“Well… Luna’s passed out…”

She had her head slumped onto the table, four empty mugs in front of her. Van was still on his first one, mostly due to the fact he didn’t really enjoy it.

Ashina laughed, looking at Luna. “Not bad for a greenhorn!” Then chugged her own mug, the fifth one she had yet. Though it didn’t seem to affect her much.

Other than the guards around them, the group had a fun conversation going on, mostly about Karmine’s and Ashina’s past exploits together. About how they hunted a rock craggler together, destroyed the nest of a green-hearted spider, and chased a rainbow stag through the forest. All of them were large and imposing monsters that no normal person can deal with…

While they were talking about how Karmine fell for that one trap, or how Ashina fell through that wall or another, Van was trying to make small talk with Adela, who he felt was closer to him in thinking than the muscle heads drowning in alcohol.

“So, ah, what kind of magic can you do? And where did you learn it from?” Trying to give an easygoing smile since it seemed that Adela was a bit high-strung…

Adela looked nervous, but answered to the best of her ability, stuttering a bit. “O-o-oh, uh… I-I-I was uh… mostly se-self taught! I le-learned it on my o-own, and from m-my mentor. I can do… spells…” She finished lamely, her face going red, or as red as a wolf face can, clinging onto her staff a little tighter.

Van was deterred, he didn’t want her to feel intimidated by him, so slowly began trying to relax her by first asking her small questions. Then whenever she answered, Van encouraged her by engaging happily with whatever she said, and waited patiently whenever she stuttered and or needed a minute to think of a reply.

Soon, she was talking somewhat happily. Still a few stutters here and there, but she seemed to be enjoying the conversation in the end.

Which allowed Van to learn that Adela and Ashina really were from the demonlands, the far eastern part of it. Or as they liked to call it, the Verta lands, or the Verta federation, though that last bit was a bit loose and stretched, she had to admit. But it was true that should any major threat come from the west, all the nations of the Verta will come together to fight them off, something that’s happened at least twice, or as far as she knew.

Adela and her big sister, plus a few others, left their homelands in the hopes of making money. They had a hard life as orphans, and so did their best to rely on each other and make a difference in their life. Though that didn’t mean they still didn’t lose people…

She wasn’t as strong as the others, so she made up for it by doing her best to learn magic so she can heal them, or empower them when needed. So she learned a lot of binding spells and healing spells, and of course enchancing spells.

Van was in the middle of enjoying Adela’s storytelling about how this one time she met a golden beetle when Ashina interrupted them.

“Aww, look at them… it’s as if they were already dating…” Ashina looked close to tears. “I knew my baby sister would one day find a male to open up to.” She sniffed.

“S-sis! No…” Adela said, cringing inwardly when she realized how drunk Ashina was.

“Bwhahaha! Don’t look at me like that! I’m not that drunk!” She then finished her seventh mug in one gulp and slammed it onto the table. “Anyway, it’s getting late, so we should get ready for tonight.”

“Tonight?” Adela asked.

“Of course! Remember the promise me and Van made?” Giving her younger sister a wink.

Adela paused, then her eyes widened and she glanced at Van, then went beet red. Which made her older sister laugh once more.

“Come on little sis! It’s finally time to lose your V card! You should be happy! Right Van?” giving Van a hug from the side.

“I-I told you…” Adela began, her face still red. “I don’t want to do it unless it’s with someone I care about. Someone who… can accept me for who I am…”

“And what do you know? Van here accepts you! Just give him a chance! I promise you, if you do this, I will never ask you to do it again, cross my heart and hope to die.” Ashina swore.

“D-don’t do that!” Adela admonished, her ears going back in fear. “What if that oath is taken seriously…”

“Don’t worry! I have a feeling that Van is the perfect person for you!” Giving him another hug, crushing him a little. “Isn’t that right… Van…” Ashina’s eyes turned suddenly sharp, giving him a knowing look.”

He stiffened and had a sinking suspicion that she figured out what he was. He turned to Adela, thinking of a response that was both truthful but would also help him play along. “She’s right Adela… though this is going a bit fast… I feel like you and I can really get along… maybe after this, we can even go on a few dates if you want? I know my wife wouldn’t mind… Hell, she might even want to join…”

Adela blushed. “Y-you really mean that? Even though I'm a mixed breed? Or not as beautiful as my sister?” Her eyes suddenly turned desperate.

Van had a bad feeling about this… this woman clearly craved affection, not just from her sister, but from someone who was like a true love to her. A hopeless romantic in need of attention but too afraid to get hurt. If he did this, she would definitely cling to him… but… that might not be such a bad thing if that means tying someone as powerful as Ashina to him…

He nodded, “I do mean that. I think you're beautiful in your own way.”

Adela looked shocked by that, but also really happy, her tail wagging behind her, giving him a shy smile. “Ye-yes! Le-lets go on dates! …After this…” Looking lovestruck already…

Which sent off warning bells within his head.

“Damn… aren't you a brave one… Adela can get… really clingy…” Ashina muttered quietly next to his head.

Van gave a cough, “but before we go any further with this, we will of course have to talk to the guards about this. After all, Luna is passed out, and I doubt they will simply let you have a large amount of undisclosed time with me.” He pointed out, making Adela’s tail stop wagging sadly.

“Don’t worry! I have a nice room in the guild, the hallways of which are always under some form of surveillance or another. They can guard the doors outside the room, it will only take an hour anyway. I’m sure we can come to an agreement if I swear an oath or two.” Ashina said, easygoing.

She then began talking to one of the guards about it.

Van, remembering that time at the flying cat restaurant, knew that they were probably told not to interfere with such things, though to still keep an eye on him. Before they had a small partition between him and them, but now they will have a whole door… it made him wonder what kind of agreement they would make.

After a quick discussion, the guards agreed, under a few certain conditions. For one, they will link vespera bangles, not to just him, but to Ashina and Adela as well. So that they can monitor life signals and their location at all given times until the session ends. Plus a few other things to make sure she could be trusted. As well as saying an oath that she meant no harm to him or tried to kidnap him.

Once that was over, Ashina and Adela were allowed to bed Van.

“You know… I wonder… what would this be like if the world was reversed in gender?” he thought about it, and shivered… he didn’t want to think about it…

“Alright!” Ashina said. “Now it’s just you, me and my sister! Let’s get to it!”

“Wait.” Van said, raising a hand, “before we do that, I just have one question…”

“Oh? What’s that?” Ashina asked.

“What’s a steel ranker?”

The group blinked at him.

“You don’t know what a steel rank merc is? It’s the same as a steel rank adventurer, or explorer or… well… anything!” Ashina answered, looking confused.

“Sorry… it’s just not a term I ever heard of before…” Van admitted.

Ashina and Karmine shared a look, then turned back to him.

“Alright… that’s weird… but I’ll guess I’ll explain.” Ashina said, clearing her throat to get ready.

“First of all… there are twelve ranks. They are as follows… wood, stone, copper, bronze, iron, steel, silver, gold, platinum, mithril, orichalcum, and adamantium. Each rank has about five stars. When you complete a quest, or a mission, or whatever, alongside your usual rewards, you also earn guild points which can be used to purchase items, equipment, tools, material, and a lot more from the guild specifically. But most importantly, they can buy you stars. By buying stars, you can slowly increase your rank from a one-star wood ranker to a two-star wood ranker. With the extra star, you can access more items and equipment to purchase, as well as take on more point-earning jobs.”

“Once you have maxed out your rank to five stars, you can buy a trial. Which is usually combat-oriented. If you win, you rise to the next rank, which means higher-paying jobs and more things you can spend your points on. This is the same for most guilds, even the lovers' guild.”

Van blinked and quickly checked his lover's guild app. After playing around with it, he noticed that she was right, he had points, well… few of them since he didn’t use it that much… but no rank for some reason… at least he now knew why there was a blank space in his lover’s app ID…

“Oh? So you're a lover boy! Interesting… looks like you’ve earned yourself a few points, why don’t you purchase your first rank? Just press that button there.” pointing to the button in question.

Van did so and two hundred points disappeared and he was now a one-star wood ranker. He also found that there was now a lot of purchasable kinky shit for him to choose from. Some he can spend money on, or points on…

“Pretty cool right?” Ashina said happily. “The higher your rank, the more people are willing to pay for your services.”

Taking another look at his lover’s app map, he noticed there were more icons on it that indicated more people willing to pay more money for sex.

“Of course, word of warning, just because someone is of a lower rank, doesn’t mean they are always weaker. Some people are constantly spending their points to buy stuff that would increase their overall power before deciding to take the trial and rank up.” Ashina continued with her explanation.

“Now as for the power ranking, most soldiers and the like are usually between the copper and bronze ranking, if they had the same ranking system we did of course. If you want to be a knight for some noble or something, you have to at least be a steel or silver. For a royal, at least a gold. Those of platinum are usually considered heroes of their respective nations and are closely monitored. A platinum ranker could probably take on a dragon or something alone.”

“But… for the truly strong… mithril is the way to go… it is said the first demon king of the Verta empire was mithril, as well as the vampire lord and the high elf queen that fought him. People who could change the freaking landscape when they had enough power and backing!” Ashina's eyes sparkled. “To get there one day… that would be amazing…” looking breathless by the mere thought of it.

She then noticed everyone's eyes on her and she gave a cough. “Anyway… are there any more questions?”

Van nodded and began asking Ashina a series of questions about how such a system was first brought up and why. Did points transfer from guild to guild? Was everyone’s guild shop different? How did people know what rank the vampire lord was? And a bunch of other questions that Ashina found annoying.

“I don’t know. no they don’t. yes. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. And I don’t know. Maybe. Sure. yes. I don’t know. And-” and this went on for a while until. “Just freaking ask the receptionist!”

“Uh… sorry…” Van said, looking a little hurt.

“N-no… I'm sorry…” Ashina quickly said. “Just… perhaps you should ask someone who knows more than me…”

She gave an awkward cough. “Alright then… before we go… are there uh… is there anything else you need to know? Or something you have to do? I don’t mind waiting…”

Van thought about it, but shook his head. “No, I think I’m good… but…” he looked up at her. “Can we… use the lover's app? I kinda want to earn points…”

Ashina smiled. “Already getting addicted to the thought of earning points huh? Oh boy… sure, just give me a sec…”

--- sex scene ---

Ashina kicked the door open carrying Van in a princess carry.

“Was this really necessary?” Van asked, embarrassed.

“I paid the extra money for you to earn the extra points… you're the one that agreed.” Ashina said with a grin, walking over to the bed.

“I know… but I’m kinda regretting it…”

He was then dropped onto the large bed. “I’m not…” Her grin turned feral and perhaps just a touch… pervy… she looked back and yelled for her sister.

“C-coming!” Adela said, quickly closing the door behind her.

“Ha! That's what she said.” Van joked.

Ashina and Adela blinked, perhaps not ever heard such a phrase uttered before. It took them a while for Adela to blush and Ashina to have a large childish grin spread on her face once they got it.

“Ha! Good one!” Ashina laughed. “Now… if you would let me do the honors…” She then motioned for her sister to get over, which Adela did, climbing onto the bed by her older sister's command. Ashina then began to slowly undress Van, Making sure her little sis watched.

Van let her do what she wanted, already going into business mode, and soon quickly found himself stripped of his clothing.

“Whoa…” Adela said, panting at Van’s hot naked form, she gulped after seeing what was between his legs.

“Now that's a toy…” Ashina said in awe, also admiring the thing between his legs. She then quickly stripped out of her armor and gear, ordering her sister to do the same.

Van was actually impressed by Ashina’s and Adela’s body. They were definitely women, and surprisingly girly. Ashina’s boobs were even bigger than Karmines, making him wonder how she lived with them.

Ashina then straddled him, gently grabbing his dick and pointing it upward. “Okay, sis… watch… and learn…” she slowly slid down Van’s shaft and his eyes widened.

Her vagina felt surprisingly nice… like really nice… first of all it was really warm… second, because of her size, it went in nice and easy, though it had yet to reach full mast… and third, her muscles massaged his cock real good…

“Oh yes! Now, this is a cock!” Ashina moaned. “It’s so nice and big! The biggest I've ever had!” her lower lips already gushing and she began to ride Van’s cock harder and harder, the bed slowly beginning to squeak under her weight. “Here, take this!” She then moved her breasts up Van’s face, to which he latched onto her nipples, just as she wanted, making her moan even louder.

“Holy shit… she’s so soft!” Van couldn’t help but think. Her fur was just on another level.

“C-can’t anymore! Need more of you!” Ashina got up, carrying Van with her. She grabbed him by the waist and began to reverse-pound him. Smashing his hips against hers. “Oh yes! Oh yes!” after a while of that, she got down on the bed and put Van on his back, lifting his legs up as if he was the woman she began fucking him hard. Grinding her crotch against him, then letting one leg go while lifting the other up and doing the same.

Van was clearly being manhandled. But her pussy was still really nice… he rolled with it because he believed he was a professional. So when she gave that one last moan, he knew what he had to do and drenched her insides while she was trying to give him the mating press.

“Oh, fuck… that was… really good… your turn sis!” Ashina said, handing Van over to Adela.

Adela looked very intimidated. But with her big sis egging her on, and Van being very accepting and telling her it was going to be okay, she slowly straddled him and tried to do what Ashina did. With varying degrees of success…

“Here, let me help you.” Van came up and gave Adela a kiss. It was a bit weird, but it helped her relax and enjoy it more. He then played with her breasts, which really seemed to excite her. Soon, he was doing her doggy style, completely dominating her, his chest pressing down on her back, his voice in her ear as he told her what a good girl she was. Making her pussy wrap around his cock even tighter for when he cummed gallons into her waiting womb. Her face already looked blissed out beyond reason.

“Nice…” Ashina said approvingly. “Now it’s my turn again…” giving Van a pervy leer.

“Bring it…” Van said, rising to the challenge…

After that… no one got much rest… especially because Luna joined in later… but that’s a story for another time…

--- sex scene end ---


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