Katherine Umbra sighed again. A true exhalation of all her pent-up annoyance of everything that happened and all the shit she had to deal with at the party. Just thinking about what happened made her want to sigh again.

“Gods damn you, Karen. You really had to do it didn’t you? I honestly thought there was some hope for you too.” Katherine shook her head and sighed once more. She looked out of the carriage window enjoying the slow transition from one landscape scene to the other. From farmlands and villages placed far from each other to a more urban layout with larger and larger towns getting progressively closer and closer together as she traveled further west and towards the coast where most of the Alcrave’s population was.

“Thankfully… despite everything… they were still willing to hear me out. But now I wouldn’t be surprised if we owed such a small house a huge favor. In fact… we probably will have to give a lot if we want to convince them of helping us.” she mused.

“It was especially terrible about what happened to that poor boy. A real shame too. He was really cute. I was hoping to get to know him better… and his cute bride… maybe even the both of them together…” a small smile played at her lips as she thought back to their first meeting. How despite being a male, the sheer gall of talking to a woman, especially one of such high rank as Karen like that, in defense of his future spouse. Made her think highly of such a man, almost like a reverse of all the stories about knights saving the prince in distress, and instead, it was the prince saving the women. The mere fact alone that such a flip on societal views happened right in front of her gave her much to think about and amuse herself with.

“Such an interesting boy. Even if it doesn’t work out with the parents. Perhaps we should at least try and get him roped into our plans? Once he’s older of course…” her thoughts trailed off, looking back at the changing landscape outside.

A few weeks later she finally saw the outskirts of her home. Zanabrae. A massive city with millions of inhabitants and the heart of the progressive faction and the face that most outsiders see of the vampire lands.

The city seemed to dominate the landscape. Reaching out like a strange creature trying to devour every inch of land it could grab. All, as long as it was with the city walls of course. Which has been extended constantly until the city's boundaries ran haphazardly all over the place. Then as if giving up on trying to constantly push the walls out, they instead started to stack up high. With buildings reaching several floors high being the norm and buildings with only three or less being very uncommon.

The southern part of the city consisted of factories, workshops, and more. The smog and smoke they produced, thankfully downwind of the residential areas as was designed, as well as a few magical force fields to prevent it from blowing into the inner city. The factories and workshops consisted mostly of undead watched by their summoners. The undead would produce cheap goods at all hours of the day. Constantly churning out products from the resources that arrived from the harbor.

The harbor was almost as big as the city. Titanic metal and wooden ships docked and unloaded tons upon tons of goods and resources and in turn, would load just as much if not more and ship them out to the wider world. A large gothic-like airship floated lazily over the harbor. Watching to make sure everything was on the up and up and nothing was out of place.

Finally, castle Zanacrae, the seat of power of house Umbra. A massive superstructure-like building that seemed to stare down on even the largest of buildings like a giant amongst ants. Its sharp dark angles and general design imposing its will open its lesser brethren.

Katherin watched as her home loomed in closer as she made her way through the multiple gates of her city. Taking pride in the bright lights and technological improvements her home has made compared to the rest of Alcray. It was as if the stars in the sky decided to come down and paint themselves onto the city's landscape.

Neon-like signs made of magic giving their stores much-needed business. Elevators helping people up and down the large buildings. Street lamps and so much more. Katherin enjoyed it all and hoped to see more of how her city can grow in the future.

As she lazily watched from her carriage she took pride in how progressive her city was. How even males would walk unaccompanied or without hoods hiding their faces can be found from time to time in the city. Living life without fear and being more open with themselves. She watched with amusement at the foreigners and adventurers that came from far off. Gawking at the vampires and ghouls that surrounded them and not having to fear for their lives like one would do with feral or wild near undead.

Finally, after hours of traveling through the winding streets of her home. She arrived at the castle and got out of the carriage and walked up the stairs to her home to meet her mother. Making a few sharp turns through the many maze-like corridors of her home and walking up several flights of stairs and taking elevators here and there finally allowed her to enter her mother's study where her mother would normally be in as she did the paperwork to keep such a massive city alive and thriving.

Once she entered her mother looked up and dismissed the few bureaucrats and helpers she had so she could talk to her daughter alone. Once gone, Katherin sat herself down on the chair across from her mother and accepted the tea from her mother's blood-bound maid. The only one who didn’t leave with the rest.

For a while she and her mother, Tethra Umbra, took the opportunity of the absent workers to just sit and enjoy some quiet time, sipping on their tea. Giving Katherine some time to think on how to explain everything that happened. Looking at her mother she was glad to see that she looked somewhat well, if not haggard. As always she worried if her mother did not get the sleep she needed and if she should take up some of her work to give her mother some much-needed time off.

Finally, after a little while, they got down to business. Katherine explaining everything that happened and not leaving any details out. With her mother listening in intently. Katherin tried to keep it professional, but she still couldn’t help some of her annoyance and anger when she had to explain what happened to Van and Luna and how she had to protect Karen's life, and all the implications that presented.

After finally finishing divulging everything, her mother nodded and got up from her desk, and started to pace a little. A bad habit of hers when her emotions were high, but she was able to restrain herself and sit back down.

“That’s not the news I was hoping to hear. To think that Karen would do such a thing... I think it is even beyond her unless her back was to the wall. Her mother must’ve put her up to it… damn that bitch…” Tethra said, slamming her fist onto the table.

Katherin thought back to her time with Karen, they knew each other since childhood, and while she would never say that Karen was one of the best friends she ever had. Over the years she slowly figured that some of what Karen did was an act. Emphasis on the ‘some’. Karen was a bitch, there was no denying that. But she wouldn’t have been so bad if someone wasn't’ making sure she was as worse as she could be.

“I protected her, but I wouldn’t be surprised if her mother threw her under the carriage. So to speak. And moved on with some other scheme that we would have to be careful of from now on.” Katherin said and little worried about what sort of machinations Karmila would throw their way.

Tethra nodded. “That sounds like her. The problem being we have no idea what it could be… though I do have some potential thoughts on the matter…” her eyes narrowed in thought looking at nothing before looking back at her daughter. “Were you at least able to rope those three into our plan?”

Katherin gave a small smile and nod. “Surprisingly, even after what happened, they were willing to hear me out, especially after I… offered them a few things…”

Tethra quirked an eye at that. “Oh? And what exactly did you offer them?”

“Well… it turns out that both Van and Luna have not gone to school yet. Van because his father had some bad memories from the last time he went to school, not to mention his son has a few mutations that could cause bullying, though I suspect there's more to it than that. And Luna because she, while still young, is unusually beautiful, but also has some elf blood. Which can lead up to jealousy and racism, which makes her mother fear for her safety, especially after what happened to her daughter when she trusted Karmila, thought in exchange for another daughter.”

Tethra nodded. “ I remember that. We helped oversee the transfer as a third party. Thought Alvaroz and Thea weren’t entirely aware of our involvement, we were also the ones to convince Karmila to trade Luna back in exchange for a favor since we had plans for them down the line.”

“And instead Karmila used that opportunity to get our favor and both of Thea’s parents instead. We were fools to think we understood her enough to trust her just this once.” Katherin said, ending with an annoyed sigh. Which was shared with her mother.

After a moment of quiet Tethra looked up again. “So? What exactly did you promise them?”

“I promised them some school options that they could go to under our surveillance and protection. Not to mention an offer that is hard to refuse… I offered one of our most renowned tutors to homeschool them. You know the one I’m thinking about, right?” Katherine said.

Tethra had a thoughtful expression. “I see... the kids still have to go to school for at least five years and get passing grades and graduate, otherwise all the vampires in Alcrav will look down on them. So if we can help with that, teaching them, sending them to a school that we can safely watch them, then perhaps we can worm our way into their good graces.”

“Not to mention a spot on the transfer if everything works out with Istra,” Katherine added.

Tethra’s eyes narrowed. “Are you sure you should have promised that? We would have to move out a few people we had already picked.”

“We may never be able to do it in the first place without their help. We need those connections to the royal istranain academy. And the connection to the guild doesn’t hurt either.” she said nervously under her mother’s scrutiny.

Slowly Tethra nodded. “Perhaps you're right. Who knows, perhaps with their help we may even get a few more openings.” she then smiled. “Not to mention everything seems to be going well with the negotiations on our end. The only hiccup is with Malon Talder of the war faction. He still needs some more convincing. And we need his support, or at least the majority of his faction's approval in the next meeting with Dagon Valtier if we finally want to set our plans in motion.”

Katherine hesitated. “ do you think we would be able to do it? After so long?”

Tethra smiled. “If everything works out in the next few years, then perhaps… but if it does. That means Alcrav will finally become a proper influence on the wider world. A long time from now, Alcrav will dominate the world through its connections. And the first step to do that is to open that school up to us so that we can send our youngbloods to see the outside world and make and form those connections.”

Then Katherine Added. “ and if we can show the wider world that we are not monsters and that we can be negotiated with, then over the generations, people from outside Alcrav might be more open to having vampires walk amongst them.”

“But the first step in doing that is to convince Istra and their school to allow vampires. Technically they will not turn down anyone with a potential or proper degree. But there aren’t a lot of vampires trying to travel the world or who have the right connections to allow themselves into such a prestigious school.” Tethra finished.

After that the two started to talk in detail about what they will and have to do in order to get everything settled and ready to go forward. Going over the particulars and any walls they will have to tear down that might get in their way. After getting everything settled they sat back to enjoy some more tea.

Katherine was regaling Tethra of the story of how she first met Van and his spouse to be and what happened to Karen. As well as a few other things she noted of Van in the party. How cute Luna was and everything else that happened. The both of them having a good laugh at Karen’s expense both before and after the rape.

It was during this time that a stray thought entered Katherine’s mind. “What are we going to do about Karmila?” she asked, looking at her mother expectantly.

Tethra sighed. “We really can’t do anything. I would cut ties with her… but we need to keep an eye on her in case she does something. Not to mention she still has Thea’s parents, we need to make sure of their safety. If we can make sure of that, or even deliver them back home. Then we can be assured that we’ve tied another house to ours.”

“While perhaps making an enemy of Karmila…” Katherine softly added.

“Tethra shrugged. “It honestly wouldn't be any different. Karmila never really saw us as equals. Just someone she could use to further her own goals. Working with her always puts a bad taste in my mouth. Not to mention the more progressive of our faction continue to wonder why we are in bed with such a woman, who treats their males so badly.”

Katherine shivered at the memory of the few times she visited Karen’s home. It wasn’t for the faint of heart. “I can understand why…”

Tethra continued. “But we needed her so that we could be formally introduced and make some connections with the war faction. She is the only person in the neutral faction with so many ties to both factions. Well… other than That mess of a house.” as a thought of another house entered her mind.

“Honestly speaking mother… I don’t think I want to be working with anyone that Karmila knows. Who knows what kind of people they actually are.” Katherine added.

Tethra nodded wholeheartedly. “I couldn’t agree with you more.”

Silence took the two of them. Lost in thought about all those they meet and all those who they still have to win over.

Slowly Tethra began to smile. “Enough about all that. Whatever problems we have. We will deal with it. But for now, I want to hear how you're doing. Have you finally found a male to your liking?”

Katherine groaned. “I’m only fifty-eight years old mom! I’m too young to get married!”

Tethra rolled her eyes. “Oh please. Do you know how many kids are married way younger than you? Fifty-eight years and you’ve hardly touched a male, and don’t tell me you're not interested, I can hear your moans when you play with yourself.”

Katherine blushed. “That's only because you probably used your aura to increase your hearing! I just don’t think I’m ready.”

“Really? Is there really no male that has caught your interest?” Tethra genuinely asked.

Katherine hesitated. Thinking back to Van’s defense of his spouse to be. She was already planning to use the both of them as material but now that might be too embarrassing.

“Oh?! Did you think of someone, perhaps someone at a wedding celebration!” Tethra excitedly asked only for her eyes to widen. “Don’t tell me it was with the Alvaroz!” she squealed a little, “he is a well-traveled male with two wives! And very handsome too. But sadly he already has an heir in his son, so I'm not sure politically it's a good idea. But you know I don’t care about politics when it comes to love. So if you have your heart set on him then-”

“It's not Alvaroz!” Katherine half-yelled in embarrassment.

Tethra then went into thought expression until her eyes widened again. “No…” she quietly said in some disbelief to herself before a wide smile took her face. “It's with Van! Isn’t it!”

“What in the world would make you think that!?” Katherine replied, turning even redder.

“Well for one. You're not denying it. And for two. You were talking a lot about him and Luna and how cute you thought they were.” Tethra said with a triumphant smile. “ they are a little young. True. but now that just makes me want to meet them myself.” she said teasingly.

“MOM! Please!” Katherine said mortified. Wondering where this conversation went horribly wrong.

After that, the two went back and forth. The maid already well used to this, seeing it hundreds of times before. But glad that her mistress was enjoying herself and relaxing. Even if it was at the expanse of her daughter. The two bickered in good fun well into the night.


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