World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 209 Duel for Contract

Van followed Ashina into the stadium. The place was filled with Mercs as far as he could see. There also seemed to be people on the stands, watching the people below train and or fight.

One person, a noble student it looked like, with black hair and blue eyes was standing closer than most. Perhaps scouting the mercs to see if anyone of them would be worth hiring, if they were willing to be hired…

Luna in her drunken haze sat next to the noble boy, much to his confusion and uncomfortableness of having a strange girl making drunken jokes with him.

“That’s~ my husband~! Isn’t he dreamy!” Luna sang, somehow having another mug full of beer in her hand.

The student looked around, hoping someone would save him. Then looked towards Van, hoping it would be him, though Van was a bit busy at the moment… Ashina had asked a few of the people making use of a ring in front of the stands to move out. And surprisingly they quickly complied, a mixture of fear and respect on their faces. Making Van worry about what he might have gotten himself into…

Ashina turned to him once he entered the ring. “Alright. No time limits, no rules other than no killing each other… and a few others as well… but I'm sure I don’t have to explain them all right? The goal is simple… last as long as possible and prove to me how good you are… are you ready?

Van nodded, already feeling tense, bringing up his magic and getting himself pumped for the fight ahead.

Some of the other onlookers seemed to be making bets, looking down on the young male with derision. Figuring he had already lost before the fight had even begun.

Ashina smiled. “GO!”

Van wasted no time bringing his aura to the forefront, making sure he had the power and energy to respond to any attacks Ashina might throw his way.

But she didn’t move…

Instead she waited for him to make the first move, a confident smile on her wolfish face. Though she made sure to at least take a battle stance, her metal shield out in front of her. Years of experience refusing to let her even take a young male too unseriously. It was always preferable to be ready than complacent afterall. It’s how she survived for so long.

Van began to quickly cast his spell, sending a huge cannonball of flames right at the beast woman. Who casually raised her shield, dispersing the fireball into nothing.

“SHIT! A SPELL BREAKER!? Those things are expensive!” He couldn’t believe it, spell breaker shields were very hard to get unless you had the money. It took months to make, and usually could only break small to medium-sized spells, so most people didn’t bother with buying them because of how expensive they were. Though it seemed Ashina was willing to pay the extra price for such protection.

Ashina raised a brow, almost as if to ask if that’s the best he got.

Van frowned, and flicker stepped behind her, only to be given a backwards kick and sent reeling. Ashina hadn’t even bothered to look back…

“Ah… the flicker step…” She said, slowly turning around. “Do you have any idea how many vampires learn that technique? I admit, yours is far more refined… but it’s predictable because most of the time those who know it always try to attack from behind. It’s just too one note…”

Van easily recovered from the kick, mostly because there wasn’t much strength put into it, and began to think and plan on what else he could do.

Luna was cheering him on, shouting encouragement.

He took a deep breath and exhaled it, focusing only on Ashina, his gaze sharpening and his stance becoming tighter. “I’ll show you a true flicker step…”

He disappeared and reappeared right in front of the shield, keeping his body low so as to be in her blind spot. Ashina already figured it out though and tried to give a forward kick, to which he narrowly dodged, disappearing and reappearing all over the place and around her. He used his shadow weaving technique to create dark afterimages of himself that surrounded her.

“Hmhmhm.” Ashina gave an amused chuckle, brought out her cudgel, and slammed it against her shield, creating an explosive output of aura in a circle around her. Dispelling the afterimages and making Van lose his balance, revealing himself. “Did you really lose to this male Karmine? I find it hard to believe…”

“He had his wife to help him, and his cat… And he didn’t beat me! I still won only using half my full strength!” Karmine said defensively.

Ashina chuckled. “The sex was that good huh?” She responded. Making Karmine frown.

Van grew incensed. Ashina was clearly not taking him seriously. His eyes went red and his sclera black, he began forcing mana down his body alongside his aura, runic tribal tattoos forming on him, amplifying his power.

Some people in the stands noticed the bloodlust growing within the young male, leaning forward, figuring things were just about to get exciting.

Even Ashina raised a brow at this, this was new… so she took a more defensive stance, looking forward to the fight ahead.

Van knelt, putting his hands on the ground. Immediately a wave of entangling shadows burst out, reaching for Ashina.

She in turn lifted her foot and stomped down hard, releasing a counteracting wave of aura that dispersed most of the shadows.

But Van wasn’t done though, he summoned twenty shadow wolves and about four shadow hawks. He combined the wolves into one giant one and sent it Ashina’s way. It charged at her with red furious eyes, opening its large mouth to bite her whole.

To this, she was actually a little taken aback… But a feral grin played across her lips, and for the first time she activated her own aura, a mix of orange and red which slowly encased her cudgel. With a mighty swing, she tore it’s head off with relative ease, it being mostly made of shadow, but was taken by surprise when the head reformed and it attacked again, jumping back just in time.

“Oh no you don’t!” Van growled from behind her. He activated his spells, sending arrows of dark lightning, homing their way towards her. But Ashina danced away, she was surprisingly light on her feet and seemed to move gracefully away from most of the attacks, despite carrying a huge shield.

She swatted the arrows with her cudgel, with expertise, blocked the attacks from the giant shadow wolf, then leaped several feet in the air and brought down a devastating kick that destroyed Van’s summons once and for all with the explosive output of her aura. Creating a small crater, revealing a portion of her true power..

But he wasn’t done, he was charging up his aura and sent a three-layered sword slash her way. The aura slash cutting into the stone flooring of the ring as it explosively hit the shield that Ashina brought up in time.

When the smoke cleared, she was fine…

“What’s it going to take to beat her!” Van was running out of ideas, none of the attacks he could think of would deal any real damage to her at this rate. He gave a little grunt and flung several vials up into the air. His shadow hawks grabbed them and beelined straight for Ashina. Exploding kamikaze style onto her…

But Ashina’s aura was brought up in time, and there still wasn’t a single scratch on her… Instead she just gave him a playful smirk…

Van growled and sent Azra out. The shadow cat had barely just recovered from its last fight, but it was willing to go again to prove it’s worth. It charged from Van’s shadow towards the beastwoman that angered its master.

Who in turn looked somewhat disappointed, thinking Van was simply playing the same tricks as before, getting ready to bash the cat in the face once it arrived. Only that was not what happened… Azra had instead jumped into Ashina's shadow, which somehow paralyzed her.

“It only works on one person at a time, but it's totally worth it!” Van thought gleefully, only to blink as Ashina began to resist Azra’s binding. Her aura grew in power to the point it started to look like it was made out of hard light and she forced her body to move.

Van wasn’t wasting any more time, he flickered to her, swords in each hand, ready to strike.

Ashina unleashed an explosive wave of aura! Van felt Azra once again disperse back into his soul realm while he was knocked away by the blast.

But he didn’t give up, he continued to flicker forward, over and over again, no matter how hard it was to get close to her. Ashina saw this and let her aura levels drop, allowing him to get closer, raising her cudgel, ready to strike once he was in range.

Van didn’t want to do this… but he felt like he had no choice…

As he pulled in close and Ashina was ready to strike him down, for a split second he let go of his glamour. Revealing his true face and activating the charm magic in his eyes.

Ashina paused, frozen, but already she shook her head and began to bring down her weapon with greater force. Van panicked, and used as much of his aura as possible to rocket himself forward.

The headbutt was glorious…

The crowd went silent in shock.

Ashina never saw it coming… it was the last thing she expected. It never occurred to her that Van was willing to go so far just to get one hit in. Even at the cost of his own well-being.

When their heads collided, Van flipped over her due to the force of velocity and the angle he was traveling in. He honestly was just glad he hit her forehead straight on, and not her horns… that would have been bad…

The two fell over… but Ashinat got up first…

Van still dazed, unleashed a few strangling shadows to keep her tied down. But they were weak little tendrils and didn’t do much to restrain her. So he sent a current of electricity through them, giving her a nice shock before she ripped them off of her with her aura and sheer strength.

Turning around, she left her cudgel where she dropped it, brought out a curved sword that was hidden within her shield, and pointed it at his still-prone self. Slowly, he got up, and brought out his swords, though he was still a little dizzy, he wasn’t going to go down without a fight.

The two clashed for the last time, Van pushing himself to go faster and faster. But it was as if Ashina saw his every move before he made it. Her eyes clear, reflecting his every image and move. Their swords clang and revibrated in the air, she met his every attack with one of her own.

He then realized the sheer difference in skill and experience between him and her. Karmine was strong, but she had a more wild side to her that can be taken advantage of… Ashina wasn’t like that at all… She was calculating, and never exerted more energy or strength than she needed to. All her movements were precise and filled with purpose.

Van went for one last strike, putting everything he had into it. He pulled all of his aura, his mana in this next strike, sending another aura slash her way with everything he had.

Ashina took it head-on out of respect for him. And with her own force of will… dispersed it with a single strike…

Van… conceded defeat… tired… and exhausted…

Slowly, clapping was heard, as those watching were deeply impressed, that a male… was able to show them such a fight.

Ashina put her weapons away and gave him a respectful smile. “Well… You sure showed me… I can see why Karmine decided to follow you, she always swore that when she met a worthy male she would marry him. And you have potential. Not many males bother to train themselves as much as you do.”

She then walked over to him and extended her hand. “Good fight, let's go at it again some other time.”

Van looked at the offered hand and shook it. They looked into each other’s eyes and something akin to a silent agreement passed through the two of them. He would look forward to a rematch with her one day.

After they were done shaking hands, she patted him on the back hard and hugged him from the side. “Alright! Now that’s over, drinks are on me!”

Cheers were heard from the onlookers.

“Not you, you sluts!” She laughed.

Booing was then heard.

Van was dragged back into the dining area of the guild and drinks were ordered for everyone at an open table. Ashina insisted that he drink a mug or two, though he was never partial to alcohol, Luna on the other hand seemed to be greatly enjoying herself…

“Umm… excuse me…?” A voice said from behind Van.

He turned to look and was surprised to find the student that Luna was bothering there. For a second, Van worried that he was going to ask for some sort of reparations for whatever Luna did to the poor guy. But instead was thrown for a look by what the guy said next.

“I saw your fight, and I was wondering where you learned some of your techniques. Also, are you here looking for Mercs for school like me? Ah! Sorry, forgot to introduce myself, my name is Seral, what’s yours?”

Van took a closer look at Seral, who was wearing student clothing. Wearing black pants and shoes with gold trimming, as well as a black and red blazer with a dark shirt underneath, also with gold trimmings. He looked respectable and noble with black hair and blue eyes, like most vampires. Though his features stood out a little more than normal.

Van studied him for a second, then introduced himself. “Names Van and I learned most of what I do from my father and teachers.” He explained.

“Van… Van… hmm…” Seral for some reason seemed to be in deep thought before quickly shaking his hand. As if recognizing Van’s name. “Well, nice to meet you Van, are you also headed to Bloodhaven?”

Van nodded.

Seral smiled. “Would you mind if we get to know each other more? Maybe we can share tips on training and fighting moves.” Patting the sword at his waist happily, looking hopeful as if he just made a new friend.

“Uh… sure, I don’t see why not,” Van said, feeling oddly optimistic. If things go well, Seral would be his second male friend.

The two chatted for a few minutes longer than exchanged contacts. Once that was done, Seral left and the both of them promised to meet up later when they had free time.

“Aww… that’s so cute, Van made another friend!” Luna said, totally sloshed. “Another drink for friendship!” Then took another swig of her beer.

“Luna… I think you had enough…” Van said worriedly, hoping that Seral didn’t notice how wasted his wife was before he left.

“Let her have her fun!” Ashina laughed. “Because later we will be having our fun!” then took another drink from her mug, placing a hand on the other side of his shoulder and hugging him to her.

Van sighed, hoping that everyone wouldn’t get too drunk tonight.

“Ah! Before I forget…” Ashina talked to one of the waitresses who nodded. Said waitress then came back with pen and paper.

“Alright, let's get to this.” Ashina began writing and formed up a contract and handed it over to Van. “Just need you to sign on the dotted line.” Handing over the pen as well.

Van took a look at the contract which was fairly straightforward. His eyes widened at the cost though. She was not as expensive as Karmine was… but then again those were extraneous circumstances… it was about one million Crava’s a year, for a total of five million for her, her sister, and another five beast women in her group. He wasn’t sure if that was a fair price or not…

Karmine seemed to sense his confusion, took a look at the contract, and nodded, telling him that was a fair price. Mostly because Ashina’s group could earn about sixty to eighty thousand in a month with the high-risk jobs they took, and the money had to be split fairly amongst all of them. So the amount being asked was taking all of that in mind.

Van sighed… another thing he was going to have to charge to Rosalyn… a minute later, his name was signed onto the contract and he just won himself some high-tiered Mercs.

“You choose the right decision Van,” Karmine said. “Ashina and her group are five-star steel rankers. You're lucky you got them to contract with you.”

Ashina hugged Van to her from the side. “And I'm lucky for the fun we're going to have tonight… and the fact that my new boss isn’t some pushover… I’m going to enjoy seeing you grow!” She laughed then drank all her beer in one go.

Van decided he was going to need that drink after all…


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