Karen was furious and uncomfortable, so much so she had to take a semi-hibernative state in order to deal with the rough ride out of that bitches land. She wasn’t even surprised when her supposed ‘guards’ left her when a pack of death wolves attacked the carriage near the edge of the territory. If anything, she was thankful, for despite losing a few maids and having to get her own hands dirty, she could once again travel in relative comfort back home. Sadly, it still wasn’t enough to fix her mood.

“That bitch! If I had a little more time, I could’ve escaped with those two brats in tow. And what's worse! Despite everything! Katherine Umbra is still trying to win those peasants over. Does she have no eye for the highborn? My mother told me that the progressive faction has been consorting with their lessers, but I would never have thought that it would be to the extent that they would snub our great house in favor of that bitches!”

Karen fumed at the thought, taking much enjoyment in finally killing off the last of the wolves that she had been toying with. While death wolves are a great danger for many, for her, she only had to exert herself a little more than usual to get rid of them. After that, she gathered the few survivors and put them to work moving the carriage again.

“It doesn’t matter…” Karen thought as the carriage began to move once more. “The damage is done. It will take a lot of convincing to get in Thea’s good graces, time that we could use. Not to mention, House Umbra still needs us…” a small smile graced her lips before turning into a frown once more at the displeasure of it all. Followed by a shiver at the thought of telling her mother about her failure.

After traveling for what felt like forever. Karen was finally home. Normally she would not care about the sight of traveling through the large arched city gate of her home, as she had done so, so many times that she didn’t pay attention to it anymore. But now, every step the carriage took getting closer to the castle made her heartbeat imperceptibly faster in fear. The city was far larger than the one she just left, so she had a lot more time until she reached the castle gates, giving her more time to think and plan an excuse… but that also gave her more time to stew in fear. She looked outside as she traveled in hopes of a distraction.

A sea of miserable faces greeted her. People hunched low and not even daring to give her carriage so much as a glance for fear of gaining her attention. Without even being told to, they moved out of the way of the carriage. Knowing full well what would happen if they were to linger. There was no hawking of goods, no smell of vendors selling foods, and more, there practically no males even willing to take the risk of traveling outside.

Karen sighed. Wishing she could pull in some nice young man to scratch that itch and get rid of some of her pent of stress. But the peasants have grown wiser over the years of her family's rule, they knew that, whether they wore a hood or not, or were accompanied or not, whether they were married or not. If her family wanted them, they would have them and ride them for all they were worth before throwing them away.

This attitude slowly spread out over the generations. And over the centuries, her house’s territories have been known to be particularly bad at taking care of their males or giving them any sort of rights, so much so that rape was an extremely common occurrence. Not that she or her family cared, nor about the bad reputation that came with it.

Finally, she was at the gates to the inner castle. A few dead and rotting bodies on pikes greeted her. More of her mother's supposed’ enemies and or spies, or perhaps just stress relief. They looked fresh, probably recent. Karen worried if her mother already heard the news.

Getting out of her carriage she walked up the steps to the castle, only to be greeted by her sister, Karmina, in her usual dress. Her victim and boy toy on a leash behind her, mouth shut, looking down. An acceptance of his fate etched on his face.

“Hello sister,” she said, in a slightly sing-song voice and with a slight smile, eyes not really looking at her. “How was other mother?”

Karen paused. “Who am I talking to?”

Karmina’s face seemed to freeze. Her eyes flickered and her body shivered before a blank expression took her and was replaced by a neutral expressionless one. “There is only one of me…”

Karen nodded, not wanting to say anything on the matter. She knew that Karmina, while few and far between. Suffered bouts of insanity from time to time. But if asked, ‘who is she.’ that normally brought her back into the present. “She’s doing just fine… now, if you’ll excuse me.” She made to move but was blocked by her sister.

“Mother is not pleased…” Karmina said with her empty expression. “She has even called for our younger sister… Karina Voltami…”

Karen’s eyes widened. “Karina!? From the assassin's house? Why would mother call on that illegitimate bastard child?” she asked in surprise, her decorum forgotten.

Karmina shrugged. “Who knows. But I do know… for a fact. You are in trouble. You should best be prepared.” her eyes then glazed over and looked away all of a sudden, with a foggy eyed expression, turning slowly around as if searching for something, when her gaze landed on her boy toy they snapped onto him, a large feral grin blooming on her face. “Nya! Nya! It's time to spank me daddy!” she giggled before glomping on to him and kissing him passionately.

Karen watched for only but a moment before looking away and walking through the door. “Crazy bitcth.” she muttered, as moans were soon heard behind her as karmina took her boy toy right there and then. Just another reason to dislike her. Not only was she prettier than Karen, with bigger breasts, but she was batshit crazy. “And I still can’t believe I prefer her to my other sisters. At least she isn’t as horrible as them.”

Karen walked down the hall towards the throne room. Her steps were heavy with dread and fear. The doors opened up before her and she walked in to meet her mother.

“Ah… Karen… my lovely daughter… how was your trip?” a soft silky voice said.

Karen shivered, wondering how many people were taken in by such a beautiful voice, how many her mother entrapped with it. How many unsuspecting people before they realized that the voice and face did not match the darkness in the heart and soul of the person who spoke them.

She looked up at her mother, Karmila, the true head of house Moonshadow, sitting on her throne. The majesty she projected. The confidence. The smile. For anyone else when they see such a beautiful sight, their first reactions would probably be something akin to awe, like looking at a beautiful painting. Long slender legs. Beautiful black hair with a white streak on one side. Eyes you could get lost in. And many a person has… and lost their lives for it.

But Karen knew better. She knew what her mother was really like. So her warm welcome and inviting smile did not fool her. If anything. It made her want to run.

Karen schooled her face curtsied and bowed low. “Mother…”

“My dear… why so formal? Are you not happy to see me again after your long trip?” Karmila asked, pouting a little. “I heard those nasty traitors treated you very unkindly. Even after we gave so much to reconcile and put our differences behind us. How horrible of them. Tell me, are you okay?” almost sounding genuinely concerned.

Karen’s heart raced. Fear gripped her entire being. There was no telling what answer her mother wanted to hear. Perhaps she should lean in on how horrible it was, or play it off? How much should she stretch the truth or should she just be upfront?

Her brow began to sweat. She still hadn’t dared to look up from her bow. “It was rough…” remembering the slight beating she received from Thea before being forced off her lands. “But… I at least was able to create friction between them and House Umbra…. Sadly… I was… unable to get with child. They made sure of that.”

“And I see you also did not come with Luna ethier. such a shame. I really like her. She was so cute...” Karmila said with a sad smile. “And to think they took away your chance at making a baby!” sounding shocked. “What barbarians! Truly… is it any wonder we had to take such drastic measures?”

Karen said nothing. Letting her mother continue.

“Karen dear… are you sure you are okay? After everything that's happened. You must be devastated… Why don’t you look me in the face? Come here, come to mama, I’ll make it all better for you.”

Karen’s heart literally stopped for a solid second and she slowly did her best to give an agreeable expression that would not anger her mother as she looked up. But she couldn't hide her wide-eyed fear very well.

“Come on, come here,” Karmila said, patting her lap. Like a person walking to her execution, Karen walked to her mother and stood before her. Karmila patted her lap one more time. Her expression giving no room for Karen to wiggle out of.

Slowly. Karen sat in her mother's lap slightly sideways, trying not to shiver and shake. Her mother took the opportunity to give her a big hug. “I’m so glad you're back home with me. Safe and sound. Just like you should be.” She gave her daughter a kiss.

“But you know… you were a bad girl… you failed me… but that's okay. I forgive you… I’ll just have to train you again.” she said giving her daughter a few more kisses. Her hand moved around her daughter's body and started to play with it before slowly ending up between Karen's legs.

Karen held her emotions in, doing her best not to show too much fear. Letting her mother do what she will with her body. Knowing what was to come next.

Suddenly, Karmilla’s nails turned razor-sharp and faster than the eye could see. Shot up towards her daughter's breast and pierced in deeply, barely missing the heart. Karen tried not to scream or cry. But a few tears still wormed their way into the rim of her eyes as she gave a silent gasp.

“You know… one of the reasons as to why we were able to work with house Umbra was because they owed us one. But now after that fucking screw-up you did, they intervened to save your pathetic life. I wouldn’t be surprised if they thought that we owed them now… and I don’t like that... Now there's nothing to stop them from trying to find another house to support. Other than hostages we have in that bitches parents.” her tone not changing one iota and from its soft silky smooth entrapping sound. Her nails digging in deeper. Followed by giving her daughter a nice long lick on the face. She then pushed her daughter off, watching as she fell onto the ground in pain.

Karen wasted no time trying to right herself. Taking a knee and ignoring the pain that was shooting in her chest. Just happy to get away from her mother.

“Karina will be taking over from now on. She will succeed where you failed.” Karmila said, motioning with her hand. Karina then moved forward.

Karen did not dare to look up, though her face tightened. Karina was always there standing next to her mother since the beginning, Karen just wanted to ignore her and pretend she wasn’t. She hated Karina, loathed her actually. Despite being illegitimate, she was her mother's favorite. And worst. Karina was beautiful. More beautiful than her, and some, with traitorous thoughts, might call her even more beautiful than Karmila. For while Karmila was like a beautiful painting. Karina was like a legendary sculpture created a statue so perfect, that it took on life. Karina’s body, face, skin, and everything was perfect. Or perhaps a doll would be a better description. For she hardly did anything to rise Karmila’s anger.

Karina Voltami came from a house that Karmila subjugated long ago. A small house that she forced to do all her dirty work. Over the generations, they got good at it, and slowly became well-known assassins and spies. Almost two decades ago they tried to gain independence from Karmila. Only for their house’s only son to be raped and killed in front of them and the rest, forced to swear an oath of obedience. So that they never forgot who they belonged to.

Out of that rape, came Karina. A happy little accident. As Karmila called her. Karmila then trained Karina to be the perfect soldier, obeying her every command. Having her train with the best as well as the Voltami, who Karina was technically the heir of, to be a perfect doll and assassin for her mother’s machinations. Not yet truly tested, but showing great promise.

“Karina here will marry that Vran brat. And once that is done and she is pregnant, she will kill him and capture or kill Luna. allowing not only our lost lands to return to us, but to gain both Vran’s land and solidify our control over the Voltami once and for all.” Karmila smiled, her face looking something like a snake that was expecting a tasty morsel. “With all these lands together, it wouldn’t be far fetch for us to call ourselves a great duchy on par- no. almost equal to the archduchies!”

Karen was shocked by such a plan, for more than one reason. She looked up, her mouth slightly open. “But how? There's no way that they will accept her into their family. They hate us!”

Karmila’s smile turned more sinister. “Not if they don’t know who she is… my spies have told me much of what house Umbra plans for and what they want. If things go accordingly, the Vran brat should be going to one of the several schools that I can think of. All we need to do is make sure that Karina enters the school as a Voltami or another house’s name that owes us or is in our debt or power. She gets close to him, makes him fall in love with her or whatever other means necessary to get a child. And problem solved.”

“But! but! Karina is illegitimate! Any child they have won’t be under our complete control! If anything, they might make a counterclaim on the house of Voltami!” Karen said

Karmila sighed. “This is why you disappoint me karen. You don’t think outside the box or think about whatever means you can to move ahead of your competition. You're too… passive… to… soft... that's why I’m signing the paperwork and making the proper procedures as well as making Karina go through the right rituals to make her the heir of House Moonshadow. You are no more than a spare now. In fact. Forget about retraining you. You can just enjoy your life now… me and your sister will take care of things from now on.” Karmila said with a gentle smile.

Karen was stunned speechless. Mouth hanging open, eyes wide. For a second she didn’t even register what her mother said. A part of her didn’t believe it. No. couldn’t believe it. She slowly started to shake her head. “After everything I’ve done for you… after everything you’ve done to me! You're just throwing me aside!” tears started to flow down her cheeks. “After everything YOU made me do for you! The things I DID!!” her nails biting into her skin with rage.

“And that's why I’m getting rid of you. Come on Karen. You and I both know it. When we had Luna over you never hit her or harmed her hard enough to give a Permanent scar. If anything you protected her from the worst this family has to offer, in your own way of course. Not that you always succeeded in saving her from your sisters. Not to mention.” Karmila's eyes narrowed, almost as if in anger. “You feel guilty… don’t you. What you did to her… what you did to that Vran brat… what you did to all those people… but you played it off. Sure you actually enjoyed it sometimes… but in your heart of hearts, once you had succeeded me, you were not going to do what was necessary to make this house great. You did not have the stomach for it…”

Karmila crossed her legs. “Karina thought… she will do whatever I say. She hides her emotions and kills them all the time for my... and her sake. And if I have to be honest… I don’t really plan on retiring or giving up my seat anytime soon So I don’t really need children unless it’s to tie a few houses to me. You were useful while you lasted. But now that word will spread of what you’ve done. I really can’t have you be the heir. And all your other older sisters won’t cut it out either. Just be glad you won’t have an accident. Now that that’s taken care of, you're dismissed.” she finished waving Karen off to leave.

Karen slowly got up and just stood there. Not really believing this was all happening. Thinking about all the things she had done and asking herself genuine questions. Like if she could not have killed those people. Or done those things and lived a more normal and happy life without having to do what her mother said all the time. Slowly she looked up at her mother with an almost empty expression. They stared at each other for an unknown amount of time. Karen's mind replaying all the things her mother did to her, all the torture, the trauma, and worse...

Raising her hand was as far as she got before a shadow pierced her from behind. Her own shadows around her dying out before they even got a chance to be truly used. She looked down at the hole in her chest. She knew that it was futile, she knew it was nothing but impotent rage and anger. That she couldn't do anything to harm her mother, no matter how hard she tried. But… still… she did it anyway.

Karen fell forward. For the first time in a long time. She felt somehow content. As if the act of rebellion itself was so therapeutic that it washed away all her regrets. Not to mention she was dying now. And the fact that all this pain and the lie she had been living will finally end… only added to her feeling of contentment. Slowly, she closed her eyes and decided to just go to sleep for a while.

Karmila didn’t even have to say anything. And already a small group of servants were already on their way to move the body and clean up the mess. The skill and ease of which they did so, spoke that they did this hundreds of times before. Oddly though, she waved a hand to get their attention. The servants stop to listen.

“If she somehow does survive… see to her wounds,” Karmila said, in a bored voice.

The servants bowed and got back to work.


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