World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 177 Not Pregnant… (nsfw)

It was an awkward few days, to say the least after that. Luna heard everything and felt very bad about it, feeling like she somehow disappointed Van, even going so far as to feel like a failure for not providing a child.

Van of course, made it clear under no uncertain terms that he wasn’t unhappy that she didn’t give birth, and that in fact he very much wasn’t ready for a child anytime soon. More importantly, he tried to comfort her and assure her that everything was going to be alright and that he was happy with the way things were as they were now.

It took a full week for Luna to go back to any semblance of her old peppy self, though she still didn’t feel in the mood to have sex anytime soon, as she was still depressed about everything…

Despite that, Van and Luna were immensely happy for Thea, a mix of excitement and nervousness for their future baby brother or sister. More importantly, it gave a huge relief off Van’s shoulders to know that should anything happen to him, there was now an heir to take over should things go south. Not that he was planning to die anytime soon of course…

Oddly enough there were talks that if it were a girl she should breed within the family. Van made sure to quickly leave the room whenever that was brought up, not wanting to hear it. Hopefully, his parents got the message…

A few days later, Luna came up to him to ask him personally what he thought about having a kid. His true feelings on the matter.

“Honestly Luna. I have said everything I wanted to say about it.” Van replied to Luna's question of whether or not he really didn’t want a kid.

“I really don’t feel like we are ready for a child yet. Not to mention we are going to school for the next few years near the wastelands filled with terrifying monsters and worse. If we have a kid we would have to delay our trip so that you could give birth here and have our parents take care of the baby. Which means by the time we return, the baby would be already five years old and maybe not even realize we are its parents.” Van explained.

“Not to mention after that we were selected for a program to study in Istra. Which means another few years gone away. And the fact that after that we were planning on traveling the world. We simply can’t take care of a child during all of that, nor do I think it would be right to give birth to a child who will practically if ever, see their parents.” he finished, hoping Luna would understand his concerns.

“Ya but, I heard Bloodhaven as a daycare!” Luna said.

“Luna…” Van replied, arms crossed.

Luna looked down dejected. “Do you really not want a baby with me?” she asked, looking like she was on the brink of tears. “We can make it so you can take her as a concubine when she grows up if you want! And what’s so wrong if our parents take care of her! I just!-! Don’t know…” looking like she was going to cry.

“Luna…” Van felt bad now. At first, he thought it was because she thought it was something he might want and that she failed to provide. Now it was clear that it was that she actually wanted to give birth to a child of their own.

“Hey… it's going to be okay…” Van said, bringing Luna into a hug. “We’ll figure something out. Let’s talk about this a little more later okay. Sh sh sh sh… don’t cry… don’t cry…” he said gently as Luna began to sniffle into him.

“Maybe… I should talk to Ren about this… he may have an idea on what to do… maybe if it comes down to it, we can somehow speed up her pregnancy to allow birth before we leave… agh! I don’t know anymore!” Van’s emotions were all confused and jumbled up, he didn’t know what to do...

In the end, Van decided to ask around to see what everyone else thought about whether or not they should have a kid. This was something he really was worried about so figured he should get everyone's input on the matter.

He asked Kella, who didn’t really care, but suggested they don’t since they would have to leave soon anyway.

Isa didn’t understand why it was such a big deal and suggested they create an army of children.

Anna also seemed to be on the fence, since she herself wasn’t sure if she wanted a child or not.

Ren was no help, he outright refused to be for or against such a thing, only saying he wouldn’t if it was him until he was sure he could take care of it.

Kassandra thought it would be wonderful and cute, mostly because she never got a chance to have a kid herself, and pointed out that you never know what may happen in the future, if she’s anything to go by, so best to live without regrets.

Lyn, Amie, and Xenith got into a bit of a debate over it. Lyn didn’t understand why they shouldn’t just take the baby with them, while Amie explained why and pointed out that it was fifty fifty if they should have one or not because Thea was now having a baby, so the issue of having an heir was resolved as far as she was concerned. Xenith didn’t seem to care either way and suggested they also make a few babies themselves as heir to their respective queendoms. Which caused another round of debates.

Alecto gushed at the idea of Van and Luna having a baby and suggested Agnès get pregnant as well, much to her daughter's blushing and outright refusal, saying she wasn’t anywhere near being ready for such a huge responsibility.

Lorenzo said he didn’t have any kids, as far as he knew… and he was happy with that, and said that Van should just accept what happens as what happens, whether or not having a child is intentional or not.

Sheri was of two minds about it. On the one hand, the grandparents could take care of the baby, barring that, there were daycares at school… on the other hand, it was important to have close bonds with one's children, and a school environment or leaving their kids with their grandparents for five-plus years wasn’t conducive to that.

Gwen seemed both a little terrified and excited about the prospect of having kids until she realized it was Luna they were talking about, then she blushed and excused herself.

Bell didn’t see any problems, the pack growing was a good thing… wasn’t it?

Sela didn’t understand the question, she didn’t even realize that in polite society one should ask if it was okay to have babies with their partners or not. Always figuring the stronger of the two in the relationship got to decide.

Sena was just horny and didn’t care if there was a baby or not after having done it.

Venus wasn’t sure, since everything was new and sudden for her still, feeling like she needed some time to figure things out first before she could answer such a question.

In the end, he awkwardly asked his parents about it, and this was what they said.

“Van…” Alv said gently. “You don’t need to feel like you should have a kid just because it would be the proper thing to do as the heir... Now don’t get me wrong, it would be nice if you did and we will certainly take care of it in case you can’t. But what’s more important is if you want it and that you have the time and love and are ready to give everything you have to such a huge responsibility… you just have to think about your own childhood on the matter of what happens when people realize they weren't actually ready for a child…” he said sadly.

“Though that doesn't mean we wouldn’t do it again if given a second chance… you were worth it…” he said lovenly.

“Indeed,” Lillia said. “It’s the parent's responsibility to worry about the house and clan. You are still children yet. Don’t worry about the responsibilities of the future that won’t even concern you for decades to come. Leave that to us, and be free…”

“What your mother said,” Thea added. “And if anything… you’ve asked everyone practically in the whole castle! But you didn’t ask the most important person yet… Luna… you should ask her whether or not she feels she’s ready for a kid. Give her some time and space. And when she calms down, then talk it out. It could very well be that she will realize she isn't ready and that you’ve been worrying for nothing… though it is very sweet of you…” she said with a smile.

“That’s right!” Alv said. “The whole reason why we were so excited was because we actually have been trying for a while to have another kid. This was intentional… have you and Luna been trying to do it with the intention to have a baby?” he asked, knowing the answer.

“N-no… Van admitted sadly, both he and Luna didn’t want any actual blood-related kids at the moment. It was only when they thought they might have one that they both freaked out and became confused about whether or not they should have one.

“Then there is your answer…” Alv said, he then gently embraced his son, giving him a nice hug. “Just give it some time and think about it. You have centuries of your life to look forward to. You don’t have to rush to adulthood or maturity or whatever else you think this is.” he slowly let go. “Let us, your parents worry about that… okay?”

Van sighed. “Ya… you're right… thanks, dad… I’ll talk to Luna about this when she feels better.”

“You do that,” Alv said with a nod.

After that, Van did as he said he would do, and decided to wait for Luna until she felt like she was ready to talk about it.

For the next few days, nothing much happened, other than a dejected Luna looking a bit sad. But after she had a chance to relax and take a step back, she was ready to talk about her feelings on the matter.

The discussion went long into the night, and in the end, both agreed that they were not ready for children just yet… but… that they will leave the option open should it ever happen to them.

This means from time to time, Van will allow his sperm to carry the necessary info for life to update the ones already inside Luna. with Luna’s succubus powers, she can retain the information for decades, but only of the latest dose. And should a child be born from such a thing, then so be it, and they will work together to raise it.

Though, again, they both agreed that they were not quite ready for a child just yet… so will still try to hold it off until they feel like they are ready…

“Sorry Van… this must have been a hassle for you,” Luna said as she gently laid on top of Van, snuggling against him. Their talk lasted so long that they got comfortable on the bed during that time.

“Not at all Luna,” Van replied. “I’m just glad we were able to talk things out. The last thing I want to do is make you sad, you know that right? So if you want a kid… then we will have a kid…”

“Just not yet right?” Luna asked.

“Again… if that’s what you want…” Van replied. “I leave it all up to you… I just feel personally not up to the task just yet…”

Luna sighed. “Fine… I get that…” she then snuggled up closer to him. “Though I wish you would commit a little more on choosing a side than just leaving it up to me… sometimes I don’t want to feel like all the responsibility of choice was up to me. If you don’t want a kid just yet, I’ll be happy if you just outright said so…” bringing up again an argument they had previously.

Now it was Van’s turn to sigh. “Let’s not do this…” Van said, before sighing again. “Fine… I don’t want a kid just yet… I'm sorry…” he admitted.

“Thank you…” Luna said, sounding relieved. “But one day… we’ll definitely have kids… right?” she asked worriedly.

Van nodded resolutely. “Definitely! You have my word…” making clear through tone of voice how serious about this matter he was.

Luna relaxed, looking relieved. “Good… good…” then snuggled up to him a bit more and enjoyed Van’s body.

“ know…” Luna began. “Now that we finally got over all this… we still didn’t get a chance to… celebrate the completion of our aura training…” Luna said meaningfully, her eyes looking upward towards her husband.

Van sighed, though this time in good humor. He then looked down at her from where she lay on his chest. “Seriously Luna… you naughty girl…”

“Mmm” was all Luna replied with, giving him a sultry look. She then gently reached up to give him a kiss.

--- sex scene ---

Van let his hands run down her back, then grabbed himself a handful of ass and squeezed, making Luna moan into his lips. She then quickly sat up and pulled her shirt off her chest revealing her amazing chest, bringing it up close to his face so he could take a nice big bite out of them. To which he did, much to her enjoyment.

They wiggled out of their clothes until naked and played with each other until they couldn’t take it anymore and Luna grabbed his shaft and forced it inside her.

“Oh, gods!” Luna moaned. “It really has been too long!” wincing a little as her husband's cock tore her a new one. “It feels soooo gooood! Like I'm a virgin again!” then proceeded to moan again and ride said cock like there was no tomorrow.

Luna pinned Van down, shaking her hips with all her might, her chest swaying up and down with her movements as she carried herself into bliss and beyond.

Van grabbed her by the waist, helping her out by angling her just right and slamming her down onto his meaty cannon with all his might. Making her moan his name out loud in pleasure. She was just so damn tight, it felt amazing! It felt like what she said like he was taking her virginity all over again.

He was sensitive though, from all these weeks of not doing it, and he could feel his mind slowly falling back into its previous mindset of enjoying sex perhaps a little too much as the endorphins zerg rushed his brain.

He cummed far sooner than he was expecting to, pumping what felt like a literal gallon into his wife's womb, and Luna orgasmed a lot sooner than she normally did, her body spasming like crazy and her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

They had to take a break for a good ten to fifteen minutes to recover from what felt like a mere five minutes of sex…

But after they rested, they went back at it again like wild animals that had no sense of reason. Fucking each other like beasts in heat that had been hopped up on aphrodisiacs and their brains cut out. They just lay into each other like crazy, changing positions all over the place. Sometimes Luna would be riding, then Van would be pulling her hair as he humped her from behind. They would do it on the bed, then on the floor.

By the end of it, Luna looked like she was a little pregnant and completely covered in sticky fluids from head to toe. Her eyes blissed out and a little upturned as Van mindlessly humped her from behind, enjoying her flesh all for himself.

In the end, the two passed out next to each other. Feeling a bit overly satisfied, and perhaps like they may have gone a little overboard… now just enjoying the afterglow of their time together.


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