World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 178 Preparations to Leave

Days passed since that night with Luna, and Van made sure to spend some time with each of his precious girls. After that, ordered a few materials for his army and some new threads. Now admiring himself in the mirror with his new wardrobe and apparel.

New boots and clothes, with a new robe/coat, filled with enchantments done by him and Lore to make them even better than his old clothes. Luna also got a new look, similar to the gift she was given by her mother when she first left for the forest, but now slightly more revealing and with even more enchantments.

After that, Van worked hard to help train his troops and outfitted them using what little resources he had left, saving some just in case he may need them later. Summoning shadow wolves and combining them with his hobgoblins and empowering them with magical tattoos and everything else he could think of.

Of course, he didn’t just upgrade his troops, he also did his best to upgrade the greenhouse in his soul realm. He never wanted to be in a position where he and his people were on the brink of starvation ever again. He also worked hard to upgrade the loggings to allow better sleep and give everyone a better quality of life, as well as upgrading the communal cafeteria and many other places around his soul realm that required his touch and needed an upgrade.

Lyn, Amie, and Xenith seemed to have also finally gone over and done every ounce of paperwork they had left. Revising and amending their contracts and agreements as necessary and setting up some sort of special fairy transmission channel using the focal core to establish communications with all the other fairy and wasp-kin communities that had been spread out now throughout Alcray.

After all, they were still technically the rulers of their entire queendoms, so of course, it was imperative that they are able to talk with their mothers and vassals about the directions that they will be taking in the future.

Van was a little worried about this, having something else connected to the somewhat volatile focal core, especially now that he needed it to help summon things in and out of his soul realm was worrying. But they assured him that they would be careful and that it was necessary for them. And after much begging, he relented so long as they promised to watch the core like a hawk and be very sure not to let it explode or anything serious like that.

After that, Van and Luna started to prepare for their journey to the east branch of bloodhaven. It was only a few months away now, but their parents were thinking that it would be a good idea to go a little early and spend some time in Bright city and enjoy themselves and get acquainted with Rosalyne.

Which wasn’t really a bad suggestion, since sadly they wouldn’t be able to be here for when Thea gave birth to her baby either way. Something both Van and Luna felt very bad about, wanting to see their little brother or sister before they were gone for the next five years and all.

Now all that was left was to study, study, and study some more. Just because the bloodhaven academy they were going to emphasize martial prowess over mental ones. Doesn’t mean that they just allowed any pea-brained vampire into such a prestiages academy. They had standards after all, and if you didn’t meet them, you would be the laughing stock of the entire school.

With that in mind, Van and Luna were worked double time, being forced to read book after book. Their martial training being put on the back burner since they have proven themselves to at least be average when it comes to combat. At least by most vampire standards, by human ones they were well above average.

Another thing that changed was that Leiah had finally been able to come by and visit. She had changed much over these few years, just as much as Luna had changed if one thought about it. Growing up to be a beautiful young woman with modest features and a girl next door kinda look. Her dress was as modest as she was and green with white and gold stitching, and her brown hair had grown long, down to her waist. She seemed far more dainty than when Van and Luna remembered her.

“Oh! I’m so glad I was finally able to meet you two before you left for the academy! I only wish I could join you!” Leiah said, rushing up to give Van a nice big hug. She squeezed him tightly as she snuggled to him and took a nice whiff, almost like his smell was nostalgic to her.

Van also got a bit of a whiff of her and noticed she smelled really nice, like a floral scent.

She then turned and did the same to Luna, though their heights were a bit more similar so their breasts somewhat got in the way of each other, making the hug a bit comedically difficult for the both of them. After a while, they parted and Leiah commented on how much Luna had changed.

“Look at you girl! You’ve changed so much! I mean not much in height… but everywhere else! …damn…” Leiah said, looking at her best friend up and down. “I feel like you’ve also become way stronger, just like your mom… how did you grow up so fast!” now taking an even closer look at her friend and being amazed by the changes.

Luna blushed a little. “It’s a looong story…” she said.

“Well, that's why I'm here!’ Leiah said happily. “To spend time with you and to catch up! I’ve completed my training and studies and now it’s time to prove myself the best concubine that I can be!” straightening her back and looking rather proudly at both Van and Luna.

“But… before we do any of that…” her eyes turned leery. “It has been a long time…” her eyes now roving Van’s more muscular and powerful body up and down.

Van and Luna shared a look and then turned to Leiah. “Do you want to do it right now?” Luna asked.

Leiah smiled. “Yes please!” she answered.

Van and Luna shared another look and shrugged. Van then literally turned Leiah around, moved her clothes out of the way, and started to pound the hell out of her while Luna made sure to play with her friend's breasts and deep kiss her.

“Oh hells, this is what I’ve been waiting for…” Leiah moaned between breaths.

Van then made sure to fully satisfy his concubine for the next hour, slowly bringing their lovemaking to the bedroom and making sure that Leiah got every little thing she could ever want.

After their passionate love-making session. Leiah was fully satisfied and happy, even starting to giggle a little with a blissed-out expression on her face.

“I can honestly say… I was not expecting such a wonderful welcome!” she said happily. “This was way more than I ever expected!” She then turned to Luna and Van. “you two have changed a lot… haven't you…” oddly looking worried now that her joy had passed.

“You two are okay right? Nothing bad happened while I was away?” she asked, concerned.

Van and Luna shared one last look and then turned to their friend and began to explain everything that has happened since she’s been away. Their training, their journey to the forest, what happened, and everything else. It took a few hours but by the end of it, Leiah was looking immensely worried for her two friends.

“Oh my gods… I’m so sorry…” Leiah said, feeling sorry for them. “I wish I was there to help you.”

“It’s okay,” Luna said. “There wasn’t anything anyone could have done… in all honesty. I’m just glad you still think of us as friends… after all… we’ve changed so much…” still having mixed feelings about how much she had changed.

“Of course, I'm still your friend!” Leiah exclaimed. “Sure it was a little odd to see how much you’ve changed… but that still doesn’t change the fact that we are family now! And always will be!” sounding firm and resolute on her feelings about the matter.

“Leiah…” Luna said.

“Luna…” Leiah said.

The two then hugged each other and shared a touching moment.

Van coughed Politely after a while since it seemed like the two weren't going to let go anytime soon. “You should probably catch up with everything else while you are here as well.”

He and Luna then started to explain a few more things in detail, and then took Leiah into his soul realm to show her around.

“Oh… my… gods…” Leiah said, looking around her. “This is your soul realm! It's huge!”

Van blushed a little. “Uh… ya… let me show you around.” then began giving Leiah a tour of everything, while introducing her to everyone else.

“Oh ya! I remember you!” Lyn said as the two met. “You were that other girl with Luna!”

“And you're really that zapper from back then!” Leiah exclaimed. “Wow!”

The two then seemed to hit it off for a bit before Van moved things along once more.

“Oh, hello Leiah, it’s been a while,” Anna said.

“Whoa! Anna! You’ve changed so much too!” Leiah exclaimed again. “You're so…” she looked Anna up and down. “Much more womanly than before… no fair!” she teased.

Anna chuckled. “Don’t worry, stick around a while, I'm sure something will happen to you too…”

Van knew she didn’t mean anything bad about it, but he couldn't help but wince a little inwardly all the same. The two then began to talk and catch up a little, he had no idea that they knew each other so well. He was then told that Leiah hadn’t been just sending letters to Luna, but would from time to time send letters to Anna as well. They after all became somewhat acquainted at the party, and Leiah figured that Anna would be someone important to Van, so decided to be friends early on with another concubine candidate.

“Still… even back then, I had no idea you two were soul bonded,” Lieah said. “You two are practically married! Sorry if I’ve been rude by presuming that you would be nothing more than a concubine like me…” Leiah said apologetically, bowing her head a little.

“Oh no, it’s completely fine.” Anna quickly replied. “Honestly I still think of myself as a servant first before any other title. So please, raise your head.” motioning with her arms, feeling a little put on the spot, considering she wasn’t used to being given such deference.

Slowly she was able to convince Leiah to raise her head. “Well… if you're that surprised to hear that I'm soul bonded with Van, then you should know that the fairy you just talked to is also soul bonded with him!” she teased.

Leiah’s mouth dropped and she quickly turned to Van. “You married a bug!” she exclaimed. Then realized what she said. “I mean, she’s not a bug anymore, but… I'm so sorry!” She now bowed her head to Van. “I just kinda still remember her as that blue bee… I didn’t mean any offense towards your wife!” looking like she was expecting death or something.

“I-it's fine! Really, I know you didn’t mean anything by it.” Van, not wanting to have Leiah bow to him. All the while Anna chuckled.

After a while, he was able to convince her that he was sincere in accepting her apology. Though she still swore to apologize to Lyn next time she saw her. After that, Van railroaded her back on the tour around his soul realm to move things along. Her eyes widened and looking in awe at everything she saw around her.

The great forests, the giant temple, the buildings and greenhouses and so much more. Slowly they made their way towards the castle where Van introduced Kassandra and Ren, the two who helped manage his soul realm.

Surprisingly, Leiah got along very well with the two of them. She was a bit weirded out about how something from a past life could exist, and the fact that there was a ghost that somehow took corperial form again in that of an angel. But she rolled with it pretty well, and started asking pointed questions about their work and what they did.

In fact, she and the others seemed to really enjoy talking to each other, because they were talking for the next few hours. Much to Van’s surprise and slight impatience…

But after what felt like forever, Van was taken for a bit of a surprise.

“Alright… it’s decided!” Leiah exclaimed, she then turned to Van. “Van, I’ll be staying in your soul realm to help manage things!”

Van blinked, “wha-?”

“It’s quite clear to me that you need someone with experience and training to help manage your growing castle town and all its residents,” Leiah said. “And from what it looks like, it’s only going to get bigger from here, if the rate you're growing is anything to go by…”

“And since I don’t just want to be left behind back at home while you're away at the academy… I figured we kill a few birds with one stone and have me travel with you inside your soul realm!” she said, looking like she had it all figured out.

“But… What about your parents? Wouldn't they be a little mad that you decided to disappear on them all of a sudden?” Van asked.

Leiah shook her head. “Don’t worry about that, I’ll send them a letter about my decision to follow you. Besides? What else was I supposed to do for the next five years? I’ve completed my studies, what better chance to put everything I've learned to the test than within your soul realm?”

“Not to mention, you have someone to manage your army in Kella and Isa. someone to manage your soul realm in Kassandra and Ren. but you don’t have anyone to help manage your people or the residents of your soul realm. That means while you're away doing whatever it is you're doing on the outside, everyone on the inside is left to their own devices!”

“But! With me helping out… we can better direct everyone and really start to make changes here. Trust me! You really need someone to help you out here! And that someone is me!” looking rather proud of herself.

“Hmm…” Van thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized she was right. Managerial skills weren’t his forte, and he did need someone to help keep track of everything while he was away doing other things. And it wasn’t like Leiah had anything else better to do…

He sighed. “Alright… but you have to wait for a reply from your parents first, I don’t want them worrying about you.” He said firmly.

“Yes!” Leiah said happily. “Don’t you worry Van! You won't regret it!”

Van smiled, “I don’t think I will…” he said, having full faith in her and her desire to help him out.

“Besides,” Leiah added, “I was supposed to go to her to the east branch anyway, remember? Now that you changed that, it only makes sense that I follow her, as the good concubine that I am!” puffing out her chest in pride.

“Huh… that’s… actually a good point…” Van said, realizing she had a point.

“Alright! I’m going to get straight to work!” she said excitedly, turning around and then pausing. “Actually… how do I… make use of these… panels…” looking around a little confused.

Van chuckled. “I’m sure Ren and Kassandra will help you out if you just ask for it. And if you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask. I rather you pester me with questions than accidentally blow something up.” he joked.

“You… you’re joking… right?” Leiah asked concerned.

Van was just about to say it was when even he realized he wasn’t that sure… “umm… just ask Ren…” he replied lamely.

“Err… right…” Leiah said, now looking a little fearful at all the panels. “I think… I’ll ask Ren and Kassandra for a tutorial first before I start pressing anything…”

She made to turn to do just that when she stopped in her tracks and turned back to look at Van. “by the way… does your parents know about… you know… your soul realm?”

Van opened his mouth to reply… then closed it… realizing now that the last time his dad ever saw his soul realm was over a decade ago, back when it was still a huge chaotic mess…

It wasn’t that he was trying to hide it from them… it was just that it never occurred to him that he should go out of his way to show them… but… perhaps he should?

“Uh… no… but perhaps I should before I leave for the academy…” Van admitted.

Leiah nodded. “You should do that. As amazing as this place is… and as knowledgeable Ren seems to be about this place… you really should show it to someone you trust to give a second opinion about how things are around here… but that’s just my advice, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.” she quickly said, worried if Van might mistake her for trying to force her ideas on him.

“No, you are right… I’ll go get them and give them a tour of the place like I did you… just… a little nervous now for some reason…” Van replied.

Leiah nodded in understanding. “Don’t worry, I'm sure they will be both awed, amazed, and very proud of you. I only suggested it because I care… I hope you understand…”

“No, of course, I do, thank you Leiah. I’ll go get them right now, please excuse me.” and with that, Van quickly left to go get his parents. Steeling his resolve and determined to show them right here and now before his courage faded away.

And suffice to say, when he did bring them to show them around… their minds were blown…

“I can’t believe you had a soul realm like this the entire time and said nothing about it! It’s amazing!” Lore said as he looked around.

“Wow… you can say that again,” Thea said, looking around at everything.

Even Alv, who saw what it was like before, was amazed and speechless, only now realizing how Van was able to handle such a large number of insect-kin and fairies.

Lillia as well was just wide-eyed.

Van of course did his best to show them around, getting sidetracked a few times by Thea’s and Lore’s antics of wanting to explore everything.

After a while, Van explained a bit more in detail about everything he knew about his soul realm and introduced them to Ren, who was strangely unhappy about being shown off.

After a few hours of talking and asking questions, it was getting late. But Lore was having a blast with everything he was learning, and Lillia was enjoying meeting the many other women Van made his own, much to his embarrassment. Thea was just excited to see something new and exciting, while Alv wanted to make sure the soul realm was really safe.

It took a while of pleading, but Van was finally able to convince everyone to go home for the day, promising to show them his soul realm another time. After that, he and Luna finally went to bed. Today was a busy day…


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