world of fibre generals
34 eyes of abyss chapter-34
It was a windy night as Luther's troops silently marched towards the stream Whilst watching for any movement or noise.
"hey Luther Do we even know where they are?"-ALEX
" across the stream obviously"-LUTHER
"oh wow ok that keeps my hopes up doesn't it"-ALEX
"yes It does"-LUTHER
"hey Luther what happens if we don't find a camp I mean think about it maybe it's just a single group of people on the move"-ZACK
"I guess so but for a place with little to no zombies and wild animals to hunt and a stable water source and materials so why wouldn't they want to stay"-LUTHER
"true but it's still an option that might happen"-ZACK
"well even if it is true at least with explored a new area and gave the soldiers some feeling of what a fight might be like"-LUTHER
"oh..ok I guess that works"-ZACK
"Also ZACK I've been to busy on the surroundings so how long is it until we reach the stream?"-LUTHER
"about 5 minutes then it may take about 10 mintues to get everyone over the stream"-ZACK
"Not that bad alright start laying low once were near the stream and watch our backs when we cross the stream"-LUTHER
As Luther and his soldiers continued on he saw in the distance a mid sized stream flowing through the forest.But before they went straight to the stream they sent 5 soldiers to investigate in case of any unknown dangers.
As the soldier walked towards the stream each looking in a differ direction they reached the stream.They then began to cross the stream with each soldier slugging through the water.Once they were on the other side of the stream they then spread out to see if they could detect any dangers.After 15 minutes of waiting 4 soldier had come back which made Luther wonder what had happened to the 5th so he ordered the guards to surround the area he investigated.Once each gaurd got into there positions they moved forward in a team until they found the 5th soldier.Who had his leg cut off from what seemed to be a man made trap of scrap metal and wires and other commodities.
Luther face grew a large grin as this was the sign he needed to find to prove people were staying in the area.
"well would you look at that I don't they would just build a trap that sophisticated and then just leave it and run off?"-LUTHER
"ok fairy king so you was right onve but doesn't this mean that they might have more traps or defences around their camp?"-ZACK
"That's probably true I mean who's crazy enough to sleep at night without some sort of protection now a days"-ALEX
"Alright now that we know they are near we need to pick up the pace"-LUTHER
Once they begun their crops over the stream Luther realised it would take too long to cross with this many people.And because of the soldier body's which were better than zombies still would have a hard time crossing without Injury.So he ordered a team of 15 soldiers to chop down 5 tress to make a makeshift bridge.Ofcource he made sure they chopped trees far away so it could be heard and brought over the trees.And started tying ropes and strings and also placing rocks and mud mixed in with some sap to stabilize the bridge.
Luckily it didn't take too much time to complete and they quickly marched over the stream.once they got on the other side they begun crouching down slightly and slowed down their speed.Beacuse of this they took 2 hours to find the camp which was situated near a small hill and surrounded by woods with even a small pond.
As it was becoming night luther instructed his soldiers to surround the camp from the forest and March foward on his command.Luckily for Luther it had become night and their advantage was the fact they could see in the dark.Which would helped them greatly when attacking or defending so once the soldiers got into their positions.
"alright everyone's in place are you ready?"-ZACK
"Ofcource let's slowly creep forward then we will show ourselves"-LUTHER
"but we still might be spotted I mean they have got a watch tower and a small perimitor fence"-ALEX
"its fine Alex those fences will be like cardboard when faced against our soldiers and our skills"-ZACK
Luther quickly active his powers with the rush of energy rushing through his viens shooting through his body towards his brain causing his eyes to glow a bright purple."heed my command slowly sneak towards the perimeter of the base and on my command reaveal yourself after my command"
After he finished his command the soldier instantly begun creeping towards the base with the trees being their cover.
"alright let's go meet our neighbour's"-LUTHER
Luther began walking towards the camp but before he could continue Zack stood in his way blocking his path.
"nope absolutely not that's too dangerous you and Alex will stay here and I'll do the talking"-ZACK
"oh come on Zack do you really think they will want to talk to us if the leader doesn't even bother too"-LUTHER
"I think we will have a good reason to consider they nearly killed you!"-ZACK
"he's right Luther it's too dangerous plus it we aren't sure if they will come peacefully however i am not staying here since I don't trust you to talk to a spider let alone frightened on edge survivors"-ALEX
"what come on I'm not that bad"-ZACK
"yes to those your friend with but not with complete strangers plus isn't this kind of my job you do the fighting and training and I do the talking and managing"-ALEX
"well yea but it's dangerous you might get shot or stabbed"-ZACK
"first off I'm still one of Luther commander's which gives me a handsome amount of power and skills that come with the job and if things do go south I'll just use you as a shield"-ALEX
"fine don't blame me if you get captured and tortured"-ZACK
"you do realise they aren't complete savages I'm sure they still haven't gotten use to the current situation.Aswell I'm sure they will be happy to come with use with our protection and power they will be begging for us to take them in.Since humans always flock to the strong it's how we've survived for so long"-ALEX
"fine fine just hurry up and Alex once were about 15 meters away reavel the soldiers ok"-ZACK
"sure sure just hurry up it's cold outside"-LUTHER
Once Zack and Alex began casually walking towards the camp a gaurd on watch quickly spotted them and called to someone in the camp.After reaching their designated spot Zack and Alex stoped 15 meters from the gate and Luther gave the command.When two more guards rushed up to the tower what they saw frightened them to the core.Over a hundred set of purple glowing eyes surrounded their camp with mixes of blue and red spread out aswell.
The guards started to become anxious and quickly pondered what to do against such a force."quickly sound the alarm and get the leader now" and gaurd spoke with one running to their leaders tent whilst another ran towards the alarm and one kept watch of the unknown newcomers.
Once the gaurd came towards the alarm which was a large bell he quickly started pulling on the rope.Which smashed the metal togetehr causing a loud noise to do in throughout the camp.Alarming everyone who quickly ran out of their tents wondering what was happening.
"what's going on?"
"is thier more zombies this time around why did they sound the alarm in sure they could deal with it"
"what the hell is that a light show?"
"who are those two guys?"
The guards all quickly gathered together with their leader who was a tall man in his mind 40s with a shaved white beard and short brown with patches of white coming from his hair.He also had a few scarces on his arms and neck from working in the army and police force.
The guards quickly lined up to facing the man obviously they had been trained in the ways of the millitary.And they numbered 26 in total with only 8 having pistols and 2 having rifels were as the rest and melee weapons.
"Jhon what do we do their is too many of them"
"How many?"- JHON
"roughly over a hundred and they have surrounded the camp sir"
"wait so they haven't tryed to attack?"-JHON
"no sir they haven't moved since reaviling themselves"
"is there anything else?"-JHON
"yes sir there is two male individuals In front of the gate and haven't seemed to of been attacked by those things yet so we are guessing they are the leaders"
"hmm that weird..wait what do you mean creatures like zombies or those so called mutants we heard about?"-JHON
"we don't know sir you'll have to see it yourselfsir"
"ok you 5 gaurd the gate and you 8 go gather everyone and bring them to the back of the camp.In case things get messy don't stop and make sure the people get out as for the rest of you you'll be with me"-JHON
Jhon quickly scaled the tower with his men following him from behind and once he looked towards the forest.In all of his years in services he never saw anything like this glowing eyes endlessly staring at him with glowing eyes like demons in the abyss.He then quickly noticed Zack and Alex who were starring at him which startled him a bit.But what scared him more was the the fact they both had glowing red and blue eyes like those in the forest.
"Hello their you must be the leader of this camp am I correct?"-ALEX
Jhon was actually shocked that the person recognised him as the leader and that he spoke ingenerall think they were just recently turned zombie with weird mutant powers.
"That's correct may I know why you are surround our camp in such a violent manner?"-JHON
"well you see si-"-ALEX
"enough of this surrender or die"-ZACK
This instantly caused the gaurd to go on edge with some taking their guns out and turning off the safety.
"pfft what the god dame hells that idiot doing his going to get himself killed"-LUTHER said whilst spitting out the water he was drinking.
"we are a peacefully camp of survivors why do you which to harm us I'm sure we can come to an arrangement"-JHON
"Not possible you attacked us so now you only get two options surrender or die!"-ZACK
Jhon was slightly taken back by Zacks words since he didn't rember ever attacking anyone with their description.But this also put them in a bad position since they were the only camp in the first for what they new so it had to of been them so no wonder they were hostile.
"sir I'm sorry to say but what this idiot said is true you have two options I'm sorry but we haven't got all that much patience I hope you choose wisely"-ALEX
Jhon was slightly realised that there was a rational man between the two which could lead to this ending without death.But when he heard him still agreeing it still but jhon in a tough spot but when he looked at the two then those in the forest he quickly realised something a spoke again.
"I would like to speak to your leader if possible"-JHON
This shocked both Zack and Alex but also the guards who couldn't believe they had an actual leader.But whilst everyone was shocked luther was actually quite happy with the outcome.
"seems your more than you seem alright you are allowed but your gaurd aren't"-ZACK
This quickly was refused by the gaurd who would want their leader to go into the dark woods by himself with enimes surrounding them.
"its fine I'll go"-JHON he said and quickly climed down from the tower and had the gaurd close the gate behind him as he walked towards Alex's and Zack.
"I'm sorry but before you meet or leader we must restrain at least your hands"-ZACK
"How have you got handcuffs or rope?"-JHON
"don't need it"-ZACKspoke he then turned Jhon around and stretched his finger towards his wrists whilst the grass and leads from the ground all started to form and tighten around his wrist restricting his movement.This quite literally blowed up jhon mind but also made if laugh in his head 'how are a bunch of leads and grass gonna stop me from braking free?' be thought but Alex quickly told him"trust me you won't get it of them they are a now as strong as iron try it if you want"-ALEX
John quickly tryed to wiggle and break his hand out of the restraints but to his surprise he couldn't even scratch it."god dame how's you do that?"-JHON
"just a bit of energy"-ALEX
They then walked back towards were Luther was and stood on both sides of jhon each holding his shoulder.Which they were actually using pressure on not enough to hurt him but enough for him to know not to make a move.As for jhon he was shocked to see their leader was only a teenager between 17 to 19 years old.
"hey there I'm Luther the guy was was attacked by your camp and also the leader of this here group"-LUTHER
John wasn't surprised he was he leader since he noticed how most of the eye were glowing purple like his.But what made him start to sweat was that it was him who was attacked so he quickly spoke"well Luther I'm jhon and are you sure you didn't provoke them in anyway?"-JHON
"no actually I was just sitting near a tree by the stream with some guards near me and then arrows started aiming for me and my gaurd"-LUTHER
"Not to be rude but are you sure they weren't just aiming at the guards since I noticed on my way here they sent particularly human.. no offense"-JHON
"oh no I'm sure one was sent straight in my direction if not for my gaurd I wouldn't be here so now I've come back and I think you know your options"-LUTHER
'oh crap'-JHON thought
"hey Luther Do we even know where they are?"-ALEX
" across the stream obviously"-LUTHER
"oh wow ok that keeps my hopes up doesn't it"-ALEX
"yes It does"-LUTHER
"hey Luther what happens if we don't find a camp I mean think about it maybe it's just a single group of people on the move"-ZACK
"I guess so but for a place with little to no zombies and wild animals to hunt and a stable water source and materials so why wouldn't they want to stay"-LUTHER
"true but it's still an option that might happen"-ZACK
"well even if it is true at least with explored a new area and gave the soldiers some feeling of what a fight might be like"-LUTHER
"oh..ok I guess that works"-ZACK
"Also ZACK I've been to busy on the surroundings so how long is it until we reach the stream?"-LUTHER
"about 5 minutes then it may take about 10 mintues to get everyone over the stream"-ZACK
"Not that bad alright start laying low once were near the stream and watch our backs when we cross the stream"-LUTHER
As Luther and his soldiers continued on he saw in the distance a mid sized stream flowing through the forest.But before they went straight to the stream they sent 5 soldiers to investigate in case of any unknown dangers.
As the soldier walked towards the stream each looking in a differ direction they reached the stream.They then began to cross the stream with each soldier slugging through the water.Once they were on the other side of the stream they then spread out to see if they could detect any dangers.After 15 minutes of waiting 4 soldier had come back which made Luther wonder what had happened to the 5th so he ordered the guards to surround the area he investigated.Once each gaurd got into there positions they moved forward in a team until they found the 5th soldier.Who had his leg cut off from what seemed to be a man made trap of scrap metal and wires and other commodities.
Luther face grew a large grin as this was the sign he needed to find to prove people were staying in the area.
"well would you look at that I don't they would just build a trap that sophisticated and then just leave it and run off?"-LUTHER
"ok fairy king so you was right onve but doesn't this mean that they might have more traps or defences around their camp?"-ZACK
"That's probably true I mean who's crazy enough to sleep at night without some sort of protection now a days"-ALEX
"Alright now that we know they are near we need to pick up the pace"-LUTHER
Once they begun their crops over the stream Luther realised it would take too long to cross with this many people.And because of the soldier body's which were better than zombies still would have a hard time crossing without Injury.So he ordered a team of 15 soldiers to chop down 5 tress to make a makeshift bridge.Ofcource he made sure they chopped trees far away so it could be heard and brought over the trees.And started tying ropes and strings and also placing rocks and mud mixed in with some sap to stabilize the bridge.
Luckily it didn't take too much time to complete and they quickly marched over the stream.once they got on the other side they begun crouching down slightly and slowed down their speed.Beacuse of this they took 2 hours to find the camp which was situated near a small hill and surrounded by woods with even a small pond.
As it was becoming night luther instructed his soldiers to surround the camp from the forest and March foward on his command.Luckily for Luther it had become night and their advantage was the fact they could see in the dark.Which would helped them greatly when attacking or defending so once the soldiers got into their positions.
"alright everyone's in place are you ready?"-ZACK
"Ofcource let's slowly creep forward then we will show ourselves"-LUTHER
"but we still might be spotted I mean they have got a watch tower and a small perimitor fence"-ALEX
"its fine Alex those fences will be like cardboard when faced against our soldiers and our skills"-ZACK
Luther quickly active his powers with the rush of energy rushing through his viens shooting through his body towards his brain causing his eyes to glow a bright purple."heed my command slowly sneak towards the perimeter of the base and on my command reaveal yourself after my command"
After he finished his command the soldier instantly begun creeping towards the base with the trees being their cover.
"alright let's go meet our neighbour's"-LUTHER
Luther began walking towards the camp but before he could continue Zack stood in his way blocking his path.
"nope absolutely not that's too dangerous you and Alex will stay here and I'll do the talking"-ZACK
"oh come on Zack do you really think they will want to talk to us if the leader doesn't even bother too"-LUTHER
"I think we will have a good reason to consider they nearly killed you!"-ZACK
"he's right Luther it's too dangerous plus it we aren't sure if they will come peacefully however i am not staying here since I don't trust you to talk to a spider let alone frightened on edge survivors"-ALEX
"what come on I'm not that bad"-ZACK
"yes to those your friend with but not with complete strangers plus isn't this kind of my job you do the fighting and training and I do the talking and managing"-ALEX
"well yea but it's dangerous you might get shot or stabbed"-ZACK
"first off I'm still one of Luther commander's which gives me a handsome amount of power and skills that come with the job and if things do go south I'll just use you as a shield"-ALEX
"fine don't blame me if you get captured and tortured"-ZACK
"you do realise they aren't complete savages I'm sure they still haven't gotten use to the current situation.Aswell I'm sure they will be happy to come with use with our protection and power they will be begging for us to take them in.Since humans always flock to the strong it's how we've survived for so long"-ALEX
"fine fine just hurry up and Alex once were about 15 meters away reavel the soldiers ok"-ZACK
"sure sure just hurry up it's cold outside"-LUTHER
Once Zack and Alex began casually walking towards the camp a gaurd on watch quickly spotted them and called to someone in the camp.After reaching their designated spot Zack and Alex stoped 15 meters from the gate and Luther gave the command.When two more guards rushed up to the tower what they saw frightened them to the core.Over a hundred set of purple glowing eyes surrounded their camp with mixes of blue and red spread out aswell.
The guards started to become anxious and quickly pondered what to do against such a force."quickly sound the alarm and get the leader now" and gaurd spoke with one running to their leaders tent whilst another ran towards the alarm and one kept watch of the unknown newcomers.
Once the gaurd came towards the alarm which was a large bell he quickly started pulling on the rope.Which smashed the metal togetehr causing a loud noise to do in throughout the camp.Alarming everyone who quickly ran out of their tents wondering what was happening.
"what's going on?"
"is thier more zombies this time around why did they sound the alarm in sure they could deal with it"
"what the hell is that a light show?"
"who are those two guys?"
The guards all quickly gathered together with their leader who was a tall man in his mind 40s with a shaved white beard and short brown with patches of white coming from his hair.He also had a few scarces on his arms and neck from working in the army and police force.
The guards quickly lined up to facing the man obviously they had been trained in the ways of the millitary.And they numbered 26 in total with only 8 having pistols and 2 having rifels were as the rest and melee weapons.
"Jhon what do we do their is too many of them"
"How many?"- JHON
"roughly over a hundred and they have surrounded the camp sir"
"wait so they haven't tryed to attack?"-JHON
"no sir they haven't moved since reaviling themselves"
"is there anything else?"-JHON
"yes sir there is two male individuals In front of the gate and haven't seemed to of been attacked by those things yet so we are guessing they are the leaders"
"hmm that weird..wait what do you mean creatures like zombies or those so called mutants we heard about?"-JHON
"we don't know sir you'll have to see it yourselfsir"
"ok you 5 gaurd the gate and you 8 go gather everyone and bring them to the back of the camp.In case things get messy don't stop and make sure the people get out as for the rest of you you'll be with me"-JHON
Jhon quickly scaled the tower with his men following him from behind and once he looked towards the forest.In all of his years in services he never saw anything like this glowing eyes endlessly staring at him with glowing eyes like demons in the abyss.He then quickly noticed Zack and Alex who were starring at him which startled him a bit.But what scared him more was the the fact they both had glowing red and blue eyes like those in the forest.
"Hello their you must be the leader of this camp am I correct?"-ALEX
Jhon was actually shocked that the person recognised him as the leader and that he spoke ingenerall think they were just recently turned zombie with weird mutant powers.
"That's correct may I know why you are surround our camp in such a violent manner?"-JHON
"well you see si-"-ALEX
"enough of this surrender or die"-ZACK
This instantly caused the gaurd to go on edge with some taking their guns out and turning off the safety.
"pfft what the god dame hells that idiot doing his going to get himself killed"-LUTHER said whilst spitting out the water he was drinking.
"we are a peacefully camp of survivors why do you which to harm us I'm sure we can come to an arrangement"-JHON
"Not possible you attacked us so now you only get two options surrender or die!"-ZACK
Jhon was slightly taken back by Zacks words since he didn't rember ever attacking anyone with their description.But this also put them in a bad position since they were the only camp in the first for what they new so it had to of been them so no wonder they were hostile.
"sir I'm sorry to say but what this idiot said is true you have two options I'm sorry but we haven't got all that much patience I hope you choose wisely"-ALEX
Jhon was slightly realised that there was a rational man between the two which could lead to this ending without death.But when he heard him still agreeing it still but jhon in a tough spot but when he looked at the two then those in the forest he quickly realised something a spoke again.
"I would like to speak to your leader if possible"-JHON
This shocked both Zack and Alex but also the guards who couldn't believe they had an actual leader.But whilst everyone was shocked luther was actually quite happy with the outcome.
"seems your more than you seem alright you are allowed but your gaurd aren't"-ZACK
This quickly was refused by the gaurd who would want their leader to go into the dark woods by himself with enimes surrounding them.
"its fine I'll go"-JHON he said and quickly climed down from the tower and had the gaurd close the gate behind him as he walked towards Alex's and Zack.
"I'm sorry but before you meet or leader we must restrain at least your hands"-ZACK
"How have you got handcuffs or rope?"-JHON
"don't need it"-ZACKspoke he then turned Jhon around and stretched his finger towards his wrists whilst the grass and leads from the ground all started to form and tighten around his wrist restricting his movement.This quite literally blowed up jhon mind but also made if laugh in his head 'how are a bunch of leads and grass gonna stop me from braking free?' be thought but Alex quickly told him"trust me you won't get it of them they are a now as strong as iron try it if you want"-ALEX
John quickly tryed to wiggle and break his hand out of the restraints but to his surprise he couldn't even scratch it."god dame how's you do that?"-JHON
"just a bit of energy"-ALEX
They then walked back towards were Luther was and stood on both sides of jhon each holding his shoulder.Which they were actually using pressure on not enough to hurt him but enough for him to know not to make a move.As for jhon he was shocked to see their leader was only a teenager between 17 to 19 years old.
"hey there I'm Luther the guy was was attacked by your camp and also the leader of this here group"-LUTHER
John wasn't surprised he was he leader since he noticed how most of the eye were glowing purple like his.But what made him start to sweat was that it was him who was attacked so he quickly spoke"well Luther I'm jhon and are you sure you didn't provoke them in anyway?"-JHON
"no actually I was just sitting near a tree by the stream with some guards near me and then arrows started aiming for me and my gaurd"-LUTHER
"Not to be rude but are you sure they weren't just aiming at the guards since I noticed on my way here they sent particularly human.. no offense"-JHON
"oh no I'm sure one was sent straight in my direction if not for my gaurd I wouldn't be here so now I've come back and I think you know your options"-LUTHER
'oh crap'-JHON thought
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