Van found himself in a white room, with a small crowd of people arguing about something. Off towards the distance, he saw that there were many more, a man with fox ears and tail, a black dragon sleeping, a man in some sort of steampunk flight gear, a pretty boy with a bow, a strange man in a robe that felt alien, a man in some sort of spacesuit, and many hundreds more in the distance, but with their shapes seeming off, and they looked more like shadows than actual people. He turned his head back to the small crowd of people in front of him.

“He should learn to properly protect himself!” a man dressed as a knight shouted to the others. “He only got raped because he was weak! Only I can teach him!”

“While I’ll admit he’s weak. It is I that should train him. He has great magical potential Afterall…” a man dressed as a mage said.

“You are both fools if you think you should train him! Brute force and cheap tricks are no match for a good foundation! Cultivation is the way towards immortality! And with me training him, he will live forever!” said a man wearing strange oriental robes with dragons that looked like strange snakes.

The knight snorted. “Just like you lived forever?”

The cultivator glowered at the knight.

“You're all wrong.” said a young teenager, wearing strange futuristic-looking clothes as he had multiple blue screens in front of him and was playing some sort of game on one. He was accompanied by an elf that looked like a steampunk/alchemist version of a detective and a monk that was casually meditating next to the youth.

“We won't let you interfere with the boy's life.” the youth said. “Help him a little from time to time. Maybe. But you will not force yourselves onto him so that you can live through him. We know what you really want. And you will not have it. It's His body, his life, his choice.”

“And who gave you the right to decide for all of us?” the knight said. “For someone who says you only wish to let the brat live as he wishes without interference. When he finally goes through this… soul awakening? You will be the one with the most influence! And we will be left with the crumbs!”

“Normally I don’t agree with whatever this muscle head says.” the mage said. “But he has a point. Out of all of us, you have the most influence thanks to your friends.”

The youth shrugged. “Are you guys seriously complaining about the fact that we can work together and you can’t? Let me put it in simple terms then. All of us on this side, believe in one truth. We. Are. Dead. the dead should remain dead and not try to take control over a body that is not ours. Seriously, he is us! At least the newest Iteration. Would you like it if some dead past you tried to take over your body?”

“As a scientist.” the steampunk/alchemist elf finally spoke up. “While I'll admit, all of this is weird, I also believe the fact that the boy should have the freedom to grow up as he wishes and strive to find his own truths in life. Besides, interference would mess with the experiment that is his life.”

The monk cracked an eye. “We are dead.” He closed his eye and went back to his meditation.

“Bah!” the cultivator exclaimed. “I have a chance for life once more! I will not let it slip through my fingers because of weaklings with no cultivation! I will do everything I couldn’t do in my previous life! And no one will stop me!” a wave of energy erupted from the cultivator.

Instantly the air seemed to be filled with tension, as everyone seems to prepare themselves for a fight. The knight gripped his sword, the mage, his staff, the elf brought out vials of liquid and a steampunk looking gun, the monk cracked an eye and the youth increased the number of screens around him. For a long moment, everyone stared at each other, none wishing to make the first move.

Slowly, footsteps were heard, and all eyes turned to a new figure that was approaching. A large man in black robes that screamed dark lord walked towards their group. Eerie shadows followed him and seemed to leave nothing but darkness in his wake. He stopped in front of the group and stared at them one by one.

Beads of sweat fell from everyone's face, they sensed the power difference between all of them and just him.

Finally, after a while, he spoke. “I agree on noninterference, and I believe…” he said looking up. “Someone else also agrees on noninterference.” he looked back to the group and then to the shadows of many other past lives that didn’t dare to approach. Then he addressed everyone. “Therefore, the boy will live as he wishes... At least for now.”

He then turned and everyone else's eyes followed until they were all looking at Van. “you should wake up. You have a lot to do after all.”

Van fell, Images of Karen strangling him and drowning in pink liquid soon followed after as he tumbled down into a deeper darkness. Nightmares plague his dream as he was tied up and helpless to do anything about it. His last thoughts were how tainted he was and how much he hurt and how he wished for death.


Van woke up with a start. His heart pounding like crazy and his body sweating. He tried to calm himself down and think back to the nightmare he just had. “That was different from the other nightmares I have had about my past lives. I think… are they… self aware? Or at least, are some of them?”

He looked up towards the ceiling, his mind a mess. “I need to go through the soul-awakening ritual. I need to do it because it may be the only thing that can help me prevent them from gaining influence within my soul realm… and therefore my life…” he paused in thought. “And... not to mention… that last part…” he shook his head, trying to clear it and push back the last dregs of nightmare out of his mind.

He looked around him for any distractions and was met with a pile of naked bodies around him. “Oh… right… the orgy. That's what it's called, right?” he looked down to find Luna, sleeping peacefully on his torso. Not wanting to wake her up, but desperately wanting to stretch, he tried his best to move in a way that will accomplish both. After what happened last night, he felt both refreshed and wrung out at the same time.

“It would have been a perfect night if not for that last bit at the end there.” he thought as he remembered the dream. “Once we get home, I’m going to have to ask Lorenzo to prep the circle. We pushed it back because of the celebration, but now that it's over, we shouldn’t push it off anymore.”

Van looked down, back at the piles of naked bodies, and then at his own naked form. “Damn, I need to take a bath.” slowly and gingerly he tried to move without waking anyone up. Unfortunately, he forgot that Anna tended to wake up before anyone else and his movements didn’t go unnoticed.

With a cute yawn, one of the Annas woke up, looked around and found him trying to leave. That was all it took for all the other Annas to blink sleepily and start giving their own yawns as they too started to wake up. Van was powerless as they began to wake up Leiah and Luna, wishing he had better stealth skills.

Luna gave the cutest yawn, she tried to blink the sleep from her eyes as her mind slowly started to pick up speed. She stared into Van’s eyes and leaned forward to give him a deep and passionate morning kiss.

“Good morning to you too,” Van said amused once their mouths had separated. “And how did you sleep?” he asked.

Luna stared sleepily at him with a grin and stretched her entire body like a cat, showing it off in the warm morning sunlight her white-silver hair shining, hiding nothing from his eyes.

Van swallowed and felt turned on, but that his little friend didn’t respond for some reason. That worried him into thinking that maybe last night was a one-time thing and that he may not be able to do it again, or at least until he can get over what happened to him. “We should clean up and change, we have a long ride ahead of us.”

Luna pouted and draped her body against his, snuggling up to him and relaxing her body with the full intent of sleeping for a bit longer.

“Come on.” Van said once more, kissing Luna on the forehead. “Let's get ourselves cleaned up.”

Reluctantly, Luna did get up, and the entire group walked to the bathroom, showered, bathed, and got cleaned and changed for the day to come.

Van walked outside with the Annas carrying what few of their possessions they had. He was surprised to find that Leiah was coming with them, when asked why she said. “It's because i’m your concubine. Of course I would go to live with you.” Which he supposed did make sense.

After that he looked for Lorenzo in hopes that he would get an update on his little zapper friend. Thankfully it didn’t take him long and he found Lorenzo just as he was about to enter his carriage.

“Lorenzo, do you still have my bug?” Van asked.

Lorenzo looked towards Van. “no, sorry, I do not. After it went through its metamorphosis, she left to look for you. Why don’t try and call it to you through the link you have established?”

“Oh! Right...” Van then half-closed his eyes and tried to feel for which link was his little bug. Finding it, he gave a little tug and felt it immediately pull closer as the zapper zipped into view.

It spun around him like an excited dog, trying to both fly and rub against him until Van stretched out his hand for it to land. Once it did, Van found that the little zapper was a tab bigger than it was before, a little bit fluffier and its wings bigger with a more intrinsic design pattern on it. It also seemed somehow more cuter, or girly, if that was even possible for a bug.

“I would ask you to refrain from naming it right now.” Lorenzo said. Surprising Van and making him look up as Lorenzo further explained. “Names are powerful things, especially to the beings that do not have names at birth. Names with strong or deep meanings can even bestow special powers or properties to the one that receives it. Since it became a greater zapper, you should wait for it to near its next evolution, that way you may be able to push it over the edge with just the name you give it.”

Van looked down at his little friend who did so much for him and wondered if not giving it a name would be the right thing to do. But then again, if he held back on naming it, he could get it even stronger in the long run. His head started to seesaw back and forth and he couldn’t figure out whether or not to name it or not.

“Don’t think too hard on it.” Lorenzo said, seeing Van’s confusion. “It's your bug, so it's your decision. Do you even have a good name to give it?”

Van realized he did in fact, not have a good name for his little friend. “no...”

“Then there's nothing for you to worry about. Just use this time to find a good name for it, no rush, because, afterall, the more time you give for it to grow, and the better the name you come up with. The more likely you can push it over the edge into its next evolution, it might even get a unique one.” Lorenzo patted Van on the head. “So just give it some time. Now, are you ready for the trip?”

Van nodded.

“Good. see you at the castle then.” Lorenzo then turned to the entire carriage.

“Ah! Wait!” as Van just remembered something, making Lorenzo pause on the step of his carriage. Van then explained about the nightmare he had last night, and that he wished to go through the soul-awakening as soon as possible.

“Hmmm. I see… that is cause for concern.” Lorenzo said, rubbing his chin. “I’ll talk to your father about this, as soon as I am able. If you have any more weird dreams like that again, be sure to tell me or your father, okay?”

Van nodded.

“Also, it really could just be a weird dream. So don’t worry too much about it. Alright?”

“Alright.” Van replied though he believed it to be more than just a weird dream.

With that Lorenzo finally walked into his carriage and closed the door.

Van then walked back to his own carriage, and found Luna, Anna, Kella and now Leiah sitting inside waiting for him.

“Sorry about the wait. Had to talk about something with Lorenzo.” Van apologized. He then looked at Kella and nodded. “Nice to be in your care once more.”

Kella smiled. “Glad to be taking care of you once more, so long as you don’t ask as many questions as you did last time.” she teased, but her teasing smile slowly turned into a sad one. “Heard what happened to you, I wish I was there to do something.”

Van shook his head. “There was nothing you could do. Don’t worry about it.” an awkward silence then fell until Leiah noticed something.

Leiah’s eyes lit up once seeing the little bug riding on his shoulder. “Is that a zapper!? She is so cute! Does she have a name?”

Van smiled, glad that some of the sad atmosphere disappeared. “Yes she is, and no she doesn't. I am going to name her later. Would you like to pet her?” Leiah’s eyes sparkled and she nodded vigorously. Van then brought out his hand for the zapper to hop on and handed the bug over the Leiah who seemed to be gushing over the zapper. Once it landed on her hand, she started to pet it gently and with great glee.

Van was happy that she was happy, and proceeded to take his rightful place near the window seat, not soon after that, he felt the carriage move. He relaxed as Luna leaned against him, and as Anna also took part in the petting of the zapper as Kella watched on.

Days went by as they traveled in relative peace. With Leiah asking and trying to do things to him that he still didn’t feel comfortable doing and had to refuse her constantly, especially considering someone else was watching in Kella. Who, didn’t really seem to care, like she saw it all before, which he guessed made sense.

Sadly nothing interesting like their first trip happened, like the fog storm, nor did Van notice anything new to ask Kella, much to her relief. So Van had to contend himself with Leiah’s and sometimes Luna’s and Anna’s advances. Ever since that night, a subtle change seemed to have occurred within the girls. As if they had awakened to something new about themselves they found enjoyable. Thankfully, they knew when to take no for an answer. The wedding night was an exception that he forced himself to do, and still didn't feel comfortable doing anytime soon. Not that he felt he could do it anytime soon. He felt numb down there, and he didn’t know why. Hopefully, once time had healed some of his mental scares, he would be able to perform once more, for the sake of those he cares about.

Finally they had arrived home, much to Van’s relief, as he hoped that things could go back to their more relaxed nature.

“So this is your home?” Leiah asked. “It looks really nice.”

“ya....” Van said happily. “It is… it's very peaceful. Well, if you don’t include that one time.”

“That’s right!” Leiah exclaimed. “You guys had that breaking! That must have been scary.”

“It was. But we got over it.” Van said proudly.

After that, Leiah asked them all sorts of questions. About what was their favorite food, what they like to do in their free time and so on. Which Van and Luna tried their best to answer.

“By the way.” Van interrupted. “You said you go to school right? How much time do you have until you have to go back?”

“Ugh! It takes forever to get there and back!” she immediately complained. “Normally I stay over at school for the break, so I can get more studying done and stuff and because it’s not worth it to travel from there to home and back again. After two days i’m going to have to leave, and if you think staying inside the carriage all day is bad, imagine staying and sleeping inside it throughout the entire day as it moves, because that's what I’m going to have to do to make it back in time!” she whined.

“Ouch. sounds rough.” Van said with empathy.

“Yes. it is.” she agreed. “At first I didn’t want to come to the celebration because, while nice and all, it really is a hassle. But since my mom and dad are vassals to Thea, we really couldn’t refuse, not to mention Thea is really good friends with all of them so they timed it so that I could get to the party on time.”

Leiah grinned. “Now I’m happy that I went. I mean who would have thought I would get myself a husband and a sister in a single day! Or that I would finally have sex or become a concubine. Honestly speaking… It was the best day of my life and I’m glad I came.” she said happily, only for her expression to slowly sadden. “The only thing that ruins it all, is the thing that happened to you. How could it be my best day ever, if it was the day that my husband had his worst day ever.

She then looked Van in the eyes and gently took his hand into her own. “Even if we have been together for only a short time. You are my husband. What brings pain to you, brings pain to me. I might have… been overbearing with my advance, for which I am sorry for. But I love you, and if anyone tried to do to you what that bitch did. I would kill them without a moment's hesitation.”

Van was touched, also a little weirded out by how everyone was so willing to threaten another's life.. “Leiah…” he said, trying to find the right words for what he was feeling right now. “Thank you…”

Leiah smiled. “No problem… as a woman and your concubine, it's what is expected of me,” she said with some pride. “Now…” her smiled, turning lecherous. “Which way is your room? The long trip has left me tired.” she pretended to swoon, holding onto him and pressing herself against his arm. “I could really use some rest and... ‘Relaxation’.” then looking away, quietly whispered to herself, “there's a bed in need of breaking in and I'm Not going to waste these two days!”

Van rolled his eyes. “Of course.” he thought. “Right this way…” he said as he tried to control his face and walked down the hall.

Luna followed closely after, an amused smile on her face at the scene that just played out before her. Also very happy for that special day, where she became a wife and got herself a sister. Sadly for Leiah, nothing happened when Van showed her his room.


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special thanks to my new patron members. - Xerias - Unknown Novelist - Doriean - for supporting me.

I just want to add a poll here incase anyone is interested in some lore. It's a few years old, so please keep in mind that most of it would be out of date. but still very interesting and informative for the world at large. I'll tallie the votes tonight, and if there are enough, I'll start posting every Wednesday until I run out of lore to dump. the first dump will be character bio 1.0 and the week after will be character bio 2.0 both are out of date but will help give you an idea where I wanted my characters to go originally. after that will be info about the world, nations, races, monsters, plants, guilds, gods and much more.

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