World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 24: After Party (nsfw)

Van walked around the room, being congratulated by many of the guests along the way, and politely thanking them in return. A somewhat forced smile on his face. It wasn’t that he was unhappy, no, he actually was happy to be married to Luna, a little giddy even. But everything that came with that was what bothered him.

“You know what... this world really is fucked up, I know I shouldn’t judge, but…” Van thought some more about it and sighed. “Actually... from what few memories I have, this might be one of the better worlds out there...fuck.” he looked around, at the oddness of it all, “I might really be going crazy… I wonder... if I didn’t have some past memories of other lives would I be more normal?” Van shrugged. “Oh well, It could be worse I suppose, I mean, it's not all bad. Even if I'm only fifteen years old. My mental age is more towards that of an adult, and my body, due to the body awakening ritual, is about sixteen or more physically.”

Van straightened his back. “I can do this! Am I a little nervous? Yes! But I had nightmares way worse than what happened to me today! And those are actually things that happened to the past me’s! What I’m going through is nothing compared to what some of them went through!”

he thought, trying to hype himself up. “I'm an adult, at least mentally, I should act like one! Emotionally stunt myself, go to work at eight with a one hour commute, accepting more work and responsibilities for a two-cent pay raise, eating a bowl of cereal for dinner wondering where I went wrong in life, and if I should have said yes to my best friend, who was a girl that I had a huge crush on since childhood when she offered to take me on her trip around the world and is now married to some asshole named ted who she had a messy divorce with and is now jaded to the idea of relationships which included one with him, forever cementing the fact that he will probably die alone and unloved like he always feared despite how much he loves her and wishes he had the courage to say but can’t because whatever little courage he has is now gone when he emotionally stunted himself in order to survive the day to day off his hellish mind-numbing work and his horrible boss…”

Van slowly blinked “well, shit… that got dark fast. I wonder if that was a past life of mine?” he shivered, “gods I hope not…quick! Gotta distract myself so I can ignore and push all my problems off like any good adult would do!”

Van looked around and noticed his little zapper friend flying high looking down as if searching for something, most likely him. “Distraction acquired!”

Van waved at the little zapper, hoping it would notice him, and thankfully it did, it zipped around him before landing on his outstretched hand. “Hello my little friend, I can’t thank you enough for saving me. I really owe you a great deal.” The zapper seemed to purr under his words. “My parents finally agreed that you can become my familiar, do you want to be?” the zapper purred once more but louder. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

He looked around, searching for Lorenzo who was casually talking to a few other people and moving on towards the buffet. Van quickly moved towards him, avoiding people the best he can on his way and getting into a few close calls. “Hi Lorenzo!” he said once he got to him.

“Hmm?” Lorenzo turned around. “Ah, Van, how's the married life treating you?” he said with a smirk.

Van rolled his eyes at Lorenzo’s teasing. “Fine, only been married for like, less than an hour, but it's fine.”

Lorenzo chuckled and ruffled Van’s hair. “You must have had quite the day, I can honestly say that I don’t envy you.”

“Jee, how nice of you to say,” Van said. “Can you help me make this zapper my familiar?” van said, bringing up the little bug for Lorenzo to see.

“Hmmm. actually, that is probably something you can do yourself.” Lorenzo said. “You are a natural-born sorcerer, after all, just take some of your blood and press it onto the zapper or take your mana pool and let your mana flow into the creature you wish to become yours. As you let the mana flow into the creature, give the mana your intent, something like, become mine, or, serve me, it could even be a nebulous idea or concept. If the zapper agrees, a link should form between you two, similar to what you have with your concubine. It then becomes your familiar and will do what you say. This is also the way some monster tamers tame monsters. What's important is the message you try to convey with your mana and how much mana you're giving which can greatly change the dynamic or relationship between you two, or even what kind of link you will have. Also, don’t forget to name it, the name you give can greatly affect your would be familiar.”

“Most mages wish they could have it as easy as you do,” Lorenzo said. “They would require a ritual, but for you, you just need some blood and or mana, since you're a natural-born sorcerer. Try it out for yourself, I’ll be watching in case anything happens.”

Van felt hesitant, he thought there would be more to it than that. He looked up to Lorenzo, wondering if he should ask a few more questions. But then realized that he should man up and just do it.

Van looked down at the zapper, a little nervous. “Are you ready little friend?” The zapper purred with determination. “Alright, here we go.”

Sadly for Van the hands, he had used for the wedding ceremony were already healed. “Umm, Lorenzo?” he asked.

“Don’t worry, I got you.” Lorenzo lifted a ceremonial knife, similar to the one for Van’s wedding, and gently cut one of Van’s fingers for him.

“Thanks,” Van mumbled as he focused on the zapper once more. Slowly he placed his bloody finger on the little bug and felt for his mana pool. Once he felt like he got it under control, he poured it into the zapper with the concept of serving him and being his friend. He poured everything he had in the hopes of making a strong bond.

The zapper accepted the mana graciously, and its little body glowed with the pouring of the mana.

“There…” Van said breathing a little heavily. “That's all my mana. Now as for your name…” now that he was at this point, he realized that he hadn’t thought about a name for his little zapper friend. “Perhaps some names I know from my past lives would work?” he thought.


“Or perhaps a name from this world, but which?” Van continued to ponder.


“It has to be a good name, a name that holds future potential.”


Van narrowed his eyes. “It needs to be perfect!”

“VAN!” Lorenzo half-shouted.

“Huh!?” Van said in surprise before looking at an annoyed Lorenzo. “What is it?” Lorenzo pointed at the zapper in Van’s hand.

Van looked down to find that the zapper was on its side looking for all the world like it was dead. Its body twitching and some goop was forming around its body that seemed to come from its inside. He looked on in horror at what he must have done. “Di-Did I kill it! Did I pour too much mana!’

Lorenzo shook his head. “It's just knocked out. It must have been close to evolving. When you poured in your mana, you must have just pushed it over the edge and started the evolution process. It should be better in a few days. Actually… more than better.”

Van sighed in relief but he was still afraid for his zapper friend. “What do I do now?”

“Here let me take care of it.” Lorenzo said, gently picking it up. “Poor thing seems to have also had quite the day.” as he placed it on his hand and rubbed its fuzz gently. “Just let it get some rest, you can name it later. Who knows, maybe giving it a good name will evolve it again?” He then gave a look to Van. “you are easily the luckiest and unluckiest person I have ever met, considering your entire life and everything you have been through so far of course.”

“Gee, thanks…” Van said somewhat sourly.

Lorenzo gave a gentle smile. “It's not so bad, If I had to be honest, you are far more lucky than unlucky. I’m sure you will know the truth of that as you grow older. As for now, it's getting very late, and you know what that means!” he finished with a teasing grin.

Van groaned. Earning another chuckle from Lorenzo.

“Here drink this,” Lorenzo said, handing over a vial filled with a strange bluish substance. “This will recover your mana.”

Van hesitantly took the vial. He looked at Lorenzo who was looking at him expectantly. With great trepidation, Van drank the vial down. it tasted funny.

Lorenzo nodded. “I know how you must feel about drinking strange things, especially after what happened to you. So after all of this is over, we are going to teach you about potion making and what each potion normally tastes like so that you can be better prepared to know what's in your drink in the future. That fine with you?”

Van nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly, he didn’t want to be tricked again.

“Good, now take this just in case.” Lorenzo then handed over another smaller vial with a light pinkish color to it. “This is smaller and more diluted eros, the potion you were forced to drink before. Your father told me that he taught you some spells for tonight, this is just in case you need something more.”

Van stared at the vial, his stomach already turning upon seeing it. He looked up at Lorenzo and back to the vial, then back up again.

“You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to,” Lorenzo said gently.

Van stared hard at Lorenzo and then at the vial. For a long time, he stared until he finally and tentatively, reached out and took the vial and put it in his pocket. His whole body shook from the remembered trauma.

“...Here, you probably will need this to.” Lorenzo said, handing over another vial. “It's for nerves, this will calm you down.”

Van glowered at Lorenzo but more pragmatically accepted this one, and with some hesitation, mostly forcing himself, he drank the potion and within minutes felt his body start to relax.

“Feel a little better?” Lorenzo asked, concerned.

Van nodded. “...a little.”

“'s not going to be as bad as you think, you’ll get over it, you may even come to enjoy it. Especially with your bloodline,” Lorenzo said quietly. “I know what it feels like to be raped, most men do.” he placed a hand on Van’s shoulder. “You are very strong, stronger than most I have seen, I don’t know if that is because of all the awakenings or because of how you were born. But everyone goes through it at some point, and I believe you will come out stronger than most. More importantly, you are surrounded by people who love you and care for you, don’t ever forget that...”

Van nodded, he took in a deep breath and exhaled it, letting some of the tension flow out of his body. “...thanks.” he looked up. “I can do this…”

Lorenzo nodded proudly. “Yes you can.” he looked around, many of the guests have already left to turn in for the night.

Van noticed it too and saw that Luna, Leiah, and Anna were waiting for him near one of the exits. “Wish me luck.” van said.

“Good luck.” Lorenzo replied kindly.

Van walked towards the group and followed them out of the room down the hall, towards their new quarters. After all, there's no way they will be sleeping in the same room that Van got raped in.

Leiah giggled as she walked and talked alongside Luna. “this is so exciting! all the other girls at school are going to be so jealous that I became a concubine!” she gushed and giggled.

“School?” Van couldn’t help but ask.

Leiah turned to look at Van. “yes, Bloodhaven academy. It’s literally the only school in all of Alcray with many branches all over the land. Well, that and Nightfall academy for higher learning. Which most try to get into after Bloodhaven. Once you're ten to fifteen, most children are sent to Bloodhaven for one or two terms of five years. I’m here because of school break, otherwise, I would be living over there in the dorms.” she helpfully answered.

“Odd... why didn’t my parents send me, if all children at the age of fifteen went.” Van wondered. “Okay… but why would the girls be jealous that you are a concubine?”

“Why? Why!? Of course, they would be jealous!’ she said with great vigor. “All those other girls my age. and some younger, are always making fun of me for being a virgin and not having sex! They say I may not be ‘all there, down there’ . Can you believe that! Its not my fault I don’t want to force some guy I don’t know to have sex with me! I try to stop them from forcing themselves onto others because it's wrong, but they just get angry with me instead! They say i’m never going to get a man because of that! But guess what! I’m going to lose my virginity and be a concubine! And I didn’t force myself on anyone! So Whose having the last laugh now!” she said sticking out her chest and laughing loudly.

Van was taken aback by her sudden change in demeanor and watched wide-eyed as she laughed herself silly until she felt self-conscious and her laughter died out with everyone watching. “ well, at least that explains why I was never sent.” He thought. “Umm, technically, you forced your lips onto mine and now you're my concubine…” Van pointed out.

Leiah looked stunned. She tried to open her mouth to reply but closed it and just stared wide-eyed.

“Soooo… why is being concubine a good thing?” Van asked once more a bit awkwardly.

Leiah blinked. “Oh… uh. Well… because I have a man, and i'm part of a group and I get to have sex.” she tried to respond. “Umm… let me give some context.” she paused trying to get her thoughts in order. “Okay… so, your wife, Luna, is also called your main and first wife. After that is your other wives, followed by your concubines and then lovers, and finally those you owe duty too or are in a sex contract with.”

Van quirked an eye at that last part.

“Think of it like a pyramid, with Luna at the top. Well at least normally. “She said. “Usually the head of the house is a woman, and she uses her husband to tie other houses to her. Since I'm a concubine and heir of my admittedly small but powerful house, everything I own, she can use. And there's some hope that I can move up and be a wife one day. Imagine it like Luna finds someone with great influence and power, and she marries her to you, effectively putting her under her house. Through these ties, a house can grow in power under a strong female leadership.”

“The children we can have can either have your bloodline, my bloodline, or a mix of both. There are spells and rituals for everything like that after all. A mother can give birth to a daughter that has no blood or genetic ties to the father, effectively meaning that your own daughter can have sex with you and give birth to a child that will also have not genetic ties to you. Goblins, somehow, are naturally born with no genetic similarities to the father, we believe this is why, wild goblins can rape the same man over and over again, including their own children raping the father, without worry about gaining any genetic defects from inbreeding. Because, after all, they are not related to each other. This means I don’t have to worry about who would be a successor of my house if we are to have children since it can be one hundred percent mine and not yours.”

“Finally, tying yourself to a powerful house can give great benefits. True, it's better to be a wife, but… there are pros and cons to being a concubine or a wife. and being a concubine is a bit like having the best of both worlds without all that responsibility. Of course, concubines also have a lot of work, they are the diplomats of a house, the bureaucrats, the advisers, they have many important jobs and roles within a house to make it strong, and by extension, their own house and influence strong. Kinda like a bunch of people getting together for an agenda or single goal. Though more importantly, if you hire a succubus, you can make it so that the egg of one female goes into another, and once impregnated by the husband, that child will have three bloodlines, essentially making it so that two or more houses can become one.”

Leiah sighed in relief after she finished her explanation. “There are a few more things, but that mostly covers it, I think.”

“That's very interesting,” Van said. “So being a concubine would be like saying you're important enough to be chosen by a strong house, and that you also have the backing and protection of that house, to an extent, while also adding your own house to that house's power.”

Leiah blinked in surprise. “Uh… ya. Essentially.”

Van pondered that as they began to move again, Luna asking some of her own questions. “This world really is strange… but I can get used to it! I’ll survive and thrive!” he thought with determination.

Sadly, all too soon, he was in front of his new bedroom. He turned to look at everyone behind him. Luna, Leiah, the Annas. “Shit… I don’t think I’m ready for this.” Van turned back to the door and took a deep breath. Slowly he pushed the door open and walked in. followed by everyone else.

----------------------Line break! End of chapter if you stop here!---------------------------

Van walked into the bedroom and slowly made his way towards the overly large bed. Realizing that this was why there were always large beds everywhere. He gently moved his hand across the silky sheets, heart racing, not even daring to look behind him. He has gotten used to seeing the girls sleep without clothes over the years, so turning around would not show him anything he wasn’t already familiar with. But this time it was different.

He heard the rustle of clothes falling to the ground as well as a few giggles. He took a deep breath and slowly started to undo the buttons of his shirt, it was slow going, but eventually, he was as naked as the day he was born. He placed his hand on the bed, trying to steady his breathing, trying not to panic. Gently, a hand was placed on his back, he knew who it was as it slowly slid up towards his shoulder.

“Are you okay Van?” Luna asked with concern. “We don’t have to do this if you don't want to.”

Van shook his head. “No… I’m going to do this… can you get me the vial in my pants pocket? I forgot to take it out when I was unchanging.” he asked, still looking straight.

Luna slowly bent down and rummaged through his pants until she found the vial Van mentioned. She paused when she got a good look at it, a worried expression flashing across her face. But still, she handed over, and Van took it and swallowed the contents in one deft move, also not bothering to look at it, for fear of getting cold feet.

Van felt the liquid rush through him. He steeled his nerves and turned around to find Luna right there, next him. The sight of her always took his breath away, her fairy-like appearance with those large expressive eyes and flawless skin. She had aged since the body awakening ritual and already she was showing signs of real beauty, her breasts, small at first, now larger than he first remembered. Her beautiful white silvery hair ran across her back, almost reaching her buttocks

Slowly, Vans' eyes roved across Luna’s body, making her blush. He then turned to the other girls in the room. Fear spread across his face at the task that lay in front of him, but he reigned it in and instead tried to appreciate the sight before him.

Luna, Leiah, and the Annas were all blushing a little, normally Luna and Anna wouldn’t care. But this time it was different, and they stared unabashedly at Van’s own naked form.

Van’s eyes settled on Leiah, the newest addition. As the oldest one here, she was also the most developed thought not by much, considering that Van, Luna and Anna went through the body awakening ritual, making them look similar in age. She blushed as he looked at her, slowly she took her hand and teased one of her breasts in response to his gaze, and as he continued to watch, she started to breathe heavier and took her other free hand towards her slit.

Van slowly turned back towards the bed, taking a deep breath once more, and wondering why the drug wasn’t working as much as he wished it was right now. “Shit… the drug is doing nothing for me. I may have to use the spells my dad just taught me if I want to get anything done.” he shook his head. “Come on Van, you have memories of sex, it hasn’t freaked you out before so why should it now?” he then paused in thought as his eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Wait a minute…” as he realized that may not be entirely true.

“Van?” Luna asked worriedly, bringing him out of his thoughts. “Are you sure you're okay?”

“Yes… I am, just let me get on the bed. You girls can take it from there…” Van said as he slowly moved on the bed and got on his back. He spread out his arms and legs and largely felt like he was some sort of sacrifice or something akin to that.

Slowly the rest of the girls crawled on the bed, Luna taking a position next to him so that their faces were near each other. She slowly massaged his scalp with her free hand and every so often will give him a kiss on the cheek, as she lovingly tried to calm him down. “It's going to be okay. We can stop anytime you want, it matters more to me that you are happy then we do this.”

Van looked at Luna. “I also want to make you happy,” he said sadly. “I’m sorry my first time was taken by someone else…for being… tainted. You should find someone else.”

“Don’t think that! I’m just happy you are okay… I have done a lot of thinking since then and realized that I need to be more of a woman and get stronger! So that no one can take my man away from me.” Luna said seriously. “And to that end, I need allies, and people who can be around you when I can’t and much more…” she paused. “Perhaps I’m rushing too fast...” she nodded towards Leiah then leaned forward to give Van another kiss. “But it's all for you…I’m sorry for not being better. For being too weak to save you…but I love you...and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you again.”

Van was surprised by this change in Luna, more than that, he was touched deeply. “I love you too… and if it makes you happy, then I will sleep with any women you wish me to sleep with… but I will also do my best to protect you as well... we’ll protect each other, promise?”

Luna smiled “I would very much like that…” she then kissed him gently on the lips. The feeling of which was so soft that it stirred something inside him.

After the kiss Van looked at Luna and then down to his crotch. Taking a heavy breath, he casted a spell that will give him an erection and another one that would prevent pregnancies. All the girls stared at his now erect member, making Van feel uncomfortable.

Luna then snuggled against him and whispered soothing phrases to calm him down, telling him it's going to be alright and such and nothing bad was going to happen. After a while, she turned to Leiah. “Leiah, if you would please.”

Leiah gulped the saliva in her mouth. Finally, after all this time of just waiting, and playing with herself, she was going to lose her virginity, not as just another woman, but as a concubine to a growing house. Not to mention the man she was to do it with, was kind and handsome who had an amazing wife in Luna, something she knew since she knew Luna when Luna was a kid, which was why they hit off so well once they were able to reunite.

Slowly she moved to straddle Van, she looked down in wonder at his exotic body and his massive dick that would make any woman drool. rubbing her slit against his cock and generally turning herself on, she prepared herself for what was to come. Finally, when she couldn’t hold it in anymore, she raised her hips and navigated his member to her entrance and pushed it in.

Van and Leiah gasped. Leiah struggled in pushing such a big thing in, working her body every which way to slide it in deeper. Once it was in nice and deep, she started moving her hips, panting heavily all the while moaning like crazy. “Mmm...fuck!”

It didn’t take her long to cum. Her lack of experience and the way Van’s dick naturally seemed to move and hit her weak points made her orgasm far quicker than she imagined and was left slumped on top of Van in a contented haze.

For Van, When Leiah inserted his dick inside her, the first thought he had was how, like her kiss and tongue, hot she was. Her pussy burned him, but not in a painful way, instead, he felt the heat of her body flow from her and into his own. At first she moved slowly, hesitantly, but as she got used to it, she went crazy, banging her hips up and down against him. It didn’t take long for her to give one last moan before her body spasmed and she collapsed on top of him sweating.

Luna gave up on trying to say soothing words, and instead was panting like crazy in Van’s ear as she watched Leiah satisfy herself. Her crystal blue eyes turning silver and then a bright diamond pink as she got off watching her old friend climax.

Gently, the Annas moved Leiah to the side and one of them took her place. That Anna didn’t even bother with the foreplay. She inserted Van’s dick inside her as hard as she could. And rode him like there was no tomorrow.

Van winced at how tight Anna was and how she sucked his cock in deeply, he was worried that all the others would be like her too. Thankfully he didn’t have to wait long to find out as in just a few minutes, that Anna satisfied herself and another took her place. She was also tight, but as Van got used to it and they switched places, he noticed supple differences between each pussy, in both texture and feeling. Finally, after what must have felt like an hour, and him reapplying the spell to keep himself hard. It was Luna’s turn.

Luna had cummed twice as she watched her friends take turns, her moans in Van’s ears had actually helped him get over some of his trepidation and start to enjoy it a little himself. Soon it was her straddling Van, and like the Anna’s before her, she inserted it without foreplay, considering how wet they all were and not needing it.

Van and Luna’s eyes widened in shock. Van had never felt anything like this before, he could feel himself getting bigger against his will as he felt Luna’s perfect pussy. It was like he was fucking a soft cloud, that had just enough grip and tightness to be both teasing and tantalizing at the same time. It was nice and warm, and the walls of her pussy pulled him in gently and wouldn’t let go as it massaged his dick.

For Luna, it was much the same, how every twitch and move seems to hit a weak spot she wasn't’ even aware of. How hot and hard his cock was and how it’s warmth spread throughout her body. How electronic shocks seemed to run up from her pussy and directly into her brain.

For a long moment, they just watched each other, not even bothering to move as they enjoyed each other's body. Then as if in an unspoken signal, they both started to move. Van wasn’t going to just take it anymore, he was going to give it. The two moved into each other, holding each other close in their arms, kissing passionately.

Van felt how Luna’s stomach bulged as his cock seemed to get bigger and bigger. When they were both at the brink he cummed straight inside her, the first time that night. No other had made him do it yet. He felt her womb accept his sperm as he filled her to an impossible degree.

The two fucked for almost an hour as he cummed inside her a few more times. The other girls could only watch wide-eyed getting themselves off as they watched. By the end of it, everyone was satisfied.

After the session, Van felt tired. More tired than he ever thought he would. Having sex with Luna, like his father said, actually helped get over some of the fear of having sex. But afterword, he felt numb... As if he couldn’t get it up even if he wanted to. As if something in his body or mind broke.


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Hello guys, just thought I should tell you since I don't get a lot of new patrons that I decided I will make a little list of any new ones that join. also, I want to add that from now on the $10 tier will now have all my ahead chapters. finally, if you guys are interested in two-year-old lore about the world of Alvarra. I have about over a hundred pages of that I can post every Wednesday to keep you guys content until the next chapter update. please say if you want it or not in the comment section below. 

with that, special thanks to my new patron members. - 50hp - cristi nita -stephan lewis -for joining and supporting me.

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