them of her exploits in the forest and the taming of each and every queen of the forest. The sisters, in turn, would show off their own skills, some putting on a play, and one particular one showing off her skill in machinery, another her knowledge of administration and one in dancing, and one in singing.

At one point, it was almost as if they all forgot he even existed. It was more like an after-party for the girls exclusively than anything for him and his new brides. But he wasn’t complaining, he actually enjoyed the entertainment and the fact that everyone was smiling happily. Though it did put him off that they were acting more like girls at a bachelorette party than the night that they were supposed to spend together as husband and wife.

Looking around, he found a nice black spongy armchair for him to sit down on. Taking the opportunity, he got comfortable and placed his drink on the small table beside it, plus a few snacks to dine on later. Sitting back, he enjoyed the laughter as he waited for the dreaded time to come when he would be put to work.

And he waited… and waited… and waited some more… It was a few hours now and well into the night but the girls showed no signs of stopping their festivities and enjoyment of each other's stories, still showing their skills while they were at it.

He watched as Lyn was awkwardly introduced, but quickly became a fan favorite of Xenith’s sisters with the stories she told and generally good personality. Soon they were all doing party games and more, doing a few drinking games on top of it and sharing little secrets with each other.

Van, for his part, was beginning to get a little sleepy. Stifling a yawn, he brought out a book from his soul realm and began reading, hoping to pass the time. Yet, even as he read a few dozen pages of his new favorite book, ate all the snacks he had, and drank all of his fruity juice. Delicious, delicious, remshola… the girls were still more interested in each other than him.

He wouldn’t say he was a bit disappointed… but he was a little put-off… he decided in the end, that if they were so busy with each other, and considering how late it was, he might as well take a nap. So with that, he reclined the armchair, closed his eyes a little, and drifted off a bit into a well-deserved rest.

Which was probably the worst thing he could do at that moment…

“Aww, look at him, he’s sleeping!” one of Xenth’s sisters exclaimed, as the group naturally gravitated to Van as time went on.

“Well, it has been a busy day for him,” Luna said, wondering if she should get him a blanket.

“Should we wake him up?” another of Xenith’s sisters asked.

Luna gave it some thought. “… I think we should let him get his rest…”

Xenith’s sisters looked disappointed.

“Aww I wanted to see you guys do it…” one of them whined, a little inebriated. Disappointed that her chance to see a male and woman do it was taken away.

“I guess that’s our fault for taking too long…” another sister added.

“Can’t you guys do it while he’s asleep?” a third sister asked curiously.

“Well…” Luna shared a look with Lyn who shrugged. “It’s not like we haven’t done it in our sleep before…” She admitted. “But maybe we should get his permission first…”

She then leaned over and gently started to shake Van a little, speaking softly and gently into his ears. “Hey, Van… Vaaan…”

Van wasn’t really asleep… more like he was half asleep, like his brain was in a fugue state, aware of his surroundings, but completely uncaring for them.

“Is it okay if we umm… use your lower half for a bit?” Luna said, unsure of how to properly word or ask this of him in this state.

Van mumbled something that sounded both somewhat annoyed, but also acquiescing to whatever Luna was asking of him. Probably completely uncaring of what was going on as he leaned back on his armchair. The only real thoughts going through his mind at this moment was how he was going to convince whoever owned this chair to give it up to him. Because it was a damn good chair…

Luna turned to the girls and gave a thumbs up, but also then put a finger to her mouth. The others got the message and all nodded in agreement to keep as quiet as possible. They then went to work on freeing Van’s little friend, who they quickly found out, even half-asleep, wasn’t so little. Earning a few gasps and giggles from the onlookers as Van dozed on and off.

---Sex scene---

“Oh my gods… That thing’s huge!” one of the sisters quietly exclaimed.

“And it only gets bigger…” Luna said, smiling somewhat proudly as she took Van’s cock and showed it to the girls. “Alright then, who’s first?” she asked, looking between Amie and Xenith.

“Well, I've already done it with him before.” Amie said, “So Xenith can have a go at it.”

Xenith looked a little nervous. She had been through countless battles and helped train many warriors, but this… this was a little nerve-wracking considering it was her first time… but with the cheer of her sisters egging her on, she couldn’t bow out now. So with a sigh, she took off her clothes, much to the cheer of her sisters.

“Shh!” Luna glared at them. Making them quiet their cheering by a few octaves.

Xenith took a deep breath, nervous about losing her virginity, but was gently guided and helped by Luna, easing some of her worries. slowly she took a seat on Van’s lap, her back to him, and lifted her feet as instructed by Luna onto the armrests until she was making an M with her lover half, exposing herself for all to see. Her crotch right above Van’s cock.

“Mmhmmrr…” Van said half-asleep, snuggling Xenith a little from behind, much to the giggling of everyone watching.

Luna then took Van’s half flaccid dick and placed the head towards Xenith’s entrance. “Alright girls! Here we go!” then helped Van’s cock enter Xenith’s tight little hole.

Xenith’s eyes widened a little as she gasped, feeling herself part away for the big warm thing that was making its way into her innermost depths. Once Luna got as much as she could inside, she instructed Xenith to start moving up and down.

With some trepidation. And a little holding of her breath, Xenith did so, slowly earning another gasp as the stimulation got Van’s cock harder and harder until she felt like she was trying to force an entire arm up her slit. “Oh… mmm… fucking gods!” Xenith moaned as she tried to move her body up and down on Van’s shaft.

Everyone cheered in amusement, taking a drink from their glass as they watched Xenith do her best to ride Van’s cock. They handed her a few glasses of wine and beer, gave her slaps on the shoulder and a few played with her breasts in good humor.

Xenith for her part, did her best to play along while also riding her husband's cock. Enjoying the good humor of her sisters and accepting a few drinks and downing them all in one go as she moved her body in the hopes it would help her some.

At this point, Van’s body began to instinctively react to the pleasure and began doing a few micro humps from below, stimulating Xenith’s pussy even more.

“AH! AH! SHIIIIT! AH!” Xenith moaned, trying to contain herself as she felt something take her that she never felt before. Until it burst out of her and she felt her body spasm and her womb filled with sperm.

Everyone cheered for her first orgasm and cream pie. There was a round of clapping and a few more drinks were shared.

“Me! Me! My turn! My turn!” one of the younger sisters said perhaps a little too excitedly. Earning a few laughs from everyone, Xenith though, was more than happy to switch, she needed some time to get back in control of herself. So when she got off, her sister clambered on and also began riding Van but not before first asking permission of course, since she was being somewhat admonished by one of her older sisters for barging in. After a go-ahead by Luna and some help from her, the younger sister started to try and ride Van.

“O-o-o-oh!” the younger sister gasped as she tried to take Van’s cock inside. Luna then had to come in and help relax her into it and tell her how to properly ride it. Soon she was riding it like a champ, her stomach bulging out a little due to the huge size of Van’s dick making its way up and down her body. “AH! AH! AH!” tears formed in her eyes, but she didn’t stop moving her hips until her belly swelled with sperm and she tagged out for Amie to join in.

Amie straddled Van and gave him a passionate kiss as she moved her hips. Even half asleep he reacted and gave as good as she got until he creampied her and switched out with someone else.

Like this, the girls cheered and drank as they took turns riding Van’s cock, and a new game was made with alcohol and their new favorite toy. The party then continued well into the night and near the morning light, and only finished when everyone had a turn and was too exhausted to continue any more.

Oddly enough, Van still had a good night's rest, despite everything…

---end of sex scene---

Van slowly blinked himself awake. Slowly, he took notice of the state of the room, finding not only the girls from last night but even Gloria and Zartashia lying on the ground in a half-drunken stupor, sleeping soundly. Everyone was in one state of disarray or another, mostly covered in sticky fluids…

He tried to get up but quickly realized that someone was on his lap, a young wasp-kin, or at least young-looking. Naked, and a part of him still inside her, sleeping soundly despite everything and using him as some sort of pillow.

He thought her as a bit cute and decided to finish what she started and get rid of his morning wood all in one shot. Hearing her give soft mewing moans and more before finishing up inside her.

Then gently carrying her to bed, he made sure to set her up next to one of her sisters and get her comfortable, she then snuggled closely to said sister.

Looking around at the mess, he made sure to use a cantrip to clean himself off just in case and walked out of the room to see if he could find anything to eat for breakfast.

Thankfully, there was a servant waiting nearby the door who escorted him to the dining room. When he arrived, he was surprised to see the imps there, plus one fairy friend of theirs.

The imps upon seeing him, waved happily, while the very familiar-looking fairy paled a little.

“Hello girls, who's your friend?” he asked as he drew nearer, only to realize that the table was too small for him as he got close.

“She’s our new friend!” the red one exclaimed, “we met her back at Gloria’s place!”

“She looks… familiar…” Van said, taking a closer look at the eyeglass-wearing fairy. “Have we met before? I feel like I just saw you recently…” he asked her curiously.

“Uh… umm… I’m the messenger fairy!” she suddenly exclaimed in answer. She then put down her small teacup and got up. “And I just remembered that I have messages to deliver! See you girls later!” then flew off at breakneck speeds.

“Got to love her…” red said, happily.

“Riiight…” was all Van replied with. He then looked around and noticed another table that was more fit for those of his size. Already laden with food, such as small pies, freshly baked bread, jams and so much more. “I’m going to go sit down and eat…” the delicious smell assaulting his nose and drawing him near. The odd fairy, already mostly forgotten.

“Wait!” the red imp exclaimed flying closely as Van sat down at the table. “We finally chose our names! And we have been waiting so long! Please make it official!” looking at him with begging eyes.

“Oh? You finally chose your names? Alright then, let's hear it.” Van said as he sat down in his chair, looking at the imps in question.

Red puffed out her chest. “I’m going to go with… SCARLET! Doesn’t it sound so perfect!” she squealed.

“No surprise there.” Van thought.

“I-i’m going w-with LEAF! Because It sounds so naturey!” Leaf said happily.

“I actually added leaf as a choice because she is always shaking like a leaf from time to time…” Van thought, feeling a little bad that what was meant as a joke was taken so seriously.

“I’m going with SINI!” the blue imp said. “Because it sounds… so… cute…” she mumbled the last words out.

“Huh… I was expecting her to choose one of the more regal sounding names…” Van though, surprised by Sini’s choice.

“Alright then, you have all made your choices,” Van said, sounding a bit more serious. “It is now time to bestow them unto you!” He then looked at Scarlet. “I name you Scarlet!” and power flowed from him into her. He then looked at Leaf. “I name you Leaf!” and power flowed from him into her. He then looked to Sini. “I name you Sini!” and power flowed from him into her.

Their bodies changed, going from lesser imps into regular imps right before his eyes. Scarlet’s horns grew a little more pointy, and her hair looked like it constantly had embers flowing through it, with a slightly curvier body. Leaf’s horns became more tempered, flowers sprouted from her hair and she began to look more like a young spring maiden with a tail and wings. Sini’s horns grew more curved, and her wings looked icier, her already over-sexualized body becoming even more so, now with a cool-mist flowing around her. They all also grew about two inches or so.

“Hell yeah!” Scarlet exclaimed, playing with her newfound control over fire, noticing her now slightly flaming tail and just generally happy about everything.

Leaf smiled as she was able to make plants bloom from her hand, mostly poisonous flowers, though that didn’t seem to make her unhappy.

Sini frowned a little at her slightly larger chest and sexier body, already she was the biggest of her free sisters, so she didn’t see why it grew even more. At least she had more control over ice…

“You girls look beautiful,” Van said, happy that they were happy. “Why don’t we celebrate with a nice meal.” wanting to move things along so he could eat his breakfast.

Thankfully the girls were just as much interested in eating as they were in playing with their new powers. So Scarlet went to the tea and warmed it up with her powers, Sini went to the apple juice and cooled it down, and Leaf went to the cheese and gave it a herbal touch to it, adding more flavor. They all shared their results with each other and him and largely were trying to have fun with their new powers as they were trying to have a good meal.

Van was quite happy all things considered. It was a nice day, beginning with a nice morning. His body felt relaxed and things seemed to be looking up. He couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store for him next.


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