world of fibre generals
33 Luther's thoughts chapter-33
As Luther ran into camp with a bit of sweat dropping from his cheek he quickly order all guards to be on defence.When Zack looked at Luther it was obvious to him what had happened so he quickly walked over.
"Luther I can guess something happened at the stream since your guards aren't here but why do we need to go on defence?"-ZACK
"huh..huh..its..because when I was at the stream we were shot at by arrows and it was definitely more than 2 or 3 people and they were shooting to kill no warning at all"- LUTHER
"Alright but your sure they didn't earn you or make any signals to tell you they were there?"-ZACK
"no no I was just sitting there and the guards had been behind be when I thought I heard some noise.But didn't think it was anything so I just ignored it but then one arrow was fired at a gaurd and then more was shot"-LUTHER
"hm ok where ever those guys are they are probably normal humans who were scared of you or hated you since we haven't interacted much with others we don't know thier views on us"-ALEX
"oh look its Bill nye coming out of his cave ha ha"-ZACK
"funny guy no wonder you have to talk with the undead theyre the only ones who can handle your crap jokes"-ALEX
"anyway what should we do then just not go near the stream again?"-ZACK
"no that's impossible for both sides since if it is a group of people who are finally found a place to stay and live they will expand and the same goes with us so we will just be delaying time"-LUTHER
"so then we make the first strike commander since they don't know our numbers or strength"-RYAN
"he's correct but we should ofcource though try and talk to them first"-ALEX
"yes but that just gives them a chance to sizes us up and plan"-ZACK
"Yea but when you think about it they are still human not animals and if we don't seem aggressive they might find some common ground"-HELA
Now it was a stalemate between 4 people with Ryan and Zack going for more millitary style action.Whilst Alex and hela going towards political and peacfull talks so now unfortunately Luther was going to be the decider.
"well Luther since you run the place you decide"-ZACK
"yes but do choose wisely and pick the right side"-ALEX
"I'm not going to"-LUTHER
All of them in the tent quickly looked at him in confusion but Ryan quickly spoke"commander what do you plan to do then?"
"simple really I'll just do both"-LUTHER
"urr..wait was that an option?"-ZACK
"well it's just easier well go over there full force and surround their base and then ask them.If they want to join use if not we'll ethier ask them to move or not bother us or at least give use something.In exchange for peace but as for friendship in the times of the apocalypse such things don't matter or exsist"-LUTHER
"truly a great idea commander I'll get on with rounding up our forces also should we use them all or leave some to defend?"-RYAN
"yes leave 8 gaurd here that should be enough"-LUTHER
Luther then quickly went and walked passed the other 3 who stood there still liking at him in shock ehilst he grabbed an apple.
"Luther you do know by doing this we will be showing our selves to it be people they will know who we are!"-ALEX
"Yea Luther are we even ready yet and even if we were wouldn't it be easier to expand calmly and in peace for as long as we can"-ZACK
"I thought you wanted to attack them?"-LUTHER
"i did but your still keeping them around I wasn't going to!"-ZACK
"yes but to be honest I'm getting bored here and if we really want to grow and advance we need to take as much reasources left from the old world.To fuel the new one were running into and we can't stop that from happening I'm just giving us a head start since people especially humans.Are still getting prepared like us for this stage if you would call it and I intend to make it out as one of the new world's new winners"-LUTHER
"Luther what the hell are you thinking we aren't ready just beacuse we have these powers doesn't mean we can go running into danger!"-ALEX
"yes but if you want anything bigger in life whether it being advantages and supplies or people and guns.There will be danger and I think you have all grown ignorant since this won't last forever.Whether you like it or not this is a new world we are standing on and if I'm honest I'm quite existed!"-LUTHER
"Beacuse it's a complete re-start and can do what we wanted to do now like look at us we have amazing powers.And nobody like the government can but ropes around our necks and think about the freedom and I mean real freedom.I know yes there is danger but as I said that's what comes with the price of something so big"-LUTHER
"he's got a point I mean Alex's look at what Luther use to be I mean he use to be bullied by people.And no one bothered with him but now he's in control of an amazing power that makes I'm a great leader and has also improved his life and our lives aswell"-ZACK
"Yea but he's suggesting we just takeover and rule and kill people and he's claiming this is a new world!"-ALEX
"So what?..if we don't do it others will and we'll be left in the dark and if your really can't see this as a new world.Then please do remind me when living in a forest killing undead and controlling them and also controlling plants was normal?"-LUTHER
"ALEX I understand why your restentfull but you have to except the fact all the people we knew.And things we did are gone and if we can't grow with the world we will die and their are people out their.Who also have powers like us who aren't as nice as us and will slaughter and kill those they please.The old laws and rules are gone and it will be up to those who step up and take control.To decide those new rules that will decide that fate of the world and people"-LUTHER
"I..i..mean yes from that point I guess yea your right it's just weird though"-ALEX
"hey Alex don't worry I think we'll be great parents ha ha!"-ZACK
"Yea I mean I don't think we're all that bad and trust me things are going to get even more weird along the way"-LUTHER
After that they continued to talk until they all agreed on what Luther's plan and ideas since they couldn't blame him.Beacuse of he situation in the world and for Zack and Alex he gave them there powers.As for hela without Luther's permition she wouldn't of be allowed in.And may of even been saved by luther since Bob was Luther's gaurd and when they met Bob did protect her.
"commander the forces are ready to be given orders if you will"-RYAN
"Thanks Ryan sure"-LUTHER said as he walked out of the tent and saw 3 group's with 20 soldiers each lined up to face the tent and when they saw Lutherthey all saluted in unison.As Luther and the other came out of the tent and stood beind him as he began to speak like a real leader for the first time.
"Thank you all for asbleming here today since today will be the day that will be rembered as our first real break it into the world.And we will be getting starred at by all different eyes with some being friends and more being enemies.But make no mistake we are here stand stand strong and make our claim and fight those that which to harm us and the world!"-LUTHER
Then they began the clapping since it wasn't to bad for his first rally speech even though the soldiers.Couldn't really get the true meaning since they were dead but would later on in the future if they survived."Very well done commander now will we be setting out right now or at night?"-RYAN
"prepare to leave now"-LUTHER
"yes commander"-RYAN
As everyone began preparing to leave Luther quickly rembered something and spoke to Alex's."were are the researchers?"-LUTHER
"oh dont worry they're in the lab"-ALEX
"oh good since I don't think they are comabat ready yet ha"-LUTHER
"yes sadly"-ALEX
"oh yea Alex's have you realised aswell what separates us from those other users?"-LUTHER
"ur I don't know is it power?"-ALEX
"well yes that's one things but it's the fact we still treat those we turn like humans and not as slaves.We still let them have breaks and interact with things and let them talk to each other or talk ish and even give them names since we know that they can learn what they had forgotten"-LUTHER
"yes but how do you know others don't?"-ALEX
"well I'm sure some do but they will probably be laught at and killed and don't forget they havent got nice things anymore.Like waiters and cleaners and with all those years of laziness do you really think they will treat a zombie with respect.And some people just like being cruel and having power over people since most of the criminals in the world have surfaced now."-LUTHER
"why can't you just be wrong anyway that does make me sad and scared that some murders and psychos have gotten powers like us"-ALEX
"And that's why were here to help the good and stop the bad but ofcource we will be seen as hypocritical but who cares powers controls all anyway let's go!"-LUTHER
"Luther I can guess something happened at the stream since your guards aren't here but why do we need to go on defence?"-ZACK
"huh..huh..its..because when I was at the stream we were shot at by arrows and it was definitely more than 2 or 3 people and they were shooting to kill no warning at all"- LUTHER
"Alright but your sure they didn't earn you or make any signals to tell you they were there?"-ZACK
"no no I was just sitting there and the guards had been behind be when I thought I heard some noise.But didn't think it was anything so I just ignored it but then one arrow was fired at a gaurd and then more was shot"-LUTHER
"hm ok where ever those guys are they are probably normal humans who were scared of you or hated you since we haven't interacted much with others we don't know thier views on us"-ALEX
"oh look its Bill nye coming out of his cave ha ha"-ZACK
"funny guy no wonder you have to talk with the undead theyre the only ones who can handle your crap jokes"-ALEX
"anyway what should we do then just not go near the stream again?"-ZACK
"no that's impossible for both sides since if it is a group of people who are finally found a place to stay and live they will expand and the same goes with us so we will just be delaying time"-LUTHER
"so then we make the first strike commander since they don't know our numbers or strength"-RYAN
"he's correct but we should ofcource though try and talk to them first"-ALEX
"yes but that just gives them a chance to sizes us up and plan"-ZACK
"Yea but when you think about it they are still human not animals and if we don't seem aggressive they might find some common ground"-HELA
Now it was a stalemate between 4 people with Ryan and Zack going for more millitary style action.Whilst Alex and hela going towards political and peacfull talks so now unfortunately Luther was going to be the decider.
"well Luther since you run the place you decide"-ZACK
"yes but do choose wisely and pick the right side"-ALEX
"I'm not going to"-LUTHER
All of them in the tent quickly looked at him in confusion but Ryan quickly spoke"commander what do you plan to do then?"
"simple really I'll just do both"-LUTHER
"urr..wait was that an option?"-ZACK
"well it's just easier well go over there full force and surround their base and then ask them.If they want to join use if not we'll ethier ask them to move or not bother us or at least give use something.In exchange for peace but as for friendship in the times of the apocalypse such things don't matter or exsist"-LUTHER
"truly a great idea commander I'll get on with rounding up our forces also should we use them all or leave some to defend?"-RYAN
"yes leave 8 gaurd here that should be enough"-LUTHER
Luther then quickly went and walked passed the other 3 who stood there still liking at him in shock ehilst he grabbed an apple.
"Luther you do know by doing this we will be showing our selves to it be people they will know who we are!"-ALEX
"Yea Luther are we even ready yet and even if we were wouldn't it be easier to expand calmly and in peace for as long as we can"-ZACK
"I thought you wanted to attack them?"-LUTHER
"i did but your still keeping them around I wasn't going to!"-ZACK
"yes but to be honest I'm getting bored here and if we really want to grow and advance we need to take as much reasources left from the old world.To fuel the new one were running into and we can't stop that from happening I'm just giving us a head start since people especially humans.Are still getting prepared like us for this stage if you would call it and I intend to make it out as one of the new world's new winners"-LUTHER
"Luther what the hell are you thinking we aren't ready just beacuse we have these powers doesn't mean we can go running into danger!"-ALEX
"yes but if you want anything bigger in life whether it being advantages and supplies or people and guns.There will be danger and I think you have all grown ignorant since this won't last forever.Whether you like it or not this is a new world we are standing on and if I'm honest I'm quite existed!"-LUTHER
"Beacuse it's a complete re-start and can do what we wanted to do now like look at us we have amazing powers.And nobody like the government can but ropes around our necks and think about the freedom and I mean real freedom.I know yes there is danger but as I said that's what comes with the price of something so big"-LUTHER
"he's got a point I mean Alex's look at what Luther use to be I mean he use to be bullied by people.And no one bothered with him but now he's in control of an amazing power that makes I'm a great leader and has also improved his life and our lives aswell"-ZACK
"Yea but he's suggesting we just takeover and rule and kill people and he's claiming this is a new world!"-ALEX
"So what?..if we don't do it others will and we'll be left in the dark and if your really can't see this as a new world.Then please do remind me when living in a forest killing undead and controlling them and also controlling plants was normal?"-LUTHER
"ALEX I understand why your restentfull but you have to except the fact all the people we knew.And things we did are gone and if we can't grow with the world we will die and their are people out their.Who also have powers like us who aren't as nice as us and will slaughter and kill those they please.The old laws and rules are gone and it will be up to those who step up and take control.To decide those new rules that will decide that fate of the world and people"-LUTHER
"I..i..mean yes from that point I guess yea your right it's just weird though"-ALEX
"hey Alex don't worry I think we'll be great parents ha ha!"-ZACK
"Yea I mean I don't think we're all that bad and trust me things are going to get even more weird along the way"-LUTHER
After that they continued to talk until they all agreed on what Luther's plan and ideas since they couldn't blame him.Beacuse of he situation in the world and for Zack and Alex he gave them there powers.As for hela without Luther's permition she wouldn't of be allowed in.And may of even been saved by luther since Bob was Luther's gaurd and when they met Bob did protect her.
"commander the forces are ready to be given orders if you will"-RYAN
"Thanks Ryan sure"-LUTHER said as he walked out of the tent and saw 3 group's with 20 soldiers each lined up to face the tent and when they saw Lutherthey all saluted in unison.As Luther and the other came out of the tent and stood beind him as he began to speak like a real leader for the first time.
"Thank you all for asbleming here today since today will be the day that will be rembered as our first real break it into the world.And we will be getting starred at by all different eyes with some being friends and more being enemies.But make no mistake we are here stand stand strong and make our claim and fight those that which to harm us and the world!"-LUTHER
Then they began the clapping since it wasn't to bad for his first rally speech even though the soldiers.Couldn't really get the true meaning since they were dead but would later on in the future if they survived."Very well done commander now will we be setting out right now or at night?"-RYAN
"prepare to leave now"-LUTHER
"yes commander"-RYAN
As everyone began preparing to leave Luther quickly rembered something and spoke to Alex's."were are the researchers?"-LUTHER
"oh dont worry they're in the lab"-ALEX
"oh good since I don't think they are comabat ready yet ha"-LUTHER
"yes sadly"-ALEX
"oh yea Alex's have you realised aswell what separates us from those other users?"-LUTHER
"ur I don't know is it power?"-ALEX
"well yes that's one things but it's the fact we still treat those we turn like humans and not as slaves.We still let them have breaks and interact with things and let them talk to each other or talk ish and even give them names since we know that they can learn what they had forgotten"-LUTHER
"yes but how do you know others don't?"-ALEX
"well I'm sure some do but they will probably be laught at and killed and don't forget they havent got nice things anymore.Like waiters and cleaners and with all those years of laziness do you really think they will treat a zombie with respect.And some people just like being cruel and having power over people since most of the criminals in the world have surfaced now."-LUTHER
"why can't you just be wrong anyway that does make me sad and scared that some murders and psychos have gotten powers like us"-ALEX
"And that's why were here to help the good and stop the bad but ofcource we will be seen as hypocritical but who cares powers controls all anyway let's go!"-LUTHER
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